Growth performance of Casuarina clones
The results showed that the total height and GBH of Casuarina hybrid clones before and after the intercropping of horse gram and cowpea significantly varied among treatments (Table 1 and Table 2). Before intercropping of horse gram, the clones CH2 and CH5 recorded a higher height of 7.51 m and 6.73 m, respectively. The clone MTP and HPF recorded lowest height of 3.71 m and 3.79 m. After intercropping of horse gram, height was higher in clone CH2 (7.80 m) followed by CH5 and CH4 (6.92 m and 6.84 m, respectively). It was lower in MTP and HPF which were on par with each other (3.76 m and 3.84 m, respectively).
Table 1
Total height of Casuarina hybrid clones before and after intercropping
Clones | Height (m) |
BS1 | AH1 | BS2 | AH2 |
CH1 | 6.40cd | 6.52cd | 6.64cd | 6.76cd |
CH2 | 7.51e | 7.80e | 8.11e | 8.41e |
CH3 | 5.64bc | 5.73bc | 5.82bc | 5.91bc |
CH4 | 6.69de | 6.84de | 7.10d | 7.12d |
CH5 | 6.73de | 6.92de | 6.98d | 7.28d |
MTP | 3.71a | 3.76a | 3.81a | 3.86a |
CJ9 | 4.86b | 4.92b | 4.98b | 5.00b |
HPF | 3.79a | 3.84a | 3.86a | 3.89a |
S Em ± | 0.251 | 0.253 | 0.250 | 0.251 |
LSD (0.05) | 0.992 | 0.992 | 0.992 | 0.992 |
BS1- Height of the clones before sowing of Horse gram, AH1- Height of the clones after harvesting of Horse gram, BS2- Height of the clones before sowing of Cowpea, AH2- Height of the clones after harvesting of Cowpea |
LSD-Least Significant Difference, Figures with similar letters as superscript do not differ significantly |
Table 2
Girth at Breast Height of Casuarina hybrid clones before and after intercropping
Clones | GBH (cm) |
BS1 | AH1 | BS2 | AH2 |
CH1 | 14.58cd | 16.37c | 18.77d | 20.87d |
CH2 | 18.66e | 20.65d | 22.88e | 25.00e |
CH3 | 11.63bc | 13.21b | 14.93c | 16.60bc |
CH4 | 15.72de | 17.23c | 19.09d | 20.84d |
CH5 | 15.70de | 16.87c | 18.12d | 18.54cd |
MTP | 6.87a | 7.69a | 9.57ab | 10.27a |
CJ9 | 10.45b | 11.37b | 12.38bc | 13.37a |
HPF | 7.24a | 8.04a | 9.09a | 10.01a |
S Em ± | 2.31 | 2.35 | 2.43 | 3.01 |
LSD (0.05) | 3.02 | 3.04 | 3.08 | 3.41 |
BS1- Girth at breast height of the clones before sowing of Horse gram, AH1- Girth at breast height of the clones after harvesting of Horse gram, BS2- Girth at breast height of the clones before sowing of Cowpea, AH2- Girth at breast height of the clones after harvesting of Cowpea |
LSD-Least Significant Difference, Figures with similar letters as superscript do not differ significantly |
Before intercropping of cowpea, the Clone CH2 showed the highest height (8.11 m). The height of clones CH4 and CH5 were on par with each other (7.10 m and 6.98 m, respectively). The lowest height was recorded in MTP (3.81 m) and HPF (3.86 m). After intercropping of cowpea, the clone CH2 recorded a higher height (8.41 m) followed by the clones CH5 and CH4 (7.28 m and 7.12 m, respectively) and the least was observed in MTP (3.86 m).
Before horse gram intercropping, higher GBH of the clone CH2 (18.66 cm) was recorded followed by CH4 and CH5 (15.72 cm and 15.70 cm, respectively) and the least was found in MTP and HPF (6.87 cm and 7.24 cm, respectively).After the harvest of horse gram, higher GBH was recorded in CH2 (20.65 cm) followed by CH4 and CH5 (17.23 cm and 16.87 cm, respectively). The least GBH was recorded in clones, MTP and HPF (7.69 cm and 8.04 cm, respectively).
Before intercropping of the cowpea, the GBH was recorded higher in the clone CH2 (22.88 m) and the GBH of clones CH1 and CH5 were on par with each other (18.77 cm and 18.12 cm, respectively). After the harvest of cowpea, higher GBH was recorded in CH2 (25.00 cm) and the GBH of clones CH1 and CH4 were on par with each other (20.87 cm and 20.84 cm, respectively). The lowest GBH was recorded in HPF (10.01 cm) (Table 2).
There was a significant difference in CPA of hybrid clones before intercropping and the results are depicted in Table 3. Before the intercropping of horse gram, a higher CPA was recorded in CH2 (11.76 m2) followed by CH4 and CH5 (7.42 m2 and 7.11 m2) and the least CPA was recorded in HPF (2.91 m2). After the harvest of horse gram, the clone CH2 (11.74 m2) showed a higher CPA followed by CH1, CH5 and CH4 (6.99 m2, 6.98 m2 and 6.36 m2, respectively). It was lower in HPF (3.11 m2) and CH3 (3.41 m2).
Table 3
Crown Projection Area (CPA) of Casuarina hybrid clones before and after intercropping
Clones | Crown Projection Area (m2) |
BS1 | AH1 | BS2 | AH2 |
CH1 | 6.95b | 6.99b | 7.91b | 8.52b |
CH2 | 11.76c | 11.74c | 12.70c | 13.76c |
CH3 | 4.43a | 3.41a | 4.79a | 5.53a |
CH4 | 7.42b | 6.36b | 8.45b | 9.85b |
CH5 | 7.11b | 6.98b | 7.45b | 8.45b |
MTP | 5.22ab | 4.59ab | 2.80a | 3.32a |
CJ9 | 5.42ab | 5.22ab | 8.23b | 9.16b |
HPF | 2.91a | 3.11a | 3.33a | 3.92a |
SEm ± | 1.16 | 1.15 | 1.142 | 1.31 |
LSD (0.05) | 3.64 | 2.70 | 2.10 | 2.26 |
BS1- CPA of the clones before sowing of Horse gram, AH1- CPA of the clones after harvesting of Horse gram, BS2- CPA of the clones before sowing of Cowpea, AH2- CPA of the clones after harvesting of Cowpea |
LSD-Least Significant Difference, Figures with similar letters as superscript do not differ significantly |
Before intercropping of second crop cowpea, higher CPA was found in CH2 (12.70 m2) followed by CH4, CH1 and CH5 (8.45 m2, 7.91 m2and 7.45 m2, respectively). After the harvest of cowpea, a higher CPA was recorded in CH2 (13.76 m2) followed by CH4 (9.85 m2) and the lowest CPA was recorded in MTP (3.32 m2).
Yield performance of horse gram in Casuarina hybrid clone as well as in sole crop
There was no significant difference in above ground biomass and grain yield of horse gram under different treatments. The above ground biomass yield from different treatments ranged from 818.50 kg ha− 1 to 1420.00 kg ha− 1. Among the treatments, the grain yield was found higher under the clone CH3 (543.83 kg ha− 1) and HPF (540.13 kg ha− 1), while it was lowest under CH2 (300.53 kg ha− 1) (Table 4).
Table 4
Yield performance of horse gram in Casuarina hybrid clone as well as sole crop
Treatment | Grain Yield (kg ha− 1) | Biomass (kg ha− 1) | LER2 | Harvest Index (%) |
Sole | 401.13 | 1146.00 | - | 26.80 |
CH1 | 392.30 | 935.87 | -0.02 | 30.88 |
CH2 | 300.53 | 818.50 | -0.25 | 26.62 |
CH3 | 543.83 | 1420.00 | 0.36 | 27.76 |
CH4 | 459.40 | 970.20 | 0.15 | 32.18 |
CH5 | 360.43 | 937.60 | -0.10 | 26.97 |
MTP | 458.60 | 1105.00 | 0.14 | 29.74 |
CJ9 | 398.70 | 829.40 | -0.01 | 32.40 |
HPF | 540.13 | 1164.00 | 0.35 | 30.06 |
S.Em ± | 95.077 | 219.275 | - | - |
CD (0.05) | NS | NS | - | |
LER2- Land Equivalent Ratio; CD- Critical Difference |
Yield performance of cowpea in Casuarina hybrid clone as well as in sole crop
The results revealed that the above ground biomass and green pod yield of cowpea varied significantly under different treatments. The biomass yield was higher under sole crop (5840 kg ha− 1) followed by biomass under HPF (4745 kg ha− 1) and CJ9 (4218 kg ha− 1) and relatively lower biomass was recorded under CH1 (1683 kg ha− 1) and CH2 (2067 kg ha− 1). The green pod yield was higher under sole crop (8235 kg ha− 1), MTP (5285 kg ha− 1), HPF (5070 kg ha− 1) and CJ9 (5054 kg ha− 1). It was found lower under CH2 (2866 kg ha− 1) (Table 5).
Table 5
Yield performance of cowpea in Casuarina hybrid clone as well as sole crop
Treatment | Green pod Yield (kg ha− 1) | Biomass Yield (kg ha− 1) | LER2 | Harvest Index (%) |
Sole | 8235e | 5840c | - | 59.00 |
CH1 | 2763a | 1683a | -0.66 | 62.01 |
CH2 | 2866ab | 2067a | -0.65 | 58.86 |
CH3 | 3302ab | 3133ab | -0.60 | 51.50 |
CH4 | 3587ab | 2857ab | -0.56 | 55.24 |
CH5 | 4000bc | 2950ab | -0.51 | 58.23 |
MTP | 5285d | 3202ab | -0.36 | 62.15 |
CJ9 | 5054cd | 4218bc | -0.39 | 54.62 |
HPF | 5070cd | 4745bc | -0.38 | 52.18 |
S.Em ± | 355.115 | 582.778 | − | − |
CD (0.05) | 1064.636 | 1747.167 | - | − |
LER2- Land Equivalent Ratio; CD- Critical Difference |
Land Equivalent Ratio (LER2) and Harvest index of horse gram and cowpea in different treatments
After intercropping of horse gram, the values obtained for LER under the clones CH3 (0.36), CH4 (0.15), MTP (0.14) and HPF (0.35) were higher than their specific threshold (i.e., zero). After the intercropping of the cowpea, the calculated LER for all the treatments was below zero. The clone MTP (-0.36), CJ9 (-0.39) and HPF (-0.38) showed an LER value near zero (Table 4).
After intercropping of horse gram the value of HI ranged from 26.62–32.40%. The HI was higher under CJ9 and it was lower under CH2. After the intercropping of cowpea, the value of HI under different treatments ranged from 51.50–62.15%. A higher value of HI was found under the clone MTP and it was lower under CH3 (Table 5).