This study reports the harmful effect of exposure to NO2, SO2, PM10, and PM2.5 air pollution (linked at coarse local authorities and detailed LSOAs geographical scales) on self-reported health in the UK for individuals followed from the year 2009 to 2019. These findings are corroborated by relevant literature whereby exposure to air pollution has been shown to be the leading cause for many respiratory (eg. asthma, bronchiolitis), cardiovascular (eg. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema, myocardial infarction), cerebrovascular (eg. stroke), and cancer (eg. lung cancer) diseases (2, 4). This in turn contributes to increased rates of mortality (49–52), hospital admissions (3, 9, 53, 54), and poor self-reported health (6, 55).
Although the negative effect of air pollution on health is well-established in the literature, this study was novel in going a further step in an attempt to show the between-within effects of air pollution on health. Additionally, the analysis was carried out at two geographical scales, the coarse local authorities and more detailed LSOAs, which forms another novelty of this study. The between-within analysis is widely used in the fields of economics, behavioural finance, and strategic management (56). However, this type of analysis is rarely used in health research (57); and no previous study has assessed the between-within effects of air pollution on health. Through the application of the between-within analysis in this study, we observed significant between, but not within effects on poor self-reported health for NO2 and SO2 pollutants, at both the LSOAs and local authority levels. However, for PM10 and PM2.5 pollutants, significant between but not within effects were observed only when linked at the LSOAs level, but not at the local authority level. Therefore, individuals residing in local authorities or LSOAs with higher average concentrations of NO2 and SO2 pollution across the 11 years of follow-up exhibited poorer self-reported health in comparison to individuals residing in local authorities or LSOAs with lower pollution concentrations. For particulate matter pollution, only residing in more polluted LSOAs resulted in poorer health. Hence, analysis at the local authority level attenuated the spatial (between) effect of PM10 and PM2.5 pollution on individuals’ health in comparison to the analysis at the LSOAs level. This implies stronger associations at the LSOAs finer geographical scale compared to the coarser local authority level. However, conducting analysis at the coarser local authorities’ level was necessary in guiding local authority-specific decision-making regarding air pollution and health.
In all cases, our study shows strong evidence for the spatial rather than temporal effects of air pollution on health, whether linked at the coarse local authority level or at the finer LSOAs level. This could be explained by the low variation of yearly air pollution concentrations across the 11 years of follow-up, particularly for SO2 pollutant as shown in Fig. 3 for LSOAs and Fig. 4 for local authorities. Hence, increasing the follow-up time to allow for more variation in air pollution might result in significant within effects. Additionally, air pollution exposure in this study was assessed at a yearly rather than monthly or daily basis which also limits the variation in air pollution across time, resulting in weaker temporal associations.
Despite the statistically insignificant within results, the coefficients indicated a positive association with poorer general health. This implies that the variation in air pollution over time within each local authority or LSOA can contribute to poorer health among individuals living in the respective local authority or LSOA. Hence, if the number of vehicles and/or industrial facilities increases over time in a respective local authority or LSOA, people may experience poorer health due to the increased air pollution exposure.
The observed between-within effects can be also explained by the emission source of the pollutants and their chemical reactivity in the atmosphere. The major source of NO2 emissions is traffic exhaust (58) which varies across both local authorities/LSOAs (between: spatial) and time (within: temporal) depending on the number of vehicles and the movement of people. Yet, nitrogen oxides are highly reactive and seasonal pollutants (59), which makes it difficult to capture their temporal variation through yearly measurements. For instance, more NO2 will be liberated into the atmosphere during warm seasons due to the chemical reactions between nitrogen oxides and ozone (59). Additionally, NO2 is converted into nitric acid by several different reactions in the atmosphere (60). That’s why only spatial (between) but not temporal (within) effects for NO2 pollutant were observed when taking the year as our time measuring unit. On the other hand, industrial processes and power plants are the major sources of SO2 pollution (61), which is dominated by spatial (between) variation rather than temporal (within) variation as building a new factory requires much longer time than purchasing a motor vehicle. Particulate matter results from both traffic exhaust and industrial processes (62), and is considered a more stable pollutant that may stay suspended in the air for long periods of time (60). Thus, an overall effect of particulate matter on health is expected rather than a spatial or a temporal derived effect. Yet, the stable nature of particulate matter allows this pollutant to show a spatial effect when using high spatial resolution geographical scale such as LSOAs while this spatial effect will be attenuated when using low spatial resolution scale such as local authorities.
This study was also novel in analysing how the overall and the between and within effects of air pollution on self-reported health vary across six ethnic groups and by country of birth. Analysis revealed a stronger effect of air pollution on poor health among Pakistani/Bangladeshi, Indian, Black/African/Caribbean (only at the local authority level), and other ethnic minorities compared to British-White; and among non-UK-born individuals compared to natives. These findings are corroborated by similar research from the U.S. whereby non-Hispanic white individuals were 10% more likely to report hypertension and non-Hispanic blacks were 2 times more likely to report asthma with increasing concentrations of PM2.5 pollution (15, 16).
In contrast, the between-within analysis did not show consistent associations between air pollution and health across ethnic groups. Only individuals from Black/African/Caribbean origin and those not born in the UK reported poorer health with increasing concentrations of local authority and LSOAs-specific 11 years average NO2, PM10, and PM2.5 pollution (between effects). Whilst better health was observed with more temporal variation in PM10 and PM2.5 pollutants (within effects) among Indians, Black/African/Caribbean (only at the local authority level), and non-UK-born individuals; yet these significant within effects disappeared when health was measured as a binary variable.
The observed ethnic differences in health in the context of air pollution can be explained by two concepts derived from relevant literature on ethnic inequalities in health. The first concept relates to the socioeconomic and lifestyle behavioural differences among ethnic groups. Research has shown that ethnic minorities often live in more disadvantaged communities and have lower socioeconomic status, lower healthcare coverage, and higher job/income insecurity which increases their risk of illness and lead to poor health (25, 27, 28). In fact, people from Pakistani and Bangladeshi origins tend to report the poorest health in the UK, followed by people from Indian and Caribbean origins (26). This was confirmed in our analysis whereby Pakistani/Bangladeshi, Indians, mixed, and other ethnicities individuals were more likely to report poor general health in comparison to British-white people (Additional file Table 1). However, our analysis accounted for major socioeconomic characteristics such as age, gender, marital status, education, occupation, and financial situation. Still, ethnic differences in the effect of air pollution on health persisted. Hence, those differences can be related to other socioeconomic and individual factors not captured in our analysis or to contextual location-specific factors which leads us to the second concept.
Contextual location-specific factors such as urbanisation, population density, neighbourhood, and housing conditions can help explain the observed ethnic differences in the effect of air pollution on health. Ethnic minorities and immigrants (foreign-born individuals) often reside in large cities and highly populated urbanised regions, near major roads and key transportation networks. This facilitates their movement and increases their chances of personal development, employment and business start-ups (63). In addition, ethnic minorities often live in low-priced social housing offered by local authorities, which is often situated in more deprived ethnic concentration neighbourhoods or close to major roads and industrial areas (29). In contrast, British-white and UK-born-individuals are at a greater advantage in terms of job security, financial means, and inheritance tenure to move away from metropolitan areas and highly polluted industrial regions. These location-specific factors would expose ethnic minorities and non-UK-born individuals into higher concentrations of air pollution related to traffic exhaust, industries, and burning of fossil fuels, which would manifest in greater health impacts compared to the rest of the population. In additional analysis through Chi2 tabulation, we show that a very high percentage of non-UK-born individuals (93.5%) and of ethnic minorities including Pakistani/Bangladeshi (99.6%), Indian (98.4%), Black/African/Caribbean (98.9%), mixed (94.4%) and other ethnicities (84.0%) live in urban areas, whereas this percentage is much lower for British-white (71.5%) and UK-born (74.7%) individuals (Additional file Table 6). In further analysis for individuals living in urban areas, we show that ethnic minorities and non-UK-born individuals live in more polluted local authorities especially for NO2 pollutant with an average exposure exceeding 20 µg/m3 for individuals from Pakistani/Bangladeshi, Indian, Black/African/Caribbean, and mixed ethnicity origins compared to an average exposure of 14 µg/m3 for the British-white group (Additional file Table 7). Furthermore, the between-within (spatial-temporal) analysis revealed stronger between effects for NO2, PM10, and PM2.5 pollution on poor self-reported health among Black/African/Caribbean and other ethnicities and among non-UK-born individuals, thus further confirming that residing in more polluted local authorities is a key explanation for the observed ethnic inequalities in health.
Despite the novelty of this study, it has some limitations. First, the study design involved linking individual-level data from the “Understanding society” panel survey to yearly air pollution contextual data at the local authority level. This can lead to exposure bias assuming that every individual within the same local authority within a specific year is exposed to the same level of air pollution. To address this problem, yearly air pollution data were also linked to individual-level data from the “Understanding Society” survey at the census Lower super output areas (LSOAs) level which reduces the exposure bias. Air pollution linked at both, the local authority and the LSOAs levels, revealed similar results with some noted differences. Thus, for future research, it is recommended to utilize another data source that allows for air pollution linkages at the level of postcodes, which exhibit area subdivisions with the highest spatial resolution in the UK. Second, our study examined the effect of air pollution on self-reported health rather than using more objective health measures such as mortality or hospital admissions. This could lead to social desirability or reporting bias whereby individuals overestimate or underestimate their general health. However, high correlations between self-reported health and objective health measures including mortality and hospital admissions were demonstrated by relevant literature, which increases the reliability of the self-reported health variable (36–38). Furthermore, research from the UK has shown an association between poorer self-rated health and greater morbidity within each ethnic group; hence, providing evidence that the use of self-rated health to measure health status in different ethnic groups in the UK is valid (64). Third, our study included all individuals recruited at different waves of the “Understanding society” data, that had at least two observations through the follow-up period (2009–2019). Therefore, some individuals were followed for the whole observation window of 11 years and started at wave 1 while others were recruited at later data collection waves and followed for a shorter period. Nevertheless, we performed sensitivity analysis only on individuals recruited in wave 1 to balance the cohort effect (Additional file Table 3, Table 5, Fig. 5, Fig. 6, Fig. 7, and Fig. 8) and results remained unchanged. Forth, the sample design of the “Understanding Society” survey involved ethnic minority boost samples at waves 1 and 6 of data collection to enable ethnicity-focused research; and thus, the survey included longitudinal weights that adjust for the overrepresentation of some ethnic groups. However, we could not adjust our analysis for the longitudinal weights as this requires that all individuals be followed until the last wave (wave 10) of the survey, which was not the case. Hence, our ethnicity analysis might not be generalizable to the whole UK population, but rather represent regions with dense ethnic minority concentrations. Finally, our study included individuals followed over 11 years (2009–2019) of time. However, the air pollution variation across these 11 years was low, which did not allow for the detection of significant temporal (within) effects of air pollution on health. For future research, we recommend using other datasets with longer follow up time to allow for more variation in air pollution which might result in significant temporal effects.