Design and construction of expressing vectors
Amplification of His-tagged PH20 was performed in two PCR steps. First, Human PH20 coding sequence (GenBank: BC026163.1) free from glycosyl phosphatidyl inositol anchor was amplified using specific primers F-PH20 (5'-CATAGTCATTACTCTTTACAATGGGAG-3') and R-PH20 (5'-CTAACAATGAACATTGTGGCAGATAG-3') from human testis cDNA. At the second step, a fragment containing His-tag and mouse IgGκ signal peptide was added to the upstream of amplified PH20 coding sequence using specific primers F-PHEF1 (5'-GGTACCGAGATGGAGACAGACACACTCCTGCTATGGGTACTGCTGCTCTGGGTTCCAGGTTCCACTGGTGACCATCATCACCATCACCATGACGACGACGACAAGCTGAATTTCAGAGCACCTCCTG-3') and R-PHEF (5'-CTCGAGTTAGTAGAAAATTTGAGGTTCTTCTGTCTCCATG-3'). Amplified His-PH20 sequence was sub-cloned into KpnI and XhoI sites of pBudCE4.1 (Invitrogen, USA), under the control of EF-1ɑ promoter to generated transient recombinant vector pBud.PH20. Afterward, attB sequences was amplified from plasmid pDB2 as the template and sub-cloned into NheI site of pBud.PH20 to generate plasmid pBud.PH20.attB. In order to prepare pBud.2xPH20.attB, the fragment containing His-PH20 was sub-cloned into SalI and XbaI sites of pBud.PH20.attB, downstream of CMV promoter to construct pBud.2xPH20.attB vector. On the other hand, the puromycin resistance gene expression cassette was amplified from pTRE2pur plasmid followed by blunt-ending by Klenow fragment and sub-cloned into PvuI site of pBud.2xPH20.attB plasmid, which was blunt ended previously. The sub-cloned sequences of His-PH20, attB and puromycin resistance cassette in the structure of final expression vector were verified by Sanger sequencing. All restriction enzymes were purchased from Thermo Scientific Company. The PhiC31 integrase expression plasmid, pCMV-Int, was generously gifted by Prof. Michelle Calos (Stanford University, USA).
Transfection and selection of recombinant clones
HEK293T cell line was obtained from Pasteur Institute of Iran (Tehran, Iran). The cells were grown and maintained in high glucose DMEM (Gibco, USA) supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS), 100 units/ml penicillin and 100 μg/ml streptomycin sulfate (Gibco, USA) at 37 °C and 6% CO2. HEK293T cells were co-transfected with the pBud.PH20.attB vector and pCMV.Int at a mass ratio of 1:40 using Lipofectamin 2000 (Thermo scientific, USA) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. After 24 h of transfection, cells were split into 10 cm plates and incubated for 48 h. Afterward, cells were selected in medium containing 60 μg/ml zeocine (InvivoGene, USA) for 2-3 weeks at which time antibiotic-resistant clones became observable. Each clone was picked using a pipette tip and transferred to an individual well of a 24-well plate and subsequently expanded for further analysis. The best clone with the highest PH20 expression level and activity was chosen for second round of co-transfection with the PBUD.2xPH20.attB vector and pCMV.Int. The process of stable cell line development was the same as mentioned for PBUD.PH20.attB. However, in this round the new recombinant clones were selected in medium containing puromycin with a final concentration of 1 μg/ml.
Production of the recombinant PH20 in HEK293 cells
Stably transfected HEK293T cells were expanded and maintained in T-150 flasks (TPP, Switzerland) containing 30 ml high glucose DMEM supplemented with 10% FBS and 1 mg/ml puromycin at 37 °C and 6% CO2. After reaching cell confluence (2-3 days) the medium supplemented with 5% FBS in the absence of puromycin was refreshed. Cells were maintained for three days at mentioned medium and subsequently the supernatants were harvested. Replacing of fresh medium followed by harvesting the supernatant was performed for two additional rounds.
Assessment of recombinant PH20 concentration using ELISA
Concentration of secreted His-tagged rhPH20 was determined using human hyaluronidase PH20 (SPAM1) ELISA kit (CUSABIO) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Briefly, a serial dilutions of different concentrations of PH20 were provided using standard solution. Then, coated microwells with PH20 specific antibody were incubated with 100 µl of standard dilutions and culture supernatants from HEK293T clones expressing rhPH20 for 2 h at 37°C. Next, unbound substances were removed and a biotin-conjugated antibody specific for PH20 was added to each well and the plate was incubated for 1 h at 37°C. The wells were washed and avidin-conjugated Horseradish Peroxidase (HRP) was added to the each well and was incubated for 1 h at 37°C. Subsequently, TMB Substrate was added to the wells to color development in proportion to the amount of rhPH20 in the supernatant and standards. Optical density (OD) of each well was measured at 450 nm using a spectrophotometric plate reader (Stat Fax 3200, Vesta Tajhiz Part, Iran). Finally, a standard curve was provided and concentration of secreted PH20 in supernatant was determined using this standard curve.
Assessment of recombinant PH20 specific activity using turbidimetric assay
The enzymatic activity of secreted His-tagged rhPH20 in each culture supernatant was also measured using microturbidity assay described by Rapport et al. [35]. This method is based on the generation of an insoluble precipitate by the PH20 enzyme when acidified serum albumin interacts with hyaluronic acid. First, a working solution of 6 U/ml hyaluronidase (Sigma, H3506) was prepared in enzyme diluent (20 mM sodium phosphate with 77 mM sodium chloride and 0.01% (w/v) bovine serum albumin, pH 7.0 at 37 °C). In addition, hyaluronidase serial dilutions and culture supernatant were prepared in enzyme diluent. Next, 1 ml of hyaluronic acid solution [0.03% (w/v)] was added to all tubes followed by incubating for 45 min at 37 °C. In the next step, 0.5 ml of each tube was transferred into suitable cuvettes containing 2.5 ml of acidic albumin and transmittance percent of each cuvette was evaluated at 600 nm. Finally, the activity of secreted rhPH20 in culture supernatant was determined according to standard curve of hyaluronidase serial dilutions.
Monitoring the stability of recombinant clone
To investigate the stability of selected recombinant clone, whose expression of rhPH20 was checked for 16 weeks. For this, the cells of selected clone and untransfected cells as the negative control were cultured in 12-well plate in the same condition mentioned previously in the absence of puromycin selective pressure. After maintaining the cells in the culture medium for three days, the supernatant was isolated and the concentration of secreted rhPH20 was measured in each specific time points during a 16-week monitoring period using human hyaluronidase PH20 ELISA kit (CUSABIO) according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Purification of the recombinant PH20
Secreted His-tagged rhPH20 in the medium was purified using HIS-SelectR Nickel Affinity Gel (Sigma, USA) as previously described [34]. Briefly, supernatant was diluted twice by adding 50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, 500 mM NaCl and 10 mM imidazole. Ni-NTA resin (HIS-SelectR Nickel Affinity Gel (Sigma, USA) mixed with media and rolled over the bottle at 4 °C overnight (1 ml Ni-NTA resin for 100 ml medium) and then centrifugied at 5000g for 5 min. Remained resin-PH20 complex was washed twice with washing buffer (Tris-Hcl 50 mM, pH 7.5, Imidazole 20 mM, NaCl 500 mM ). Finally, His-tagged rhPH20 was eluted using elution buffer (Tris-Hcl 50 mM, pH 7.5, NaCl 500 mM and Imidazole 250 mM).
Western blot
For western blotting, purified His-tagged rhPH20 was separated using 12% SDS-PAGE gel electrophoresis followed by electro-transferring to a Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) membrane. The skim milk-blocked membranes were probed using Anti-polyHistidin peroxidase (Sigma; A7058; 1:500) as the primary antibody and HRP-conjugated goat anti-mouse IgG (Dako; P0447; 1:5000) as the secondary antibody. Subsequently, detection of HRP-conjugated IgG bound to protein band was performed using ECL Advance Western Blotting Detection Kit (Amersham Biosciences, RPN2135) according to the instruction of the manufacturer.
Evaluation of recombinant PH20 activity by cumulus cell removal
This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the Royan Institute. Also all animal experiments were performed in accordance with the ethical guidelines established by the Institutional Ethical Committee of the Royan Institute, which are in compliance with the ARRIVE guidelines. For evaluating the functionality of rhPH20, female mice were superovulated with 10 IU of pregnant mare’s serum gonadotropin (PMSG) (Pregnocol, Australia) on day 1, followed by 10 IU of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) (Pregnyl, Iran) on day 3. 18 h after the hCG injection both oviducts were removed and flushed for collection of mouse COCs. Animals were euthanized at the end of this stage with dislocation of cervical vertebra. Then, COCs treated with 25 ul culture supernatant containing rhPH20 (3.5 IU/ml) and 25 ul commercially available hyaluronidase (300 IU/ml, Sigma, H3506) as control. The time of cumulus cell removal were compared between two groups. In parallel, for toxicity test of hyaluronidase, mouse embryo assay was carried out. Briefly, female mice were superovulated with 10 IU of pregnant mare’s serum gonadotropin (PMSG) (Pregnocol, Australia) on day 1, followed by 10 IU of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) (Pregnyl, Iran) on day 3. After hCG injection, each female mouse was placed in an individual cage overnight with a mature NMRI male mouse with proven fertility. The next morning, successful mating was confirmed by the presence of a vaginal copulation plug. The appearance of a vaginal plug was designated as first day of the pregnancy. Female mice with a vaginal plug were sacrificed after 21 h posthCG injection and both oviducts were removed and flushed for collection of 2PNs. 2PNs were treated for 30 min by both supernatant containing rhPH20 and commercially available hyaluronidase and cultured in KSOM for 5 days. At last, cleavage and blastocysts rates were evaluated. A phase contrast stereomicroscope (Olympus, SZX12, Japan) were utilized for imaging.
Transgene copy number determination using quantitative PCR
Genomic DNA was isolated from several puromycin-resistant clones using DNeasy blood and tissue kit (Qiagen, Germany) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Absolute copy number of PH20 expressing vector integrated into the target genome was measured using quantitative PCR )qPCR( [36]. To generate the external standard curve, a serial dilution of human genomic DNA containing 1, 5, 25 125 and 625 copies of the PH20 cDNA were prepared. The mass of human genomic DNA contains one copy of the PH20 cDNA was calculated according to the following equation:
in which n is the size of human genome (3.4e9bp, haploid) and 1.096e-21 is the mass of 1 bp. Quantitative PCR was performed in a Step One Plus Real-Time PCR thermal cycler (Applied Biosystems, USA) using SYBR master mix (TaKaRa, Japan). All reactions were performed in triplicate using specific primers for human PH20 cDNA (F-rhPH20: TTCAGAGCACCTCCTGTTATTC and R-rhPH20: GGCTCATATCTAGTGGCTCATC). To estimate the copy number of PH20 transgene, two dilutions (40 and 8 ng/μl) of the genomic DNA were used as the template for PCR reactions.
Rescue and analysis of integration sites
The precise locations of the integrated plasmids carrying PH20 in the genome of HEK293T transgenic clones were determined using inverse PCR method. Genomic DNA samples were digested with SpeI and XbaI restriction enzymes (Thermo Scientific, USA) followed by precipitation using ethanol. After that, self-circularization of the digested genome was carried out using T4 DNA ligase (Thermo Scientific, USA) and purified during ethanol precipitation process. Resulted DNA samples were utilized as templates for the first round of inverse PCR using Smar Taq DNA polymerase (Cinnagen, Iran) with specific primers (F-P1: CCCCATGGCTCCGACCGAAG and R-P1: ACGTCCCGTGCTCACCGTGAC). Product of the first PCR was employed as template of the second round of inverse PCR as a semi-nested PCR with the same forward primer (F-P1: CCCCATGGCTCCGACCGAAG) and an internal reverse primer (R-P2: TGGACCAGATGGGTGAGGTGGAGTAC). The final inverse PCR products were loaded on 1% gel agarose followed by purification by a QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit (Qiagen, Germany). Purified bands were T/A cloned into the pUCM-T vector (Bio Basic, Canada) and sequenced with M13 universal primers. The sequence results were aligned with the reference human genome, UCSC genome browser (GRCh37/hg19) to detect the precise genomic locations [37].
Statistical analysis
Statically analysis was performed by one-way ANOVA using SPSS (Version 21, USA). The values are represented as mean (s.e.m.) or mean (s.d.) for three independent repeats in each experiment and the values at P < 0.05 were considered significant.