Glucogenic formulations were administered b.i.d. for 4 days (D 1-4 of the experimental periods) at 0800 h in the morning and 1900 h in the evening, using a drench gun. This daily dosing schedule was set as close as possible to that adopted in previous experiments by our laboratories (twice daily, every 12 h e.g.) (10).
During each period, before starting the glucogenic treatment (D 0 of the experimental period), blood samples were collected at fasting (0800 h). In addition, on the 3rd D of glucogenic treatment administration (D 3 of the experimental period), consecutive blood samples were collected at 8 time points, starting at fasting immediately before the morning administration of glucogenic mixture (0800, 0830, 0900, 0930, 1000, 1100, 1200, 1800 h). From D 0 to D 7, i.e. throughout the treatment periods, the sub-groups were kept indoors in separate pens. Indoor daily feeding consisted of 200 g/head of a pelleted concentrate individually fed at 0800, plus c.a. 1500 g/head of ryegrass hay. On blood sampling day, the concentrate was fed immediately after the first bleeding. The pelleted concentrate was completely consumed by the animals. Water and mineral blocks were available ad libitum. During the wash out period, the ewes of both experimental subgroups were fed the same diet as above.
Figure 3 shows the exact timing at which treatments, samplings and measurements were performed.
Feedstuff composition
The compound feed was a commercial pelleted formulation based on cereals and soybean meal, with a net energy content (NEL) of 1.43 Mcal/kg, 17% Crude protein (CP) and 32% starch, on DM basis. The home-grown hay was a late-cut Italian ryegrass with 6.5% CP and 75 % NDF and a NEL content of 0.86 Mcal/kg on DM basis. The hay was chopped before feeding.
Blood samplings and plasma osmolality determination
On day 0, in both periods, plasma concentrations of glycerol, glucose, insulin, NEFA, urea, plasma osmolality and, in whole blood, RBC indices were determined from samples drawn from jugular vein before morning feeding at 0800. On day 3, plasma concentrations of glycerol, glucose, insulin, NEFA, urea, and plasma osmolality were also determined from eight consecutive samples, while RBC indices from two samples (at 0800 and at 1000). Repeated sampling on day 3 were collected after jugular cannulation. At each sampling, from each ewe, two blood samples were collected: one using 2-mL vacuum collection tubes with glycolytic inhibitor (5.0 mg sodium fluoride, 4.0 mg pot. ox. - Vacutainer Systems Europe; Becton Dickinson, MeylanCedex, France) for glucose assay; one using 2.0 mL vacuum collection whole blood tube with spray-coated K2EDTA (Vacutainer Systems Europe; Becton Dickinson, MeylanCedex, France) for other metabolites, insulin and RBC indices determination. Immediately after recovery, samples were cooled to 4°C. RBC indices were determined within 2 hrs of blood collection. The other blood samples were centrifuged at 1,500 g for 15 min at 4 °C degrees. Individual plasma was removed and stored in vial at -20°C until assayed.
Plasma osmolality (Osm/kg) was measured using a freezing point osmometer (Osmomat 030, Gonotec, Berlin, Germany).
Complete blood count (CBC)
Haematological testing was integral to the interpretation of results to establish the safe amount of glycerol following the titration trial. Particular care was taken to prevent analytical biases responsible to affect blood sample diagnostic potentials. The control of non-experimental factors with osmotic effect started from the anticoagulant choice in our methodological approach. In light of the recommendations of the International Council for Standardization in Hematology (ICSH) the use of K2EDTA (ethylene diamine tetracetic acid) as anticoagulant was preferred, due to the less pronounced osmotic effect on blood cells than that exerted by K2EDTA (58,59). However, the K2EDTA requires the optimal blood to additive proportion and mixing to prevent clotting (58). That way, on sampling a same skilled veterinary surgeon collected blood samples in vacuum tubes until filled to the correct volume and gently mixed 5 to 10 times to allow complete interaction with the anticoagulants, before storage in the upright position and cooling to 4 °C. Time and temperature from blood sampling to haematological analyses were therefore crucial. All procedures adopted in this trial were carried out in respect of the recommendations to preserve diagnostic samples in the preanalytical phase (ICSH, 1993). All the samples were transported refrigerated to the laboratory where individual haematological profiles were assessed within 2 hours of blood sampling.
In brief, 15 μL of each whole blood sample were needed for the determination of haematological parameters through capillary analysis based on tri-angle scattering and chemical dying read through flow cytometry technology. The following parameters were determined using an automatic cell counter instrument (Hematology analyzer Alcyon Mindray BC-5000, Shenzhen, China): white blood cell count (WBC), red blood cell (RBC), hemoglobin (HGB), hematocrit (HCT), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), red blood cell distribution width (RDW-SD), platelet (PLT), neutrophil granulocytes (Neu), lymphocytes (Lym), monocytes (Mon), eosinophil granulocytes (Eos), basophil granulocytes (Bas), mean platelet volume (MPV), platelet distribution width (PDV) and plateletcrit (PCT). Both absolute and relative values of leukocytes were analyzed for each sample. For the purposes of the present study, only the following RBC indices (60) were considered: 1) MCV: defines the size of the red blood cells and is expressed as femtoliters (10−15; fl); 2) MCH: quantifies the amount of haemoglobin per red blood cell and is expressed in picograms (pg); 3) MCHC: indicates the amount of haemoglobin per unit volume. In contrast to MCH, MCHC correlates the haemoglobin content with the volume of the cell and it is expressed as g/L of RBCs; 4) RDW-SD: represents the coefficient of variation of the RBC volume distribution (size) and is expressed as femtoliters. It is a good indicator of the degree of anisocytosis.
In addition, from each blood sample processed for CBC, whole blood smears were carried out for microscopic examination of blood cell morphology. In particular, microscopic examination (200X; Olympus BX41, Olympus Italia Srl, Segrate, Milano, Italy) of whole blood smear aimed to support the automatic reading obtained at haematology analyser, by excluding the presence of accidental platelets clumping or RBC rouleaux formation and therefore to consider the samples as diagnostic for the purpose of the investigation.
Plasma samples were measured in duplicate. Glycerol concentration was measured in a single assay by colorimetric method using a commercial Free Glycerol Assay Kit (Cell Biolabs, Inc, USA), with glycerol standards in the concentration range of 0 μM–400 μM. The kit measures free, endogenous glycerol by a coupled enzymatic reaction system. The glycerol is phosphorylated and oxidized, producing hydrogen peroxide which reacts with the kit’s Colorimetric Probe (absorbance maxima of 570 nm). The analytical detection limit was 5 μM.
Glucose, NEFA, and urea were measured using commercial kit and BS-200 Mindray clinical chemistry analyzer. We used Serum I Normal (Wako) and Serum II Abnormal (Wako) as multi control for each measured parameter. Glucose concentrations were determined in a single assay by liquid enzymatic colorimetric method (GOD-POD) (Real Time kit) with a glucose standard of 100 mg/dL for calibration. Intra-assay CV values were 1.1%. NEFA and urea concentrations were measured in multiple assays by enzymatic endpoint method (Diagnostic Systems kit), with a NEFA standard of 1 mmol/L and a urea standard of 50 mg/dL for calibration. NEFA intra-assay and interassay CV values were 1.07% and 0.98%, respectively. UREA intra-assay and interassay CV values were 1.7% and 1.6%, respectively.
ELISA assays were performed using the Personal Lab Adaltis (Adaltissrl, Rome, Italy), which is a tool that performs automated ELISA protocols. Insulin concentration was measured in duplicate using a commercial Ovine Insulin ELISA Kit (Mercodia developing diagnostics, Germany) which is a solid-phase ELISA based on the direct sandwich technique. The kit is calibrated against an in-house reference preparation of ovine insulin, and it has been previously used for insulin determination in ovine plasma (61,62). The mean ovine insulin concentrations of the six reference solutions were 0, 0.05, 0.15, 0.5, 1.5, and 3 mg/L. The recovery on addition was 94%–114% (mean 103%). The analytical sensitivity was 0.025 mg/L and the intra-assay and interassay CV values were <7%.
Phase 2
Animals and treatments
The experiment was run during August-September, within the natural breeding season described for this breed at this latitude. Twenty adults (2-7 years) non-lactating Sarda dairy ewes were used. The glucogenic formulations to be tested (G75, M75, M50) were chosen on the basis of the results of Phase 1. Control ewes (GON group) received 150 mL of water twice daily simultaneously to treatment administration. Water was administered using a drench gun. The four experimental groups were homogeneous for body weight (BW, mean Kg ± SE; GON 43.6 ± 3.7, n=5; G75 43.8 ± 1.8, n=5; M50 44.2 ± 1.9, n=5; M75 43.4 ± 1.2, n=5; P = 0.996).
Glucogenic treatments were administered following an oestrus synchronization protocol. In brief (Figure 4), synchronization was induced in all the animals by i.m. injection of PGF2α analogue (PGF Veyx 0,250 mg/mL, Veyx Pharma GMBH, Schwarzenborn, Germany), administered twice, at 13 d interval (first injection at day -10, second at day 3). Simultaneously to the second PGF2α injection (D 3, 08:00) control ewes (GON group) were injected intramuscularly with 200 IU of eCG (Folligon, MSD Animal Health Srl, Segrate, Italy).
From D 0 to D 4, i.e. throughout the treatment periods, the groups were kept indoors in separate pens. Indoor daily feeding consisted of 200 g/head of a commercial pelleted feed and 150 g/head of maize grain divided in two equal meals (0800 and 1500) and individually fed in the milking parlour and 1500 g/head of hay fed in the afternoon. On the blood sampling day, the morning meal based on compound feeds was administered immediately after the first blood sampling. Water and mineral blocks were available ad libitum. Concentrates were completely consumed by the animals.
Feedstuff composition
Compound feeds and hay administered in the phase 2 were the same as those of phase 1. The whole maize grain had CP content of 7.80 %, starch level of 69.9 % and a NEL of 2.00 Mcal/kg on DM basis.
Determination of oestradiol plasma concentration
On day 5 of the experimental period (48 hrs after the second PGF2α administration), blood samples were drawn from jugular vein at fasting at 0800. Blood samples were collected using 10-mL vacuum collection tubes (BD Vacutainer® Rapid Serum Tube - Vacutainer Systems Europe; Becton Dickinson, MeylanCedex, France) for oestradiol assay. Immediately after recovery, blood samples were cooled at 4°C and centrifuged at 1,500 g for 15 minutes. Serum was removed and stored at -20°C until assayed.
Samples were measured in duplicate. Concentrations of oestradiol were measured after sample extraction by using a highly sensitive commercial enzimoimmunoassay kit for quantitative determination of estradiol-17β (Demeditec Diagnostics GmbH, Kiel-Wellsee, Germany). Sensitivity of the assay was 1.4 pg/mL and intra-assay variation coefficient was 5.7%.
Ovarian 3D ultrasound scanning
From day 1 to day 4, ovarian follicular population was studied daily using trans-vaginal 3D ultrasonography.
Ultrasonographic examinations were carried out using a Mylab-alpha (Esaote, Italia) fitted to an endocavitary transducer (8-11 MHz). Each ovarian follicular population was scanned using both conventional 2D-US, 3D-US and 3D Power Doppler Ultrasound (3D PD-US) image acquisition methods by an experienced sonographer. 3D power Doppler were performed to evaluate the ovary perfusion.
The images were recorded as digital files for later examination and the ovarian follicular population vascular index (VI), flow index (FI), blood vessels and blood flow index (VFI) by three-dimensional Doppler histogram were calculated.
Thereafter, on day 14 ovulation rates were determined by counting the corpora lutea present in each ovary by transrectal ultrasonography with a real-time B-mode scanner (Aloka102 SSD 500; Aloka Co., Tokyo, Japan) fitted with a 7.5MHz linear-array probe.
Statistical analyses
Results are expressed as mean values (mean ± SE) or median values (median and range) and the differences were considered to be statistically significant at P < 0.05.
Differences in ewe’s body weight at the beginning and at the end of the glucogenic-treatment period in phase 1 and 2 were analysed by a mono-factorial GLM.
The distribution of variables at Day 0 was assessed by the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test.
In phase 1, longitudinal data of plasma glycerol, glucose, insulin, NEFA and urea in the consecutive samples collected on day 3 (during treatment period) were analysed by a GLM UNIANOVA model in SPSS (IBM Corp. Released 2016. IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 24.0. Armonk, NY: IBM Corp) with treatment, sampling hour and their first-order interactions as fixed effects. As post-hoc test, for plasma glycerol, glucose, insulin, NEFA and urea, a one-tailed Dunnett’s test was used to highlight negative or positive differences, in respect of M100 group, as appropriate.
In addition, mean circulating concentration of plasma glycerol, glucose, insulin, NEFA and urea on day 3 (during treatment period) were analysed by a GLM UNIANOVA model in SPSS with treatment as fixed effects. As post-hoc test, a one-tailed Dunnett’s test was used to highlight negative or positive differences, respect to M100 group, as appropriate.
A SPSS GLM UNIANOVA model was also used to highlight changes among groups on plasma osmolality, RBC indices and circulating concentrations of analysed metabolites and hormones between day 0 and day 3.
Longitudinal data of plasma osmolality in the consecutive samples collected on day 3 (during treatment period) were analysed by a GLM UNIANOVA model in SPSS with treatment, sampling hour and their first-order interactions as fixed effects. A post-hoc test Tukey’s test was used to highlight differences between and among groups.
A SPSS GLM UNIANOVA model was also used to evaluate within groups the effect of nutritional treatments on RBC indices before and 2 hrs after treatment administration on D 3.
Finally, the relationship between treatments administrated, concentration of metabolites and hormones and the relationship between treatments and RBC indices at two hours post treatment, were evaluated by Pearson’s correlation analysis. The strength of the correlation was considered poor for r values ranging from ± 0.1 to ± 0.3, fair for r values ranging from ± 0.3 to ± 0.5, moderately strong for r values ranging from ± 0.6 to ± 0.8 and very strong for r values ranging from ± 0.8 to ± 1 (63).
In phase 2, longitudinal data on follicular population, ovarian vascularity and flow index and their relationship, as evaluated by ultrasound scanning, were analysed by a GLM UNIANOVA model in SPSS with treatment, day and their first-order interactions as fixed effects. As post-hoc test, Fisher LSD test was used to highlight differences between groups. A One-way ANOVA test was used to compare ovulation rate and oestradiol blood levels between the different experimental groups.