Morphology and UV absorption of GM/DE-ChN nanocomposite films
DE-ChN has been widely reported in the preparation of composite film, which endows the composite film excellent chemical and physical properties. Light transmittance is an auxiliary means to evaluate the compatibility of polymers. If the compatibility between DE-ChN and GM molecules in the GM/DE-ChN nanocomposite film is poor, then light reflection or scattering will occur at the phase interface between them, the light transmittance of the film is reduced. The film prepared by mechanically mixing had a smooth surface and higher transparency due to its high level of uniformity (Gennadios et al. 1998). Digital images of the composite film showed the transparency of the film as can be seen from Fig. 1. The original GM film was slight matt, and the light transmittance of the GM film compounded with DE-ChN increased from 73% (original GM film) to 86% (GM/60% DE-ChN film). Both films had no UV absorption. Figure. 2a’ ~ e’ displayed the SEM images of the cross-section of GM/DE-ChN nanocomposite films with different content of DE-ChN addition. All the cross-section SEM images of GM/DE-ChN nanocomposite film showed a multilayer structure, just like the physical structure of natural mother pearl shellfish, so the composite film had good physical and chemical properties (Wang et al. 2017).
FT-IR analysis of GM/DE-ChN nanocomposite films
To investigate the effect of DE-ChN on the structure of the GM films, the chemical bonds in the original GM film, DE-ChN film and the GM/DE-ChN nanocomposite film were surveyed using ATR-FTIR. When a H atom was connected to O, F and other atoms with a small radius and strong electronegativity, the electron cloud moved and exposed the H atom nucleus, which was easily electrostatically attracted to other atoms with lone pairs of electrons, forming a strong dipolar effect, this was the hydrogen bond, which would affect the infrared spectrum. From Figure. 3, it can be seen that the FTIR spectra range of 3310–3350 cm− 1 indicated the-OH and the -NH stretching vibration. The -CH stretching vibration was attributed to the range of 2800–3000 cm− 1. The typical amino bond of chitosan wavenumber appeared in the range of 1620–1720 cm− 1 and 1520–1580 cm− 1 (1500 cm− 1, 1655 cm− 1 and1630 cm− 1) due to the amine Ⅰ and Ⅱ (Martins et al. 2012; Li et al. 2013; Darbasi et al. 2017). The ATR-FTIR spectra contained intense bands at 1647 cm− 1 (C = O), 1016 cm− 1 (C-O-C and C-OH on the pyran ring) (William Kemp 2002). The 1380cm− 1 was the absorption peak of -CH3 symmetric deformation vibration and -CH bending vibration (Lawrie et al. 2007), which proved that chitosan was successfully compounded on GM (Jóźwiak et al. 2017).
Mechanical properties of GM/DE-ChN nanocomposite films
The mechanical properties of the original GM film, DE-ChN film and GM/DE-ChN nanocomposite film materials were shown in Table 1. Compared with the original GM film, the tensile strength values of GM/DE-ChN nanocomposite films improved significantly. This was because chitosan has higher mechanical properties than that of GM due to its linear characteristics. The interaction mechanism of DE-ChN and GM in nanocomposite films as can be seen from Figure.4. The addition of polysaccharide enhanced the hydrogen bonding force between GM molecules, thereby increasing the tensile strength of the GM/DE-ChN nanocomposite film (Mollah et al. 2016). According to the data in Table 1, when the addition amount of DE-ChN was 60%, the maximum tensile strength of GM/DE-ChN nanocomposite film was 107 MPa, which was 343% higher than the original GM film. Similar results were reported by Pinotti et al. (Pinotti et al. 2007) who indicated the reduction in methylcellulose film flexibility with increasing chitosan concentration. Khan et al. (Khan et al. 2012) reported that chitosan incorporation (5%- 36% wt) in methylcellulose-based films significantly improved the tensile strength of films with the reduction of viscoelasticity. The 50% chitosan containing starch-based films was considered as the optimum because the films had good strength (47 MPa). Moreover, the appearance of the films was quite transparent. As the content of chitosan increased, the hydrogen bonding force between polysaccharide molecules increased, and the tensile strength of the corresponding film also increased.
Table 1
Mechanical properties of GM/DE-ChN nanocomposite films
Tensile strength (MPa)
Elongation at break (%)
Young’s module (GPa)
31.2 ± 5.2
7.5 ± 3.9
1.8 ± 0.6
110.1 ± 6.0
4.1 ± 0.3
4.1 ± 0.4
80.6 ± 4.1
4.6 ± 0.7
3.2 ± 0.4
103.0 ± 2.9
6.6 ± 1.4
4.1 ± 0.4
107.1 ± 9.8
3.3 ± 0.9
4.0 ± 0.5
TGA and DTG analysis of GM/DE-ChN nanocomposite films
The thermal stability of the GM/DE-ChN nanocomposite films with different DE-ChN addition amounts were shown in Fig. 5. The weight loss of the composite films was divided into the following three stages which can be observed from Fig. 5A. The first weight loss started from 40 oC to 150 oC. This part was mainly the physical removal of water in the GM and DE-ChN composite film. The next step started at about 250oC, and the GM began to decompose at high temperature (Pang et al. 2015). The ash content of GM film, GM/20% DE-ChN film, GM/40% DE-ChN film, GM/60% DE-ChN film and DE-ChN film were 16.3%, 20.5%, 22.9%, 27.1% and 20.1%, respectively. The maximum degradation temperature was 298.3 oC, 293.8 oC, 288.4 oC, 286.6 oC and 268.7 oC, respectively. It could be seen from Fig. 4 that the change trend of the residual mass fraction was GM/60% DE-ChN > GM/40% DE-ChN > GM/20% DE-ChN > DE-ChN > GM. From the derivative thermogravimetric analysis curve (DTG) of the composite films, it could be seen that the original GM film, the original DE-ChN film and the GM/DE-ChN naocomposite film had different endothermic peaks in the DTG curve. The endothermic peak of the GM composite film with different addition amounts of DE-ChN had shifted. This characteristic due to the different degradation temperature of the material. The degradation temperature of the original GM film was about 300 oC, while the DE-ChN/GM composite film had a second endothermic peak at 400 oC (Yao et al. 2006a). For the original DE-ChN film, the maximum degradation temperature started at about 400 oC, so the DE-ChN/GM composite film had a third peak, but the original GM film did not contain DE-ChN without this peak. The results showed that the GM composite film added with DE-ChN still maintained the thermal stability of the original GM film.
Water contact angle determination of GM/DE-ChN nanocomposite films
Figure. 6 showed the effects of DE-ChN addition on the water contact angle of composite films. The water contact angle of GM film was about 73°. DE-ChN could significantly improve the water contact angle of composite films. This was because the molecular chain of chitosan was semi-rigid and contained a large number of hydroxyl and amino groups. The hydroxy and hydroxy groups, the hydroxy groups and the amino groups or the amino groups and the amino groups were paired with each other to form a zipper-like hydrogen bond, which bind the polar groups in the film, and there were fewer polar groups on the film surface, resulting in the surface water contact angle of the GM/DE-ChN nanocomposite film increased (Liu et al. 2010). GM/20% DE-ChN nanocomposite films had the significant maximum water contact angle of 119o (P < 0.001), which were increased by about 63%. That may be related to the high content of hydroxyl and amino groups in the film. Compared with other samples with DE-ChN content, more hydroxyl and amino groups in the film were paired with each other, forming more zipper-like hydrogen bonds, and more polar groups of the film were bound inside, thereby reducing the polar groups on the surface of the film, resulting in a high-water contact angle of the film sample.
Cytotoxicity evaluation of GM/DE-ChN nanocomposite films
In order to evaluate the safety of the prepared films, in vitro cytotoxicity tests were carried out for GM and GM/DE-ChN nanocomposite solutions by culturing with RAW 264.7 macrophages cells. Each sample was added to the macrophage medium at the concentration of 25–800 µg/mL and CK was used as a control blank (Zhou et al. 2018). The effects of different DE-ChN addition amount of GM composite solution on the toxicity of macrophages was shown in Fig. 7. On the whole, the effect of GM/DE-ChN nanocomposite solution on macrophage activity increased in a concentration-dependent manner and then decreased. Chitosan was a linear polymer of N-acetyl-D glucosamine and deacetylglucosamine. It had certain characteristics of glycosaminoglycan and hyaluronic acid, and had certain biological activities (Tian and Ye 2012). Chitosan can promote human monocytes to produce TGF-inhibitor and platelet derived growth factor (TGF-inhibitor) (Yao et al. 2006b). In addition, chitosan treatment could also induce the expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) mannose receptor and other activation markers. It has been reported in the literature that polysaccharides enhance the expression of arginase, thereby enhancing the activity of arginase metabolic pathways, and stimulating the proliferation of macrophages (Bhardwaj et al. 2020).
Antibacterial performance
The sterilization property against E. coli, B. subtilis, S. aureus and S. pneumoniae of composite films was determined by the colony counting method. The bacterial suspension was inoculated in the solid medium and the numbers of total viable counts were visualized in Figure. 8 ~ 11. The bacterial colony of E. coli, B. subtilis, S. aureus and S. pneumoniae were almost fully grown on the agar plates after the treatment of original GM film, but less observed in the presence of GM/DE-ChN nanocomposite films. The antibacterial effects of the original GM solution and the GM/DE-ChN nanocomposite solution on E. coli are shown in Fig. 8. As the amount of DE-ChN added in GM increased, the antibacterial effect of GM/DE-ChN nanocomposite solution on E. coli also increased. The inhibitory rate of GM/40% DE-ChN film to E. coli was 7%, and the inhibitory rate of GM/60% DE-ChN film to E. coli was 33%, and the antibacterial effect was significant (P < 0.01). The antibacterial effect of the film on B. subtilis was shown in Fig. 9. As the amount of DE-ChN added in GM increased, the antibacterial effect of DE-ChN/GM composite solution on B. subtilis also increased. GM/20% DE-ChN, GM/40% DE-ChN, GM/60% DE-ChN and original DE-ChN films had an inhibitory rate of 99% against B. subtilis, the antibacterial effect was particularly significant (P < 0.001). Figure 10 showed the antibacterial effect of the film on S. aureus, the GM/20% DE-ChN film had an inhibitory rate of 13% against S. aureus, GM/40% DE-ChN and GM/60% film had an inhibitory rate of 46% and 47% against S. aureus, and the inhibitory rate of DE-ChN film against S. aureus was 57%, the antibacterial effect was particularly significant (P < 0.001). The antibacterial effect of the composite film on S. pneumoniae was shown in Fig. 11. The bacteriostatic rate of GM/20% DE-ChN against S. pneumoniae was 29%, GM/40% DE-ChN, GM/60% DE-ChN and the inhibitory rates of DE-ChN against S. pneumoniae were significantly 88%, 92% and 94%, respectively (P < 0.001). This was because the amino group in chitosan was cat ionized at pH 5.5, then the interaction between chitosan and bacteria was activated (Raafat et al. 2008). The permeability of the bacterial cell membrane changes, causing internal osmotic imbalance, leading to the leakage of electrolytes such as K+ and other low-molecular-weight protein components in the cell, and finally leading to the apoptosis of microorganisms (Liu et al. 2004). The different antibacterial activities of the films against gram-positive bacteria and gram-negative bacteria might be due to the different cell wall structures of the two bacteria (Jing et al. 2007). The cell wall of gram-positive bacteria was composed of polypeptidoglycan, and chitosan could easily pass through the peptidoglycan network and directly act on the cell membrane. However, the cell wall of gram-negative bacteria contained not only an inner membrane composed of peptidoglycan and lipopolysaccharide, but also an outer membrane composed of lipoproteins and phospholipids. The outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria could act as an effective external barrier for macromolecules, which might prevent the macromolecule chitosan from reaching the plasma membrane. Therefore, chitosan showed a stronger antibacterial effect on gram-positive bacteria than gram-negative bacteria.