The concentrations of phenolic compounds obtained in this study are significantly higher than those previously reported from other countries worldwide, as shown in Table 4. In some cases, 2,4,6-TCP concentrations were higher than WHO set limits of 2 µgL-1 for its presence in drinking water (Angelino and Gennaro, 1997; EPA and Technology, 2015; Organization, 1994)(EPA (2019). In fact, the concentrations of 2,4-DNP and 2,4,6-TCP reported in this study are > 200 fold more than those found in the Buffalo River of Eastern Cape South Africa (Yahaya et al., 2019), one of the very few reports from Africa.
Considering the mean concentrations of 2,4-DNP, Phenol, 2,4,6-TCP shown in Fig. 4, it is evident that 2,4-DNP is the most prevalent and with the highest concentrations in water samples from the three States, with Osun State providing the highest concentration values in the rainy season. This can be explained to be because of the increase in farming activities in Nigeria during this season which requires the application of fertilisers, pesticides and herbicides (Luo et al., 2014; Ramos et al., 2021). Furthermore, during this season, there is an increase in stormwater discharge and higher atmospheric precipitation that increases 2,4-DNP in water (Yahaya et al., 2019).
Since 2,4-DNP is an essential constituent of pesticides and foliage fertilisers applied to farmlands during the rainy season, it is only apparent that the residues from the pesticide and fertilisers will be washed off into water bodies and into soils where they subsequently percolate through the soil into groundwater (Zhong et al., 2018). A further reason for these high amounts of 2,4-DNP in most water samples collected from the three States relative to Phenol and 2,4,6-TCP is the prominence Nigeria is currently giving to the use of fertilizer to boost agricultural production through the establishment of seventy fertiliser blending plants in the country ( However, 2,4-DNP was found in less amounts in water samples from Oyo and Lagos States with the latter being the least. This is especially so because Lagos State is a metropolitan city with very few agricultural activities.
Although 2,4-DNP had the highest mean concentration values in the water samples studied, the concentrations of Phenol in these samples were also significantly high. This might not be unconnected with the increasing use of personal care products by millions of Nigerians, most especially as disinfectants and sunscreens, hair dyes and relaxers. These products are known to contain Phenol. Furthermore, the biodegradation of substituted phenolic compounds by microorganisms in aqueous soil phase may result in the formation of Phenol (Preda et al., 2018).
Even though the concentrations of phenolic compounds in groundwater samples were higher in urban areas than in rural areas, statistical analysis (not shown) indicate that there is no significant difference (p < 0.05) in these concentrations, which suggests that people living in both urban and rural areas in these States are equally exposed to any potential risk associated with the concentration of these phenolic compounds in their water bodies when ingested.
There was an impact of seasonal variation on the quality of water samples collected. Groundwater samples from Oyo and Lagos States show more toxicity to Algae, Daphnia and Fish in the dry season (Fig. 3) than in the rainy season due to the higher maximum concentration of these phenolic compounds. In contrast, samples from Osun State show a reverse trend. This is likely because, from our observation, there are more hand-dug wells in Osun State than in Oyo and Lagos States. It is known that surface runoff readily contaminates hand-dug wells (which are usually shallow). Consequently, these phenolic compounds can easily be transported to hand-dug wells during the rainy season (Ibrahim et al., 2021). However, groundwater samples from Oyo and Lagos were from boreholes, often below the water table and not easily polluted by transported chemicals.
High PCA loadings found in water samples (both groundwater and surface water) in Osun and Oyo States suggests a very strong association between EC and TDS, and hence similar sources and factor contributing to the values of both EC and TDS from water samples from the two States. This is expected because of the relationship between EC and TDS, and previous reports which show similar strong correlation between EC and TDS (Thirumalini and Joseph 2009, Bakhtiar Jemily, Ahmad Sa’ad et al. 2019). For groundwater samples from Osun State, there is an association between Phenol and 2,4,6-TCP in the PC2 analysis shown in Table 2. This suggests a quasi-independent behavior within the group, which is further corroborated by a large distance between the two phenolic compounds (PHE and TCP) in Fig. 7A and confirming they are from different sources. There is also an association between Phenol and pH in Osun surface water and Oyo groundwater samples which suggests that this two components (phenol and pH) have a similar source in water samples from these States. In Oyo surface water samples, there is a close association between 2,4-DNP and 2,4,6-TCP and this is suggestive of the fact that they are both from similar origin and have same influencing factors. The similarity in the PCA with reference to pH, EC and TDS between Osun groundwater and surface water also suggests similarity in the contributing factors, and hence similar sources of pH, EC and TDS (Figs. 8A and B). Although data from the PCA showed that groundwater from Osun and Oyo States had more multiple sources of contamination than other samples, the analysis showed that 67 to 100% of groundwater samples had more multiple sources of contamination compared to surface water samples from the three States. However, for Lagos groundwater and surface water samples, there was no correlation between the phenolic compounds and the physico-chemical properties (pH, EC, and TDS) as seen from the loadings. This shows that the physico-chemical factors were not the determining factors for the presence of phenolic compounds in Lagos water samples but other variables (Fig. 8). 2,4-DNP was not associated with any other phenolic compound and physico-chemical properties except in Oyo surface water.
Considering the ecological risk from the presence of Phenol, 2,4-DNP and 2,4,6-TCP in the water samples collected from the three States, toxicity to the three aquatic lives is more pronounced with water samples from Osun State than in the other two States during the rainy season, while water samples from Oyo pose more toxicity risk to these aquatic lives during the dry season. This is seen from the high frequencies of RQacute and RQchronic values > 1.0 (Table S2). This may suggest that the presence of these chemicals may, on the one hand, hinder algal growth, which appears to be a positive development, but on the other hand, harm the health of people drinking from such polluted water in the long term. The higher ecological risks posed by 2,4-DNP compared to that of Phenol or 2,4,6-TCP is in tandem with its high mean concentrations in water samples collected across the three States.
The susceptibility of Daphnia to acute toxicity from 2,4-DNP found in these water samples when compared to Algae and Fish is expected because of its organisation level. Lower organisms do not have a well-developed mechanism to ameliorate toxicity imposed on them from the environment. The potential acute and chronic toxicity risks posed by groundwater and surface water bodies reported in this study are likely to increase if water treatment involves chlorination (Michałowicz and Duda, 2007), as is still the case in many developing countries in the world. Although, a published study reported by Michałowicz & Duda suggests that the concentrations of Phenol in water samples posed the most negligible toxicity to algae, Daphnia and Fish when compared with 2,4-DNP and 2,4,6-TCP (Michałowicz and Duda, 2007), yet this is not obvious from this study. It, thus, implies that the concentration of Phenol may determine its level of toxicity to aquatic life since the concentration of Phenol in water samples in this study far exceeds those reported by Michałowicz & Duda (2007).
Results from EDI calculations (Figs. 9–12) suggests that the concentrations of 2,4-DNP in both groundwater and surface water can lead to serious toxicity issues for most population groups studied especially those below the age of 20 years. This is supported by results from hazard quotients in Tables 3a and 3b which suggests high non-carcinogenic human risk with the concentrations of 2,4-DNP in water samples from the three States. The concentration of 2,4-DNP in water samples from Osun State is singled out as posing the greatest threat to human health because they show the highest EDI values. Furthermore, the carcinogenic risk from the concentration of 2,4,6-TCP in groundwater samples from Osun and Lagos States especially during the rainy season is high as the EDI values suggests that they exceed the recommended daily intake of 3 µg/kg of 2,4,6-TCP that is not likely to induce carcinogenic changes in humans (Michałowicz and Duda, 2007).
The EDI range of the phenolic compounds in this study also indicate a strong and urgent need for government to be deliberate in determining phenolic compounds in drinking water. WHO has recommended the need to monitor such pollutants in water. This study show that infants are highly vulnerable to these phenolic compounds in water, hence families may require point-of-use treatment facilities since boiling (commonly used in treating water used for babies) might not be sufficient.
Nevertheless, from this study, it is observed that 2,4-DNP in groundwater is more toxic to all exposure groups (Infants, Toddlers, Children, Teenagers, and Adults) from the three States (Osun, Oyo, Lagos) than other phenolic compounds studied judging from its higher EDI values in comparison with the other phenolic compounds (Figs. 9 and 10). Furthermore, the Hazard Quotient shown in Table 3 shows that 2,4-DNP in both groundwater and surface water has the potential to cause non-carcinogenic health issues including breakdown of central nervous system, negative impact on cardiovascular system, cataracts, and increased metabolism resulting in fever, headache, profuse sweating, thirst and fatigue etc. The maximum EDI values for 2,4-DNP, Phenol, and 2,4,6-TCP in groundwater water for all exposure groups were higher than the prescribed acceptable daily intake (ADI) of 2.0, 1.0, and 1.5 µg kg− 1 bw day− 1 respectively for drinking water (EPA and Technology, 2015).
The lack of awareness or policy statement for the abatement of phenolic chemicals in water, as well as the lack of current technologies for water treatment in Nigeria, are triggering the increase of these contaminants in water systems in Nigeria. The higher detection frequency of these phenolic compounds observed in the wet season is likely because the rains potentially wash off these phenolic compounds from improperly disposed storage containers, soils, and household sewage into the aquatic environment.
Most of the populace in the three States (Osun, Oyo and Lagos) use groundwater as their source of drinking water. At the same time, the poor rural area also utilizes surface water around them without treatment. The presence of these phenolic compounds in these water systems calls for severe concerns. Thus, it is important for the government to prioritize water treatment and ensure that modern treatment facilities that can take care of phenolic compounds are deployed.