The main goal of present cross-sectional research was to study the effects of unplanned pregnancy on the beginning of intimate partner violence who referred to the Health Centers in Kerman, Iran, April to October 2021.
Inclusion Criteria: subjects with Iranian nationality, age group of 15–49 years old, married, gestational age more than 20 weeks, lack of neuropsychological disorders or diseases, lack of drug abuse, not creating stress for the woman and her husband (illness, change of work conditions, change of financial conditions) compared to before pregnancy
Exclusion Criteria: If after receiving the questionnaire participants was not reluctant to respond or continue, she would be excluded from the study process.
After selecting the samples based on inclusion criteria, and obtaining written informed consent form, the questionnaires were distributed to the sample in private, friendly and confidential manner. The questionnaire-based data collection instrumentation included the following sections: 1) demographic information of participants including wife/husband’s age, age different with spouse, marriage length (years), number of children, wife/husband’s education level, occupation and monthly family income, 2) DV assessment. Actually, we had two groups of women with planned pregnancy and unplanned pregnancy. Each participant filled out the violence questionnaire twice, and once commented on their pre-pregnancy situation, which was actually retrospective. And once about the current condition during pregnancy.
Domestic Violence
The women’s DV questionnaire was designed by Mohseni Tabrizi et al. (2012) for Iranian population which was validated with Cronbach’s Alpha of 0.83. In this questionnaire, information is collected through a form of demographic information including 10 items (1–10). In addition, there are items provided for measurement of DV, physical, sexual, economic, psychological violence and patriarchic beliefs included in this questionnaire. These include 60 items. (16). Scoring the questionnaire is in two sections and based on Likert’s 5-point spectrum as follows:
Some items are responded based on a spectrum from “never” to “always” (e.g. never, seldom, sometimes, often and always) and some items are responded based on other spectrum from completely disagree to completely agree (e.g. completely disagree, disagree, no idea, agree, completely agree) such that subjects can select one of the options as their response to the item. The scoring is from 0 to 4 (never or completely disagree = 0, seldom or disagree = 1, sometimes or no idea = 2, agree or often = 3, and completely agree or always = 4) The minimum score is 0 and the maximum score is 240.Score between 0 and 60: domestic violence against women is low. Score between 60 and 120: domestic violence against women is moderate. Above 120: Domestic violence against women is high.
Unplanned Pregnancy
We consider pregnancy based on positive pregnancy test that was taken at health center. We examined the unplanned pregnancy based on London Measure Unplanned Pregnancy (LMUP)(17).
Sample And Population
Based on unplanned pregnancy prevalence (50%), the sample size was estimated to be 300 women(150 with planned pregnancy and 150 with unplanned pregnancy) (18).
Taking 19 clinics in Kerman into consideration, the number of planned and unplanned pregnancies in each clinic was recognized and relating to their occurrence rate, the sample size classified for each clinic was allocated. Therefore, in each clinic women with planned and unplanned pregnancy were listed by their names and they were undergone selection process in random sampling to select the final relevant number of subjects. Moreover, the selected potential participants were contacted. Among the selected participants, if anyone was reluctant to participate, did not meet the inclusion criteria or left the process of study during the surveys, other potential referents of that clinic were selected and new subjects were provided and this process was iterated so that the final sample was reached.
Statistical analysis
SPSS version 22 and descriptive statistics tests were used to analyze the data. Measurement values were expressed as mean, standard deviation and frequency. A comparison was made between the average score of violence before pregnancy and during pregnancy. Also, the average score of violence was compared between the group with unplanned pregnancy and planned pregnancy.