This study has demonstrated that grazing management relying on clearing of fertile grassy woodlands of the rangelands of Central Queensland leads to a reduction in biodiversity (i.e. order richness) of invertebrates associated with the ground-layer vegetation and a change in invertebrate assemblage composition. In addition, cleared pastures had fewer herbivorous invertebrates, food available for insectivorous vertebrates and pollinating insects compared to uncleared nearby woodlands and these differences were consistent at all four properties studied. Thus, clearing not only leads to biodiversity losses in the canopy layer of vegetation and associated fauna, but also in the biodiversity and resource base of the invertebrate fauna associated with the ground-layer vegetation. Implications for sustainability of such changes need to be considered within the wider context that has identified rundown of pasture productivity following clearing over longer time frames (Kaur et al. 2005, Radford et al. 2007).
Soil and ground-layer vegetation invertebrates are known to have important roles in supporting grazing production systems (Stork and Eggleton 1992). In particular, greater biodiversity of invertebrates has been shown to be associated with improved soil health and enhancing nutrient availability (Kemmers et al. 2013), indirectly supporting grass and cattle production. Lower diversity of invertebrate fauna was implicated in slower rates of litter decay in pastures compared with nearby woodlands (Grigg 1999).
Retention of woodland patches in the landscape matrix provides ecosystem functional benefits by promoting the abundance of macrofaunal invertebrates and pollinators. These provide a number of ecosystem services such as pollination, biocontrol of insect pests of pastures and weed outbreaks, benefitting both graziers and any crops grown in the vicinity (Potts et al. 2006, Holland et al. 2017, St. Clair et al. 2022). In addition, by enhancing the food available for insectivorous vertebrates, woodlands help support food webs and birds, which indirectly also benefit agricultural systems through predation on insect pests of crops and pastures, and controlling pest outbreaks (Gamez-Virues et al. 2007, Peng et al. 2020).
Reasons why clearing has led to a pasture that supports a reduced number of herbivorous invertebrates have not been determined. Another study, also using suction samplers, found no effect of clearing on biodiversity (order richness), total abundance, abundance of trophic groups or composition of invertebrate assemblages (Houston and Melzer 2018). However, that study took place in recently cleared paddocks (< 5 years) with native pastures of comparable biomass that resembled the composition of the ground-layer vegetation of the original woodlands (Hall et al. 2016). In contrast, clearing in the current study had occurred many years ago (> 20 years) and pastures were dominated by introduced pasture grasses such as Buffel Grass. Thus, it appears that clearing per se does not necessarily lead to changes in associated ground-layer invertebrates; but relate to further changes associated with the consequences of the clearing.
One possible explanation for the observed changes in biodiversity, trophic structure and invertebrate composition may relate to the relatively greater dominance by Buffel Grass in pastures than the uncleared terrace woodlands in the current study − 40% cover compared with 14% in terrace woodlands and 1% in riparian forests. Another study also reported lower invertebrate diversity in Buffel Grass pastures (Grigg 1999). A North American study of rangelands invaded by Buffel Grass found that the invaded paddocks had less invertebrates, particularly ants, beetles and spiders than native grasslands (Flanders et al. 2006). Most Australian studies were focussed on ant functional groups with mixed results, some ant groups declining, some increasing and others showing no change (Smyth et al. 2009, Williams et al. 2012, Bonney et al. 2017).
Consistent with other studies, Buffel Grass was found to be associated with lower native plant diversity in pastures (Melzer et al. 2014, Fensham et al. 2015). It is possible that this may have flow-on consequences for dependent fauna such as herbivores with specialist feeding preferences. A study of minesite rehabilitation pointed to such an impact. Corresponding with lower plant diversity than nearby native woodlands, there were fewer species of plant-feeding insects such as Hemiptera (sucking bugs) in the rehabilitated habitat (Moir et al. 2010, Orabi et al. 2010). Further, it is possible that Buffel Grass, as an invasive non-native species, has relatively fewer endemic herbivorous insect species feeding on it compared to native grasses (Cappuccino and Carpenter 2005), although further studies are needed to evaluate this.
Other explanations for the reduced numbers of herbivorous invertebrates in pastures compared to uncleared woodlands may relate to the quality of the grass. Graziers in northeastern Australia have long been aware of issues of “nutrient tie-up” in Buffel Grass pastures where productivity typically declines over time from the ‘tying-up’ of plant available nitrogen in the crowns, roots and organic matter of old grasses, resulting in reduced carrying capacity for cattle production (Peck et al. 2011, Clewett et al. 2021). Further, long-cleared pastures are prone to reduced nutrient availability and impacts on grass productivity (Kaur et al. 2005, Sangha et al. 2005a, Kaur et al. 2007). Irrespective of the cause, as well as impacts on cattle production, pasture rundown is likely to lead to less nutritious pasture grasses for herbivorous insects.
Differences in biodiversity and invertebrate assemblage of pastures and terrace woodlands were most pronounced in the two properties that used traditional grazing management approaches (i.e. continuous or long session grazing). In contrast, the two properties in which the pastures resembled the terrace woodlands in biodiversity attributes employed more modern grazing management approaches such as rotational grazing that improved grass productivity (Eaton et al. 2011). It is possible that the style of grazing management may have positive impacts on biodiversity outcomes, although more detailed studies are needed (McCosker 2000, Dorrough et al. 2002, Lindsay and Cunningham 2009, Eaton et al. 2011).
Management applications
Changes in assemblage composition and reduction in invertebrate order richness were most pronounced in pastures at two of the four locations. These sites had a relatively lower amount of groundcover (i.e. combined ground-layer vegetation and leaf litter) than the other pastures, indicating a link between retaining more groundcover and enhanced invertebrate biodiversity. Thus, pastoralists have the capacity to improve outcomes for invertebrate biodiversity by maintaining groundcover above 80%. In general, greater levels of ground-layer cover are recommended as a way to enhance sustainability of rangeland cattle production systems (Beutel et al. 2021). Rotational grazing practices that typically involve some spelling of paddocks may also promote conservation of biodiversity (Dorrough et al. 2002, Eaton et al. 2011, Houston et al. 2013, Houston and Black 2016), although not always (Dorrough et al. 2012).
Graziers interested in improving biodiversity on their property should consider encouraging native pastures over introduced species such as Buffel Grass. Most likely this would only be possible on a small scale due to the known capacity of Buffel Grass to colonise disturbed habitats.
Maintaining woodlands rather than clearing is another option. The terrace woodlands of this study had greater biodiversity, more pollinators and macroinvertebrates, and a more natural assemblage and trophic structure (i.e. comparable to the riparian forests) than the pastures. Retention of woodlands in the landscape enhances ecosystem services such as pollination, pest and weed control, including indirectly by supporting insectivorous birds and other vertebrates (Crisol-Martínez et al. 2016).