The results for the following parameters were retrived after running clicSAND and compared across the three scenarios
Annual CO2 emissions by Technology
In scenario 1, results showed that there were three major emitting technologies, biomass (MINBIO, IMPBIO), coal (MINCOA) and light fuel oil (IMPLFO). These emissions were employed at the point of extraction in the model and were therefore seen on the imported technologies (IMP) or locally available technologies (MIN). It was seen that biomass, both imported and locally available, was the largest emmitter contributing about 84% of the total annual emissions. From analysis it was also seen that residential cooking and heating took up the biggest proportion of demand for biomass (60% and 24% respectively). This showed that residential cooking using biomass as the fuel contributes the highest to the total emissions in the Kenyan energy sector. From the results the other two technology sources of emissions that included MINCOA and IMPLFO were being used to meet demand in industry (mainly for heating), power generation and transport sectors. The emissions from these technologies were low in comparison to the emissions from the use of biomass as shown in Fig. 2.
In scenario 2, results show that with the gradual switch to electric cooking, there was a subsequent decrease in emissions from both imported and locally produced biomass. Emissions from IMPBIO were completely phased out due to decreased demand in cooking using biomass stoves. This was counteracted by an increase in emissions from MINCOA and IMPCOA as illustrated in Fig. 3.
It can be translated that the increase in demand for electricity from cooking requires new generation for power and in this case MINCOA was the technology used to provide the coal fuel for coal power plants. The results also showed that the highest demand for biomass is in cooking as emissions begin to decrease relative to the switch from biomass stoves.
Scenario 3 results showed a decrease in total emissions with the annual limit applied. All technologies incurred the decrease however LFO emissions were completely phased from 2050 onwards as shown in Fig. 4. This was because other cleaner technologies for electricity production were now being preferred.
Annual Electricity Production
In the least cost scenario, the power generation mix was made up of renewable sources as seen in Fig. 5. Geothermal contributed the highest energy in the generation mix accountng for about 45% of the total electricity produced in the entire modelling period. This is beacuse of its nature to provide baseload capacity.
An annual limit was placed on Solar PV (PWRSOL) and wind (PWRWND) power plant technologies applied on the TotalTechnologyAnnualActivityUpperLimit parameter for the variable renewable technologies. This constraint was to allow the system to be flexible enough to operate with a considerabe share of varibale renewable energy (VRE) [9].
In scenario 2, with the new demand for electricity, a new power plant, PWRCOA (coal power plant) was selected as shown in Fig. 6. It was seen that generation from PWRBIO (biomass power plant) increased towards the end of the plan, from 2050.
There was also a notable increase in generation from the hydropower plants (PWRHYD) with other additional categories (large and small hydropower plants) of the technology being selected to cater for the increase in demand for electricity. These categories have been defined in the SETS sheet within the clicSAND excel based interface.
Contribution from PWRSOL and PWRWND also increased with some of them being selected earlier on in the plan as compared to the least cost senario. However the annual technology limits for these VREs were maintanined as provided in the model.
The introduction of PWRCOA technology in the generation mix explained why the emissions from MINCOA increased. The emissions from MINBIO on the other hand did not increase with its subsequent increase in the power generation mix as the contribution of demand for biomass for electricity production is quite small in comparison to demand for cooking.
Scenario 3 showed that there was a bigger increase in demand for power compared to scenarios 1 and 2. This was because there was a fuel switch in the demand-side technologies to cleaner technologies from the heating and transport sectors as seen from the results. This included switching from the conventional coal, biomass and oil used for industrial and residential heating to using electricity and switching from gasoline to electric vehicles so as to constrain the emissions to meet the new targets set. This leap in demand led to the introduction PWRNUC (nuclear power plant) technology in the generation mix as shown in Fig. 7
The results showed that PWRCOA was removed from the generation mix while PWRBIO generation was no longer increasing towards the end of the plan. The generation from PWRBIO reverted back to what it was in the least cost scenario. Both effects were because of the the cap on annual emissions.
Generation from PWRNUC technology had the highest contribution to the generation mix of about 30% of the total electricity produced. This is also because of the ability of this technology to provide baseload capacity allowing it to compete with PWRGEO (geothermal power plant) technology.
Investment and operating costs
The results on capital, fixed and variable operating costs for electricity production were analyzed for the three scenarios as follows:
Fixed operating costs
In all the scenarios, the fixed costs were increasing over the plan period however scenario 3 incurred the highest fixed operating costs as seen in Fig. 8. This is due to the PWRNUC technology that had the most expensive fixed costs in comparison to all the other power generating technologies.
The scenario also had other technologies with considerable high fixed costs in the generation mix that included large, dammed, hydropower plants and offshore wind power plants. This was also part of the reason why scenario 2 had higher fixed costs compared to scenario 1. The installed capacity of these plants was however lower compared to scenario 3 in this case.
The other reason why scenario 2’s fixed costs were higher compared to scenario 1 was the addition of PWRCOA and inclusion of PWRBIO in the generation mix towards the end of the plan. The two technologies also have relatively high fixed costs.
Variable operating costs
The variable costs also increased over the plan period as the total annual generation increases. The costs for scenario 2 were much higher compared to scenario 1 due to higher demand for electricity as well addition of PWRCOA that had fuel costs attached to the technology. PWRBIO had fuel costs as well but relatively small compared to the PWRCOA technology. Scenario 3 had the highest variable costs amongst the scenarios due to the effect of the inflated demand from the other sectors with fuel switching in the demand-side technologies. PWRNUC technology had the least in terms of fuel cost but contributed the highest power in the generation mix causing the variable costs to still increase in this scenario. Scenario 3 and scenario 2 weren’t far apart in terms of variable costs. This was because scenario 3 had only renewable energy sources in the generation mix while scenario 2 had a share of fossil fuels in the mix. Figure 9 shows a comparison of the variable costs across the three scenarios.
Capital costs
The capital costs were different for the different years in the plan following the investments in new power plants as seen in Fig. 10.
Scenario 3 had a sharp rise in investment cost in 2045 and 2060. This was because of huge invetsments in nuclear power plants to meet the rise in demand coming from industrial heating using electricity in the scenario. The contribution from nuclear plants was 97% and 78% of the total capital costs for the two years respectively.
Scenario 2 similarly had a leap in capital cost in 2050 due to a large investment in biomass power plants. This was when demand in biomass stoves was completely phased out thereby availing the biomass commodity for use in the electricity sector. Scenario 1 also had the same leap in 2050 due to investment in geothermal and offshore wind power plants. This was to meet the new demand in electric cars that came online in 2050 from the results.
Scenario 3 had the highest capital costs out of the three scenarios as nuclear power plants were the most expensive in terms of investment costs out of all the power generating technologies.