Calculation of the Metrics
We propose a set of different metrics to describe the potential of a riverscape for its colonization by a wind-dispersed plant species: effective seed rain (eS), colonization potential (cP), number of connections (nC), effective connections (eC), and effective distance (eD). As input data, a raster with suitable habitats and a matrix with the dispersal kernel (or dispersal distance) of the species are required. All metrics are available at the patch level, cP and eD are available on a riverscape scale, and eS is available at the raster cell level (Fig. 2). Calculation of our metrics was done in R (Version 4.1.1; R Core Team, 2021), using the raster package (Hijmans, 2022) and implemented as the R package rconnect.
Basic Considerations
Our metrics only distinguish between suitable habitats and those that are fundamentally unsuitable. The actual occupancy or weighted habitat suitability is not considered. All suitable patches can be both potential donor and recipient habitats from or to which colonization events occur. A patch consists of a contiguous group of cells separated from other patches by unsuitable cells. Each patch cell is considered individually for our analysis. Furthermore, we assume that one (successfully) colonized cell is sufficient to establish a subpopulation on the respective suitable patch. The probability of such a colonization event is directly proportional to the number of seeds reaching this patch and is the sum of all seeds from the cells of suitable neighboring habitats that reach the cell of the receiving habitat. The relative amount of seeds each cell in a suitable habitat patch may receive in the given habitat configuration is compared to an ideal cell. A cell receiving as many seeds as this ideal cell is set to value 1 (maximum contribution to colonization). Cells that are unsuitable or do not receive any seed will be represented by 0. In a real environment, each cell will only receive a fraction of the number of seeds, depending on the number of actual donor cells, their distance to the receptor cell, and the species dispersal kernel.
Dispersal Kernel
The species dispersal kernel is the two-dimensional probability density function representing the seeds falling in the distance from a source and assuming an equal probability of traveling in all directions (Clark et al., 1999). The dispersal distance of a species (SDD) is usually the radius around a mother plant within which 95% of the seeds land (Clark et al., 1999). The calculation base is the dispersal characteristics of the respective species, usually a negative exponential decrease with distance. We implement the dispersal kernel as a two-dimensional square matrix with an odd number of rows and columns, the center element representing the focal cell for which the number of incoming seeds is to be determined. The fraction of seeds received at a certain distance (sc) is thereby:
sc = (1-decay)^distance
For practical reasons, the number of rows/columns should be as small as possible but at least cover the two-fold dispersal distance of the species. According to the distance of the respective cell to the center, it is first calculated for each cell what proportion of seeds from it will land on the central cell under ideal conditions. The value of the center element is set to 0 (Fig. 3), and the matrix is divided by its sum to normalize the matrix. This ensures that the total sum of all cells is 1, i.e., that 100% of all potentially possible seeds (s) reach the center cell:
s = (1-decay)^distance /∑(kernel matrix)
This kernel matrix (Fig. 3) is then applied as a focal window to the raster containing suitable habitats (Fig. 4).
Effective seed rain (eS)
The core of our considerations is the relative amount of seeds that can be exchanged between neighboring patches according to the dispersal characteristics of a species. Under otherwise equal conditions, the probability that a patch will be colonized is directly proportional to the number of seeds that reach it (twice as many seeds means twice the probability that the patch will be colonized). Since the reachability of seeds is bidirectional, this means that this patch also has twice the potential to colonize other patches. This potential is expressed by the effective seed rain (eS) measure. This metric specifies for each grid cell (receiving cell) of a suitable habitat patch the theoretical proportion of seeds that this cell will obtain from the cells of the other suitable habitat patches (donor cells). Values for eS reach from 0 to 1, where 0 means that the receiving cell does not receive any seeds, and 1 means that the amount of seeds received is identical to the amount the donor cell itself would receive. Suitable cells on the same patch as the receiving cell are not considered donor cells. The number of seeds reaching the receiving cell is determined by the dispersal kernel and the distance between the donor and the receiving cells (Fig. 4).
For the given dispersal kernel of a species, the distance and influence of each individual cell of a patch are taken into account, as well as the size and shape of the patch. Effective seed rain can differ considerably between patches of the same size but different shapes (Fig. 5).
In the ideal case, the receiving cell is within the dispersal distance of the species and is surrounded exclusively by suitable cells. Then, the proportion of seeds would add up to 1, indicating that this cell has the highest possible colonization potential. Therefore, eS provides spatially explicit the relative probability with which the receiving cell can be colonized, including the spatial configuration of suitable patches within the riverscape. The higher the eS value of a cell, the higher the potential for the individual cell to become colonized. As this measure works in both directions, it also means that a population in such a cell has a high potential to colonize neighboring patches.
Effective connectivity (eC) and colonization potential (cP)
The colonization probability of an entire patch is expressed by the measure of effective connectivity (eC). The eS values of all cells of a discrete suitable habitat patch are summed up to calculate eC (Fig. 4c, d). Depending on the size of the receiving habitat, the number of donor cells, and the extent to which they contribute seeds, values above 1 are possible. The resulting measure is linear, i.e., twice the value means double colonization potential. A patch with a value of 2.5 is 2.5 times more likely to become colonized or colonize other patches than a patch with a value of 1. The effective connectivity (eC) can also be specified for explicit patch-patch relationships to characterize the relative strength of the connection between these patches. The mean of the eC values of all suitable habitat patches of a given riverscape describes the colonization potential (cP) of the respective riverscape. Under otherwise equal conditions, for any given spatial patch configuration with a cP of 0.5 (for a certain species), five times more seeds are likely to reach a suitable patch than in a configuration with a cP of 0.1. Consequently, the probability of seeds reaching a suitable habitat patch is five times higher for the riverscape, with cP 0.5.
Effective distance (eD, eDm)
Based on the eC, it is possible to calculate the effective distance (eD). This results from the amount of seeds that a patch can receive from all other patches of the riverscape converted to the distance that would correspond to this amount of seed for the given dispersal kernel. This virtual distance is, therefore, the log of the eC value to the base of 1- decay of the negative exponential dispersal kernel:
eD = log(1−decay)(eC)
Effective Distances < 0 were set to zero to avoid a negative eD for eC values higher than 1. The eD values of all connected patches within a riverscape can be averaged to obtain a mean eD (eDm) for the entire riverscape. The effective distance (eD, eDm) can be directly related to the dispersal distance of the species: eD values above the dispersal distance of the species make a colonization event for the given patch or riverscape unlikely, and colonization probability increases exponentially with decreasing eD.
Number of connections and connection capacity (nC, cC)
Due to the high dynamics of the habitat situation and the perpetual rearrangement of habitats in braided rivers, risk spreading is also essential for successfully establishing and maintaining a stable metapopulation. Patches that receive seeds from several surrounding patches or that can pass seeds on to many neighboring patches increase the probability of establishing a metapopulation. Patches with only a few connections might face a higher risk of either donor or receiving patches being lost. We apply the number of connections (nC) and connection capacity (cC) to characterize the connectivity of each patch in terms of seed reachability. Both are available at the patch and riverscape levels (nCm and cCm). The number of connections (nC) specified for each patch and how many other patches it could exchange seeds, regardless of the strength of the respective exchanges. The mean of all nC values within the riverscape (nCm) provides its average connectivity.
The capacity of the respective connections determines the relative amount of seeds that can be transferred via this connection, and hence affects the colonization probability. For this purpose, the eC of a patch is divided by nC to obtain the average connection capacity (cC). For example, if a patch is connected to two other patches (nC = 2) and eC to the first patch is 0.5, to the second, 0.1, cC is the (0.5 + 0.1)/2, that is 0.3.
Example Riverscapes and Example Species
As example riverscapes, we chose a near-to-natural section of the Tyrolean Lech River, a largely unaffected section of the Isar River between Wallgau and Vorderriss, and a regulated and straightened section of the Isar River at Lenggries (Egger et al., 2007; Maier et al., 2021). Habitat suitability was derived from respective habitat suitability models for both species to obtain a realistic habitat configuration for each species (Woellner & Wagner, unpublished). All riverscapes differed in their spatial configuration and the sizes of potential habitat patches for the example species (Fig. 6).
We chose Chondrilla chondrilloides (Ard) H. Kast (Asteraceae) and Myricaria germanica (L.) Desv.(Tamaricaceae) as the study species. Both species are typical representatives of alpine river specialists and character species of natural braided rivers, but differ somewhat in their habitat requirements (Sitzia et al., 2021; Woellner, Bräuchler, et al., 2022). Before human intervention in the last century, both species occurred along most alpine rivers. Both study species were wind-dispersed with a negative exponential dispersal kernel. Chondrilla chondrilloides has a dispersal distance of 14 m (Woellner, Bräuchler, et al., 2022), corresponding to a decay of 0.19 for a negative exponential dispersal kernel. Myricaria germanica has a dispersal distance of 30 m (Fink et al., 2017) and a decay of 0.10. The germination rate of both species is > 95% (Sitzia et al., 2021; Woellner, Bräuchler, et al., 2022). Both species have been present within these riverscapes until the last century. Today, C. chondrilloides occurs only at the Tyrolean Lech (Woellner, Bräuchler, et al., 2022). Myricaria germanica still occurs in all example riverscapes (Woellner et al., 2019), although only sporadically in the Lenggries section.
All riverscapes were represented as raster data with a 5-m cell size in a metric Cartesian coordinate system (UTM). Cells with suitable habitats were coded with 1, unsuitable cells with 0, and no weighting of habitat suitability was considered. Areas outside the active river channel were coded with NA.