An extended chronology for Tam Pà Ling
The results of the new sediment and tooth samples combined with the first modeling of the site incorporating the age estimates for five independent dating techniques has extended the chronology by ~ 10 kyr and revealed that humans were present in this area for ~ 56 kyr. The modeling vindicates the stratigraphic integrity of the site and its associated fossils.
Regarding the direct dating, the mean U-series age and DAD age are not within errors, yet in close range, advocating for an early uptake of uranium into the dental tissues. It appears likely that both teeth, while in close age range, are from two separate depositional episodes, with TPL-02 older than TPL-01. This is reinforced by the 234U/238U ratio which diverges between the two samples, indicating either two distinct uranium diffusion episodes or two separate sources. The US-ESR age, while slightly older, remains in agreement with the DAD modeled age of TPL-02. With only two U-series samples and one US-ESR sample the corpus remains limited to properly assess the age of the site, yet all dating results show consistency with a conservative likely age range for Tam Pà Ling fossils between 92 − 65 kyr (by combining both US-ESR and U-series dating results).
The luminescence dating became increasingly complex with depth down the section. By ~ 4 m the quartz had completely saturated as demonstrated by the divergence between the OSL-SG and pIR-IRSL ages from samples TPL3 and 10. This necessitated the use of a feldspar chronology; however, by ~ 6 m it became clear that the feldspar grains were becoming increasingly weathered (as identified using a light microscope after measurement) with a dramatic reduction in the number of usable grains. This necessitated the use of poly-mineral fine-grained dating44,45 as a supportive data set. This technique slightly underestimates the coarse-grained feldspar results with slightly larger errors (for samples TPL13-14) but was coeval within error margins.
Not only have we extended the chronology for the site with the new TPL12-15 age estimates, but we have for the first time included direct dating of mammalian teeth. This was not possible previously due to the lack of available fossils for dating. Now that we see good agreement between the sediment and fossil chronologies, we feel more confident modeling the chronology using the Bayesian techniques described. This provides a more definitive chronology and integrity for the site and its associated fossil evidence. The modeled chronology confirms that far from representing a rapid deposition, the site represents a slow and seasonal accumulation of sediment over ~ 86 kyrs, with the human evidence accumulating over a 56 kyr period.
Morphology Of The Tam Pà Ling Hominins And Its Implications
Our shape analysis of the TPL 6 frontal places H. sapiens in continental Southeast Asia by at least 67 kyr. The TPL fossils' clear affinities to H. sapiens suggest that they descended from a gracile H. sapiens population from Africa and/or the Near East. The earliest evidence of H. sapiens in Asia is found at Misliya Cave, Israel, and dated to 194 − 177 kyr20. The main phase of H. sapiens expansion into Asia, however, occurs around 50 kyr as the genomic evidence points to a single rapid dispersal of all ancestral non-African populations around 65 to 45 kyr1,7,8. This is true of the oldest of all ancient and modern human genomes from across Eurasia including the oldest 11 ancient human genomes dated between 45 − 35 kyr46–51. Within Southeast Asia, ancient DNA has shown that although the earlier hunter gatherer populations were largely replaced by incoming farmers around 4 kyr, the genetic diversity of both populations fall within that of the single rapid dispersion out of Africa52,53. The age range of TPL 1, 2 and 3 fall within this period. TPL 6, with an age of 73 − 67 kyr, joins the other hotly debated fossils from southern and central China (e.g., Huanglong, Zhiren, Luna and Fuyan) that suggest an earlier, possibly failed, dispersal. Therefore, the post MIS 5 fossils from Tam Pà Ling can either be interpreted as descendants of the TPL 6 lineage that did not contribute to the present-day human gene pool or as early descendants of the larger, successful dispersal of H. sapiens into Southeast Asia. Unfortunately, these fossils do not preserve ancient DNA to directly test these hypotheses.
Our shape analyses are consistent with previous studies attributing the Tam Pà Ling fossils to H. sapiens36,37,39. Among the Late Pleistocene H. sapiens sample, the TPL fossils are most similar to Zhoukoudian Upper Cave 101, Minatogawa (1 and A), Liujiang, and Tabon. Our results support previous observations that high levels of heterogeneity characterize Late Pleistocene modern human groups54,55. Considerable shape and size variability is present at Tam Pà Ling, as well as at Zhoukoudian Upper Cave and Minatogawa. The TPL 6 frontal and TPL 2 mandible are small compared to all groups except for H. floresiensis (Liang Bua 1), while the TPL 1 face (frontal and maxilla) and TPL 3 anterior corpus is clearly within the range of Late Pleistocene H. sapiens. Interestingly, the younger TPL 1 frontal is larger and more robust than the remarkably gracile TPL 6 frontal. If the TPL hominins are all descendants of an early dispersal of H. sapiens from Africa, then the robust features in TPL 1, as well as the mandibles, TPL 2 and 3, may have been independently acquired due to local evolution through isolation and genetic drift. Their clear shape affinities to H. sapiens and distinction from archaic hominins (e.g., Neanderthals and H. erectus) challenges hybridization with endemic species (e.g., Denisovan, H. floresiensis, H. luzonensis, and H. erectus) as the likely explanation for their robust morphology.
TPL 6 is the oldest cranial fossil recovered from Tam Pà Ling. It is smaller and more gracile than TPL 1, and its shape is most similar to Minatogawa A, a Late Pleistocene H. sapiens from Japan (dated to ca. 18 kyr or as recent ca. 8 kyr56,57), as well as Holocene H. sapiens from Vietnam. Among the Minatogawa remains, the more complete skeleton Minatogawa 1 is considered a robust male and the smaller, Minatogawa A mandible is considered a female57. The Minatogawa fossils have been described as showing closer morphological affinities to southern Asians (e.g., Australo-Melanesians, and fossils from Liujiang, Niah Cave, and Wadjak) than northern Asians57–59. Both the size and shape differences between TPL 1 and 6 are comparable to the differences found between Minatogawa 1 and A. However, unlike Minatogawa there is a temporal separation between TPL 1 and 6 of around 30,000 years. Therefore, while their shape and size differences could reflect sexual dimorphism, diachronic changes and interbreeding with more robust H. sapiens cannot be ruled out. However, TP6’s shape affinities to Minatogawa A, Holocene humans, and the younger TPL fossils, like TPL 1 must be interpreted within the context of the current genetic evidence which does not support regional continuity of H. sapiens in Asia from MIS 5 on. Under this scenario, TPL 6 and potentially the younger fossils from Tam Pà Ling would represent an unsuccessful dispersal. Whether this dispersal disappeared prior to the main later dispersal, or the distinct migrations experienced a period of co-habitation remains unclear with absence of ancient DNA from 50 kyr to 10 kyr. By 7.8 kyr at Pha Faen, Laos, the earliest genome from Southeast Asia shows no genetic evidence of an early dispersal53. Shape similarities to later humans (e.g., Minatogawa) are likely attributed to their small frontal bone size (Supplementary Fig. 9; PC 1 is correlated with centroid size r = 0.73 and frontal size explains approximately 32% of shape variance and is highly significant [adjusted R-squared = 0.33, degrees of freedom = 75, F = 37.11, p < 0.001]).
Following TPL 6, the next oldest cranio-mandibular fossil from Tam Pà Ling is TPL 3, an anterior corpus dated to ca. 70 kyr. In a previous geometric morphometric analysis of the TPL mandibles by Shackelford and co-authors37, TPL 3 showed affinities to Pleistocene archaic humans (e.g., non-H. sapiens Middle Pleistocene hominins and Neanderthals from Africa and Eurasia), plotting outside of the range of variation of early and Upper Paleolithic H. sapiens. This is mainly due to its large bi-mental breadth, an archaic feature also found in early H. sapiens and Neanderthals and associated with a wide ramus60. However, like other Late Pleistocene H. sapiens, TPL 3 has a well-developed chin (mental osseum rank 537), a trademark of our species.
An obvious comparison to TPL 3 is the Zhiren 3 mandibular corpus, potentially an even older hominin dated to over 100 kyr27–29 although its age has been recently challenged by Sun et al.30 Zhiren 3 is described as showing a combination of an archaic robust corpus, a modestly developed but clearly modern human-like chin (mental osseum rank 461), and derived dental morphology23,27. Overall, this mosaic morphology has been interpreted as representing substantial admixture between dispersing early H. sapiens populations from Africa and gene flow into local archaic populations. In our shape analysis on the anterior symphysis there is considerable overlap between Neanderthals and H. sapiens; however, H. erectus, Liang Bua 1, and Xiahe have a distinct shape. Zhiren 3 is more archaic than TPL 3, and both are less archaic than Xiahe, which is very robust, lacks a chin, and has a receding symphysis62. Neither TPL 3 nor Zhiren 3’s shapes suggest any special affinities to Denisovans. Zhiren 3 has a short anterior corpus height that is moderately robust, like both TPL mandibles and similar to similar to Zhoukoudian UC 104. The morphologies of both TPL 3 and Zhiren 3 are similar to the mosaic morphology of the earliest H. sapiens from Africa60,63. Zhiren 3’s nearest neighbors according to inter-individual Procrustes distances are primarily Late Pleistocene (Minatogawa A, Zhoukoudian Upper Cave 104, Tam Pong 1) and early H. sapiens (Border Cave 2) fossils, and it is small like Minatogawa A, TPL 2, Border Cave 2, and Klasies River Mouth. If the chronology is correct, then Zhiren 3 could be an example of an early dispersal of H. sapiens that was unsuccessful. Alternatively, if the geological age is overestimated it could also be an example of one of the earliest inhabitants from a late dispersal, like the TPL hominins.
The geologically younger TPL 2 mandible is smaller and in some aspects of shape more modern than TPL 3. Specifically, TPL 3’s symphysis is more vertical, and it has a more rectangular anterior dental arcade. However, TPL 2’s lateral corpus is robust, even more than the H. erectus mean (Supplementary Fig. 15). In our new reconstruction of TPL 2, we adjusted the dental arcade to make it a few millimeters broader (see Methods; Supplementary Fig. 22). While this changes its position in Procrustes space, with our version plotting closer to Late Pleistocene and Holocene H. sapiens, it does not change the overall results. TPL 2 is clearly H. sapiens.
TPL 2 is among the smallest mandibles in our study, only larger than the diminutive “Hobbit” fossil Liang Bua 1. The reconstructed TPL 2 mandible shape is most similar to young adult females from the site of Tam Hang in northern Laos64. Like their mandibles, the body size estimates for these individuals are small according to a western standard (140–153 cm)37, comparable to individuals from the site of Minatogawa, Japan58 and consistent with Holocene humans from East and Southeast Asia64. Among living and recent populations, many of the shortest-statured populations are from tropical forest environments65. A stable isotope study on snail shells collected from Tam Pà Ling suggests that the environmental conditions during MIS 4 and 3 was similar to the humid climate and forested conditions of Northern Laos today66. In the time interval 70 − 33 kyr (TPLOSL-4 and TPLOSL-10)37, the carbon isotope composition (δ13C values) of mammalian teeth from TPL describes a forested habitat, with significant closed-canopy forests67. This is consistent with the environmental reconstruction of TPL based on snails66 and with the assumption of the return of more forested conditions in the mid-Late Pleistocene68. Moreover, the δ13Cdiet values from two teeth of TPL 1 clearly highlights a strict reliance on dietary resources from a forest environment67.
The TPL1 cranial material was found in the same stratigraphic unit as TPL 2 belonging to the same chronological time frame of 52 − 40 kyr and resembles other Late Pleistocene fossils from Asia. Its frontal shape is most similar to Zhoukoudian Upper Cave 101 and Tabon, a Late Pleistocene fossil from the Palawan Islands in the Philippines dated to around 40 kyr69,70. Like Zhoukoudian 101 and Tabon, its frontal bone is robust with a projecting glabella and medial brow ridge and like Liujiang it has a tall and projecting lower maxilla with a broad and deep palate. Previous studies on Zhoukoudian Upper Cave 101 and 103 demonstrate morphological similarities with Upper Paleolithic Europeans and early H. sapiens from Africa and the Levant71,72. Features like greater supraorbital development including inflated glabella, more pronounced superciliary ridges and depressed nasion, as well as maxillary prognathism, can be generally interpreted as a retention of ancestral morphology rather than admixture with local archaic populations73.
Tam Pà Ling provides unique insight to human variability and temporal trends in the Late Pleistocene Southeast Asian fossil record, a time and region where hominin fossils are scarce. Since initial excavations in 2009 when a partial cranium was unearthed (TPL 1), a handful of hominin fossils have been discovered at this site indicating human occupation between 86 to 44 kyr. These fossils represent some of the oldest diagnosable H. sapiens cranio-mandibular remains in Southeast Asia. The TPL 6 frontal, described here for the first time, provides direct evidence of an early, possibly unsuccessful, dispersal from Africa or the Near East towards Southeast Asia by 70 ± 3 kyr. TPL 6 is remarkably gracile implying that it descended from a gracile immigrant population and not the outcome of local evolution from, or admixture with, H. erectus or Denisovans. Our semilandmark geometric shape analyses of the other cranio-mandibular fossils from Tam Pà Ling (TPL 1, 2, and 3) are consistent with previous studies attributing them to H. sapiens, and their considerable shape and size variability suggests that high levels of heterogeneity characterize Late Pleistocene modern human groups. Together with the recent local discovery of a Denisovan molar in northern Laos74, as well as fossils attributed to H. erectus75, H. floresiensis76and H. luzonensis77, Southeast Asia is proving to be a region that was rich in Homo diversity in the Middle to Late Pleistocene.