Authors consent
All authors gave their consent to Emmanuel Brouillet for publication of the present results.
Ethics approval and consent to participate Manuscripts reporting studies involving human participants, human data or human tissue must:
Not applicable
Consent to publication
Not applicable
Competing interest
The authors have no competing financial interests to declare.
Availability of data and material
The different LRRK2 vectors maps and raw data of analyses can be obtained from the corresponding author on request. The authors would be glad to share on a collaboration basis the plasmids for producing the different vectors coding for the LRRK2 fragments described herein.
This work was funded by rolling grants from the CEA and the CNRS. The research leading to these results received funding from Fondation de France (Parkinson Committee, AAP 2010, Engt 00016819 and AAP 2014, Engt 2014-0052580). Noemie Cresto and Pauline Roost are recipients of PhD fellowships from the Association France Parkinson (2016 and 2019 respectively). This work benefited from support from the national “Translational Research Infrastructure for Biotherapies in Neurosciences” (NeurATRIS, “Investissement d'Avenir”, ANR-11-INBS-0011).
We are grateful to Professor Nicole Déglon for her advices and fruitful discussions on this work.
Authors’ contributions
Noémie Cresto discussed the design of the experiments, performed validation of viral vectors, stereotaxic surgery, histological evaluation (unbiased stereological analyses) of injected rats and statistical analyses on most of the experiments. She significantly contributed to the preparation of most of the figures.
Camille Gardier performed validation of viral vectors in vitro, contributed to histological evaluation of injected rats, and was involved on the writing of the manuscript.
Marie-Claude Gaillard participated to the design of the rat experiments, supervised technical aspects requiring RT-qPCR analysis in the course of the studies, supervised molecular biology of the different constructs used in the study.
Francesco Gubinelli discussed the design of the experiments, performed histological evaluation (unbiased stereological analyses and confocal microscopy) and contributed to edit the manuscript.
Pauline Roost contributed to the discussion on the experimental design, performed histological analyses (unbiased stereological analyses).
Daniela Molina carried out all the quantitative histological evaluation corresponding to the experiments using mutant huntingtin.
Charlène Josephine and Noelle Dufour produced the different AAV vectors and lentiviral vectors respectively, and all the quality control processes.
Gwenaëlle Auregan contributed to the stereotaxic surgery in the rat substantia nigra and mouse striatum.
Martine Guillermier contributed to the entire process to obtain Ethical authorizations, performed the stereotaxic surgery in the rat substantia nigra and mouse striatum, and the optimization of anaesthesia for the different experiments.
Suéva Bernier, supervised anesthesia of rats and the stereotaxic surgery in rats.
Caroline Jan supervised the histological works (histochemistry and confocal).
Pauline Gipchtein significantly contributed to the histological processing (perfusion, sectioning, immunohistochemistry, mounting).
Philippe Hantraye contributed to scientific discussions on the design of the different experiments, and helped to write the manuscript.
Marie-Christine Chartier-Harlin discussed many conceptual and methodological aspects of the study and contributed to the writing of the manuscript.
Gilles Bonvento set up the entire neurosurgery room for stereotaxy, contributed to scientific discussions on the design of the different experiments and the interpretation of results, and helped to write the manuscript.
Nadja Van Camp significantly helped in many preliminary neuroimaging experiments that were required to perform all these surgery experiments
Jean-Marc Taymans discussed LRRK2 constructs design, provided suitable advice on many reagents in the course of the study, and contributed to write the manuscript.
Karine Cambon supervised the behavioral observations carried out in the study, discussed crucial aspects of the experimental design and cell counting methodology
Géraldine Liot supervised C.G. for the in vitro studies to validate the different expressing plasmids and viral vectors.
Alexis-Pierre Bemelmans supervised the conception, validation and production of viral vectors and participated in the writing of the manuscript.
Emmanuel Brouillet designed the present study, helped performing neurosurgery, supervised all the experiments, and the different types of analyses and wrote the manuscript.
All authors read and approved the final manuscript.