Site characteristics
To investigate the role of saltmarsh vegetation in reducing storm flood risk we examine eight case study estuaries along the coast of Wales, UK (Supplementary Figure S5) which explicitly differed in their size, morphology, marsh extents and exposure to storm events, reflecting the inherent morphological and environmental variability of estuaries34,58–60,70. These differences, and differences in prevailing conditions, allowed us to explore the role marshes play irrespective of environmental context, and investigate potential interactions between marsh vegetation and estuary characteristics in moderating flooding. The properties of each estuary summarised in Table 1.
Table 1: Summary of the properties of estuaries used in this study.
Estuary Area
Estuary Tidal Prism (m³)a
Tidal Range (m)b
Estuary Typec
Estuary Orientationd
Estuary Sinuositye
Saltmarsh %f
Coastal Plain
Bar built
Coastal Plain
Coastal Plain
Bar Built
Bar Built
Coastal Plain
a Tidal prism measured from hydrodynamic tidal models as the difference in water volume between MHWS and MLWS within estuary boundaries; b Tidal range data from UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO); c Estuary type data from enhanced FutureCoast project (UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs [DEFRA]) data85; d Measured orientation of estuary mouths, from Google Earth tools;e Estuary sinuosity measured using QGIS after the methodology of Schumm86; f Saltmarsh area calculated from data from Natural Resources Wales, under Open Government licence - Available at
Experimental design
For each of the case-study estuaries we used high-resolution hydrodynamic models to investigate how marsh vegetation state changes estuary hydrodynamics and resulting simulated flooding. We created online coupled Delft3D FLOW and WAVE (SWAN Cycle III 41.31) models87, incorporating the effect of vegetation using a ridged cylinders approach88 (Delft/SWAN-VEG) on both waves and flow. This approach has been successfully applied in recent numerical modelling studies which include vegetation89,90, and has been found to be more consistent across contexts than fixed Manning’s n friction approaches91. The hydrodynamic processes within Delft3D were calculated using a 2-dimensional depth-averaged form of the unsteady shallow water equations92 which has been extensively utilised and validated across a variety of applications and timescales93–95, including for investigating the role of saltmarsh systems89,90.
Models were run on high resolution structured grids. Offshore areas were typically represented as 150x50m grids, and grid sizes became progressively smaller towards the estuary mouth and the upstream areas. Grids within estuary boundaries were high resolution and uniform, with 10x10m cell sizes giving good resolution to resolve hydrodynamics in up-stream river channels and marsh creeks. The model domain extended into the terrestrial zone to 3m elevation above the height of the terrestrial-estuary boundary to characterise terrestrial flood extents and depths. Models were validated using a combination of tidal gauge (British Oceanographic Data Centre - BODC) and HOBO Depth logger (U20L) data deployed in each estuary group, and performed well against observed water levels in estuaries (see supplementary validation section - 3.2.4 - for additional information).
We used three different vegetation states: an unvegetated reference state, an undisturbed fully vegetated state where marsh platforms were fully populated with climax marsh communities, and a Grazed state where vegetation height was reduced to a uniform 8cm in line with field observations. Marsh vegetation properties were specified using Community Weighted Means (CWM) of plant trait data from vegetation surveys carried out as part of the CoastWEB project31,89 (Supplementary table S15).
We also investigated how storm magnitude may change the relationship between vegetation and flood mitigation, as previous studies have indicated that vegetation may become less effective at attenuating energy with increased water levels from surge during larger storms47, and larger storms are more frequently associated with significant flood events23,96,97. We used 3 storm events with increasing magnitudes; an annually expected 1 in 1 year storm event, a 1 in 10-year storm event, and a 1 in 100 year event. These storm events were constructed and calibrated by fitting observed surge98, wave (Centre for Environment Fisheries & Aquaculture Science - CEFAS), United Kingdom wave hindcast dataset), wind (Met Office, UK) and river flow data (Natural Resources Wales - NRW) using a Generalised Pareto Distribution (GPD)99 to determine significant storm conditions corresponding to each of the return periods.
To understand the roles and potential interactions of vegetation and storms, we used a fully crossed factorial design, co-varying the vegetation state and storm magnitude over the 8 estuaries, creating 72 individual scenarios. We suspected that in estuaries, flood risk would be dictated by different processes operating at different spatial scales, and so we analysed depths, flood extents, current velocities and significant wave heights for each estuary and scenario at three different spatial grains; local (transect level), segment (1km segments) and whole estuary levels.
Previous studies have indicated that over-marsh transformation of waves and surge is the most important pathway for reducing flooding in open-coastline systems26,49,63. To assess whether this also applies in estuarine environments we employed transect sampling to look at wave and surge transformation across individual marshes to examine the importance of marsh vegetation for preventing flooding from local wave and surge overtopping of banks and defences. Transects were created in QGIS and were mapped onto model output data at 250m intervals, and sampling points were equally spaced at 10m intervals from the marsh/channel edge until the terrestrial boundary. At each transect point we measured maximum water level, significant wave height and current velocity. From this data, we then examined the total reduction and proportional reduction in water level and wave height driven by the vegetation from the channel to terrestrial boundary as an indicator of the effectiveness of marshes in reducing local storm flooding.
We also suspected that vegetation may play a wider role in estuaries, creating a cumulative drag effect at the estuary scale which could reduce flood extents further upstream69. To investigate whether cumulative drag had a strong effect on flood potential, we decomposed the model outputs into 1km sections along main estuary channels, and measured averaged peak current velocity, averaged peak water level, and averaged peak significant wave height within the estuary area sections, and flood extents and depths in adjacent terrestrial areas using zonal statistics. These 1km sections extended from the estuary/coastal boundary, up until the limit of tidal intrusion (LTI). Because of the high degree of variability in absolute area and topography within estuaries, we calculated flood extents, water levels and depth within each block as a proportion of the maximum observed flood extent, levels or depth respectively within each estuary to look at the relative role of marsh vegetation independent of estuary context. We also applied this to the distance of sections upstream, as the estuaries varied considerably in length, with distance being represented as a proportion of distance of each section upstream from the estuary mouth (0) to the LTI (1). At the whole estuary level, we quantified average peak water level, mean peak current velocity (flood and ebb) and mean peak significant wave height using zonal statistics within the boundaries of the whole estuary. Additional information on model specification is available in the supplementary materials (section 3.1 to 3.2).
Economic Analysis
In addition to examining the hydrodynamic consequences of vegetation, we assessed the economic costs associated with flood events based on the extents and depths of flood waters from the hydrodynamic models. We compared the flood damages experienced in each estuary when marshes have no vegetation to those with full or grazed vegetation, and for different storm return levels (1 in 1, 1 in 10, 1 in 100 year). Our calculations aggregated flood damage estimates for residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural properties, as well as to public buildings and water and electricity utility installations using flood cost estimates for saltwater inundation damages (to building fabric, household inventory and domestic clean-up) from cost tables in the 2018 update of the Multi-Coloured Manual (MCM)100. Properties in at-risk areas were identified using OS Mastermap layers101, assigned a building type (e.g. terraced, detached, retail properties etc.) and property age using a systematic visual assessment in Google StreetView©, and segmented by neighbourhood for socioeconomic status (UK Census Data102) to calculate economic cost values (in GBP(£)).
We also accounted for losses in agricultural output on flooded farmland, flosses from disruption to travel arising from flooded roads, and from restrictions in outdoor recreation activity resulting from the flooding of parks and countryside paths. Roads were identified using the Ordinance Survey Integrated Transport Network103 data layer, and assigned a value for the average number of vehicles using them per hour from Department for Transport road traffic statistics data (DfT, 2020104). To calculate economic costs from flooding we applied a ‘diversion-value method’100, whereby vehicles were assumed to have to divert to avoid flooding. For the sake of simplicity, we assumed that diversion to extend the journey by a distance equal to the length of road made impassable by the flood water for a period of 12 hours. Travel disruption costs were then calculated by multiplying the costs per kilometre of additional travel - provided in the MCM cost tables100 - by the number of vehicles affected during the flooding event. Estimates of flood losses arising in agriculture and outdoor recreation activity were also calculated, following established repair and disruption values in the Green Book (Central government guidance on appraisal and evaluation)105.
We calculated absolute flood damage costs for single storms for each return-level event, as well as an annualised cost based on the Net Present Value (NPV)100, and these values (in £GBP) were subsequently converted into $USD (at exchange rate of USD$1.36 to GBP£1; December 20th, 2020). As the exposure of assets varied between estuaries, we also recalculated these absolute values as proportional reductions, comparing the cost for each scenario with the maximum observed flood cost for each estuary. This allowed us to compare the relative flood protection value of marshes across estuaries, independently of population density and asset exposure. Further details on the economic analysis are available in the supplementary materials (Section 3.3)
Statistical analysis
Analysis of model outputs was conducted in the R statistical computing environment106. To analyse relative extent, water level and wave reduction (relative flood effects) data (proportional data) we employed mixed effects beta regression models using the glmmTMB package107 with the estuary as a random factor to account for unquantified environmental differences in prevailing conditions between estuaries. We assessed effects of a range of different predictors on flood effects at three different scales: Transect level (within marshes), up-stream zone, and whole estuary level. The proportional upstream distance and marsh width predictors were log10 transformed - at the estuary scale and marsh transect levels respectively - to account for non-linearity, and model diagnostics performed to ensure adequate model fit. Results were then visualised using the GGplot2108, Coefplot109 and Visreg110 packages.