Urban expansion (Chen et al. 2020) coupled with the increased landscape complexity of urban environments (Jenerette and Potere 2010) challenges the persistence of global biodiversity (Aronson et al. 2014, Snep and Clergeau 2020). Management of urban areas to counteract these challenges and support biodiversity conservation requires a theoretical understanding of the diverse habitat requirements of urban species (Magle et al. 2019), including how landscape composition affects species distributions (Beninde et al. 2015). Identifying the areal extent within which environmental variables best explain patterns in species occupancy or abundance, termed the “scale of effect” (Jackson and Fahrig 2012), can build understanding of spatial scale at which wildlife interact with attributes of the environment (Moll et al. 2020). Such understanding is key to species habitat modeling given that models that include variables estimated for inappropriate extents may miss key relationships between species and urban environmental attributes, leading to inaccurate assessment of species-habitat relationships (Jackson and Fahrig 2012). Similarly, accurate scales of effect are critical to the implementation of management practices to ensure the management is implements over extents needed to support urban species. Thus, accurately identifying scales of effect for urban wildlife is key to delineating both the spatial extent at which management for an individual species should occur and the attributes of urban environments that should be managed.
Species-habitat modeling thus requires careful consideration of scale of extent in model specification. Models that fail to account for scale of effect and rely on a single spatial scale selected a priori can mischaracterize the strength and direction of relationships (Miguet et al. 2016, Moll et al. 2020), or find no relationship where one may truly exist over a smaller or bigger spatial extent than used in modeling (Holland and Yang 2016). For example, multiple studies have reported a negative relationship between coyote (Canis latrans) occupancy and urban intensity as measured by housing density (Fidino et al. 2020) or proportional impervious cover (Wait et al. 2018) within 1 km buffers, yet a study that measured urban intensity over a larger extent (3 km) identified a positive relationship (3 km, Ordeñana et al. 2010). A conservation practitioner relying on only one of these studies to direct land management practices might undertake actions both over an inappropriate extent and of an inappropriate form. It is difficult to say which of these studies is correct and, indeed, they all may be in different contexts, without constructing and comparing the fit of models estimated using variables calculated for range of extents to identify an appropriate scale of effect.
Scales of effect are often predicted to increase proportionally with species attributes such as body size or mobility, and while a diverse body of evidence supports this assumption in birds (Thornton and Fletcher Jr 2014), empirical evidence for other taxa does not typically conform to this assumption (Jackson and Fahrig 2015), including for urban mammals (e.g., Moll et al. 2020). Further studies incorporating covariates estimated at multiple extents are warranted to build basic urban ecological theory, for example, by corroborating the lack of relationship between scale of effect and body size and mobility in mammals. Multivariate models that include covariates estimated across different spatial scales and that account for imperfect detection allow for more accurately identifying the scale of effect in ecological relationships (Stuber and Gruber 2020) and provide further evidence for or against hypothesized associations.
Despite recommendations for using a multiscale approach in estimating species-habitat relationships (McGarigal et al. 2016, Stuber and Gruber 2020), until recently most common approaches to species-habitat modelling have not addressed scale of effect. Instead, a conventional modelling approach estimates all model covariates using a single buffer area surrounding study sites (typically denoted by the radius used, e.g., 100 m). For example, for medium to large-bodied urban mammals, 500 or 1000 m buffers are commonly employed (Fidino et al. 2016, Wait et al. 2018, Monterroso et al. 2020). Such a choice is often rooted in expert-knowledge, for example, assuming that a 500 m buffer represents an average home range across many mesocarnivores based on past experience with these species (Magle et al. 2016, Moreira-Arce et al. 2016). However, this extent is three times the median home range for the one mesocarnivore, the Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana, hereafter ‘opossum’) (Wright et al. 2012), and its use may thus miss important relationship for that species. Other approaches rely on extents selected based on biological attributes of species, for example, buffers based on home-range estimates for individual mesopredator species (e.g., Beatty et al. 2016, MacDougall et al. In Review). Such biologically-informed analysis extents are generally recommended for studies of species-habitat relationships (Boyce et al. 2017); however, they may still miss important relationships with environmental attributes that operate beyond home range extents or over smaller extents within them. Very often, extents are not derived based on expert knowledge or biological attributes of species, however, such as when extents are selected for the ease of computation and reporting (e.g., 100 m, 500 m) (Wheatley and Johnson 2009), and may thus fail in identifying species-habitat relationships and scales of effect.
It has long been recognized that there is no single scale (spatial or otherwise) at which an organism responds (Levin 1992) and that species responses often occur over multiple special scales. Birds, for example, are well-known to respond to their environments at multiple spatial scales (Pennington and Blair 2011, Smith et al. 2011, Litteral and Shochat 2017, Hallman and Robinson 2020). However, the existence of multiple scales of effect for urban mammals is less established. While some studies of urban mammals do explore relationships at multiple spatial scales, these analyses are often restricted to just a few extents (e.g., Moreira-Arce et al. 2016, Gallo et al. 2018) or focus on a particular set of extents, such as only landscape-level extents (e.g., Crimmins et al. 2016). Some studies have employed a hierarchical approach that relates species responses to environmental variation at plot, patch, and landscape scales (e.g., through a partial canonical ordination, Cushman and McGarigal 2004); however, these studies must still select a range of buffer zones to represent these extents and may do so following any one of the approaches detailed above. Thus, the use of such multiple extents, when not connected to ecologically sound assumptions, can lead to improper identification of the scale of effect (Jackson and Fahrig 2015).
While a growing number of studies, among them analyses of urban mammals (Moll et al. 2020), use multiple spatial extents selected in a biologically-informed manner to more accurately pinpoint scales of effect in species-habitat investigations (e.g., Chandler and Hepinstall-Cymerman 2016, Galán‐Acedo et al. 2018, Stevens and Conway 2020), they do not yet indicate clear patterns regarding the appropriate scale or scales of effect for urban mammals. We sought to build understanding of these scales of effect by identifying whether single or multiple scales of effect best characterize habitat relationships of urban mammals, and whether and how scales of effect vary among urban mammals and environmental attributes. We hypothesized that scales of effect would differ among species, such that scale of effect would increase with species body size and home range extent, and that the appropriate scale of effect for most species would approximate their home range extent. Given that past studies of many taxa (e.g., birds) demonstrate responses to urban environments at multiple spatial scales (see above), we also hypothesized that environmental covariates would vary in their scales of effect for a given mammal species. We tested these hypotheses using single-species occupancy modeling (MacKenzie et al. 2002) and environmental covariates estimated over a range of extents to identify scales of effect for three common urban mammals, opossum, Eastern fox squirrel (Sciurus niger), and red fox (Vulpes vulpes), and three land-cover attributes (impervious, forest, and water cover) in the Iowa City metropolitan area of Iowa, USA. We followed the guidelines of Stuber and Gruber (2020) by estimating land-cover variables over multiple extents ranging from local (50 m radius) to landscape (1000 m radius) as well as biologically-informed extents that approximate species home ranges. We constructed a set of occupancy models for each species that included all three land-cover covariates but differed in the extents over which different covariates were estimated such that all possible extent combinations were represented. Our results highlight the importance of considering different scales of effect in modeling urban mammal habitat relationships and contribute to urban ecological theory by identifying relationships between biological traits (e.g., body size) and scale of effect. Furthermore, by answering questions as to which spatial extents best represent scales of effect for these species, and whether these scales of effect differ among environmental covariates, we provide guidance to support management decisions regarding where and what habitat attributes to manage in urban mammal conservation.