Study and swept areas
The study was carried out in (a) Cíes Archipelago (42°13’N, 8°54’W), in Atlantic Islands National Park (PNIA), located on the outer area of the Ría de Vigo (NW Iberian Peninsula) (Fig. 1), and (b) Cabrera Archipelago National Park (PNAC) (39°08’N, 2°56’W), in the western Mediterranean (Balearic Islands) (Fig. 2).
PNIA is located at the northern limit of the eastern boundary upwelling system off NW Africa and SW Europe. Northerly winds induce coastal upwelling in this region during most of spring and summer (Fraga, 1981) and colder nutrient-rich subsurface water known as Eastern North Atlantic Central Water (ENACW) inside the estuaries (Nogueira et al. 1997; Álvarez et al. 2005). The study in PNIA was conducted in Cíes Archipelago, comprising three islands and various islets. It is a highly productive area supporting highly diverse ecosystems (Fernández et al. 2020).
Based on previous knowledge (seaweeds cover, substrate characteristics and exposure level to open water) (Fernández et al. 2019), ten subtidal transects (TR1 to TR10) were selected along the western coast of Cíes Archipelago (Fig. 1; Additional file 1), and visited in spring and summer 2016 (two visual censuses per site and season; from May to September 2016) to obtain an overview of habitat characteristics and the spatial distribution of syngnathid species. Transects were positioned parallel or perpendicular to the coastline (150 to 700 m length; 3–20 m depth) on rocky bottoms often interrupted by occasional sandy patches. Two pairs of divers conducted 40 diurnal underwater visual surveys (50 min per survey; 160 diving hours) along the East coast, covering a total surface of 8.22 ha (10 transects, 5 m wide). All syngnathids sighted were recorded and captured by the divers searching adjacent (belt transects) and separated by the maximum distance allowed for horizontal visibility (commonly 2.5 m). One pair of divers also recorded the characteristics (species, seaweeds cover) of seaweeds communities, and the other pair sampled the sediment.
Average temperatures were calculated using data of the Galician Oceanographic Network (MeteoGalicia database; from a buoy located in the southern area of Cíes Islands (42°10.691'N, 8°53'589W), recording average daily temperatures at 6 m depth. Survey water temperatures were calculated as the average temperature for the period comprising one week before and after the sampling day.
Soft bottom substrates were found among rocky outcrops or in the edge of rocky reefs. To characterize sediments of the swept area in PNIA, the uppermost 2 cm of sediment were underwater manually collected using plastic pots along each transect and considering changes in bottom characteristics. When bedforms were present, both through and crest zone were sampled. A total of 76 sediment samples was collected in spring (52) and summer (24), and conserved at 4 °C for further textural and compositional analysis.
PNAC includes a main island (Cabrera) and a group of four minor islands and several islets, totaling a land area of 13.2 km2 and a coast line length of 53.8 km (Servera 1993). Eleven subtidal sites (TR1 to TR11) including the main shallow benthic habitats present in PNAC were visited from 21st April to 1st December 2016 throughout the coast of Cabrera and Conillera islands (Fig. 2) to acquire a general overview on the potential distribution of syngnathids. We conducted 37 surveys using standard underwater visual census (50 m length × 5 m wide; 60–80 min per dive, 17–26 °C) at least two visual censuses per site). A total surface of 0.925 ha was surveyed covering a depth gradient from 2.8 to 21.5 m. Visual censuses were performed on Posidonia oceanica meadows, Cymodocea nodosa meadows, photophilic macroalgal beds on rocky substratum and mixed habitats formed by these communities. Two pairs of divers participated in each survey recording and capturing all syngnathids sighted. The depth, water temperature, position and habitat type (substrate, benthic community) were annotated for each fish captured.
Due to the low number of syngnathids encountered with visual censuses in PNAC, a small trawl net called ‘gambera’ or ‘gánguil’ (traditional gear for small crustaceans catching) was assayed on C. nodosa meadows. This gear has a rolling stainless steel cylinder incorporated in the bottom of the mouth for protecting P. oceanica and C. nodosa leaves from snagging and tearing while operating. The beam trawl was 3 m long and it had a 0.8 m mouth aperture with 1.2 cm2 mesh size (Catalán et al. 2014). To avoid damaging of fan mussel, Pinna nobilis, populations while sampling, PNAC authority only allowed the use of ‘gánguil’ in the C. nodosa meadows in Es Burri Bay (Fig. 3; 39°8.604'N 2°57.524'E). Seven fishing sets were carried out from September to December 2016, covering a total area of 0.114 ha from 11 m to 16.5 m depth.
The depth, position and habitat type (also substrate and seaweed assemblages in PNIA) were annotated for each fish captured in both study areas. Flora and fauna nomenclature followed codes of Guiry and Guiry (2020) and WoRMS Editorial Board (2020). Swept areas were calculated according to Guerra et al. (2015), considering the effective sampling time, the net sampling distance, the distance between divers and the number of divers who participated in each census.
Fish Collection
In visual census, syngnathids were hand-caught collected or manually extracted from the fishing set capture, introduced in numbered plastic bags and transferred to a support boat. In PNIA, once on land, the fish were morphologically identified, anesthetized with Ethyl 3-aminobenzoate methane sulfonate (MS-222; 0.1 g L− 1; Sigma-Aldrich Co., USA) and marked subcutaneously using visible implant fluorescent elastomers (VIFE; Northwest Marine Technology Inc., USA) on the ventral surface of the trunk (pipefish) or laterally (seahorses). All anaesthetized fish were weighted (W, g) and sized for standard length (SL, cm). In PNAC, the fish were morphologically identified on board, anesthetized, sized as reported above but not weighted because it was not possible to stabilize the balance in boat conditions. A fraction of the fish collected by fishing in PNAC were sacrificed for sampling (stable isotopes and genetic analysis) due to their small size (with permission of NP authority).
Dorsal fin samples were taken by fin- clipping (Planas et al. 2008), transferred to screw-capped tubes containing 95% ethanol and conserved at 4 °C for further genetic and stable isotope analysis (SIA). The presence of previous marks (recapture events), gender, sexual state, meristics (fin rays, body rings) and body coloration were also annotated. The sexual state was recorded considering pregnancy in males and trunk shape (holding of hydrated eggs) in females. Species identification was evaluated genetically using DNA extracted from dorsal fin samples available from PNIA and PNAC surveys. In PNIA, all fishes from visual censuses were released at the capture site within 2–3 hours after sampling.
For SL measurement, the fishes were placed on a plate including a measurement scale and photographed laterally (seahorses) or measured directly (pipefish). Seahorse images were analyzed in the laboratory to determine length using image-processing software (NIS Elements Nikon and ImageJ2). Seahorses were measured as head + trunk + tail length (curved measurement in seahorses) (Lourie 2003).
Sediment Analysis
The analysis of sediments was only carried out in PNIA. For compositional analysis, the content of organic carbon and inorganic carbon (calcium carbonate content is equivalent to bioclastic component for this regional setting) was determined by a LECO CNS-2000 Macro Elemental Analyser at CACTI (University of Vigo). Those analyses were performed on the fractions < 2 mm, in order to avoid distortional results due to gravel components (> 2 mm, maerl, bivalve and gastropod shells).
For textural analysis, the bulk grain size distribution was performed by dry sieving at the sedimentology laboratory of the Department of Marine Geosciences and Territorial Planning (University of Vigo). Previously to grain size analysis, the organic matter was removed, using 30% hydrogen peroxide for several days and further washing with distilled water for the elimination of salts. A conductivity meter was used to check chloride washout. Afterwards, the samples were dried at 50 °C and dry sieved between 4 mm and 63 µm (sieve size intervals of 1/2 ø). The resulting grain size distribution was treated with the GRADISTAT program (Blott and Pye 2001). For statistical parameters (mean, selection, asymmetry and kurtosis or pointing of the grain size curve), the nomenclature of Folk and Ward (1957) classification was used.
Dna Sequence Analysis
DNA was extracted from dorsal fin tissue collected from the following morphologically identified specimens: i) twenty-two wild greater pipefish (Syngnathus acus) and four long-snouted seahorses (Hippocampus guttulatus) from PNIA; and ii) six black-striped pipefish (S. abaster) and one spotted pipefish (Nerophis maculatus) from PNAC. Genomic DNA was isolated using NucleoSpin Tissue XS kit (Macherey-Nagel Inc., Germany) and for extremely small tissue samples further amplified using GenomiPhi V2 kit (Healthcare, USA).
Two mitochondrial markers (i.e. cytochrome b (Cytb) and 16S rDNA) were assayed for the molecular identification of sampled specimens from two divergent phylogenetic groups (Syngnathinae and Nerophinae subfamilies, respectively; Hamilton et al. 2017). Universal primers L14275F (Päabo et al. 1991) and H15926R (Wilson et al. 2001) were used to amplify Cytb in Syngnathus pipefish, while the specific primers SHORSE5.3L (Casey et al. 2004) and GUTCYTBR (Woodall 2015) in seahorses. To overcome low Cytb amplification success in N. maculatus, the universal primers 16Sa-L2510 and 16Sb-H3080 (Palumbi et al. 1991) were used to amplify 16S rDNA in this species. PCR reactions in 50 µL included 100 ng of template DNA, 1X PCR Gold Buffer (Applied Biosystems), 2.5 mM of MgCl2, 400 µM of dNTPs, 0.2 µM of each primer and 1 and 1.25 units of Amplitaq Gold™ DNA polymerase (Applied Biosystems) for pipefish and seahorse, respectively. Specific PCR programs were used for pipefish (95 °C for 10 min, 33 cycles of 93 °C for 1 min, 50 °C for 1 min and 72 °C for 3 min, plus final extension at 72 °C for 10 min) and seahorses (94 °C for 10 min, 35 cycles of 94 °C for 30 s, 50 °C for 30 s and 72 °C for 1 min, plus final extension at 72 °C for 2 min). Sequences were obtained using the ABI PRISM BigDye™ Terminator v3.1 Cycle Sequencing Kit on an ABI PRISM® 3730xl Genetic Analyzer (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA). Variable sites were checked with SEQSCAPE 2.5 (Applied Biosystems), using Genbank sequences AF356040, AF354994 (from Sweden; Wilson et al. 2001) and AF192664 (from UK; Casey et al. 2004) as reference for S. acus, N. ophidion and H. guttulatus, respectively. Variable positions and haplotypes were obtained using MEGA 7.0 (Kumar et al. 2016). Species identification of sampled haplotypes was performed using BLASTn tool with default parameters within NCBI database. Evolutionary relationships among S. abaster haplotypes from PNAC and GenBank sequences of Mediterranean-distributed Syngnathus species were inferred using the Neighbor-Joining method based on p-distance implemented in MEGA, and clustering support evaluated using bootstrap test (1000 replicates).
Stable Isotopes Analysis (sia)
For δ13C and δ15N analysis in syngnathids, fin samples were rinsed with distilled water, transferred to tin capsules, dried in oven at 60 °C for 24 h and weighted (± 1 µg). Due to the low lipid content in fin samples conserved in ethanol (< 5% lipids, C/N < 3.56) (Post et al. 2007), further full defatting was not necessary (Valladares and Planas 2012). Samples were analysed at SAI (University of A Coruña) by continuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometry using a FlashEA1112 elemental analyser (Thermo Finnigan, Italy) coupled to a Delta Plus mass spectrometer (FinniganMat, Germany) through a Conflo II interface. Isotopic values are expressed as permil (‰) in conventional delta relative to VPDB (Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite) and Atmospheric Air. The precision (standard deviation) for SIA of the laboratory standard (acetanilide) was ± 0.15‰ (1-sigma, n = 10).
Geographic Information
GIS was managed with ArcGIS v.10.5 software to represent the maps. Layers of bionomic maps for both NPs (OAPN, unpublished observations) were incorporated. Sampled sites/transects and syngnathid capture locations were recorded and added to a geodatabase. Biological information of the specimens (species, sex, size, weight and sexual stage) was joined to each register. Available abiotic information (topographic and bathymetric layers), as well as bionomic information, were also added to geodatabase. Cartographic data were projected in UTM 29N/UTM 31N reference system (for PNIA and PNAC, respectively) using ETRS89 Datum.
Data analysis
All means are reported with standard deviation. The data were checked for normality and homogeneity of variances (Shapiro–Wilk and Levene’s tests). Analyses of variance (ANOVA/MANOVA) were used to examine the effects of season, gender, reproductive status, length, weight and isotopic values in syngnathids. Tukey's HSD test adjusted for unequal sample sizes were performed for post hoc comparisons (Spjotvoll and Stoline, 1973). Statistical analyses were performed using R packages, with significance set at P = 0.05.
Diversity, species richness and total number of species were estimated for seaweeds in PNIA. Differences between transects and seasons were analyzed using PERMANOVA for each univariate variable. P-values were estimated with an asymptotic permutation distribution generated by the Monte Carlo method. PERMANOVA was also used for seaweed assemblage comparisons across transects and seasons using Bray-Curtis pairwise similarities. Patterns in the structure of assemblages were visualized with principal coordinates (PCO) plots of samples and centroids of each combination of Transect x Time in the Bray-Curtis space. Data and statistical analysis were performed with R (Glht and Factoextra packages) and PRIMER-e v6 and PERMANOVA + for PRIMER (Massey University, New Zealand).