Algal extract
Spirulina algal extract was purchased from (Aim Grow Biotech Co., Ltd, China) as a dark green powder that contains 67.97% dry weight proteins, β-Carotene (120 mg/100 g), 6% lipids and 10.5% phycocyanin.
Skin Photoaging Model and Treatment:
UVA lamp (F15T8/BL, Hitachi, Japan) 15W was used for UV irradiation. To achieve a UVA spectral radiance of 300 μW/cm2. The distance between the lamp and the rats was 20 cm. The dorsal hair of all rats was removed with a shaver within an area of 2.5 -3 cm2 and exposed to radiation daily for 2hs/day in one session for a week, with daily dose of 2.16 J/cm2. Animals of irradiated groups were taken the doses equally as one group. A UV radiometer (TM 208, Tenmars, Taiwan) was used to measure the lamp's radiation output as described by [18].
Spirulina extract (SE) was weighed and dissolved in 9% normal saline. A total of 200 μL of extract and vehicle (saline) were injected subcutaneously into the shaved dorsal skin for respective treatment groups at a daily dose of (20 mg/mL), SE was injected one hour before irradiation.
The animals and the design of the experiment
A number of 42 (Rattus norvegicus) female albino rats were used in the present study divided by age into 28 young females (6-8 weeks old) weighing 120-180 g and 14 old females (20 -22 months old) weighing 250-300 g. The animals of the study were obtained from the National Center for Radiation Research and Technology, Cairo, Egypt, and confirmed by Benha University committee for animal care with ethical approval: ZD/FSc/BU-IACUC/2022-13. Animals were adapted for 1 week and were kept in metal cages in a well-ventilated space. All experiments were performed in accordance with relevant named guidelines and regulations. The authors complied with the ARRIVE guidelines. Rats were allotted into 6 groups (7 animals each) as follows:
The extrinsic experiment
Group I (GI): control young rats were (only subjected to shaving).
Group II (GII): young rats received SE (20 mg/mL) daily for a week.
Group III (GIII): young rats were administered a daily dose of saline and an hour later exposed to UVR (2.16 J/cm2), daily for a week.
Group IV (GIV): young rats received SE (20 mg/ml) and an hour later exposed to UVR (2.16 J/cm2), daily for a week.
The intrinsic experiment
Group V (GV): control old rats were (only subjected to shaving), considering (GI) as a young control.
Group VI (GVI): old rats received SE (20 mg/ml) daily for a week.
Histopathological study
Forty-eight hours after the last irradiation, animals of each group were decapitated under anesthesia of
xylazine 7 mg/kg and Ketamine 100mg/kg (Alfasan, Woerden-Holland, Holland). Samples of hairless skin were obtained from the rats' backs, which were then sliced into quarter-inch strips and soaked in 10% buffered formalin for routine histology study. Slices were pigmented with Hematoxylin and Eosin stain (H&E) to investigate the thickness of the epidermis, and Masson's trichrome stain to investigate the collagen fibers' density. Masson's trichrome staining of rat skin tissue. Collagen is stained blue-green, while cytoplasm, red blood cells, and nuclei are stained red. Stained images were investigated and captured using a light microscope (Bio-med, Japan) with a digital camera (RAS-312, LAINSY Co., Egypt). The observations of skin slides were done by Omer Ghoneimy, Associate Prof of Histology, Benha University and revised by Seham Ahmed, Professor of Histology, Benha University
Skin tissue samples were homogenized in phosphate buffer saline (PBS) as previously described method [19] using Laboratory Homogenizer (GLH 850, Omni International, USA).
Immunological study
The level of reactive oxygen species (ROS) was evaluated in the homogenate skin colorimetrically using a colorimetric kit (Biodiagnostic Company, Giza, Egypt) according to a previously described method [20]. The activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) were measured according to a previously described method [21], using Bio-diagnostic kits (Giza, Egypt). Reduced glutathione (GSH) was measured as a previously described method [22], using Bio-diagnostic kits (Giza, Egypt). Interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) were evaluated using enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kits (Elabscience Company, USA) following the manufacturer's protocol using a multi-mode microplate reader (BMG Labtec, Manchester, UK) at 450 nm.
Physiological study (Collagen biosynthesis)
The activity of Hydroxyproline (Hyp) levels was evaluated in skin homogenate according to a previously described method [23], while skin matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1) was measured using a commercial ELISA kit (Elabscience Company, USA) following the manufacturer's protocol.
Statistical analysis
The values of measured and studied parameters were expressed by the mean of 7 individual values (M) ± standard deviation (SD) and correlation analysis to assess the strength of association between two variables by using the SPSS (version 25) program produced by IBM Software, Inc. (Chicago, USA). One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used for statistical analysis, followed by Duncan's test as a post hoc test [24]. A p-value was considered significant if p <0.05.