Distribution of the pseudorotation angle (P)
For inosine, the Aduri et al. parameter sets [54] (ff_A) underestimated the population of NORTH sugar pucker (Fig.Β 4). ff_A_πOL3, ff_A_πOL3_πbsc0, ff_A_πYIL, ff_A_πYIL_πbsc0, ff_A_πSHAW, ff_A_πSHAW_πbsc0, ff_A_πROC and ff_A_πROC_πbsc0 predicted a larger population of NORTH sugar pucker than what was observed with the ff_A force field (Table S3, Fig.Β 4). The application of the revised Ξ³ torsion parameters (parmbsc0) [65] led to an improvement in the predicted NORTH population for each of the ff_A variant force fields and the values were closer to the experimentally observed population distribution. But the application of the revised Ξ³ torsion parameters (πSHAW) developed by Tan et al. [78] to the ff_A_πSHAW parameters and application of the revised Ξ³ torsion parameters (πROC) developed by Aytenfisu et al. [79] to the ff_A_πROC force field (for both ff_A_πROC_πROC and ff_A_RNA_ROC force fields) resulted in a decrease in the equilibrium population of the NORTH conformers and the equilibrium shifted almost entirely towards the SOUTH conformation. The ff_A_πROC_πbsc0 parameters were able to reproduce the experimentally observed population of the NORTH and SOUTH conformers of inosine [48]. ff_A_πbsc0, ff_A_πSHAW, ff_A_πSHAW_πbsc0, ff_A_πROC and the CHARMM36m force field parameters also predicted the population of the NORTH conformers close to the experimentally observed population and were able to reproduce the preference of the inosine residue towards the SOUTH conformation of sugar pucker. The FF99_πKOL0_πbsc0 force field parameters which is the combination of the AMBER99 parameters with the revised glycosidic torsion parameters (πKOL0) developed in the present study along with the recommended bsc0 correction (parmbsc0), predicted a population of the NORTH conformers which was much higher than that predicted by the ff_A parameters but also higher than the experimentally observed population.
For the three methyl derivatives of inosine under this study, i.e. 1-methylinosine, 2β-O-methylinosine and 1,2β-O-dimethylinosine, we applied the ff_A_πYIL_πbsc0, ff_A_πOL3_πbsc0, and the newly developed FF99_πKOL0_πbsc0 parameters sets respectively (Table S4). For 1-methylinosine, the ff_A_πYIL_πbsc0 parameters predicted the preference of the NORTH conformation while with the ff_A_πOL3_πbsc0 and the FF99_πKOL0_πbsc0 parameters a preference towards the SOUTH conformation was observed in agreement with the NMR data [62]. For the 2β-O-methylinosine residues, the ff_A_πYIL_πbsc0 and ff_A_πOL3_πbsc0 parameter sets predicted a preference for the SOUTH conformation while for 1,2β-O-dimethylinosine, these two force fields predicted a preference for the NORTH conformation. For each of these modifications, the newly developed FF99_πKOL0_πbsc0 parameter sets predicted a slight preference of the SOUTH conformation over the NORTH conformation.
Distribution of the glycosidic torsion angle (Ο )
The ff_A force field failed to significantly populate the SYN region [48] for inosine even with the application of the bsc0 correction (parmbsc0) and predicted a preference towards the ANTI conformation (Table S3, Fig. 5). With the ff_A_πOL3, ff_A_πOL3_πbsc0, ff_A_πYIL, ff_A_πYIL_πbsc0, ff_A_πSHAW, ff_A_πSHAW_πbsc0 and ff_A_πSHAW_πSHAW force fields, the predicted population of the SYN conformers were greater than the ANTI conformers (Fig. 5). ff_A_πROC and ff_A_πROC_πbsc0 force fields generated smaller population of SYN conformers than the population of the ANTI conformers. The predicted population of SYN conformers by these force field parameters were greater than what were predicted by the ff_A and the ff_A_πbsc0 force fields. On the other hand, with ff_A_RNA_ROC, the ANTI base orientation was observed to be preferred and, the distribution of the glycosidic torsion was similar to what were observed with the ff_A and the ff_A_πbsc0 force fields. For the different combinations of glycosidic torsion and gamma torsion parameters with the ff_A parameters, the OTHERS region of base orientation was observed to be significantly populated. With the CHARMM36m [83] parameters, the SYN base orientation was preferred and the population of conformers with the OTHERS conformation were significantly reduced compared to the ff_A force field variants. The newly developed force field parameters FF99_πKOL0_πbsc0 generated the distribution of base orientation states similar to that generated by the CHARMM36m parameters.
For each of the three methyl derivatives of inosine in the present study, ff_A_πOL3_πbsc0, and ff_A_πYIL_πbsc0 parameter sets as well as the newly developed FF99_πKOL0_πbsc0 parameters, predicted the preference for SYN base orientation. With the application of the FF99_πKOL0_πbsc0 parameters, the population of the OTHERS conformers were much lower than those predicted by the other force fields.
The 2D correlation maps (Figures S5-8) revealed that for inosine, the ff_A and ff_A_πbsc0 force fields generated conformers which preferentially adopted the SOUTH/ANTI conformation. The ff_A_πOL3, ff_A_πOL3_πbsc0, ff_A_πYIL, ff_A_πYIL_πbsc0, ff_A_πSHAW, ff_A_πSHAW_πbsc0 force fields generated a greater population of SOUTH/SYN conformers of inosine than what were observed with the ff_A and ff_A_πbsc0 force fields. The ff_A_πROC and ff_A_πROC_πbsc0 force fields predominantly sampled the SOUTH/ANTI conformers. The ff_A_πSHAW_πSHAW generated a larger population of SOUTH/SYN conformers than that of the other conformers, but predicted an excess of SOUTH conformation. The ff_A_RNA_ROC force field showed a preference for the SOUTH/ANTI conformation. With the FF99_πKOL0_πbsc0 parameters, the SOUTH/SYN region was observed to be the most populated followed by the NORTH/SYN region and similar distribution was observed for the CHARMM36m parameters. For the methyl derivatives of inosine also, the FF99_πKOL0_πbsc0 parameters predicted a preference for the SOUTH/SYN conformation.
Distribution of the gamma torsion angle (Ξ³)
The ff_A, ff_A_πOL3, ff_A_πYIL, ff_A_πSHAW and ff_A_πROC force fields generated smaller populations of the g+ conformers for both the nucleosides, but the values corresponding to the ff_A_πYIL, were observed to be closer to that observed in NMR for inosine (Table S3, Fig.Β 6). As was observed in our earlier studies [90, 91], the application of the πbsc0 parameters [65] resulted in larger (~β90%) population of the g+ conformation compared to the experimentally observed values for both modified residues. The ff_A_πROC_πROC parameter sets (i.e., without the application of the revised parameters for the C4β atom included in the RNA_ROC parameters) also failed to predict the preference for g+ conformation. The ff_A_πSHAW_πSHAW and the ff_A_RNA_ROC force fields predicted the population of the g+ conformers close to the experimentally observed population for inosine. With each of the ff_A_πOL3_πbsc0, ff_A_πYIL_πbsc0 and FF99_πKOL0_πbsc0 parameter sets, in the methyl derivatives of inosine studied in this work the g+ conformation was observed to be preferred (Table S4, Figure 7).
The 2D correlation maps (Figures S9-12) revealed that the ff_A, ff_A_πOL3, ff_A_πYIL, and ff_A_πSHAW force fields sampled nearly equal populations of the SOUTH/g+ and SOUTH/TRANS conformers of inosine and the population of the SOUTH/g- conformers were lesser than that of these two types of conformers. For the ff_A_πROC force field, the population of the SOUTH/TRANS conformers were greater than that of the other conformers for each of the nucleosides. Inclusion of the πbsc0 parameters with each of these force fields shifted the distribution towards the g+ conformation and also increased the population of the NORTH/g+ conformers for both nucleosides. With the ff_A_πSHAW_πSHAW and the ff_A_RNA_ROC force fields, a large population of SOUTH/g+ conformers was observed for each of the residues. The FF99_πKOL0_πbsc0 parameters predicted nearly equal populations of the SOUTH/g+ and NORTH/gβ+βconformers for inosine (Figure S12). For the CHARMM36m parameters, the SOUTH/g+ region was observed to be the most populated followed by the NORTH/g+ region (Figure S13). With the FF99_πKOL0_πbsc0 parameters, each of the methyl derivatives of inosine, in the current study, preferentially adopted the SOUTH/g+ conformation, but the population of the NORTH/g+ conformers were also high (Figure S14). The time series plots of pseudorotation angle (P), glycosidic torsion angle (Ο) and gamma torsion angle (π) for inosine corresponding to the CHARMM36m parameters are provided in Figure S15.
Hydrogen bonding characteristics
The SYN conformation of inosine has been reported to be stabilized by the formation of intramolecular O5β²-H5TβN3 hydrogen bond while the ANTI conformers can form the O2β²-HO2β²---N3 hydrogen bond [92]. The ff_A, ff_A_πbsc0 force fields generated much smaller number of conformers with the O5β²-H5TβN3 hydrogen bonding interactions than what was predicted by the other force fields (Table S5). While with the ff_A_πOL3, ff_A_πYIL, ff_A_πSHAW and ff_A_πC force fields, the number of O5β²-H5TβN3 hydrogen bonding conformers increased a little, the ff_A_πROC force field generated a lower number of O5β²-H5TβN3 hydrogen bonding conformers. Each of the ff_A_πOL3_πbsc0, ff_A_πYIL_πbsc0, ff_A_πSHAW_πbsc0, and ff_A_πSHAW_πSHAW force fields generated significantly greater number of conformers with O5β²-H5TβN3 hydrogen bond than what was observed with the ff_A parameter sets. The application of the πbsc0 resulted in an increase in the number of conformers with O5β²-H5TβN3 hydrogen bond and did not result in any significant change in the number of O2β²-HO2β²---N3 hydrogen bonding conformers. With the ff_A_πROC, ff_A_πROC_πbsc0, and ff_A_πROC_πROC force fields, the population of the O2β²-HO2β²---N3 hydrogen bonding conformers were significantly higher than that with the other force fields. Interestingly, ff_A_πSHAW_πSHAW force field predicted a larger number of O5β²-H5TβN3 hydrogen bonding conformers than all the other force fields. On the other hand, ff_A_πROC_πROC force field predicted small numbers of both O5β-H5TβN3 hydrogen bonding conformers and O2β²-HO2β²---N3 hydrogen bonding conformers. The FF99_πKOL0_πbsc0 and the CHARMM36m parameters also predicted a much greater populations of conformers with the O5β²-H5TβN3 hydrogen bond than those of the conformers with the O2β²-HO2β²---N3 hydrogen bond. In general, it was observed that, for the force fields corresponding to which the SYN base orientation was preferred than the ANTI base orientation, the population of the conformers with O5β²-H5TβN3 hydrogen bond was also observed to be higher (Table S5).
For 1-methylinosine also, a greater populations of conformers with the O5β²-H5TβN3 hydrogen bond than those of the conformers with the O2β²-HO2β²---N3 hydrogen bond was observed for each of the ff_A_πOL3_πbsc0, ff_A_πYIL_πbsc0, and the newly developed FF99_πKOL0_πbsc0 parameter sets, suggesting the stabilization of the SYN conformation (Table S6). But with FF99_πKOL0_πbsc0, the population of the O2β²-HO2β²---N3 hydrogen bonding conformers were lower than what was observed for the other parameter sets. For 2'-O-methylinosine and 1,2β-O-dimethylinosine, ff_A_πYIL_πbsc0 and FF99_πKOL0_πbsc0 predicted a greater frequency of the O5β²-H5TβN3 hydrogen bond than the ff_A_πOL3_πbsc0 parameter sets.
Distribution of the C3β²-O3 β² bond distance, C2β²-C3β²-O3β² and C4β²-C3β²-O3β² sugar valence angles for inosine
The values of the C3β²-O3β² bond distance, C2β²-C3β²-O3β² and C4β²-C3β²-O3β² sugar valence angles have been reported to be correlated with the distribution of the pseudorotation angle [68] and hence these values might influence the distribution of the sugar pucker. According to Gelbin et al. [68] the mean values of the C3β²-O3β² bond distance for the C2β²-endo conformation of ribonucleosides was 1.427 Γ
and that corresponding to the C3β² endo conformation of ribonucleosides was 1.417 Γ
. The mean values of the C2β²-C3β²-O3β² sugar valence angle was reported to be 109.5Β° for the C2β²-endo conformation of ribonucleosides and 113.7Β° for the C3β²-endo conformation of ribonucleosides [68]. The mean values of the C4β²-C3β²-O3β² sugar valence angle was reported to be 109.4Β° for the C2β²-endo conformation of ribonucleosides and 113.0Β° for the C3β²-endo conformation of ribonucleosides [68].
Hence In the present study, we investigated the correlation of the C3β²-O3β² bond distance and C2β²-C3β²-O3β² and C4β²-C3β²-O3β² sugar valence angles corresponding to the different combinations of glycosidic torsion and gamma torsion parameters to understand the role of the different sets of glycosidic torsion and gamma torsion parameters in modulating the sugar puckering state (Figures S16-24). We observed that, in general, the mean value of C3β²-O3β² bond distance for inosine to be similar for all the force fields and the value was ~β1.45 Γ
for the ff_A variant force fields. For the FF99_πKOL0_πbsc0 and the CHARMM36m parameters, the values were slightly lesser and ~β1.42 Γ
and 1.44 Γ
respectively (Table S7). The 2D correlation maps (Figures S16-18) revealed a significant correlation of the C3β²-O3β² bond distance with the pseudorotation angle. The SOUTH conformers explored a greater range of values of the C3β²-O3β² bond distance than that of the NORTH conformers. (Figures S16-18).
The C2β²-C3β²-O3β² sugar valence angle for inosine (Table S7) was found to be on an averageβ~β110.6Β° for all the force fields except ff_A_πROC_πROC, ff_A_πROC_πROC, and ff_A_πSHAW_πSHAW, which predicted the values of this angle to be ~β109Β°, ~ 110Β° and 109.6Β° which may indicate a tendency of the πROC and the πSHAW parameters to shift the pseudorotation equilibrium entirely towards the SOUTH conformation. However, the FF99_πKOL0_πbsc0 and the CHARMM36m parameters predicted this angle to be higher than the other parameter sets, i.e., ~β111.4 Β° and ~β114Β° respectively. In general, the 2D correlation maps (Figures S19-21) suggested that the values of the C2β²-C3β²-O3β² angle for the NORTH conformers were greater than those of the SOUTH conformers.
The average C4β²-C3β²-O3β² sugar valence angle for inosine (Table S7) was found to be ~β109.4Β°. But with the ff_A_πROC_πROC, ff_A_RNA_ROC, ff_A_πSHAW_πSHAWthe values were observed to be ~β107.5Β°, ~ 110.4Β°, ~ 108.2Β° respectively. The FF99_πKOL0_πbsc0 and the CHARMM36m parameters predicted this angle to be higher than the other parameter sets, i.e., ~β111.6 Β° and ~β112Β° respectively. In general, the 2D correlation maps (Figures S22-24) suggested that the values of the C4β²-C3β²-O3β² angle for the NORTH conformers were greater than those of the SOUTH conformers.
Distribution of the C3 β² -C4 β² bond distance and C5β²-C4β²-C3β² angle for inosine
The values of the C3β²-C4β² bond distance and C5β²-C4β²-C3β² angle have been reported to be correlated also with the distribution of the pseudorotation angle [68] and changes in the parameters for the π torsion angle can result in the changes in the values of the C3β²-C4β² bond distance, C5β²-C4β²-C3β² angle which might lead to the changes in the distribution of the pseudorotation angle. According to Gelbin et al. [68], the mean values of the C3β²-C4β² bond distance for the C2β²-endo conformation of ribonucleosides was 1.527 Γ
and that corresponding to the C3β²-endo conformation of ribonucleosides was 1.521 Γ
. The mean values of the C5β²-C4β²-C3β² angle was reported to be 115.2Β° for the C2β²-endo conformation of ribonucleosides and 116Β° for the C3β²-endo conformation of ribonucleosides [68].
In the present study we checked the changes in the values of the C3β²-C4β² bond distance, C5β²-C4β²-C3β² angle for the ff_A_πSHAW, ff_A_πSHAW_πbsc0, ff_A_πSHAW_πSHAW, ff_A_πROC, ff_A_πROC_πbsc0, ff_A_πROC_πROC and ff_A_RNA_ROC force fields to further investigate the effect of the application of different sets of π parameters on the sugar puckering states of ribonucleosides (TableΒ 4, Figs.Β 8β9 and S25-28). The observed changes in the mean values of the C3β²-C4β² bond distance and the C5β²-C4β²-C3β² angle for the nucleosides under this study upon application of different π torsion parameters revealed the effect of these parameters on the pseudorotation equilibrium.
The mean values of the C3β²-C4β² bond distance corresponding to the ff_A_πSHAW and ff_A_πSHAW_πbsc0 force fields were observed to be similar and were ~β1.545 Γ
(TableΒ 4). But upon inclusion of the πSHAW parameters, i.e., with the ff_A_πSHAW_πSHAW force field, the values very slightly increased and were observed to be ~β1.547 Γ
. Both ff_A_πROC, ff_A_πROC_πbsc0 and ff_A_πROC_πROC force fields predicted the C3β²-C4β² bond distance of ~β1.544 Γ
, while ff_A_RNA_ROC force field reduced the value to ~β1.542 Γ
. The difference between the values corresponding to the ff_A_πROC_πROC and ff_A_RNA_ROC force fields might have arised due to the application of the revised parameters for the C4β atom (corresponding to the RNA_ROC force field parameters) in the later.
With the ff_A_πSHAW force field, the C5β²-C4β²-C3β² angle was found to be ~β113.4Β°. On inclusion of the πbsc0 parameters (i.e. the ff_A_πSHAW_πbsc0 force field) the value was observed to be ~β114.1Β° and on inclusion of the πSHAW parameters (i.e. the ff_A_πSHAW_πSHAW force field) the value was found to be ~β113.7Β°. The ff_A_πROC, ff_A_πROC_πbsc0, ff_A_πROC_πROC and ff_A_RNA_ROC force fields respectively predicted the valuesβ~β113.5Β°, ~β114.3Β°, ~β113.7Β° and ~β113.7Β° for the C5β²-C4β²-C3β² angle. The CHARMM36m parameters predicted the values of the C3β²-C4β² bond distance and the C5β²-C4β²-C3β² angle to be ~β1.539 Γ
and 115.1Β° respectively.
These observations suggested that for the inosine residue although with the application of the πbsc0 parameters [65] the C3β²-C4β² bond distance did not change to a significant extent, the value of the C5β²-C4β²-C3β² angle significantly increased with a concomitant shift in the pseudorotation equilibrium slightly towards the NORTH sugar pucker. With the application of the πROC parameters[79], although the value of the C5β²-C4β²-C3β² angle did not change significantly, a decrease in the value of the C3β²-C4β² bond distance was observed with a concomitant shift in the pseudorotation equilibrium towards the SOUTH sugar pucker.
Pyramidalization of the glycosidic nitrogen (N9) of inosine and its methyl derivatives
The deviation of the idealized planar structure of nucleosides has been suggested by earlier studies and this phenomenon can result in a complex effect on the accuracy of the currently available force field parameters [93, 94]. Sychrovsky et al, (2009), based on their extensive statistical analyses of ultrahigh resolution crystal structures, along with QM and MD studies, reported the existence of this novel structural property, i.e. pyramidalization of glycosidic nitrogen of purine and pyrimidine nucleobases within DNA and RNA oligomers [93]. The pyramidalization of the glycosidic nitrogen has been reported to depend on the local geometry of the nucleoside residue, i.e. the base orientation and the sugar pucker conformation and inversion of the conformation of the glycosidic nitrogen was observed upon the change of base orientation from SYN to ANTI [93]. In another study, they reported the effect of base pairing and site-specific isolation on the N9-pyramidalization of dG (deoxyguanosine) in DNA G-quadruplex [94].
As mentioned earlier, the magnitude of the improper torsion angle πΏβ² (C4βββN9βββC1β²βC8β180Β°) corresponds to the extent of N9-pyramidalization and a value of πΏβ² equal to 0Β° indicates the idealized planar configuration of N9 (glycosidic nitrogen) [94]. In the present study, we compared the values of πΏβ² torsion for inosine predicted by the newly derived FF99_πKOL0_πbsc0 and the CHARMM36m force field parameter and analyzed the dependence of the N9-pyramidalization on the orientation of the glycosidic torsion angle (π) for inosine and its methyl derivatives (with the FF99_πKOL0_πbsc0 parameters) (Tables S8-9, Figures S29-30).
For inosine, the extent of N9-pyramidalization was observed to be slightly greater with the FF99_πKOL0_πbsc0 parameters than what was observed with the CHARMM36m parameters. The extents of N9-pyramidalization were found to be similar for inosine and its derivatives in this study. With the CHARMM36m parameter sets, nearly equal populations of SYN conformers with -ve πΏβ² values and those with +βve πΏβ² values were preferentially sampled. The population of the ANTI conformers with -ve πΏβ² values and those with +βve πΏβ² values were also nearly equal. With the FF99_πKOL0_πbsc0 parameters, SYN conformers with -ve πΏβ² values were observed to be preferred for inosine and its methyl derivatives.