The present study aimed to evaluate the status of lumbopelvic control in professional athletes with frequent jump-landing skills and compare the mechanical status of the landing and lower limb muscle activity of the athletes with and without lumbopelvic control to recognize the associated risk factors. Lumbopelvic control was assessed by four tests using a PBU in which pressure changes of more than 8 mmHg indicated poor lumbopelvic control. Based on these results, the athletes participating in the study were divided into two groups of poor lumbopelvic control and adequate lumbopelvic control.
The current study indicated that professional female basketball, volleyball, and handball players have poor lumbopelvic control. The lumbopelvic region provides dynamic stability for the movement of the extremities [18]. Recent findings have demonstrated that the risk of injury increases with the disruption of the elements within the kinetic chain, which in turn causes alterations in the biomechanics of the extremities. Poor control of the lumbopelvic area is associated with upper limb injuries [8, 20, 24]. Furthermore, trunk muscle activity precedes lower limb muscle activity, and the central nervous system provides a stable foundation for lower limb movements [13]. Therefore, the disrupted stability of this foundation could lead to inefficient landing and predispose the individual to lower limb injury. In jump landing, 50% of knee injuries occur following landing on the opposite, and the other 50% arise from improper landing [4].
According to finding in the current research, landing mechanics (i.e., LESS test scores) in the subjects without lumbopelvic control were significantly weaker compared to those with lumbopelvic control, which confirms the research hypothesis. This may result from poor control of the lumbopelvic region as weaknesses or delays in the activation of the muscles involved in lumbopelvic control could cause compensatory and unpredictable movements. For instance, GM is one of the main lumbopelvic muscles, as well as the main abductor of the hip joint. Dysfunction of this muscle could cause the femur to move to the midline of the body and increase the dynamic knee valgus moment [25]. A LESS test score greater than 5 increases the relative risk of ACL injury 10.7 times. On the other hand, core exercises could reduce the LESS score by up to three points [26]. In other words, the increased stability of the trunk could decrease the mechanical errors of landing, which is consistent with our findings. Also, impaired neuromuscular control of core stability during dynamic movements may expose athletes to lower limb injuries [13].
According to the results of the present study, the lateral flexion of the trunk and knee valgus were significantly higher in the subjects without lumbopelvic control compared to those who had adequate control. Landing on the knee at the frontal plane imposes high strains on the medial collateral ligament and ACL. Furthermore, maintaining and controlling the trunk plays a key role in reducing the pressure on the knees, and the risk of lower limb injuries. In particular, the combination of knee valgus and lateral trunk flexion on the frontal plane is highly sensitive in the identification of women at risk of ACL injuries [27]. In this regard, individuals with lateral trunk flexion have increased knee valgus, and lateral flexion of the trunk could cause the ground reaction force to pass through the lateral compartment of the knee and increase the abduction torque exerted on it [28]. Similarly, poor neuromuscular control of the trunk can be associated with knee injuries in women [13]. Dynamic knee valgus of more than eight degrees while landing is reliable predictor ACL injury [29].
According to the results of the study, the flexion of the knee and trunk at the sagittal plane was higher in the subjects with lumbopelvic control compared to those without lumbopelvic control, which confirmed the research hypothesis. Knee flexion angle has been associated with knee injuries, with several studies reporting that and increased knee flexion angle could decrease the anterior shear force on the knee joint and strain the ACL [30–32]. In this regard, with the knee flexed, lower anterior shear forces are applied to the knee joint compared to the extension position: trunk flexion with knee flexion at the moment of landing could cause decrease the ACL strain [33]. These findings are in line with the results of the present study.
The three important muscles investigated in the current research were RF, ST, and GM, which originate from the pelvis and are involved in the occurrence of knee injuries [17, 18, 28, 34]. According to our findings, only the GM muscle activity was significantly different between the subjects with and without lumbopelvic control regarding the ability to stand on one leg. Many lower limb injuries occur in a single-legged position, especially in sports such as handball, basketball, and volleyball, which involve frequent jumps and landings [35, 36]. The GM muscle plays a vital role in lumbopelvic control, and, given its abduction torque, it influences the mechanics of the lower limb, especially knee valgus. This finding is in line with the study by Laudner et al., which demonstrated that the GM muscle is a primary pelvic stabilizer during single-legged standing and also plays a key role in lumbopelvic control [24]. In this regard, optimal strengthening of the gluteal muscles to enhance the stability of the lumbopelvic region [37]. The decreased activity of the GM muscle and instability of the lumbopelvic-hip complex was associated with lower limb injuries [38].
One of the limitations of our study was that, given our country sharia laws, it was not possible to evaluate men and women, and the women evaluator was only allowed to study women. In addition, we could not study more muscles due to economic issues and lack of time during the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, it is recommended that further investigations be focused on more muscles to achieve more accurate results and make comparisons with our findings.