being our desired relation. The only remaining task is the determination of tcrit. Because of equ. (1), the position t = T of the maximum of A(t) is characterized by Jin(T) = Jout(T) and we infer 0 < tcrit < T. Although we have no direct information on the output current itself, the turning point of A(t) before its maximum serves as an excellent estimate for the value of tcrit.
In other words, it is assumed that the total number of radiotracer particles entering an organ via the BF must be equal to the total number of particles in the organ Vc(t) until tcrit is reached. With a precise determination of the volume V and a sufficient time resolution in the measurement of the TACs b(t) and c(t), the BF can be determined by simply finding the turning point of c(t) and inserting all values into equ. (4).
In Fig. 1, typical total TACs (i.e. Vc(t)) of the kidneys with three radiotracers are shown (gray curves), as well as the according Ain(t) with the BF calculated from equ. (4). tcrit was taken as the turning point of the rising total TAC, which is indicated with an arrow in the small images.
In the following, the hereby determined BF is denoted as RBF-new-MAG3, RBF-new-FDG, RBF-new-DTPA and RBF-new-Me4 for the renal blood flow, calculated for the radiotracers [99mTc]MAG3, [18F]FDG, [99mTc]DTPA and Me-4-[18F]FDG, respectively. The obtained single values for the left and right kidney were summed up. The cerebral and hepatic blood flows is denoted as CBF-new-FDG and CBF-new-Me4, as well as HBF-new-FDG and HBF-new-Me4, respectively.
Radiotracer production
Fully-automated radiopharmaceutical production and quality control of [18F]FDG and investigational Me-4-[18F]FDG were performed on a commercially available synthesizer GE Fastlab at the PET centre of the General Hospital Vienna. GMP-grade precursor and reference standard for Me-4-[18F]FDG were obtained by ABX (Radeberg, Germany). Commercially available kits for the preparation of [99mTc]MAG3 (Mertioscan) were distributed by DSD Pharma (Purkersdorf, Austria) and for the preparation of [99mTc]DTPA (TechneScan) by BSM diagnostic (Vienna, Austria).
Animal study design and scan protocols
The mouse study (ethics application number BMBWF-66.009/0144-V/3b/2018) was performed at the Preclinical Imaging Laboratory at the Division of Nuclear Medicine, Medical University of Vienna, and included 7 healthy male C57BLKS mice. All mice were examined with a planar dynamic scintigraphy with the radio radiotracer [99mTc]DTPA. One day later, mice were scanned with an additional dynamic combined PET and computer tomography (PET/CT) scan, four of them with [18F]FDG and three with Me-4-[18F]FDG.
During all scans, mice were kept under anesthesia with a mixture of isoflurane (2%) and O2 (2.5 l/min) continuously administered via a mask and kept at a body temperature of 37 °C. The heart rate and breathing frequency were monitored. Anaesthetized animals were positioned in the animal Inveon PET/SPECT/CT scanner (Siemens Medical Solutions, Knoxville, TN) and the according radiotracer was injected via the lateral tail vein. All dynamic scans started with the injection and lasted for 45 min. For the PET scans, an additional CT image was obtained and used for attenuation correction and co-registration. The latter were reconstructed by Fourier re-binning followed by 2-dimensional filtered back projection with a ramp filter. CT raw data were reconstructed with a Feldkamp algorithm using a Shepp-Logan filter followed by standard mouse beam-hardening correction and noise reduction (matrix size: 1024×1024; effective pixel size: 97.56 µm). The standard data correction protocol (normalization, attenuation, decay correction and injection decay correction) was applied to the PET data. All dynamic data sets were re-binned into a dynamic sequence of 8 x 3 s, 9 x 5 s, 13 x 10 s and 11 x 222 s. Volumes of interests (VOIs) of the liver, the brain, the kidneys and the aorta were delineated by hand on the CT images and transferred to the individual time frame PET images using PMOD software (version 3.8, Pmod Ltd, Zurich, Switzerland). With the same software, regions of interest (ROIs) were delineated in the planar scintigraphy images around the kidneys, the perirenal background and the heart.
The normal values for renal blood flow (RBF), hepatic blood flow (HBF) and cerebral blood flow (CBF) were compared to normal values found in literature [20-23] accounting for RBF-norm with 0.8 ml/min, HBF-norm with 1.8 ml/min and CBF-norm around 0.26 ml/min. They are denoted as RBF-norm, HBF-norm and CBF-norm
Human study design and scan protocols
The human data set (ethics no. 1068/2015 and 1734/2017) included 32 adult subjects with normal and impaired renal function. Subjects underwent a dynamic (PET/MRI) scan with the radiotracer [18F]FDG, and around 2 weeks earlier or later a dynamic planar renal scintigraphy with the radiotracer [99mTc]MAG3.
All subjects were hydrated with water (10 ml/kg body weight) 20 min prior to the examination and asked to empty their bladder directly before injection of the according radiotracer. Starting with an injection of around 3 MBq/kg body weight of [18F]FDG, the dynamic PET/MRI scans (Siemens Biograph mMR, Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics GmbH, Germany) were performed for 30 minutes. The PET reconstructed (Siemens e7 tools) list-mode data were re-binned into a dynamic sequence of 60 × 5 s, 25 × 60 s, with 172 × 172 × 127 matrix, using ordinary Poisson ordered subset expectation maximization (OP-OSEM) 3D algorithm (3 iterations, 21 subsets, Gaussian filter) and Dixon-based MRI-attenuation. The MRI imaging protocol consisted of a T1 weighted MRI sequence (axial breath holding and fat suppression, VIBE SPAIR). In the fused images, three VOIs were delineated by hand using the Hermes Hybrid Viewer tool (Hermes Medical Solutions AB, Stockholm, Sweden): aorta descendens, left and right kidney (see fig. 2).
The planar scintigraphy scans were performed according to the EANM guidelines [23] after the injection of 80 MBq [99mTc]MAG3 and lasted for 20 minutes. The images were acquired with a large field of view gamma camera (low-energy, high-resolution collimator, 64 × 64 matrix, frame rate 10 s/frame, energy window 140 keV with 20% width). In case of 24 subjects, a standard was additionally measured with the gamma camera for 10 seconds. Using Hermes software, ROIs were drawn around the kidneys, the perirenal background (see fig. 1) as well as in the left ventricle.
From all subjects, one blood sample was drawn before the first scan and used to determine the hematocrit value (Hct); a second blood sample was drawn 41 ± 2 minutes after each scintigraphy, which was measured, together with a standard, in a gamma counter.
For the human data set, two reference values were available. The blood-sample derived method RBF-blood, originally developed by Tauxe et al. [10], is based on the renal clearance of a radiotracer by measuring drawn blood samples after its venous injection together with a standard in a gamma counter. In this study, the effective renal plasma flow (eRPF) was determined from the [99mTc]MAG3 clearance according to a refined method by Russell et al. [8,12], from which RBF-blood was then calculated by dividing eRPF by (1 – Hct).
The image derived, graphical methods are based on the idea that the renal [99mTc]MAG3 uptake within the first few minutes can be converted to the eRPF provided, also a standard is measured. The graphical eRPF was calculated for each kidney from the renal uptake between minute 2 and 3 after injection according to the formula of Arroyo et al. [12,13]. The resulting eRPF was divided by (1 – Hct) and summed for both kidneys in order to obtain RBF-graph. Note that in case of 8 subjects, no standard was measured with the gamma camera, omitting the determination of RBF-graph. All human RBF values were normalized to a body surface are of 1.73 m².
A summary of all available data sets is given in table 1.
Table 1
Summary of all available data sets from dynamic imaging scans. CT: computed tomography; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging; PET: positron emission tomography; CBF: cerebral blood flow; HBF: hepatic blood flow; RBF: renal blood flow;
Data set | cohort size | Investigated organs | Examination methods | According radiotracers | According determined blood flows |
Human | 32 | kidneys | PET/MRI scintigraphy blood samples | [18F]FDG [99mTc]MAG3 | RBF-new-FDG RBF-graph, RBF-new-MAG3 RBF-blood |
Mouse | 7 | kidneys | PET/CT scintigraphy | [18F]FDG, Me-4-[18F]FDG [99mTc]DTPA | RBF-new-FDG, RBF-new-Me4 RBF-new-DTPA |
| | liver | PET/CT | [18F]FDG, Me-4-[18F]FDG | HBF-new-FDG, HBF-new-Me4 |
| | brain | PET/CT | [18F]FDG, Me-4-[18F]FDG | CBF-new-FDG, CBF-new-Me4 |
Time activity curves and organ volumes
The radiotracer concentrations over time, i.e. the time activity curves (TACs) of all animal and human scans were exported in units of kilobecquerel per milliliter (kBq/ml). TACs from planar scintigraphy images were corrected for the perirenal background. Via linear interpolation between the measured concentration points, the time binning of the TACs was reduced to one second. The organ TACs were smoothed with a Savitzky-Golay filter, the TACs from the blood pool (heart or aorta) were fitted with a three-exponential curve starting from their according peak.
For human PET/MRI data, kidney volumes were measured using the MRI sequences. Animal organ volumes from the PET data were measured in the co-registered CT images.
In order to assess the renal volumes from the measured kidney areas in the images from the human and animal renal planar scintigraphy, an isotropic scaling was performed, i.e. a transformation of an area to a volume by multiplying the area with its square root and an appropriate factor. For humans, the kidney was considered as an ellipsoid with an averaged thickness between 4 and 5 cm and a height of 11 to 13 cm. Therefore, the appropriate factor was set to 0.4. For mice, the same renal dimension ratios were assumed, resulting in the same factor.
Statistical analysis
Mean, minimum and maximum values were calculated for each BF value. For the comparison of the blood flow of a certain organ between different radiotracers, an unpaired Student’s t-test was performed. For comparisons between new and reference values of the same organ, the Pearson correlation coefficient r and the Student’s paired t-test was applied. A p value < 0.05 was considered as statistically significant. All according calculations were performed with LibreOffice version