Experimental systems
The RadiMax semi-field facility (Svane et al. 2019b) was designed for root phenotyping of crops grown in soil to maturity. In two experimental units, different winter wheat cultivars and breeding material were grown in two seasons (Wacker et al. 2022). Root imaging was performed with multi-spectral cameras (Svane et al. 2019a) through a minirhizotron system installed in the experimental units. Each image area covered 20 cm2 and they were taken every 3.5 cm soil depth. The range of imaging was from 80 to 250 cm soil depth.
Drought experiment
The RadiMax facility has the possibility to exclude rainwater via large rain-out shelters (Svane et al. 2019b). The rain-out shelters where used in both years from late May to maturity in July, creating a drought condition. The facility is equipped with a sub-surface irrigation system, which can be used to irrigate the crop with increasing soil depths. In 2018, the subsurface irrigation system was used from May onwards, creating water supply with increasing soil depths. In 2019, the subsurface irrigation system was not used. In this year, the total soil water availability increased with depth. More details on soil water supply in the experiment can be found in (Wacker et al. 2022).
Tracer injection and plant sampling
To study deep N uptake, an isotopic tracer of 15N was injected into the soil at 180 cm depth (Wacker et al. 2022) to all replicates at anthesis. At harvest, a sample corresponding to the aboveground area above the 15N injection was taken, and grains were analyzed for 15N content via mass-spectroscopy (Wacker et al. 2022). To study the indirect effect of deep-water uptake, the same sample was also analyzed for 13C discrimination.
Root image analysis
Before image analysis, incomplete samples due to broken tubes or missing isotope data were identified and eliminated (16 tubes in 2018, 28 in 2019) from the dataset. The visible roots in each image were segmented using a convolutional neural network (Smith et al. 2020). For each image, the total length of segmented roots was extracted (Han et al. 20). For further calculation, the square root of the total root length per image was used (Wacker et al. 2022), and we denote this estimate the planar root length density (pRLD).
Facility Position Correction
Planar root length density and isotope composition measurements showed strong position effects, mainly in one unit of the facility (Fig. 1), which may have been caused by differences in soil compaction caused during the construction of the facility. Therefore, for all the analyses presented, the variables (isotopes measurements and pRLD) were linearly corrected for distance from the end of the facility. In other experiments (not reported), also piecewise linear corrections were used with very similar results.
Root Distribution Analysis
We investigated the influence of root distribution in two complementary ways. First, we defined analytical models for estimation of the root depth, and analyzed their ability to predict isotope data.
Second, we defined a machine learning approach to investigate whether other aspects of the root distribution could contribute to explaining the root function indicated by the uptake of the isotope tracer 15N enrichment and natural 13C discrimination.
Root Depth Estimates
From minirhizotron image based pRLD data, we designed estimates of the root depth for each position in the facility. In previous studies, root density has been modelled by an exponential model as a function of depth (Zuo et al. 2004) and we implemented that as a baseline comparison.
However, based on inspection of pRLD as a function of soil depth (example shown in Fig. 2), the sigmoid function appeared to fit the profiles better (Fig. 2, the goodness of fit\({R}^{2}=0.78\)) and therefore potentially give a better estimator for root depth.
We fitted these two mathematical models to the pRLD measurements for each replicate in the facility using nonlinear regression (implemented using the “curve_fit” function in the SciPy (Community 2019) optimization library). Specifically, with \(y\) being the pRLD at depth \(x\), after fitting the exponential function
we computed the depth (D50, corresponds to orange line in Fig. 2), at which 50% of the pRLD is accumulated (Fan et al. 2016), as D50 \(= \text{l}\text{o}\text{g}\left(2\right) / \text{b}\), where \(a,\)and \(b\)are the parameters of the model.
Similarly, we fitted to the sigmoid function
$$y=\frac{a}{1+ {e}^{- b(x-c)}}$$
and extracted the sigmoid inflection (SI) (green line in Fig. 2) point c as the estimate of the root depth.
These analytically designed estimates (D50 and SI) were calculated of all the tubes and from all three months of root measurements in the datasets from the winter wheat experiments in the years 2018 and 2019.
Root distribution analysis across soil layers
We accumulated the pRLD in 10 intervals in the deeper soil layers between 119–220 cm to provide consistent depth data for all months of the two observation years for the machine learning models. The average pRLD across all facility tubes at different depths from 119 to 220 cm in the two years is illustrated in Fig. 3.
In total from the three observations months (May, June and July), this gives 30 input variables for predicting the outcomes in the form of the isotope measurements (15N or 13C).
Machine learning algorithms
We evaluated alternative ensemble ML algorithms, random forest (RF) and gradient boosting (GB), to model the relationship between the pRLD summed into intervals and the isotope tracer measurements. Ensemble learning methods are comprised of a set of classifiers that aggregate predictions to find the estimated results. Boosting and bagging are the two most used families of ensemble methods. The bagging method (e.g. RF) was introduced by Breiman (1996); it is a method of selecting a random sample with replacement of data from a training. In general, bagging is used with weak learners that exhibit high variance and low bias, whereas boosting (e.g. GB (Friedman 2001)) is used when low variance and high bias are observed. We have used two alternative ML algorithms (RF and GB) for our analysis which are described below:
Random Forest
The random forest model, introduced by Breiman (2001), is an ensemble learning method aimed at reducing model variance. It is a collection of low correlated decision trees based on the bagging and feature randomness methods. These types of decision trees are also called regression tree if it is used for regression. Regression trees are constructed through the splitting of the data into smaller segments by nodes or branches. The trees in the random forest model are trained independently, and their outcomes are then averaged. The prediction variance of the RF model is reduced by averaging the model predictions across the trees.
Gradient Boosting
The Gradient Boosting (GB) model, introduced by Friedman (2001), is a boosting ensemble method. Essentially, the gradient boosting model aims at enhancing model accuracy and robustness by aggregating multiple weak learners. Gradient-boosted trees are constructed iteratively as other boosting methods, but they offer the advantage of optimizing an arbitrary differentiable loss function (Friedman 2001), but it generalizes the other machine learning methods by allowing optimization of differentiable loss function.
For the RF and GB models, we combined the pRLD estimates for all three months into a single model.
The RF and GB models have a number of hyper parameters that may be optimized to the task at hand. For most hyper parameters, we used the default values in the ScitKit-Learn (Pedregosa et al. 2011) Python implementation. However, for hyper parameters like number of trees, maximal depth of the trees, and maximal number of features included, we used nested cross-validation to optimize these parameters.
Statistical analysis
The performance of the ML predictions was evaluated using cross-validation. The performance metric was correlation coefficient (R) where model estimates were compared to measured 15N uptake and 13C discrimination. In all cases we tested, the RF models performed slightly better than GB model and for simplicity we only investigated the RF model further for feature importance and mediation analysis. Similarly, we only performed mediation for the SI estimate (and not D50). We computed feature importance to investigate which segment of soil layers are most important for 15N uptake and 13C discrimination. This was quantified by the RF average impurity reduction (Breiman 2001).
Mediation analysis was carried out using the SI (May, June, and July) and RF models for predicting \(\text{l}\text{o}\text{g} {\delta }15\text{N}\) and \({\delta }13\text{C}\) as mediators to determine the genotype effect (Fig. 4) of deep root traits on \(\text{l}\text{o}\text{g} {\delta }15\text{N}\), and \({\delta }13\text{C}\)using the approach used in Wacker et al. (2021). Using mediation analysis, we can determine how a genotype (ID) and a dependent variable (\(\text{l}\text{o}\text{g} {\delta }15\text{N}\) or \({\delta }13\text{C}\)) were related by using a mediator variable.