Knowledge ( Tick the answers – multiple tick marks allowed where suitable) 1. What is the causative organism of COVID − 19? □ Bacteria □ Virus □ Fungi □ I don’t know 2. What is/are source of infection of COVID − 19? □ An infected person □ Animals/Birds □ Both of them □ I don’t know 3. What are possible modes of transmission of COVID-19?□ Droplets during coughing, sneezing from an infected person □ Close contact with an infected person □ Touching contaminated surfaces □ Airborne transmission □ Consuming meat products □ I don’t know 4. Do you know in which age group the disease is found to be more severe? □ Neonates and children□ Young and middle aged adults□ Elderlies □ Patients with underlying chronic diseases □ I don’t know 5. What is incubation period of COVID- 19? □ Less than 7 days □ About 14 days □ About 21 days □ I don’t know 6. Which of the following symptoms are due to COVID- 19? □ sore throat □ cough □ runny nose □ fever □ shortness of breath □ bodyache and headaches □ GI symptoms like diarrhea and vomiting □ I don’t know 7. Which of the following complications do you think COVID-19 could cause? □ acute kidney injury □ acute respiratory distress syndrome □ myocarditis □ multiple organ failure □ death □ I don’t know 8. Do you think asymptomatic carriers in subclinical stage can spread the disease? □ Yes □ No □ I don’t know 9. Do you think mild cases of COVID-19 that improves in few days on its own; need to be isolated? □ Yes □ No □ I don’t know 10. Are there treatments for COVID − 19? □Yes □ No □ I don’t know 11. Do you think COVID-19 cases can be treated at home? □ Yes □ No □ I don’t know 12. Do you think antibiotics are treatment of choice for COVID- 19? □ Yes □ No □ I don’t know 13. Are there vaccines for COVID- 19? □ Yes □ No □ I don’t know 14. Which of the following tests should be done for diagnosing COVID − 19 infections? □ Real time PCR with respiratory material (oropharyngeal or nasopharyngeal swab, tracheal aspirate or bronchoalveolar lavage) □ Real time PCR with serum sample □ Chest XRAY □ Others □ I don’t know 15. Have you received any training on infection prevention related to COVID-19? □ Yes □ No 16. In case you have to come in contact with a suspected COVID-19 case, do you know how to use personal protective equipment? □ Yes □ No 17. Do you know the precautionary measures to be taken during aerosol generating procedures like endotracheal intubation, noninvasive ventilation, tracheostomy, cardiopulmonary resuscitation etc. on COVID-19 patients? □ Yes □ No 18. Do you know what you should do if you develop symptoms and signs suggestive of COVID-19? □ Yes □ No Attitude (Tick the answer – multiple tick marks allowed where suitable) 19. Do you worry about getting COVID-19? □ Yes □ No 20. Are you scared that you might be transmitting it to your family members? □ Yes □ No 21. Has your daily life been affected with COVID-19 pandemic? □ Yes □ No 22. Do you think hand washing with soap and water frequently and practicing respiratory etiquette would protect you from virus? □Yes□ No□ I don’t know 23. Do you think wearing a mask would protect you from the virus? □ Yes □ No □ I don’t know 24. Will you take vaccine for COVID-19 if they are made available? □ Yes □ No 25. Do you follow news regarding COVID − 19 regularly? □ Daily □ Sometimes □ Never 26. Which of the following sources have you used for COVID − 19 information? □ Official National and international sites □ Social media (Facebook and others) □ Newspapers and written media □Television and radio □ Colleagues □ Academic trainings □ None of the above 27. Do you think the preparedness in your institution is sufficient to manage COVID-19 outbreak? □ Yes □ No □ I don’t know 28. Do you think current medical supplies and PPE are sufficient for the possible COVID-19 outbreak in your community? □ Yes □ No □ I don’t know 29. To what extent are you confident that you would be able to handle COVID-19 patients in your setup? □ not at all □ to some extent □ to considerable extent □ to great extent Practice (Tick the answer – multiple tick marks allowed where suitable) 30. While coughing and sneezing , Do you cover your mouth and nose with elbow or tissue or handkerchief? □ Yes □ No Do you throw the tissue you use safely in a dustbin? □ Yes □ No Do you wash your hands after sneezing or coughing? □ Yes □ No Do you spit in public area? □ Yes □ No 31. How often do you wash your hands or use alcohol based sanitizer? □ Only when I feel its dirty like I have always been doing □ When I feel I have touched contaminated surface and objects □ After touching or shaking hands with others □ At least every hour 32. Which of the following have you been practicing to prevent transmission of COVID-19 infection in your setup? □ frequent hand washing and use of alcohol based sanitizers □ eating well cooked foods □ putting masks on suspected COVID 19 patients □ protective clothing and masks to health staff □ routine disinfection of surfaces that comes in contact of suspected COVID-19 cases □ placing suspected patients in adequately ventilated single rooms □ avoiding unnecessary moving of patients 33. What type of mask are you wearing most of the time? □ Cloth mask □ Surgical mask □ Respirators □ None 34. Do you dispose your mask when it becomes moist or after 8 hours of work? □ Yes □ No 35. Do you think you are using your masks correctly? □ Yes □ No 36. If you have flu like symptoms, do you avoid normal activities? □Yes □ No 37. Do you notify a suspected COVID − 19 case to authority? □ Yes □ No 38. Are you practicing social distancing of at least 1 meter (3 feet)? □ Yes □ No 39. Have you been following a protocol for triage and isolation of suspected COVID-19 cases in your workplace? □ Yes □ No □ I don’t know |