Kinetic and product characterization in the oxidation flow reactor. The oxidation of α-pinene initiated by ozone and nitrate radical (NO3) was conducted in an 18-liter Pyrex glass oxidation flow reactor (OFR, 12 cm i.d. × 158 cm length) under dry conditions, at room temperature of 296 ± 1 K and atmospheric pressure 55. The total flow rate was kept at 16 standard litres per minute (slpm) using synthetic air (N2/O2 80:20) and the residence time was 67.5 s. The volatile organic compound (VOC) precursors, (+)-α-pinene (Sigma-Aldrich, ≥ 99%), ozone, and NO2 were injected continuously using mass flow controllers (MFC, Bronkhorst). Input VOC concentration was fixed at approximately 8 ± 1 ppbv and retrieved using a quadrupole mass spectrometer (IONICON, PTR-QMS 300). NO3 radicals were generated from the oxidation of NO2 with O3 in an external 1-liter pre-reactor at atmospheric pressure and room temperature. The pre-reactor was dimmed to prevent the photolysis of NO3 by room lights. 500 standard cm3 min− 1 (sccm) of O2 was passed through a stable ozone generator (Fisher Scientific, SOG-1) to generate ~ 900 ppbv of O3 within the pre-reactor (corresponding to ~ 50 ± 5 ppbv after dilution in the flow tube). O3 is mixed with a variable NO2 flow in the pre-reactor to produce different NO3 radical concentrations. The total flow in pre-reactor was fixed at 1 slpm, giving a reaction time of 60 s. Then the mixture of NO3, O3, and excess NO2 enters OFR and reacts with α-pinene. The concentrations of O3 and NO2 in OFR outflow (ranging from 1.9 to 75 ± 2 ppbv in the flow tube) were retrieved using a Thermo 49C, and a Ecophysics CLD 88p equipped with a photolytic converter PLC 860, respectively. The particle formation was measured by a condensation particle counter (TSI CPC 3772) and remained negligible (< 100 cm− 3) during all flow tube experiments. A chemical ionization coupled to a Q-Exactive Orbitrap mass spectrometer (CI-Orbitrap, Thermo Scientific) monitored the oxidation products.
Particle formation in CLOUD chamber. New particle formation experiments were performed at CERN in the CLOUD (Cosmics Leaving OUtdoor Droplets) chamber, a 3-m-diameter electropolished stainless steel vessel of 26.1 m3. This chamber enables to achieve a high standard of cleanliness and discussed in detail by Kirkby et al.4. The evaporation of cryogenic liquid nitrogen (N2) and liquid oxygen (O2) was blended at a ratio of 79:21 to produce pure synthetic air, which flushed the chamber constantly. Variable amounts of trace gases, for example, O3, VOCs, NOx, SO2, and CO were precisely injected into the system as needed and monitored. 250 optical fiber-optic systems installed on top of the chamber are utilized to initiate photolytic reactions, including Hg-Xe UV lamps, and UV excimer laser. The CLOUD chamber is cleaned by irrigating the walls with ultra-pure water, heating to 373 K, and flushing with humidified pure air and the high ozone concentration, declining the contaminant levels such as VOCs to less 1 ppbv. The particles were wiped out under a high voltage electric field. During the CLOUD 14 campaign, the total flow was kept at 250 slpm with an average residence time of 105 mins. With mounting in a thermal housing, the CLOUD chamber temperature was maintained at 264 ± 0.1 K and relative humidity at 20% for the NO3 run. The contents of the chamber were ceaselessly detected and analyzed by a wide range of external instruments connected to the sampling probes ~ 1 m protruding into the chamber. The chamber instrumentation for the results reported here comprised an atmospheric pressure chemical ionization inlet coupled to an ultrahigh-resolution Orbitrap mass spectrometer (CI-Orbitrap) for retrieving the chemical composition of gaseous (highly) oxygenated volatile organic compounds (OVOC)56, a nitrate chemical ionization atmospheric pressure interface long time of flight mass spectrometer (CI-(NO3–)-APi-LTOF, Aerodyne Research Inc. and Tofwerk AG) from the University of Frankfurt36 for providing the reference of highly oxygenated molecules (HOMs) concentration, an iodide-adduct chemical ionization time of flight mass spectrometer equipped with a Filter Inlet for Gases and AEROsols (FIGAERO-CIMS) for the composition of particle phase, a proton transfer reaction time-of-flight (PTR-TOF) mass spectrometer for organic precursors concentrations57, a CPC battery at 2.5–12 nm thresholds (mobility diameters), a di-ethylene glycol CPC (DEG-CPC) at 2.0 nm threshold58, a nano-scanning electrical mobility spectrometer (nSEMS) for 1.5–25 nm particle size59, trace gas analyzers to measure ozone (O3, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. 42i-TLE), nitric oxide (NO, ECO Physics, CLD 780TR) and nitrogen dioxide monitor (CAPS NO2, Aerodyne Research Inc.) and dew point mirrors (EdgeTech) for RH of the chamber.
Field campaign in Siikaneva, Finland. The ambient observation was conducted between March 10 and June 15, 2016 in a wetland, Siikaneva, southern Finland (61° 49’ 59.4”N, 24°92 11’ 32.4”E). It is located ~ 5 km west of the Station for Measuring Ecosystem – Atmosphere Relations (SMEAR) II station, which is located in a boreal forest at Hyytiälä. Air temperature was measured with Rotronic HC2 sensor (Rotronic 88 AG, Switzerland). Global radiation was measured by a Kipp & Zonen CNR4 radiometer (OTT HydroMet B.V., The Netherlands). A proton transfer reaction time-of-flight mass spectrometer (PTR-TOF, Ionicon Analytik GmbH) using H3O+ as the ion source was used to measure VOC concentrations. A chemical ionization atmospheric pressure interface time-of-flight mass spectrometers (CI-APi-TOF, Aerodyne Research Inc.) using NO3– as the reagent ion was deployed to measure the molecular composition of ambient neutral clusters. Number concentrations of particles with a mobility diameter larger than 2.5 nm were recorded with a condensation particle counter (CPC3776, TSI Inc). Number concentration and size distribution of atmospheric ions and neutral particles with a mobility diameter of 0.8–42 nm were measured with a neutral cluster and air ion spectrometer (NAIS, Airel Ltd.).
Orbitrap technology. CI-Orbitrap technology has been described elsewhere and prior studies have reported its capabilities to study atmospheric reactive organic species successfully56,60. For this study, ammonium and nitrate ions (NH4+ / NO3–) were used as reagent ion of CI-Orbitrap for the detection of an extensive range of OVOCs. NO3– ionization has been described elsewhere56, and NH4+ adduct ion chemistry has already been utilized with PTR-MS as discussed by Lindinger et al.61 and with the novel PTR3-TOF by Hansel et al.62 or Berndt et al.18 and shown excellent sensitivity to detect OVOCs. Therefore, for this study, OVOCs refer to oxidized organic compounds that can be detected, including HOMs (O > 6) and the lower oxidized molecules (O = 2-5) in positive mode.
NH3 was added to the ion source taking 5 sccm from the headspace of a 1% of liquid ammonium hydroxide solution (25% NH3 basis, ACS reagent, Sigma-Aldrich). The product molecules (prod) were softly charged by binding to ammonium ions, forming (prod)-NH4+ adduct ions or protonated products (prod)-H+, following equations (1) and (2).
NH4+ + prod → (prod)-NH4+ (1)
NH4+ + prod → (prod)-H+ + NH3 (2)
The Orbitrap was externally mass-calibrated using a 2 mM sodium acetate solution (Aldrich, > 99%
purity) in an electrospray ionization source. The drift in mass accuracy remained within 2 ppm throughout the experiments. The formula assignment of measured ions was constrained by known oxidation chemistry and elemental composition, i.e., ions are assumed to contain only carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen atoms (up to three N atoms to account for adduction of NH4+).
Volatility of HOMs. Since HOM are difficult to synthesis and their vapor pressures are too low for the methods currently used to detect volatility, direct measurements of the volatilities of individual HOM are very challenging. Numerous model calculations, such as so-called group contribution approaches63 or parameterizations based on the oxidation state64,65. We use a volatility parameterization to calculate effective saturation mass concentration (Csat) of individual organic compounds according to their structure-based estimations and formula-based estimations using the modified Li et al. approach48,65 as in Eq. (3):
where \({n}_{C}\), \({n}_{O}\), \({n}_{N}\), and \({n}_{S}\) are the number of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur atoms of the specific molecule, separately; \({n}_{C}^{0}\) is the reference carbon number; \({b}_{C}\), \({b}_{O}\), \({b}_{N}\), and \({b}_{S}\) are the contribution of each atom to \({log}_{10}{C}_{sat}\), separately; \({b}_{CO}\) is the carbon-oxygen nonideality64. Values of b coefficient can be found in Li et al.65. The formula used to estimate the vapor pressure is amended to convert all NO3 groups into OH groups to reduce the bias from the compounds containing nitrates48,66.
Due to the different temperatures in the CLOUD 14 experiments, we adjusted the \({C}_{sat}\left(298K\right)\) to the measured experimental temperature in equations (4) and (5):
$${log}_{10}{C}_{sat}\left(T\right)={log}_{10}{C}_{sat}\left(298K\right)+\frac{\varDelta {H}_{vap}}{Rln\left(10\right)}\times (\frac{1}{298}-\frac{1}{T})$$
$$\varDelta {H}_{vap}\left(kJ {mol}^{-1}\right)= -11\bullet {log}_{10}{C}_{sat}\left(298K\right)+129$$
where \(T\) is the temperature in kelvin; \({C}_{sat}\left(298K\right)\) is the saturation mass concentration at 298 K; \(\varDelta {H}_{vap}\) is the evaporation enthalpy and R is the gas constant (8.3134 J K− 1 mol− 1). The potential presence of isomers may result in uncertainty in this method since the only input is molecular formula.
In this study, all oxidation products were grouped into six volatility regimes; ultralow-volatility (ULVOCs), \({C}_{sat}\) < 10−8.5 µg m−3, extremely low volatility (ELVOCs), 10−8.5 < \({C}_{sat}\) < 10−4.5 µg m−3, low-volatility (LVOCs), 10−4.5 < \({C}_{sat}\) < 10−0.5 µg m− 3, semi-volatile (SVOCs), 10−0.5 < \({C}_{sat}\) < 102.5 µg m−3, intermediate-volatility organic compounds (IVOC), 102.5 < \({C}_{sat}\) < 106.5 µg m−3, and VOC, 106.5 < \({C}_{sat}\)µg m−3 based on VBS.
Kinetic model simulations. The behaviors of NO3, N2O5, RO2 (C10H15O4, C10H17O3 and C10H16NO5), the corresponding less oxidized monomers formed from the oxidation reaction of α-pinene by O3/OH and NO3 radicals under typical experimental conditions were simulated simply using the F0AM v3.135 box model employing MCM v3.3.167. The RO2 autoxidation reactions and NO3 chemistry-related packages were not considered in the model.