A life cycle assessment (LCA) of the SHIFTPHONE is conducted and the climate, energy, land, material and water footprints are calculated using selected life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) indicators (Table 1).
Table 1
LCIA methods and terminology throughout this study. FP: Footprint; *if named differently.
LCIA method
Impact categories
Unit (this study)
this study*
climate FP
IPCC 201315, updated according to IPCC 202116
Global Warming Potential (GWP)
kg CO2-eqv.
energy FP
Cumulative Energy Demand (CED)15
CED, fossil
non-renewable energy resources, fossil
MJ eqv. (kWh)
non-renewable energy resources, nuclear
MJ eqv. (kWh)
non-renewable energy resources, primary forest
MJ eqv. (kWh)
land FP
Land occupation17
Land occupation
Land occupation
material FP
Product Material Footprint (PMF)18
Raw Material Input (RMI)
Raw material input (RMI)
raw material
Total Material Requirement (TMR)
Total material requirement (TMR)
primary material
water FP
Water Scarcity Footprint (WSF)19
Quantitative Water Scarcity Footprint (WSFquan)
quantitative water FP
product-incorporated water
water transfers
Qualitative Water Scarcity Footprint (WSFqual)
qualitative water FP
In order to quantify the effect of its high reparability, two use cases are distinguished: Use case M2x2.5 assumes a typical smartphone lifetime of 2.5 years and serves as reference model for a standard smartphone, whereas use case M5 assumes a lifetime of 5 years through replacement of defective modules and is specific to the SHIFTPHONE (Fig. 1).
To ensure comparability, M2x2.5 is also referenced to 5 years by the input of two SHIFTPHONES. As application-oriented functional unit, a smartphone use for one year considering the production and the use phase is chosen. The climate, energy, land, material and water footprint are calculated for the production phase of one SHIFTPHONE and per functional unit. Some of these footprints consist of several sub-indicators covering different categories of environmental impact (Table 1). Spatial and activity hotspots are determined by normalising footprint results of selected individual activities along the LCA supply chain, which contribute at least 1% to a total footprint result, with the median of all results. For spatial hotspots, the normalised results from all footprints are summarized per location if known, for activity hotspots, they are summarized per activity category.
1.1 Footprints of the production phase of a SHIFTPHONE
The production phase of the SHIFTPHONE is responsible for 20 kg emissions of CO2 equivalents, consumes 72 kWh equivalents of energy, 1 m2 a land, 38 kg raw material, 78 kg primary material as well as 7 m3 water and requires 20,000 m3 of water to virtually dilute water pollution below specific thresholds (Fig. 2, Supplementary Data 1).
It is difficult to compare the results with other smartphones because comparable studies have used other indicators for evaluation and other LCA databases. However, differences are hardly to be expected here, as the SHIFTPHONE does not use special production methods or alternative materials. A comparison with the Fairphone 3 (36 kg CO2 equivalents21) shows that the climate footprint of the SHIFTPHONE is smaller, but still in the same order of magnitude. Differences in this case may result from the use of a different database. The analysis and results of the production phase of the SHIFTPHONE form the basis for the comparison of the use cases.
1.2 Footprints of the use cases
The footprints of the standard use case M2x2.5 are in the range of 35 to 42% larger than those of the modular use case M5 (Table 2, Supplementary Data 2 and 3) per functional unit. The functional unit here is the smartphone use for one year, considering production and use phase.
Table 2
Footprint results of the reference use case M2x2.5 and the modular use case M5 per smartphone use for one year. FP: footprint, RMI: raw material input, TMR: total material requirement, quant.: quantitative, qual.: qualitative, sd: standard deviation.
unit, per smartphone use for one year
savings [%]
climate FP
kg CO2-Eqv.
± 0.3
± 1
energy FP
± 6
± 0.1
land FP
m2*a land occupation
± 0.04
± 0.04
material FP (RMI)
kg raw material
± 1
± 0.2
material FP (RMI, metal)
kg raw material
± 1
± 0.3
material FP (TMR)
kg primary material
± 2
± 0.5
material FP (TMR, metal)
kg primary material
± 2
± 1
water FP (quant.)
m3 water
± 2
± 1
water FP (qual.)
m3 virtual dilution water
± 5185
± 3616
In comparison with the standard use case, the modular case shows the largest savings in the material footprint (RMI 42 and TMR 43%) of which metallic raw materials have a share of at least 60%. Smallest savings are possible in the land footprint (36%). The special role of the material footprint in savings potential can be explained by a closer look at the inputs of the two use cases: for M5, in order to extend the lifetime to 5 years, one SHIFTPHONE and various replacement modules are needed, e.g. 0.06 displays per functional unit (Supplementary Table 1), while for M2x2.5 two SHIFTPHONES are needed. The inventory analysis shows that the display and the mainboard contain comparatively the most gold of all modules directly or in the supply chain. M5 saves gold compared to M2x2.5 by consuming only 0.27 displays per functional unit (0.4 in M2x2.5) and 0.2 mainboards per functional unit (0.4 in M2x2.5). This saving in particular has an above-average effect on the material footprint, as the characterisation factor of gold in the material footprint is exceptionally high. The analysis of the activity hotspots provides more detailed information on this.
1.3 Identification of activity hotspots
Activity hotspots of the standard use case M2x2.5 are mining, mainly gold mining, energy supply as well as waste treatment. The modular use case M5 relieves in particular the mining hotspots by saving a total of more than 5 kg of raw material (RMI) and more than 14 kg of primary material (TMR) per functional unit.
Activity hotspots are determined within the framework of a hotspot analysis, which examines the LCA results in more detail according to the type of activities along the supply chain. To this end, the results of the single footprints must first be made comparable: for each footprint, the median value of all activities of the two use cases M2x2.5 and M5 is determined and used to normalise each single activity result through division (Supplementary Data 4). A normalised value represents the ratio of the raw value to the median. Normalised single footprints are combined into the dimensionless index environmental burden by summing up results of the same activity category, namely mining (of gold, other metals and minerals), energy supply (through hard coal mining, petroleum and gas production, wood chips from forestry, electricity and heat production as well as diesel use), waste treatment, display production, transport, on-site activities (referring to the location of the SHIFT GmbH) and other activities. The environmental burden per activity category is considered as hotspot if it exceeds a threshold value of 5, which means that the environmental burden is 5 times as large as a median footprint result.
Activity hotspots of the standard use case M2x2.5 are mining with a share of 31%, in particular gold mining with 22%, energy supply, mainly based on hard coal, petroleum and gas and electricity and heat, with 38% as well as waste treatment with a share of 18% of the total environmental burden (Fig. 3, Supplementary Table 2). The category “other” is also a hotspot according to its numerical value, but only because it combines numerous different activities that are not hotspots when considered individually.
1.4 Reduction of activity hotspots through the modular use case
The modular use case M5 shows a smaller absolute environmental burden than M2x2.5 of 190 compared to 295. This reduction applies to all categories, so that not only the total environmental burden decreases, but also the environmental burden of all categories with the highest absolute reduction of 28 in the category gold mining. The shares of the individual categories vary between M2x2.5 and M5 and the biggest difference is that in M5 metal mining has a 24% lower relative share (differences in the generic category “other” not considered).
In absolute numbers, the highest reductions of the dimensionless index environmental burden originate from the activity categories gold mining (27.8, Supplementary Fig. 1, Supplementary Table 2), waste treatment (21.1), hard coal mining (13.1) as well as electricity and heat production (10.9). All mining activities taken together (except for energy carriers), the modular use case M5 leads to a reduction of the environmental burden from 91 to 38 by saving 2.9 kg, 0.7 kg and 0.3 kg of raw material (RMI) in the activity hotspots gold mining, other metal mining and mineral mining compared to M2x2.5 per functional unit (Fig. 4). In terms of primary material (TMR), the savings are 8.9 kg, 1.4 kg and 0.7 kg (Fig. 4). The environmental burden of the hotspot energy supply is reduced from 114 to 74 through a reduced use of hard coal, petroleum and gas, electricity and heat and wood chips.
As regards the composition of the activity categories, compared to the reference use case M2x2.5, an 11% higher share of non-metal mining and an 18% higher share of diesel use are prominent in the modular use case M5. This contrasts with an 12% and 24% lower share of gold and other metal mining, a 23% lower share of on-site activities and a 9 and 10% lower share in use of energy wood and electricity and heat production. Thus, there is a shift in the activity categories with the modular use case M5. Since M5 has a lower environmental burden in absolute terms in all categories, this does not lead to a shift of burden. Actually, the proportionate decrease in gold and hard coal production in particular represents a real relief for the mining and energy supply hotspots.
1.5 Relief of spatial hotspots by the modular variant
Most spatial hotspots of the reference use case M2x2.5 are related to the production phase and originate from mining, in particular of gold and copper, and associated treatment of tailings. Second most are spatial hotspots due to energy supply along the supply chain. M5 reduces numerous hotspots and even dissolves some completely.
Spatial hotspots are determined in the same way as activity hotspots, i. e. spatial hotspots are places in the supply chain of the SHIFTPHONE where the sum of the normalised footprint values of all activities taking place there is greater than 5. According to the spatial resolution of the LCI, hotspots can be point coordinates, countries but also regions of two or more countries. This circumstance, which is related to the quality of the regionalisation, is also evaluated in the following.
A hotspot is usually formed by the environmental impacts of several activities (Supplementary Table 3), but most hotspots related to M2x2.5 originate from mining activities: in Australia, Canada, China, Mexico and the United States gold mining and treatment of tailings from gold mining contribute to the hotspots (Fig. 5).
Russia is a hotspot due to copper mining and treatment of associated tailings. In South Africa, there is a mixture of gold and hard coal mining responsible for the hotspot.
Second most important is energy production: in Europe, China and Chinese mines (circles located within China in Fig. 5) hotspots are related to the production of hard coal, while Algeria, the Middle East, Russia and the United States appear due to natural gas and petroleum production and Sweden because of forestry for energy wood production. Colombia appears as emerging hotspot because of electricity production from reservoir hydropower plants, which occupy relatively large areas of land with artificial lakes, and North America because of uranium production. That mining and energy production play the most important role is also confirmed, if hotspots are analysed separately for each footprint (Supplementary Figs. 3 and 4): the energy and qualitative water footprint (associated with treatment of tailings from mining) are responsible for contributions with a value greater than 5, while all others remain below 5. In M5, analysed separately by footprints, almost all locations have a value below 5. This is because M5 needs less input of primary resources and energy and relieves all hotspots.
An emerging hotspot in India (Fig. 5, Supplementary Table 3), which is due to tap and decarbonised water production, has less to do with smartphone production at first glance, but tap and decarbonised water is needed in the manufacturing of wafers for mainboards. Their production is modelled based on a global database activity, which uses a global market activity for the input of tap water. India is appearing prominently here, because no other activity is contributing to the hotspot there, but tap and decarbonised water production is also contributing to the hotspot in China.
In general, M2x2.5 shows more and more severe hotspots than M5 (Fig. 5). M5 could defuse hotspots in North America, Mexico, South Africa, Middle East, Russia, Australia and a Chinese mining region (circles in Fig. 5), while Colombia, Algeria and India disappear completely. Apart from one single contribution at the location of the SHIFT GmbH in Germany all hotspots are part of the upstream supply chain, which makes clear that direct activities are less relevant.
In comparison with the analysis of the types of activities, it shows that non-metal mining, diesel production, transport and display production are missing in the spatial analysis due to a lack of regionalised inventory data, although they together account for 15% (M2x2.5) and 17% (M5) of the total environmental burden. In addition, gold mining, natural gas and petroleum production and forestry are underrepresented in the spatial analysis: if the spatial resolution of these supply chains were better, we would probably see more hotspots.
1.6 Impact coverage of the hotspot analysis
For the hotspot analysis according to Schomberg et al. 202222, a cut-off criterion was set so that only activities that contribute at least 1% to the overall result of a footprint are included in the analysis. For almost all footprints, the selected activities cover in total at least 61% and on average 80% of the total footprint result. However, this does not apply to the climate footprint, where a coverage of only 44% is achieved. This is an indication that there is a large number of activities which climate footprint results have a similar numerical value, so that they do not stand out as hotspots. In such cases, there are fewer hotspots, as they are intended to represent a comparatively high contribution with a clear distance to the other contributions. The coverage of on average 80% also applies to the analysis of the type of activities (Fig. 3): 80% of the total environmental burden is covered by the selected activities on average and the term “total environmental burden” in this study refers to the 80% analysed. However, random examinations of the remaining 20% of activities, each of which contributes less than 1% to the overall footprint results, show that these have no significant influence on the type and composition of the activity categories.
1.7 Spatial coverage of the hotspot analysis
Spatial coverage is determined by evaluating the quality of regionalisation: Regionalisation means that each activity in the supply chain of the SHIFTPHONE is assigned a location, which can range from point coordinates to global. Point coordinates correspond to a regionalisation of quality 1, quality 2 refers to countries, quality 3 to regions (corresponding to groupings from more than on country), quality 4 to allocations of quality 1 to 3 but which are doubtful, and quality 5 to global or rest-of-world. The last two are to be regarded unknown locations. 48% of the activities in the supply chain of the SHIFTPHONE are regionalised at least on sup-country level (Fig. 6), while the majority of activities (52%) could not be regionalised.
By using a regionalised data set for eight mining products and breaking down the SHIFTPHONE supply chain up to supplier level 3, this spatial coverage is already above the average of a standard LCA. Nevertheless, the spatial data is insufficient, why we supplement the spatial analysis of activities with an analysis of the type of activities22. Particularly affected by the lack of spatial data are the activity categories non-metal mining, diesel use, display production and transport. Here, it is unknown where in the world the associated activities take place. Conversely, hard coal and platinum mining are not affected by missing spatial data at all. In all other activity categories, the locations are partly known, mostly on a supra-country level, and partly unknown.
1.8 Variance analysis of the LCA
Monte-Carlo-Simulations of the footprints of the SHIFTPHONE as well as of both use cases are carried out with the software openLCA using 5,000 iterations and a cut-off value (0.00053 for the SHIFTPHONE model and 0.00005 for the use cases). Results show that most standard deviations are in the range of 2 to 18% of the footprint results. However, standard deviations of the water footprint are noticeably higher and can reach 74% for the qualitative water footprint (Fig. 2, Table 1). This is because the water footprint is calculated as regionalised LCIA whereby there are significantly more uncertainties to consider.