Goldfish strains (Carassius auratus)
The common goldfish (‘Wakin’) and the bubble-eye goldfish were obtained from a local supplier Kingyo-Zaka (Tokyo, Japan). Goldfish were fed with a commercial diet for goldfish (Kyorin, Hyougo, Japan). All experiments were done after an acclimation period (more than a week) in the laboratory after each purchase, where we kept the goldfish at 25ºC in a fish tank (30 x 45 x 23 cm). The ranges of body weight were 7–10 g for the common goldfish, and 20–28 g for the bubble-eye goldfish upon the start day of each experiment. The research protocol was approved by Animal Welfare Ethics Committee of Genome Pharmaceuticals Institute Co., Ltd. and was conducted in compliance with all relevant guidelines and regulations applicable at the time and place of the experiments, including the ARRIVE guidelines.
Temperature rise paradigms
Temperature rise paradigms were given to the goldfish following the acclimation period at the normal temperature (25ºC). For the infection experiments and the sterile immune challenge experiments, goldfish were kept at either 25ºC or 33ºC for 24 hours before treatments (i.e., infection or sterile challenge). For ex vivo experiments using harvested eye-sac immune cells, cells were harvested from bubble-eye goldfish reared at 25ºC, and the harvested cells were cultured either at 25ºC and 33ºC.
Bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosa)
P. aeruginosa, strain PAO1 24 was aerobically cultured overnight at 37℃ in LB10 medium. In infection experiments, the live P. aeruginosa cells were washed and suspended in saline (0.9% NaCl aqueous solution). For the heat-killed P. aeruginosa cells used in this study, we washed the live cells with saline, and then autoclaved the cells at 121℃ for 20 min.
Infection experiments
To know the effect of temperature on the goldfish immunity, we intraperitoneally injected P. aeruginosa live cells (3 x 107 CFU/fish) to the common goldfish (Wakin). The injected fish were then kept at either 25℃ (normal rearing temperature) or 33℃ (high temperature) and monitored for their survival.
Sterile immune challenge to the eye-sac using heat-killed bacterial cells
An overnight culture of P. aeruginosa was spun and the pellet was resuspended in a tenth volume of saline. We autoclaved this suspension at 121ºC for 20 minutes to obtain heat-killed P. aeruginosa cells. We injected 50 µL of the heat-killed P. aeruginosa cells into the eye-sac of one side, and 50 µL of saline into the eye-sac of the other side. The immune challenges were done either at the normal rearing temperature (25ºC) or at the high temperature (33ºC).
Collection of eye-sac cells
Because the common goldfish is difficult to collect their immune cells without sacrificing the animal, we used the bubble-eye goldfish in the following part of this study to investigate the molecular responses of the goldfish immune system to temperature rises. Eye-sac cells floating in the eye-sac fluid can be easily collected from the eye sacs of bubble-eye goldfish ( ≧ 2 x 105 cells/mL). Eye-sac cells consisted predominantly of mononuclear cells of various sizes, ranging from 5 to 20 µm, and different nucleocytoplasmic ratios (Fig. 2). Some of the cells showed adhesion to plastic dishes in vitro (data not shown). From the bubble eye-goldfish, the eye-sac fluid (containing the eye-sac cells) was collected from the eye sacs using a disposable plastic syringe with a 21-Gauge sterile needle.
Gene expression analysis of eye-sac immune cells
Twenty-four hours after the injection of heat-killed P. aeruginosa into the eye sac, we collected the eye-sac cells as described in the ‘Collection of eye-sac cells’ section. We then isolated the mRNA and performed qRT-PCR analyses (details describe in the following section).
Ex vivo culture of the eye-sac cells
We used a disposable syringe (5 mL) with needle (21 Gauge) to harvest the eye-sac immune cells. The harvested cells (typically 4 mL) were suspended in RPMI 1640 medium (Sigma-Aldrich) supplemented with 10% heat-inactivated calf serum (SAFC Biosciences, USA, 3% autologous eye-sac fluid, 20 mM HEPES buffer and antibiotics (100 U/mL of penicillin and 100 µg/mL of streptomycin) and cultured in 24-well plastic plate (catalog# 3820-024, AGC Techno Glass) (8 x 104 cells/0.8 mL/well) for at least 2 hours. The medium had been preincubated at 25 ºC. In this condition, approximately 50% of the harvested cells adhered to the plastic dish. To give an immune challenge, 1.5x108 cells of heat-killed P. aeruginosa were added in the medium when the cells were suspended in the culture dish.
RNA isolation and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR)
Total RNA was isolated from eye-sac cells by using TRIzol Reagent (ThermoFisher Scientific), treated with DNase I (Promega), and reverse transcribed to obtain cDNA using the High Capacity RNA-to-cDNA Kit (ThermoFisher Scientific) following the manufacturer’s protocol. Using the cDNA, gene expressions were analyzed by qRT-PCR. The qRT-PCR was performed using 7500 Fast Real-Time PCR System (ThermoFisher Scientific) using Fast SYBR ® Green Master Mix (ThermoFisher Scientific). Primers for each target gene were described in the literature 21. We chose the elongation factor 1α (EF1α) gene as an internal control as done in the preceding study in the goldfish 21.
Statistical analysis
To test the differences between survival curves, log-rank tests were performed using GraphPad Prism version 8.4.3 (GraphPad Software Inc.). To test the differences between mean values, Student’s t-tests were performed using Microsoft Excel 2013.