This study aimed to advance knowledge in urban ecology through a justice-centered approach that explicitly considers how racially-targeted zoning practices, like redlining, can shape the distribution of noise and potential impacts on wildlife. We found 1) strong evidence that noise is inequitably distributed across HOLC redlining grades in 83 U.S. cities; 2) that environmental, transportation, and industrial noise drive shifts in diverse biological responses (including population- and ecosystem-level, physiological, fitness, and behavioral responses) across a broad range of urban taxa; and 3) that the cumulative evidence of biological effects on urban wildlife increases as noise exposure rises until reaching levels over 100 db. Below, we discuss these findings and their importance to urban and acoustic ecology and highlight a list of key future questions that integrate noise pollution, wildlife, and social inequity to advance knowledge relevant to urban conservation practitioners and planners.
Noise distribution across HOLC redlining grades
Our analysis of the distribution of noise in U.S. cities provides clear evidence that noise is not equitably distributed in cities with historical redlined communities. In our model, redlining had a stronger contribution in predicting noise pollution than other factors (i.e., population size). Grade D neighborhoods experienced a greater spatial extent of excess noise and more than a 10-fold increase in sound pressure level than grade A neighborhoods (Figures 1A, 1B, and Figure 2). Although not focused on redlining explicitly, other research has similarly found that noise exposure is greater in residentially segregated neighborhoods 49, and in neighborhoods that have lower socio-economic status and/or higher percentages of racial and ethnic minority residents in the United States 50,51,63,64, South Africa 65, Hong Kong 66, Canada 67, the United Kingdom 68, and Germany 69. Our study expands these findings by providing evidence explicitly linking noise exposure to the racially-targeted urban practice of redlining.
These inequities have direct consequences for humans — on average an increase of 10 dB of noise above background sound levels equates to elevated human health risks and a 90% decrease in listening ability 52. Moreover, grade A neighborhoods in our study experienced average maximum noise levels closer to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s recommended upper limit for annual average noise exposure at 70 dB (Figure 1B and 1C), the baseline level at which damaging health effects emerge. In contrast, redlined neighborhoods more frequently experienced average maximum noise levels above 90 dB, with greater coverage of maximum values up to 120 dB (Figure 1B, 1C, and Figure 2) — equivalent to the sound experienced when standing next to a chainsaw and above the human pain threshold 70. Noise levels between 90 and 120 dB can cause damage to hearing, hearing loss, physical pain, and psychophysiological stress in humans 61,62. Notably, these maximum noise levels represent the highest noise levels found in a HOLC grade averaged over a 24-hr period, indicating that some sections of grade D neighborhoods are experiencing noise levels that are both severe (over 90 dB) and chronic (consistent over a 24-hr period). Thus, it is perhaps unsurprising that evidence is now accumulating that links residential segregation, noise pollution, and human health disparities 57.
Emerging research suggests that there is a strong correlation between urban systemic racism and environmental health, and understanding these interconnected processes is an urgent priority for urban conservation 6. Yet, studies addressing this need so far have focused on other forms of environmental injustice, such as inequitable air and water pollution and disparities in green space coverage 6. Our finding that noise pollution is also related to systemic racism can inform urban planning. If noise is an important unseen factor shaping urban environments, then urban planning projects failing to take noise into account while addressing other environmental injustices in historically redlined communities may fall short of realizing their full beneficial potential. Our findings establish new research avenues to determine how inequitable noise pollution interacts with other forms of environmental injustice to exacerbate their impacts on marginalized communities and their wildlife neighbors. For example, noise, air, and light pollution often co-occur because they are both emitted from transportation and industrial sources. Yet, these forms of pollution are often only moderately correlated 71,72, suggesting that noise impacts may extend beyond the footprint of other forms of environmental injustice.
Impacts of noise to urban wildlife
Our literature review demonstrates the widespread effects of urban noise exposure across species, behavior, demography, and environments. Urban transportation, environmental, and industrial noise were associated with changes to animal physiology, fitness, and multiple behaviors for all trophic levels and taxonomic groups (Figures 4B, 4C, and 4D). We found that noise levels as low as 23 dB can affect wildlife and that the cumulative effects of noise become more pronounced with higher noise levels (Figure 4A). Over 95% of studies (across multiple taxonomic groups; Figure 4D) found a biological response at 90 dB, a noise level more commonly observed in redlined communities. These findings reinforce those of Shannon et al. (2016)43, who found that the cumulative effects of noise increased with noise level, with over 95% of terrestrial studies documenting a biological response at 90 dB as well (though not focused exclusively on urban noise). Thus, evidence consistently suggests that, as noise increases, the effects on wildlife become more widespread. Consequently, higher noise levels found in redlined neighborhoods may have substantially greater biological effects as more species respond with a broader range of biological shifts at such levels.
A majority of responses involved reduced biodiversity and altered acoustic diversity. Seventy-two percent of population-level studies reported reduced abundance or occurrence of wildlife with elevated noise exposure, and 93% of vocalization studies reported altered vocal behavior. Urban species, especially birds, often rely on acoustic communication to attract mates, defend territories, and signal dangers 73. Urban noise frequently masks these vital signals, especially at lower frequencies 74,75. This masking effect can cause taxa to alter their vocal behavior in multiple ways, including shifting the frequency of their song or increasing vocal amplitudes 76–78, or altering the timing or complexity of their vocalizations 79,80. When a species cannot adjust its acoustic signal, it may instead respond to noise by altering its movement or habitat use to avoid noisy areas 81,82.
Synthesizing socio-ecological Impacts
The finding that higher noise is related to reduced biodiversity and altered acoustic diversity has notable implications for urban wildlife, humans, and equitable urban planning. Human residents in redlined neighborhoods have disproportionately lower access to parks and green spaces 17,30. However, even when these neighborhoods do include more green spaces, they may still experience lower animal biodiversity and degraded natural soundscapes. As access to biodiversity and natural soundscapes has been shown to improve human health 58, residents of redlined neighborhoods are likely experiencing both direct health impacts from inequitable noise 42 and indirect impacts from reduced access to the benefits from nature. Moreover, reduced biodiversity is often associated with reduced ecosystem function, resilience, and services for humans 83,84. Additionally, the inequitable distribution of noise in urban landscapes could limit conservation funding and opportunities for people in redlined communities, as conservation projects tend to concentrate in areas of high biodiversity 85. This highlights the intertwined need to address inequity in urban systems, for the benefit of people and wildlife.
Several cities across the United States are currently developing or implementing plans to address environmental justice issues by increasing access to parks and green spaces for underserved populations 86, who are often within historical redlining boundaries 30,59. For example, Denver voters approved a 0.25% sales tax increase to advance Denver’s Game Plan for a Healthy City 87, which is working to provide equitable access to parks by identifying neighborhoods in greatest need of new or improved parks and green infrastructure. Similarly, Pittsburgh Parks and Recreation paired a tax referendum with data to improve park equity, along with New York, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Detroit, and Minneapolis, amongst others, using equity data to develop plans to increase equitable park access 86. Importantly, many of these initiatives are being developed with direct input from local residents and neighborhood organizations, with a goal of using affordable housing agreements or other tools to avoid green gentrification (the process in which improving green infrastructure increases local property values, displacing lower-income residents; 88. Yet, if new green infrastructure is added or improved without also mitigating noise, such parks and green spaces may still experience limited biodiversity and fewer opportunities for residents to encounter the beneficial effects of natural soundscapes. Thus, equitable urban planning projects should consider including noise mitigation approaches to ensure that both wildlife and people receive the benefits of additional green infrastructure without the degrading effects of noise. Such mitigation measures may include adding physical barriers to limit noise emission from industrial and construction zones, creating tree lines and border vegetation of specific heights and densities to reduce noise transmission, implementing traffic speed reductions in areas near green spaces, and applying technological improvements to reduce noise emitted from tires and road surface substrates (see the review of mitigation methods and associated references cited in Table 4 from Shannon et al. (2016)43).
Study Scope
While our results highlight important consequences of inequitable noise for wildlife and humans, there are certain limitations to the scope of our literature review that should be considered when interpreting our results. The focus of research on urban noise impacts to wildlife was biased across taxonomic groups, biological responses, and geographic locations studied. Our results show that the vast majority of studies on noise impacts to urban wildlife are being conducted on birds, which is likely driven by birds and bird vocalizations being more easily observed and measured than many other groups and biological responses in the urban environment. Invertebrates were the least studied taxa, as has been found by other reviews, despite invertebrates contributing disproportionately to global biodiversity 89. Among all taxonomic groups, changes in vocal behavior and population-level metrics were the most observed effects of noise (Figure 3A and 3C), and physiological responses were also more commonly studied in urban wildlife. We found a strong geographic bias in urban noise and wildlife research, with 74% of studies conducted in North America and Europe alone (Supplementary 1, Figure S2), which is only slightly smaller than the findings of 81% and 79.6% from Shannon et al. (2016)43 and Jerem and Matthews (2021)90, which covered impacts to wildlife beyond urban noise. It will be critical to broaden the taxonomic, biological, and geographic breadth of research on urban noise impacts to wildlife to better understand and predict how inequitable noise will impact rare species and species with unique life histories, auditory capabilities, and adaptive capacity to noise 43. Another limitation of our review was the bias towards terrestrial ecosystems. The effects of noise on aquatic urban species (documented in only four studies that we reviewed) were far less explored than effects on terrestrial species. As a result, our review only considered impacts on terrestrial wildlife.
Further limitations that warrant consideration include the variation in noise metrics, study designs, and geographic and sampling biases represented across the studies included in our review. First, a variety of acoustic metrics with different frequency weighting and bandwidths were synthesized together in our review and analysis (Figure 4), as we were unable to adjust all values to a common acoustic metric that could be compared across studies (a lack of accurate reporting of acoustic metrics is a key concern noted by McKenna et al. 2016 91). As a result, we have avoided making comparisons of how noise levels differentially affected taxonomic groups, trophic levels, or biological responses because researchers may have explored different noise levels for different groups, and thus any inter-group differences may be related to study design rather than noise levels. Given our urban focus, people and animals likely are exposed to chronic low frequency noise 92, suggesting that our findings can be more directly compared. However, the variation in metrics used across studies warrants caution in making such direct comparisons. We also caution against using our findings to conclude that low-decibel urban noise has no effect on wildlife. Although the cumulative effects on wildlife increase with noise, animals may still respond to very low noise levels 43, and the lack of evidence of effects at lower noise levels may be partially driven by biases in study design, with fewer researchers choosing to study low noise exposure levels. Similarly, redlined neighborhoods are underrepresented in citizen science projects that are used to study urban ecology 93, which likely explains why noise levels above 100 dB - more common to redlined neighborhoods - are not well represented in the urban acoustic ecology literature that we reviewed (Figure 4A). Thus, our findings likely underestimate the full impact of inequitable noise on urban wildlife and future research should prioritize evaluating noise impacts to wildlife at levels of 100 dB and above.
Our use of Web of Science for the literature review also likely missed relevant publications in the non-peer-reviewed gray literature and government reports 94, which likely contributed to the lack of publications in our review from the Global South. However, a recent review that used a more comprehensive approach similarly found evidence that the Global South was underrepresented in research on noise impacts to wildlife 90. These geographic biases arise, in part, from disparities in conservation research and funding, where scientists from wealthy countries in the Global North frequently conduct research in the Global South without effectively engaging local communities 95. This process, known as parachute science, disconnects local and Indigenous peoples from leading their own environmental initiatives and instead gives credit for and authority over conservation outcomes to institutions in the Global North 95. Increasing capacity for locally led research on noise impacts to wildlife across geographies not well represented in the Global South will be of critical importance, as many of these regions support greater global species richness and functional diversity 96,97, and are undergoing rapid urbanization 98. Likewise, an increasing proportion of the global population are living in urban areas 98, which necessitates radical changes in planning for sustainable and 'healthy' cities of the future.
While previous research reveals similar trends in the effects of noise on terrestrial wildlife, 51,97 our review explicitly focuses on the impacts of noise in the urban environment and reinforces connections between social inequities and wildlife outcomes. Chronic and inescapable noise is only one of many environmental pollutants that may affect urban wildlife, and future studies should investigate how noise interacts with other factors, such as light and chemical pollution. While the effects of the unique, complex, and pervasive soundscapes of urban environments on people are somewhat understood, our review demonstrates that large gaps exist in our knowledge of how noise shapes urban wildlife. Addressing such gaps will broaden our understanding of complex urban socio-ecological systems.
Future directions for studying urban noise pollution
We collected data on the inequities of noise pollution within cities as well as the diversity of impacts that noise pollution may have on urban wildlife. With this information, we can begin to make predictions about the impacts of inequitable noise on ecological systems. Previous research has already illustrated that increased impervious surface cover and decreased tree cover is associated with systemic racism and can impact evolutionary outcomes through alterations of gene flow, disease, etc. 6,99,100. Now, we can add noise pollution to the growing list of ecological impacts driven by systemic racism. This insight provides a foundation for new avenues of research on the social and ecological consequences of inequitable noise pollution and solutions for urban communities. Here we use our findings to outline outstanding questions that can address some key knowledge gaps on the impacts of inequitable noise for urban wildlife, people, and human-wildlife relationships.
- How does noise pollution or the presence of natural sounds interact with tree cover, building density, and other environmental gradients that are inequitably distributed across cities to alter wildlife distributions and population connectivity?
- How does inequitable noise and inequitable natural soundscape exposure affect human health and well-being? Is legislation effectively tackling the health impacts of noise in urban environments?
- How does exposure to inequitable noise pollution affect community perceptions of wildlife and human-wildlife relationships? How might these perceptions affect urban wildlife management and conservation priorities?
- What mitigation techniques, such as noise barriers or green walls, and infrastructure improvements (e.g., building spatial orientation and green space) yield the most benefits for urban wildlife and people in areas of higher noise pollution?
- Do elevated noise levels drive shifts in acoustic traits of urban species populations? How might these shifts in traits vary spatially and temporally (rate of change), and how might these drive evolutionary outcomes and fitness consequences?
- Do established hypotheses (e.g., acoustic adaptation hypothesis, Lombard effect, luxury effect hypothesis) accurately predict the sensitivity or tolerance potential of urban species in light of inequitable noise? Does inequitable noise contribute to or exacerbate these hypotheses?
- Does inequitable noise have cascading consequences for ecosystem function, ecosystem resilience, and the ecological services provided to humans in urban environments?