The web of science (WOS) link databases were selected as Scrum software development studies. In these databases, a very high amount of literature research is obtained.
In the emphasized literature, the 4 basic elements have emerged especially regarding security. These are Microsoft's Security Development Life Cycle (SDL), comprehensive light application safety process (CLASP), contact points (CT) and common criteria (CC). These 4 elements are the most popular and widely accepted Security processes worldwide. SDL has been proposed by Microsoft to increase the reliability of the software development process as well as reducing maintenance costs [10]. The SDL spiral is derived from the model and is used to reduce errors related to software safety. For this reason, role matrix, security requirements, basic security training, quality doors, threat modeling, design requirements, attack surface reduction, cost analysis, security tools, coding rules, static analysis, dynamic analysis, blurred test, event intervention planning, attack surface Examination, code review and final security examination is performed [11]. The CC includes an ISO certified process. It allows users to set safety and requirements. Respectively, definitions, security requirements, critical assets, risk analysis, unified modelling language security, requirements consist of safety activities to agree on the examination of requirements and warehouse improvement: [12]. CT is a framework that can be applied to various software structures. It contributes to the development of the safety and quality features of the final product. Safety requirements, risk analysis, abuse, assumption documents, static code analysis, infiltration test, red tool test, external examination and risk -based test consist of 9 different safety activities [13]. CLASP provides a framework that expresses the security requirements set in the Open Web Application Security Project. Looking at the frame; Periodic training, starting education, abuse states, resources and confidence limits, system requirements and design safety analysis, security metrics, identify operational environment, determine global security policy, determine user roles and resources, determine the attack surface, design security. It has a very comprehensive methodology such as implementing the principles, security architecture, code signing, and identification of security tests, implementation and performing, safety examination at the resource level, operational planning and preparation [14].
Previous studies, motivated by the popularity of the Scrum software development strategy, have made great contributions to the review of the use of Scrum in overcoming Security problems.
Ghani et al. conducted research on security accumulation list, which is one of the important efforts in developing software with Scrum. The authors obtained as a result of experiments that the agility increased when the security accumulation list (SB) was applied when the agility of phases is not taken into consideration [15].
Maier et al. investigated how to apply the Scrum model of Security. In the authors' research, it includes an opinion questionnaire about an architecture that has been minimized by security vulnerabilities by including security processes in an application developed with Java. According to the results of the questionnaire, Systems Security Engineering - Capability Maturity model was found to be moderately solved [16].
Erdogan et al. conducted research on the expanded agile security test. In the study, it was stated that a web application developed with agile architecture has become more efficient by determining security deficits [17].
Poller et al. presented research to evaluate the security processes in software development. In the research, Security training was given to software developers. When we look at the security deficits that occur as a result of these trainings, they observed that developers' understanding of these issues has developed. However, in the study, it was seen that the developers accepted a need for an unchanged need, but it was seen that they had protected a structure that prevented change. As a result, support should be provided for Security, but the interaction between the structure and established application should be considered. This change must also be managed [18].
Singh et al. presented a survey of security processes on agile software development. In the study, problems such as software project management problems and lack of requirements were demonstrated as an important obstacle to agile software development. If the process of developing agile software development is to be aware of such problems, it has been presented as a result of the fact that these difficulties occur when these difficulties occur [19].
McDonald et al. has dealt with safe agile software according to the training curriculum. In the study, it was obtained by reports that it should be dealt with how to introduce agility and security in the best way to beginners. [20].
Gomero-Fanny et al. has investigated how an e-commerce site can be safe in design according to Scrum principles. This research study was tried on a prototype that implements Scrum methodology. In addition to information security in the methodology in the study, it indicates that the problem can be solved by establishing continuous communication between stakeholders. A useful model was put forward by scoring the sprints in the Scrum design with various scoring methods [21].
Smith et al. took over a different Security solution in software development with Scrum. In this solution, three cyber incident intervention exercises were analyzed during software development. With the feedback received, it was focused on incomplete or faulty areas. As a result, the time spent to restore normal operations of the event intervention teams was reduced. In addition, uncertainties in the sense of security were managed [22].
Sharma et al. has done research on how security activities can be integrated into the Scrum software development environment. As a result of the research, it was obtained that the presentation of services and products in smaller groups allowed security experts to integrate software development safety activities with agile methodologies without any problems [23].
Tøndel et al. presented a case analysis of a security professional in the development of agile software. According to the observations in the case analysis, the existing maturity models with activity -oriented maturity models were expressed with an impact category model that provides an overview of the characteristics of situations that may affect the priority given to security in development projects [24].
Although studies are carried out in the literature based on the relationship between Scrum strategy and Security, Scrum with Security, Bibliometric Network Analysis, Co-Occurrence Network Construction relationship is needed clearly. In this study, by scanning literature and various analyzes, the search for solutions to the Scrum Security relationship was revealed.