An epidemiological study, searching for the prevalence of trachoma in schoolchildren from the city of Jaú, São Paulo - Brazil, and geoprocessing of the positive cases was performed. The Botucatu Medical School Ethics Committee for Human Research (ID 2.421.676) approved this study protocol and parents, or legal tutor signed the informed consent for participation.
Sample calculation
the sample involved schoolchildren from 1- to 9-year-old enrolled in public daycare centers or elementary schools during the year of 2018 in the city of Jaú, São Paulo. The city has 57 municipal schools, 14 state schools and 32 private schools11. According to the 2010 national census12, in the year 2018 there were approximately 16,800 children from 0- to 9-year-old living in Jaú, 14,057 children enrolled in public schools, divided in 17 elementary schools (children from 6 to 9 years) and 40 daycare centers (children from 1to 5 years), being 8,298 children ageing between 1 to 9 years old.
The sample size was calculated based on inflammatory trachoma prevalence detected in other cities from the same region7,9, taking an estimated prevalence of 3%, with confidence interval of 95% and estimation error of 20%, adding 5% to minimize losses, the minimum of 4,795 children should be examined, being 1,932 from daycare centers and 2,863 from elementary schools, respecting the region proportion. Forty-four schools were selected, being 27 daycare centers and 17 elementary schools, with a total of 7,853 enrolled students.
For this study, the city of Jaú was divided in one central region and four peripheral regions (Fig. 1) based on school’s coverage map from the Education Department of Jaú. All sectors were represented equally within the sample and all schools were considered to participate. The daycare centers and elementary schools for each region were numbered and randomly selected. After the school visit, if the sample size was not reached another school was selected randomly until the needed sample size for that region and age group was achieved. All children aged from 1- to 9-year-old from each selected school were considered for the evaluation.
Study location description
Jaú is a Brazilian municipality located in the central-west region of São Paulo state, at 541 meters of altitude and 296 km far from the capital of the state. It is formed by the city, including rural districts of Vila Ribeiro, Potunduva and Pouso Alegre de Baixo. Its population was estimated of 151,881 inhabitants by the IBGE (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística) in the year of 2020. The city is an important center of industrial and agriculture development, standing out for the number of women shoe factories, with a GDP per capita in 2018 of US$ 6,371.07. The percentage of children enrolled in the schools in the municipality is 97.8% and 98.4% of houses have water and sewage coverage. The city´s HDI (Human Development Index) is 0.778, with 28.39% of its population in low social vulnerability and 9.83% in high social vulnerability 13,14 .
Eye exam method
the evaluation was performed in the schools, during the period of classes, between October and November of 2018, by three trained examiners for the diagnosis of trachoma, following the guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO)15,16. Clinical exam was performed by four trained ophthalmologists, using 2.5 times magnification loupes and a flashlight. The examination searched for changes in the eyelids, eyelashes, conjunctiva (tarsal and bulbar) and cornea. The upper eyelid was manually everted, and the superior tarsal conjunctiva was carefully examined.
Trachoma was diagnosed according to the WHO criteria for epidemiological detection of the disease: follicular form was characterized by presence of five or more follicles measuring more than 0.5mm in the center of the upper eyelid tarsal conjunctiva; intense form was characterized by thickening of the conjunctiva shadowing half of the deep tarsal vessels17,18.
A child was considered a case when clinical diagnose met the cited criteria. All the detected cases were notified to the Epidemiological Surveillance of Jaú. Parents, or tutors, and the other residents of the same household, were gathered to receive information about the disease, to be examined and treated for the disease according to the WHO guidelines, with a single dose of oral 1Gr Azithromycin for children weighing more than 40Kg or 20mg/Kg of the oral suspension for the ones weighing less than 40Kg19. Treatment was provided free of charge by the municipality epidemiological surveillance department. The reunion was taken place in the evening to encourage the presence of all and posteriorly an active search for those missing treatment was performed. After six months of the treatment, all cases were reexamined for a treatment control.
Statistical analysis
the data were transferred to an Excel spreadsheet and submitted to statistical analysis. Prevalence was calculated according to the school region in the municipality and descriptive analysis was performed using the Goodman test for contrast between binomial proportions with confidence interval of 95%20. Descriptive statistics was also calculated according to the region, age and rural or urban area21. All conclusions were discussed with a 5% significance.
the distribution of the cases in the municipality was studied using the home address of the affected children and the Water and Sewage Department data to assess if there were clusters areas of the disease. Geoprocessing was performed using the Bucuresti QGIS 3.12.3 Software. For data import the Planimetric Datum SIRGAS 2000/UTM zone 22S was used. For point density analysis the quartic Kernel interpolator was used, with the QGIS of the HEATMAP algorithm, considering a fixed radius of 1000 meters.