Study Design
A retrospective cohort study was conducted at Al Zahraa Educational Hospital, Al Azhar University, Egypt from February 2015 to December 2020. The Dental Ethical Committee, College of Dentistry, Qassim University, Saudi Arabia, approved the study on 19/4/2020 with a reference code “EA/F-2020-3009”. This study was carried out in accordance with the code of ethics of the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki, and patients or the next of kin of the patients were informed and gave written informed consent. The Ethical Reviewer Board of the hospital agreed to access the hospital's data base. The inclusion criteria were: Ages over 18 years, unilateral displaced ZMCFs with blow-out fractures of the orbital floor, ZMCFs fractures fixed with a titanium miniplate/mesh osteosynthesis, CT scans obtained one week after trauma and four weeks after surgery, and cases treated between 2005 and 2015. The cases were excluded if there were: missing pre- and post-operative CT scans, artifacts on CT images, medial or superior orbital wall fractures, traumatic telecanthus, and correction surgeries for ZMCFs or preinjury orbital abnormalities.
Study Variables
The primary predictable variable was the treatment protocol, which involved 3-point fixation of ZMCFs with orbital floor reconstruction. The primary outcome variables were: 1) the volume difference between the repaired and intact orbits, and 2) the percentage of changes in the OVMs of the repaired orbit before and after the treatment. The changes in the measurements of enophthalmos before and after management were also recorded as an additional record.
Data Collection
The demographic data, history and cause of the trauma, signs and symptoms before surgeries, timing of surgeries, and clinical outcomes after surgery were recorded. The non-contrast-enhanced CT scans were obtained via the same machine (Siemens, Erlangen, Germany), and the cuts were taken with 0.3 mm thickness at 180 mAs and 100 kVp. Each CT scans consisted of 25–30 consecutive sections through orbits, and at 0 to 10° from the canthomeatal line, the axial views were obtained. The patients fixed their gaze to a point in the overhead gantry during scanning. The three-dimensional CT (3DCT) images were examined to confirm the diagnosis of the ZMCFs. All the bony windows axial, coronal, and sagittal views were reviewed to measure the OV. All the measurements were performed by two independent investigators, and the average of their readings were documented as final records. The OV of both fractured and unfractured sides in the pre- and postoperative CT scans. Accordingly, the OVMs of intact orbits were categorized into preoperative (OVIntact/pre) and postoperative records (OVIntact/post). The OVMs of fractured orbits were classified into: the preoperative measurements (OVFractured) and postoperative records (OVRepaired). The OVIntact/pre, OVIntact/post, and OVFractured were set as control groups.
The manual tracing method was used to measure the OV. This method was based on the summation of the manually delineated areas of the orbits in the CT scans. The CT DICOM file was imported to Mimic software version 9 (Materialase, Leuven, Belgium) which was installed into a standard personal computer running windows 8. The CT scans were displayed as axial, coronal and, sagittal images. The investigators manually delineated the bony boundaries of the orbit on the consecutive slices of the CT views on bone density threshold (Fig. 1). In the axial view, each investigator proceeded section by section and situated it in the sagittal and coronal images. At the level of the greatest anteroposterior length of the orbit, by using a cursor, a straight line was drawn along the most anterior point of the opening of the optic canal, superior orbital fissure, and inferior orbital fissure. This was performed to exclude the orbital foramina and fissures by covering them with the drawn line. The anterior orbital boundaries were defined by a straight line connecting the medial and lateral orbital rims. The highlighted tracing orbit that appeared was verified, and then the OV was measured in cubic centimeters (cc) by using the built-in measuring tool of the software. Also, the correction rate of the OV on the fractured side was calculated by the following equation:
\(\frac{\text{O}\text{V} \text{I}\text{n}\text{t}\text{a}\text{c}\text{t}/\text{p}\text{r}\text{e} \text{O}\text{R} \text{O}\text{V}\text{I}\text{n}\text{t}\text{a}\text{c}\text{t}/\text{p}\text{o}\text{s}\text{t}}{\text{O}\text{V} \text{R}\text{e}\text{p}\text{a}\text{i}\text{r}\text{e}\text{d}}\times 100\)
Clinical Examination
The pre- and postoperative clinical examinations of the ZMCFs were performed to the eyes and face by an expert ophthalmologist and maxillofacial surgeon, respectively. The ophthalmic examination was performed for the globe and vision. The clinical examination included a cosmetic and functional assessment. The cosmetic assessment was performed for the facial asymmetry due to either soft tissue injuries (edema/ emphysema) or displaced zygoma (depression/ projection/ widening), discoloration (subconjunctival hemorrhage/ periorbital ecchymosis or hematoma), altered morphology or position of the globe (enophthalmos/exophthalmos, hypoglobus/hypergloubs), and altered morphology or position of the upper eyelid (increased/decreased sclera show). The functional assessment was performed for the restricted mouth opening, malocclusion, neurological deficits (infraorbital, zygomaticofacial, and zygomaticotemporal nerves), restricted eye movements, vision (diplopia, loss of vision, visual acuity, fundus examination), and retrobulbar hemorrhage. The diplopia was recorded if there was a 30-degree field of vision, or there was an affected frontward gaze which compromises the patient’s daily activities. The Hertel exophthalmometer was used to measure the enophthalmos, and the extraocular muscle function test was performed to identify restrictions in the eye movements.
Surgical Procedures
All patients were treated under general anesthesia with an endotracheal intubation. The fractures were approached via subciliary incisions to access inferior orbital rims and orbital floors, maxillary vestibular approaches to fix maxillary-zygomatic buttresses, and lateral lower eyebrow incisions to approach zygomatico-frontal sutures. The fracture sites were exposed via subperiosteal reflection with a care to avoid injury of important orbital structures. The care was also taken to maintain the incomplete greenstick fractures in the floor of the orbit without damaging the mucoperiosteum. The entrapment of the inferior rectus muscle or orbital fat in the floor of the orbit was released. All bony segments were reduced to their anatomical positions by raising the displaced bony fragments with bony hooks or periosteal elevators. To detect the zygomatic projection on both sides, the reduction of zygoma was examined from behind the patient. The fractures were fixed via the concept of the 3-point fixation method by using 2.0 mm miniplates at inferior orbital rims, zygomatico-frontal sutures, and zygomatic buttresses.
At our department, the indications of the orbital floor reconstruction are a restriction of the eye movements, soft tissue entrapment, persistent diplopia, large bony defect more than one-half of the length of the floor as showed in the CT scans, and an enophthalmos more than 2 mm. The orbital floors were reconstructed via preformed orbital floor titanium plates with cautions to avoid injury of the inferior orbital nerve during fixation of plates. In this process, the forced duction test was performed to detect any restrictions in the eye movements after plates fixation. Besides, the horizontal position and the degree of the eyes protrusion in both eyes were compared for any asymmetry. The periosteal incisions were sutured via 3 − 0 vicryl interrupted sutures. The skin incisions sutured via subcuticular sutures with 6 − 0 prolene suture materials which were removed after five days. Whereas the vestibular incisions were repositioned through 3 − 0 vicryl running sutures.
During the first month after surgery, the patients were weekly observed, then monthly for three months. All the patients were followed for healing of the surgical wounds. All the above-mentioned cosmetic and functional assessments for the face and eyes were also performed postoperatively to determine the postoperative changes.
Statistical Analysis:
Shapiro- Wilk test was used to assess normality distribution. The descriptive results were expressed as a percent and mean ± standard deviation for the normally distributed data at a 95% confident level. SPSS software version 25.0 was used to analyze the changes in the OVMs difference using a two-tailed independent t-test. P-values < .05 were considered significant.