Image reconstruction is the core technique of medical imaging. There are three types of reconstruction algorithms: analytical algorithm [1], optimization based, iterative algorithm [2, 3] and deep learning/ machine learning based algorithm [4]. Among them, the optimization based algorithm has some advantages relative to the two other algorithms. Compared to the analytical algorithm, the optimization based algorithm may incorporating prior information into the optimization model and thus may achieve more accurate reconstruction from incomplete data and/or noisy data. Compared to the deep learning based algorithm, the optimization based algorithm is more stable and is not data dependent [5]. Therefore, the optimization based algorithm is always a hot spot in image reconstruction field.
The imaging system model of the optimization based algorithm is a linear system of equations. Usually, it is large-scale, ill-posed and often underdetermined. So, it is impossible to solve the linear system by direct inversion. We may continue to construct an optimization model to solve the ill-posed and underdetermined problems by incorporating prior information like sparse prior [6] or low-rank prior [7], etc.
In the optimization models for image reconstruction, total variation (TV) type models have been widely used for they may not only suppress streak artifacts but also suppress noise [8]. In 2006, Sidky et al. proposed a data divergence constrained, TV (DDcTV) minimization model for 2D CT [9]. In 2008, Sidky et al. proposed a DDcTV model for 3D CT and achieved accurate reconstruction [2]. From then on, a variety of TV-type models were proposed in image reconstruction, for example adaptively weighted TV (awTV) [10], anisotropic TV (aTV) [11], high order TV (HOTV) [12, 13], non-local TV (NLTV) [14], nuclear TV (nTV) [15], directional TV (dTV) [16], etc. These TV-type models may achieve more accurate reconstructions in their suitable cases. However, the solving problems of these TV-type models are challenging because these models are large-scale and non-smooth. They cannot be solved by simple gradient decent algorithm.
For TV-type models, there are mainly three solving algorithms: adaptive steepest descent-projection onto convex sets (ASD-POCS) algorithm [2, 9], Chambolle-Pock (CP) algorithm [17, 18], and alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) algorithm [19–26]. We have systematically studied ASD-POCS and CP algorithms and applied them to solve TV models for CT and electron paramagnetic resonance imaging (EPRI) [27–30]. ASD-POCS algorithm is devised according to the physical meaning and the optimization strategy, whereas it is not derived mathematically. Thus, those algorithm parameters in this algorithm should be carefully, empirically chosen to achieve convergence. CP algorithm is obtained by mathematical derivation and may guarantee convergence, but the derivation is not so easy for those who are not familiar with optimization, for example it needs the calculation of convex conjugate [18]. ADMM is another algorithm framework for solving TV-types models. The derivation of algorithm instance according to the ADMM algorithm framework is easier than CP algorithm for the core step is only to split the whole optimization problem into several simple sub-problems by alternating direction technique. However, for TV-types models in image reconstruction, there is always a sub-problem that has not closed-form solution in ADMM algorithm. Thus, this sub-problem is not easy to solve and people began to search techniques to process this issue.
Let’s focus on TV minimization in image denoising, restoration and reconstructions and see how the ADMM-like or ADMM algorithm is used to solve the TV models and how the difficult sub-problem is solved. These models have similar formulation to (20) of this paper. To better describe this algorithm development line, we use the symbols in (20) uniformly.
Now, let us regard (20) as a general image processing model. If \(A\) is an identity matrix, then it is a model for image denoising.
If its function is to blur an image, then it is an image restoration model. Here, \(A\) has a special structure for its operation is equivalent to convolution to an image via a blurring mask. In image reconstruction, however, \(A\) is just a normal matrix without special structure. In (21), \(D\) is the gradient transform matrix, which has special structure for its operation on an image is equivalent to convolution to an image via a finite-difference mask. For the aim of this work is to devise a simple but universal ADMM-type algorithm, we should note the simplicity and universality of each algorithm below.
In 2007 and 2008, Wang et al proposed an alternating minimization algorithm for TV model in image restoration/deblurring [20, 31]. In fact, this algorithm is an ADMM-like algorithm. One may regard it as a simplified ADMM algorithm. This algorithm introduces an auxiliary variable to replace \(Du\), uses the penalty technique to ensure the equivalence of the substitution, and then use the variable-splitting technique to solve the TV model. After splitting, there are two sub-problems: one is data-fidelity sub-problem and the other one is TV-regularization sub-problem, which may be solved by the commonly used shrinkage operation. However, the data-fidelity sub-problem has not explicit closed-form solution. Fortunately, in this sub-problem, \(A\) and \(D\) are both of special structure for their operations on an image are equivalent to convolution to an image. Thus, this sub-problem may be solved by 2D fast Fourier transforms (FFT). However, we must note that this algorithm cannot be used in image reconstruction for the system matrix, i.e. \(A\), has not this special structure.
In 2008, Huang et al proposed an alternating minimization algorithm for TV model in image restoration [21]. They introduce a new variable that is equal to the unknown image, then use the penalty technique to formulate the original objective function into the new one. Next, they use alternating minimization to split the problem into two sub-problems. The first one is the data-fidelity sub-problem which may be solved by the FFTs. The second one is the TV-regularization sub-problem which may be solved by the Chambolle’s projection algorithm. However, we must also note that this solving algorithm still cannot be used in image reconstruction for the system matrix has not special structure, i.e, its operation is not equivalent to a convolution operation.
In 2009, Goldstein et al proposed the split Bregman algorithm for solving TV model in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) [22]. Similar to the above solving algorithm, the split Bregman algorithm includes two important sub-problems. One may be solved by FFTs, whereas the other one is solved by shrinkage operation. The advantage of split Bregman algorithm over alternating minimization algorithm is that it has not the penalty parameter whose ideal value is infinite. But, this algorithm still cannot be used in CT and EPRI reconstruction for it utilizes the special structure of the system matrix in MRI reconstruction and use FFTs to solve the data-fidelity sub-problem. Note that the split Bregman algorithm is equivalent to the ADMM algorithm.
In 2010, Yang et al proposed the ADMM algorithm for TV models in MRI reconstruction [25]. It is very similar to the Split Bregman algorithm. Each iteration only involves simple shrinkages and FFTs. Still note that it cannot be used in image reconstruction whose system matrix has not special structure.
Clearly, these ADMM-like or ADMM algorithms all have demand to the system matrix so as to use FFTs, so they are not universal solver. To approach a universal solver, people need to explore new techniques.
In 2010, 2011 and 2013, Li et al proposed their universal ADMM algorithm for TV model in image reconstruction [26, 32, 33]. They use the nonmonotone line search to decide the step-size of the gradient descent algorithm for solving the data-fidelity sub-problem. Since this is not a closed-form solution, this inner-iteration should be done many times, for which the time-consuming line search is necessary.
In 2012, Xiao et al proposed the linearized ADMM (L-ADMM) algorithm for TV model in compressed sensing problems [24]. They linearize the data-fidelity term for solving the corresponding sub-problem and then the FFTs may be used to get a closed-form solution. This algorithm allow the system matrix has a general structure, so it is an universal solver for any type of system matrix. But this algorithm still utilize the special structure of \(D\). If \(D\) is another sparse transform that is not equivalent to convolution operation, then the FFTs cannot be used to achieve closed-form solution.
Clearly, linearized ADMM algorithm has potential to approach universal solver for optimization models in image reconstruction.
In 2012, Chan et al proposed an L-ADMM algorithm for constrained linear least-squares problem in image deblurring [34]. They linearized the quadratic regularization term and got a simple closed-form solution for this regularization sub-problem. However, the data-fidelity sub-problem still uses the special structure of the system matrix whose function is blurring so that the closed-form solution may be achieved by FFTs. This algorithm is not a universal solver for image reconstruction. But we may find the potential of L-ADMM to achieve closed-form solution.
In 2013, Yang et al proposed an L-ADMM algorithm for nuclear norm minimization [35]. They linearized the data-fidelity term so as to get a closed-form solution.
In 2015, Fang et al proposed a linearized generalized ADMM (L-G-ADMM) algorithm and demonstrated its high efficiency [36]. In 2015, Ouyang et al proposed an accelerated L-ADMM algorithm whose convergence rate is faster than the L-ADMM [37]. In 2016, Nien et al proposed a relaxed L-ADMM algorithm for CT image reconstruction via over-relaxation technique and achieved high-speed iterative reconstruction. The three algorithms may all accelerate the original L-ADMM algorithm [38].
In 2019, Liu et al applied the L-ADMM to a non-convex non-smooth optimization problem and achieved good performance [39].
Clearly, the L-ADMM algorithm may simplify the solving problem of the difficult sub-problems in ADMM algorithm for it may construct closed-form solution. However, we found that these L-ADMM algorithms are not thorough, i.e. people only linearized one quadratic term in the difficult sub-problem. Why do not people linearize all the quadratic terms in the difficult sub-problem? We think it should be deeply investigated. By fully linearization, we expect that a simple but universal solver of closed form may be constructed for the difficult sub-problem in ADMM algorithm instance. ‘universal’ means that the algorithm does not demand the special structure of the system matrix and the sparse-transform matrix. ‘simple’ means that the core operations only involve simple matrix-vector multiplications and some simple closed-form operations like shrinkage or projection.
In this work, we proposed a fully linearized ADMM (FL-ADMM) for image reconstruction to simplify the ADMM algorithm by avoiding the search of optimal step-size in gradient descent algorithm and the use of FFT algorithm. The proposed FL-ADMM algorithm framework may be used to derive simple, effective, universal, and convergent algorithm instances for a variety of optimization models in image reconstruction.
To show the potential of the FL-ADMM for prototyping of the optimization models, we derive the FL-ADMM algorithm instances for unconstrained TV (uTV) minimization model, data divergence constrained, TV (DDcTV) minimization model, and TV constrained, data divergence minimization (TVcDM) model for two dimensional (2D) computed tomography (CT).
Also, we validate and evaluate the DDcTV-FL-ADMM algorithm for 2D CT to illuminate that the FL-ADMM algorithm is actually an accurate solver of the DDcTV model. In addition, we explore how the penalty parameter and other algorithm parameters of DDcTV-FL-ADMM impact the convergence rate. Finally, we compare the algorithm with another established universal solver, CP algorithm, to demonstrate its performance.
In Section 2, we give the derivation of the FL-ADMM algorithm instances for three TV models. In Section 3, we perform reconstruction experiments via the proposed DDcTV-FL-ADMM algorithm. We give deep discussions and draw brief conclusions in Sections 4 and 5, respectively.