This study examined daily time-use compositions of 7–13 year-old youth and associations with cardiometabolic biomarkers. It was novel in that it not only factored in activity intensity (SED, LPA, MPA, VPA), but also whether these activity intensities were accumulated in longer bouts (≥ 5 min SED, and ≥ 1 min PA) or shorter bouts (< 5 min and < 1 min, respectively) within a 24-hour composition. In particular, the novel sequential binary partition chosen was advantageous for the comparison of relative time spent in longer versus shorter bouts. Although this provided a slightly complicated view of relative volume of time spent in each activity intensity versus others, this makes the current research an original contribution to activity pattern research in youth.
The results demonstrated that the overall time-use composition was associated with most cardiometabolic biomarkers. Specifically, they suggest that bout duration (i.e., ratio of time in longer relative to shorter bouts of LPA and VPA) contributed to these associations, particularly for adiposity. This indicates that a more continuous accumulation pattern (i.e., more time in longer rather than shorter bouts) was linked with a poorer biomarker profile (LPA with WC and zBMI; VPA with WC). It should be noted that this was modelled with a constant total time in those intensities and the results thus suggest that a specific amount of LPA and VPA performed more frequently in short bursts may be beneficial for adiposity than the same activity performed less frequently for longer periods. Results also suggested that more relative time in total LPA and VPA (including longer and shorter bouts) was associated with lower waist circumference. In contrast, more relative time in SED and MPA was detrimental for waist circumference. Effect sizes were in similar direction for other health markers, but these were not statistically significant.
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, no research has used compositional data analyses to examine bout durations across the activity spectrum, including both SED and PA bouts, to assess associations with a range of cardiometabolic outcomes. One study by Gába and colleagues [11] used a similar approach, yet only investigated SED bout durations alongside total volumes of other intensities, and associations with adiposity. Their results suggested benefits to adiposity from replacing middle bouts (defined as 10–29 min) with shorter SED bouts (1–9 min), yet found no associations for replacements with long bouts (≥ 30 min duration) [11]. This contrasts with the present study that did not find benefits of engaging in a particular (shorter or longer) type of SED bouts. These contrasting results may be explained by methodological differences, such as the sequential binary partition chosen and the different thresholds for longer versus shorter bouts. As no other studies were found that have used compositional analysis to assess bout durations in youth, it is difficult to further compare our, and Gába and colleagues’, findings with additional research.
Nevertheless, a few studies have investigated youth activity patterns and associations with cardiometabolic biomarkers [33, 34] using different analytical methods. For example, Holman and colleagues [33] used logistic regression models to evaluate all MVPA (i.e. total volume), and MVPA accumulated in short bouts (i.e., < 5 min, < 10 min) or long bouts (i.e., ≥ 5 min, ≥ 10 min) in 6–19 year old participants and did not observe differences with high versus normal cardiometabolic risk. This contrasts with our study, which may be explained by a number of methodological differences, in addition to the analytic approach. The studies used different device-based measures (60-s epoch versus 15-s epoch) with correspondingly different thresholds for longer versus shorter bouts, as well as different classifications of behaviour. Notably, Holman and colleagues [33] evaluated MVPA bouts, not MPA and VPA separately. Since MVPA bouts only cease when activity becomes less intense (SED or LPA), whereas MPA bouts can be curtailed by either less intense activity or by VPA, it is unsurprising to see different results for MPA versus MVPA patterns.
Recently, Aadland and colleagues compared shorter and longer bouts of PA in youth using a multivariate pattern analysis approach, which included different bout lengths and total volumes within the same analysis [34]. Similar to the present study, they found that shorter bursts (including ≤ 30 s and ≤ 60 s) of PA were more favourable for children’s metabolic composite score than longer bouts – but not for SED [34]. In addition, that study noted that the epoch setting used for accelerometer data processing (1 s, 10 s, and 60 s) affected the results. Specifically, the use of shorter epochs to capture VPA was recommended, yet stronger evidence of associations with MPA were found when analysed using longer epochs. This reinforces the supposition that shorter epoch lengths in our study versus the longer epochs in the study by Holman and colleagues [33] may have contributed to differing findings.
The present findings suggest that activity patterns may play a role in children’s cardiometabolic health, particularly adiposity. The results were more supportive of encouraging children to accumulate PA through facilitating their natural sporadic accumulation patterns [35] rather than trying to alter these patterns to accrue PA in longer bouts. One important caveat in the practical application of this type of evidence is that statistical models of effects of patterns at a fixed volume are hypothetical scenarios of what might be expected. In real-life practical terms, changes in volume may well occur alongside any intervention which targets accumulation patterns because these two characteristics of physical activity are intrinsically linked. Although the main focus of this study was on PA and SED bouts, and not necessarily total volumes, the results do suggest that it is not just bouts that are important for health. Specifically, more relative time in total LPA and VPA (including longer and shorter bouts) was beneficial for waist circumference, and more relative time in SED and MPA was detrimental for waist circumference. While further evidence is required to determine the impact of longer activity bouts on children’s health, the present findings support the recent removal of a minimum threshold of 10 minutes, and instead focus on total volumes within intensities, in the US guidelines [36].
The main strengths of the present study are the large sample size with objective measurement of activity patterns and cardiometabolic biomarkers. A main limitation in most previous PA and SED accelerometer and health studies is the combined assessment of intensities, adjustment for other intensities, and the consequent potential collinearity issues arising from that (particularly when investigating SED with inclusion of PA adjustment). This issue was overcome within the current study by use of compositional data analysis, which allows for handling of multiple PA and SED patterns within a joint statistical model. This study also had some limitations. Firstly, cross-sectional data were pooled. Thus, the estimated differences in cardiometabolic biomarkers cannot be directly interpreted as an effect of time reallocation from one component to another. The current study does not explain the possible biological mechanisms by which shorter, compared to longer, accumulation patterns may impact adiposity differently to other outcomes. The findings may perhaps be explained by the participant age range and their limited cumulative exposure to unhealthy lifestyle behaviours, such as extensive sitting. The measurement protocol used assumes that habitual patterns were captured, yet only truly reflects the past 4–7 days. As the present study was potentially underpowered to detect associations with other cardiometabolic biomarkers than adiposity, longitudinal studies with larger samples with data on risk factors other than adiposity are needed to investigate the long-term health effects of continuous and sporadic activity patterns. In addition, the data came from behaviours classified by waist-worn accelerometers processed by applying thresholds to epoch data. This measurement approach has acceptable validity for capturing total volumes of PA but has limited validity for measuring accumulation patterns, such as SED bout durations [37]. Also, the wear protocol provided to participants did not allow distinguishing between sleep and non-wear time. As sleep is an important factor in youth health [38, 39], future studies should consider 24-h wear protocols using posture-based devices. Data collected from posture-based devices (such as the activPAL worn 24 h/day that can measure SED posture and accumulation accurately would add value to the existing literature, and help to confirm or refute the current findings. Finally, as this exploratory study included a high number of findings, there may be an increased likelihood of false discovery due to multiple testing. Nevertheless, as this is an understudied area of behavioural research in youth, a deliberate decision was made not to adjust for multiple comparisons [40, 41]. While for brevity the main results in the text have focused on the statistically significant findings (using p-values) – which can be problematic [42] – the full results are available in the tables and the supplementary material to allow interpretation with and without p-values.