Study setting {9}
This is clinical trial in one center. The clinical site is the Central Military Hospital Luis Diaz Soto, in Havana, Cuba.
Eligibility criteria {10}
Eligibility criteria
Inclusion criteria
- Patients to be enrolled must compline the following inclusion criteria:
- Positive to SARS-CoV-2, symptomatic or not,
- ≥ 19 years of age,
- Functional state according to ECOG ≤ 2 (Karnofsky ≥ 70%),
- Be willing to sign informed consent.
Exclusion criteria
- Decompensated chronic diseases at the time of inclusion (severe arterial hypertension, ischemic heart disease, diabetes mellitus, etc.);
- Patients with a history of autoimmune diseases;
- Presence of hyper-inflammation syndrome,
- Serious coagulation disorders;
- Known hypersensitivity to any of the components of the formulation under study;
- Pregnancy or lactation,
- Obvious mental inability to issue consent and act accordingly on study.
Who will take informed consent? {26a}
- Patients will be asked for written consent to participate after having been duly informed about the characteristics of the trial, objectives, benefits and possible risks. They will have the necessary time to decide (minimum 24 hours). Likewise, they will be informed of the right to participate or not and to withdraw their consent at any time, without exposing themselves to limitations for their medical care or other retaliation.
- The investigator should obtain the patient's written consent only after making sure they understood all the information offered. The procedure will be provided by means of a standard writing; in language easily understood by the patient (it should not be technical, but practical). Neither the investigator nor the trial staff can influence the patient's decision to participate or continue in the trial.
All patients who provide informed consent will be randomly allocated into one of two study groups.
Additional consent provisions for collection and use of participant data and biological specimens {26b}
The consent for collection and use of participant data and biological specimens is included in the informed consent
Explanation for the choice of comparators {6b}
Intervention description {11a}
The comparator is IFN alpha 2b, a drug that is used as part of the CUBAN NATIONAL ACTION PROTOCOL FOR COVID-19[i] in the country. Controversial points of view about the use of IFN in the treatment of SARS-CoV-2 have been published. Definitive data about the efficacy of IFN in the COVID-19 has not been released. Additionally, the study drug, HeberFERON®, contains IFN alpha 2b and gamma. We consider Heberon® alpha R the most appropriate comparator for the study.
Intervention group
The intervention group will receive the standard of care as well as, Kaletra and chloroquine as described33, and HeberFERON. HeberFERON will be administered two times per week at 3.5 MIU for 3 weeks.
Control group
The control group will receive standard of care as well as Heberon Alpha R, Kaletra, and chroloquine. Heberon Alpha R will be administered three times per week at 3.0 MIU for 3 weeks, with Kaletra and chloroquine as described in the CUBAN NATIONAL ACTION PROTOCOL FOR COVID-19 Version 1.4.33.
Criteria for discontinuing or modifying allocated interventions {11b}
In the event of serious adverse events (with proven causality) the administration of the product will be interrupted and the required measures will be taken depending on the event and the possible expedited report of the same will be considered. The occurrence of the event will be notified to the monitor within a period not exceeding 24 hours.
The person responsible for the investigation, the monitors and the team of investigators, will carry out the corresponding investigations in order to determine the component causing the undesired effect.
After recovery from the adverse event, the patient may restart treatment according to the treatment scheme has been received. If severe toxicity occurs again, treatment is permanently discontinued.
Strategies to improve adherence to interventions {11c}
Prior to the preparation of this protocol, a criteria unification workshop was held with the participation of clinical specialists and opinion leaders involved in the project, where the experimental evidence in animals and humans, as well as the elements of rationality, were presented and discussed. The analysis, discussion and mastery of the protocol will favor adherence and compliance with GCP by all researchers.
The trial monitors will make quality monitoring visits at all stages of its execution, ensuring strict compliance with the provisions of the protocol.
In the case report form (CRF) there is a table to control the use of the in study drugs that signs the doctor.
Relevant concomitant care permitted or prohibited during the trial {11d}
Rules for the use of concomitant treatments.
Medicines may be used concomitantly to prevent or mitigate adverse events of probable causation with the use of Heberon Alfa R and HeberFERON.
Indications for treatment with antihistamines and / or steroids
Habitual doses (adults)
20 mg c/8 h
100 mg c/8 h
20 mg c/8 h
8 mg c/8 h
4 mg c/8 h
25 mg c/4-6 h
Dipirone or acetaminophen will be indicated to relieve fever, headache, and pain if necessary, depending on the doses listed below, taken from the AHCPR "Guidelines for the Management of Acute Pain"[ii].
Indications for treatment with antipyretics / analgesics
Habitual doses (adults)
300-600 mg c/4-6 h
500 mg a 1g c/6-8 h
In the event of nausea or vomiting, gravinol (1 ampoule; 50 mg) or metoclopramide (1 ampoule; 10 mg IM or I.V. every 8 hours) may be administered.
In case of need for other concomitant medication, this will be administered at the discretion of the investigator in charge of the patient. The conduct before any adverse event will be the decision of the responsible investigator and will depend on the type, magnitude and severity of the clinical manifestations in each case.
Provisions for post-trial care {30}
'Not applicable'
Outcomes {12}
Primary outcomes
Time to 2019-nCoV RNA negativity in patients and the time until progression to severe COVID-19.
Secondary outcomes.
- The rate of patients with non-favorable evolution as measured by clinical evaluation (fever, unproductive cough or dyspnea, and their X-ray or CT scan imaging);
- The increments of RNA and protein levels of IFN responses markers (2-5 OAS, ß-2 microglobulin), and IFN signaling factors (STAT-1 and STAT-3);
- Increments in the MHC-I and II and the activation of NK, T cytotoxic and memory cells;
- Safety.
Virological evaluation:
- Time to negativization of the SARS-Cov-2 RNA (absence of the virus according to the qPCR technique in real time) in positive patients after starting antiviral therapy. The percentage of patients negative to SARS-COV-2 by qPCR in nasopharyngeal exudate tissue will be calculated at 48, 72 and 96 hours after starting treatment.
Clinical evaluation:
- Time to progression to severe COVID-19. The percentage of patients who become severe after the end of the antiviral treatment under investigation (three weeks) will be calculated.
Participant timeline {13}
Study period
Base line
Post allocation
Time point (study day)
Week 1
Week 2
Enrroment and assignment
Elegibility assesment
Day 2
Day 4
Day 9
Day 11
Day 14
Informed consent
Randomized subjetcs
Baseline data collection
Study drug administration
Drug dispensing
Adverse-drug reaction-assesment
Vital parmeters
Body temperature
Laborartory data collection
SARS-CoV-2 bucal swabs
Hematological determintions
Sample size {14}
We hope to enroll a sample size of one hundred and twenty patients for this study, based on a power of 80%, and a level of confidence set at 95%, while also considering a dropout rate of 5%.
Recruitment {15}
'Not applicable' . The source of patients is all the positive patients that are hospitalized at the study hospital
Assignment of interventions: allocation
Sequence generation {16a}
One hundred and twenty eligible patients with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 positivity by qPCR amplification in oropharyngeal swab samples will be enrolled at Luis Diaz Soto Hospital, Havana, Cuba. Patients will be block randomized individually to one of two treatment arms by means of random computer-generated lists, with an allocation ratio of 1:1, with block sizes of six patients.
Concealment mechanism {16b}
There will be a centralized randomization at CIGB. The randomization procedure will be carried out by the Supply Group of the Direction of Clinical Investigations at CIGB. Patients will be block randomized individually to one of two treatment arms by means of random computer-generated lists, with an allocation ratio of 1:1, with block sizes of six patients.
Implementation {16c}
The information of the treatment group (A or B) will only be known after the patient is included. At the time of inclusion (after the selection criteria have been verified and written informed consent has been obtained), the clinical investigator will give the information to the CIGB monitors (who will visit the hospital daily and remain at their posts command). After collecting the general patient information to include (initials, date and time), will assign the inclusion number and the corresponding treatment (consecutive, according to a random list in their possession).
Assignment of interventions: Blinding
Who will be blinded {17a}
'Not applicable'
Procedure for unblinding if needed {17b}
'Not applicable'
Data collection and management
Plans for assessment and collection of outcomes {18a}
'Not applicable'
Plans to promote participant retention and complete follow-up {18b}
'Not applicable'
Data management {19}
For the purposes of this study, a data entry system will be generated at OpenClinica, which is a free software platform for protocol configuration and CRF design, which allows the electronic capture, storage and management of data.
The data entry will be carried out in duplicate (independently by two operators) for the subsequent process of automatic comparison and correction of the bases, necessary for statistical analysis with accurate information from the trial. For debugging errors, the data that does not match the one registered in the original CRF will be corroborated to avoid confusion. The comparison will be repeated until no differences are found between the databases. This process will guarantee the cleanliness of the data included in the databases that will later be used in the statistical analysis. This activity will be recorded, so that it can be traced to national and foreign inspections and / or audits.
Confidentiality {27}
The protocol's medical specialists, the promoter, the monitors and auditors appointed by the promoter will guarantee that the personal data of the subjects included in the protocol are treated in accordance with the provisions established in Law 15/1999 on data protection personal nature and the regulations that develop it. Likewise, the anonymity of the subjects included and the protection of their identity will be maintained; no personal data of the subjects of the protocol will be transferred, except in those circumstances allowed by law.
Monitors and auditors appointed by the promoter may access clinical information and documentation on the subjects included, in order to verify the accuracy and reliability of the data, but must not collect the personal identification data of the subjects. Access to this data should also be provided to the inspectors of the competent health authorities.
The results of the clinical trial, as well as all the work and reports carried out and all the industrial property rights derived from it, are the exclusive property of the promoter. The latter is committed to disseminating them, once the protocol is finished and whether they are negative or positive, in public access media.
The publication of the results, by the medical specialists of the hospital institutions, in scientific magazines or books and the oral presentations or posters at scientific events, workshops or meetings, must be carried out in agreement with the promoting center.
Plans for collection, laboratory evaluation and storage of biological specimens for genetic or molecular analysis in this trial/future use {33}
The promoter center will be in charge of transmitting, operationally, the procedure for the extraction, identification and conservation of the biological samples that will be transferred to the CIGB according to procedures and in force at the Direction of Clinical Research at CIGB.
The transfer of samples from the healthcare unit will be the responsibility of the promoter center, which will guarantee the transportation, specialized personnel and resources necessary to carry out these operations with the maximum quality and compliance with GCP, as established by the procedures. in force ( and and their biosafety protocols.
Statistical methods
Statistical methods for primary and secondary outcomes {20a}
We will compare the study endpoints among the two arms using time-to-event methods with the Cox proportional-hazards model. The different categorical variables will be analyzed using the one-way analysis of variance. To describe the efficacy and safety of the IFN regimens, Kaplan-Meier estimates and a multivariate Cox proportional hazards model will be used to compare severity of patients and adverse events among the two arms during the study period at week four. A p-value of <0.05 will be deemed to confer statistical significance.
Interim analyses {21b}
'Not applicable'
Methods for additional analyses (e.g. subgroup analyses) {20b}
'Not applicable'
Methods in analysis to handle protocol non-adherence and any statistical methods to handle missing data {20c}
'Not applicable'
Plans to give access to the full protocol, participant level-data and statistical code {31c}
'Not applicable'
Oversight and monitoring
Composition of the coordinating centre and trial steering committee {5d}
Steering Committee
The Steering Committee, led by the principal investigator, will be responsible for overseeing the conduction of the trial, providing training for new sites, ensuring compliance with the study procedures, addressing challenges that occur at all sites, reviewing serious adverse events and formulating the statistical analysis plan.
For clinical trials at CIGB, the function of coordinating centre is playing by the Direction of Clinical Research that is the responsible for design, endpoint adjudication, data management, statistical analysis and final report for the clinical trial.
Monitors from the Clinical Research Direction at CIGB, Havana, Cuba.
- Iván Campa Legrá. MSc. Monitor
- Yaquelin Duncan Roberts, MD, MSc. Monitor
- Claudia Martínez Lic. Monitor
Data managing.
- Marel Alonso Valdés. Ing. Informatics at Clinical Research Direction
Statically analysis
- José C. Cortiñas Porras. Lic. Mathematics at Clinical Research Direction
- Iraldo Bello Rivero, MSc, PhD. Project Manager at Clinical Research Direction
- Francisco Hernández Bernal. Methodological Assessor at Clinical Research Direction
- Verena Muzio Gonzalez. MD, PhD. Director of Clinical Research Direction
- Laboratory of Genomic and Immunological determinations. Biomedical Research Direction (BRD) at CIGB, Havana, Cuba.
- Dania M. Vázquez Blomquist, PhD. Genomic evaluations at BRD
- Monica Bequet Romero. PhD. Immunological evaluations at BRD
- Gilda Lemos Perez. MSc. Immunoenzymatic evaluations at BRD
- Gerardo Guillen Nieto. Methodological and Scientific Assessor. Director of Biomedical Research Direction.
Composition of the data monitoring committee, its role and reporting structure {21a}
Monitors from the Clinical Research Direction at CIGB, Havana, Cuba.
- Iván Campa Legrá. MSc. Monitor
- Yaquelin Duncan Roberts, MD, MSc. Monitor
- Claudia Martínez Lic. Monitor
The trial monitors will carry out quality monitoring visits at all stages of its execution, ensuring strict compliance with the provisions of the protocol.
The flow of primary protocol information to and from health institution will be guaranteed by the CIGB.
The research product (HeberFERON), CRF and other models will be delivered / collected by the CIGB, directly by the study monitors. The monitors, in the quality monitoring visits, will collect the CRFs of those patients who concluded their participation in the trial. The Supply Group at CIGB is responsible for the adequate supply of medicines and medical supplies, as well as the collection of the product under investigation (dispensed and not dispensed).
The investigator should have a report of the number of patients included, the detected adverse events, the study departures and the causes of these, as well as any other relevant information during the course of the trial, for when they are requested during the quality monitoring visits.
Adverse event reporting and harms {22}
In this study, the occurrence of serious adverse events is not expected, due to short time of exposure and low doses of treatment. However, if they occur, treatment will be suspended and the required measures will be taken depending on the type of event.
Special attention should be paid to known adverse events for HeberFERON. The “Product Manual” (attached to the protocol) describes the behavior against the most significant adverse reactions (reported in other entities). The investigator responsible for the study at the participating institution will be responsible for the diagnostic evaluation and follow-up of patients with adverse events.
In the event of serious adverse events (with proven causality) the administration of the product will be interrupted and if this has not been concluded, the required measures will be taken depending on the event and the possible expedited report of the same will be considered.
The occurrence of the event will be notified to the monitor within a period not exceeding 24 hours. The person responsible for the investigation, the monitors and the team of investigators, will carry out the corresponding investigations in order to determine the component causing the undesired effect. After recovery from the adverse event, the patient may restart treatment according to the treatment scheme they were receiving, if the inclusion in their group had not been stopped due to exceeding the maximum level of toxicity. If severe toxicity occurs again, treatment is permanently discontinued
- Notification of adverse events
It will consist of two stages: the immediate notification of all serious adverse events and the reporting of serious and unexpected adverse events in relation to causation, which will be independent of each other.
Immediate notification will be made to the national regulatory agency in Cuba, Center for State Control of the Quality of Medicines (CECMED), within the first 72 hours after the Promoter becomes aware of the serious (serious) and unexpected adverse event and will be mandatory.
The model of the report of serious (serious) and unexpected adverse events in relation to causation and the attached documentation regarding the adverse event presented must be submitted to CECMED, as soon as possible and never after seven calendar days if the adverse event is fatal or compromises the subject's life, if not, the reporting time will be 15 days.
- Expedited report of adverse events
To do the same, you must follow the instructions of procedure in force at the CIGB Directorate of Clinical Investigations. Any serious unexpected adverse event that arises must be evaluated with a view to the expedited report.
For any serious unexpected adverse event, the causal relationship with the drug should be established to assess whether it is classified as an adverse reaction. According to the defined terms, an adverse reaction is any harmful and involuntary event that has a reasonable possibility of a causal relationship between the medicinal product and the adverse event, meaning as reasonable causal relationship the existence of evidence, facts and arguments that suggest a relationship of causality.
In the event that the investigator classified the adverse event as reasonably related to the medication as serious and unexpected, said specialist will proceed to the expedited report of said reaction. Its realization will include:
- The immediate report by the specialist to the monitor as representative of the promoter. This must within the first 24 hours of occurrence. The information may be communicated by phone, fax, email or in person.
- The immediate report by the promoter to the CECMED. This must occur in the following periods:
The monitor's expedited report to CECMED will be carried out using the corresponding model. This model will be filled DOUBLE.
Frequency and plans for auditing trial conduct {23}
'Not applicable'
Plans for communicating important protocol amendments to relevant parties (e.g. trial participants, ethical committees) {25}
- Check-up and quality control monitoring in compliance with Good Clinical Practices.
The actions to be completed in these visits will be described in procedures,,,,, and in force at Clinical Research Direction at CIGB.
Quality monitoring and control will be carried out by the monitors, quality control managers, consultants and specialists responsible for the test. These visits will also serve to discuss any aspect of the protocol that the researcher suggests.
Execution check visits will be made daily from the beginning of the study. The first Quality Control visit will be made immediately after the first patient is included.
Dissemination plans {31a}
'Not applicable'
[i]. NATIONAL ACTION PROTOCOL FOR COVID-19 Version 1.4. La Habana, mayo 2020.
[ii]. AHCPR. Guías para el manejo del dolor agudo. Publicación No. 92-0032. Disponible.