Modeling Framework and study design
This assessment was carried out by the Potsdam Integrated Assessment Modeling framework (PIAM), which is a cluster of models that exchange information not during runtime but from consistent stand-alone simulations (soft-link). For this study, the open-source land and food system modeling framework MAgPIE19,77 is the central model. It is linked with an open-source food demand model2, the open-source vegetation, crop and hydrology model LPJmL (Lund-Potsdam-Jena model with managed Land) 31,32, the reduced-complexity climate model MAGICC 33,78,79, a poverty distribution model35 as well as the open-source macro-economy and energy model REMIND36. The food demand model is further linked with a dietary health model58,80. Extended Data Figure 5 lists the linkages between the individual models, which parameters are exchanged, and which outcome indicators are estimated by which model.
The modeling framework was run for a total of 40 scenarios, including the reference scenario SSP2, the 4 other baseline SSPs, a run for each of the 23 FSMs and 5 CrossSector measures in isolation, 5 packages of measures, the FSTSSP2 and the FSTSDP. The implementation of the FSMs and the definition of the outcome indicators are described in the Extended Data Tables 1+2, as well as in the Supplementary Data file 1.
The central component of this modeling framework is the land and food system model MAgPIE (Model of Agricultural Production and its Impact on the Environment)19,77, which is in itself a modeling framework with multiple hard-coupled modules (Extended Data Figure 4). The open-source model code and documentation for the version 4.6.6 used in this study are available online57.
The model simulates agricultural markets for 19 different crop groups, 8 processed plant-based product groups (sugar, oil, alcohol, oilcakes, molasses, ethanol, brans, brewers’ and distillers’ grains), 5 livestock food groups (ruminant meat, milk, monogastric meat, poultry meat, eggs), three types of crop residues (cereal straw, fibrous and non-fibrous residues), grass, and two forestry products (timber, fuelwood). Final demands include food demand (see Food demand model), material demand, and bioenergy demand81,82 (SI section S1.1.2). Livestock products require feed69,70 (SI section S1.1.3), processed products require primary products (SI section S1.1.4), and crop production requires seeds. Global production needs to meet global demand, with trade between world regions balancing regional production and demand (SI section S1.1.5). Crop, grass, and forestry production require land for cultivation (SI section S1.1.6). Land allocation is driven by the cost-effectiveness of different land uses (cropland, pasture, built-up land, forestry83, forest, other land) across space, as well as land conversion costs (SI section 1.1.8). Land Use Change (LUC) causes CO2 emissions from the clearing of vegetation84 (SI section 1.1.11) and changes the BII value of the land27 (SI section 1.1.9). Soil carbon levels are also negatively affected by LUC, but also depend on agricultural management (SI section 1.1.10). Irrigated production requires water and irrigation infrastructure, which can also be expanded into new areas45 (SI section 1.1.12). Crop and grass production requires nitrogen, which needs to be provided through the recycling of organic materials, biological fixation, inorganic fertilizers, or soil depletion51 (SI section S1.1.7). Agricultural production causes non-CO2 GHG emissions (SI section S1.1.11) that include CH4 from enteric fermentation, water management of rice fields, and manure management. N2O emissions derive from fertilization of crop and pasture soils as well as animal waste management and residue burning51. Emissions can be mitigated using technical mitigation measures67 (SI section S1.1.11).
To find a plausible pathway for the future, the model minimizes total costs while being subject to a number of biophysical, technological, and socio-economic constraints. Total costs include factor costs for labor and capital for agricultural production (see section 1.1.6), investment costs into yield-improving technologies and management practices85, land expansion costs, fertilizer costs, as well as, in some scenarios, taxes for environmental pollution. Another set of costs is internal to the model as their markets are represented explicitly in the model. This includes, for example, the costs for feed and seed; land rents, which derive from the scarcity of land and land expansion costs; and the costs for nutrients from crop residues and manure.
Agricultural employment depends on the factor requirements for agriculture, the labor-capital share, labor productivity, and weekly working hours (see section 1.1.6).
Agricultural prices, which are required for estimating Expenditure on Agricultural Products, can be derived as the Lagrange multiplier of the food demand equation, providing the marginal costs of supplying the agricultural products for one additional unit of food in a given world region.
Food demand model
The food demand model2 estimates a consistent set of scenarios for food intake, food waste, dietary composition, the distribution of body weight along five body mass index (BMI) classes and body height on a country level. Shifts in dietary composition over time are projected for four main food groups, i.e., animal-source foods, empty calories from oils, sugar, and alcoholic beverages, staple foods, as well as calories from fruits, vegetables, and nuts. A further split to the 25 food items in MAgPIE is implemented according to observed relative shares on the country level. Anthropometric and intake estimates differentiate between males and females, as well as between different age groups. Drivers of the model are the demographic composition of a population by age and sex, physical activity levels, the starting distribution of body height, and the per-capita income as a proxy for the socio-economic development state of the food system.
Historical food waste (defined as household-level food waste and food losses in gastronomy and retail86) is derived as the difference between FAO food calorie supply and the food calorie intake estimated based on observed body weight, physical activity levels, age, and sex. For baseline projections, the ratio of food calorie supply and food intake is calculated using a regression with per-capita income2. Since we estimate food intake and food waste top-down only from the energy balance, the composition of food waste with respect to different products was inferred from food-group specific waste estimates87.
For diet FSMs, different assumptions are made for the exogenous calculation of food waste, diet composition, or calorie intake (see Extended Data Table 1). For scenarios with these FSMs, we assume a gradual transition of the endogenously estimated components of food demand to the scenario-specific parametrization of food waste, food intake, and diet composition until 2050. For all FSMs, body weight, physical activity, and caloric intake remain consistent along an energy-balance approach. Weight FSMs assume an increase or decrease of intake in line with the targeted body weight. FSMs that change dietary composition (such as minimum consumption of fruits and vegetables or maximum consumption of animal products) balance intake by a reduction or increase of staple crops (cereals and roots) such that total intake stays constant.
Within the architecture of soft-linked models, the country-level results of the food demand model are passed on to MAgPIE, the health model, and the poverty model.
Crop, vegetation, and hydrology model (LPJmL)
The Lund Potsdam Jena Model managed Land (LPJmL) is a global dynamic vegetation, hydrology, and crop model, dynamically computing soil and vegetation dynamics in natural and managed (croplands, grasslands, biomass plantations) ecosystems, explicitly accounting for water, carbon, and nitrogen fluxes within and between ecosystems31,32. For this analysis, LPJmL computes crop yields for twelve different annual field crops for purely rainfed and fully irrigated production systems as well as corresponding irrigation water requirements, carbon stocks of potential natural vegetation, and river discharge as an indicator of freshwater availability. All scenarios include CO2 fertilization. CO2 fertilization is still uncertain in magnitude, but experimental evidence shows substantial yield-increasing and water-saving effects88. Nitrogen limitation of crop growth is ignored here because economic decision-making on production intensity and corresponding nitrogen input requirements is accounted for in the MAgPIE model. Crop yields and irrigation water requirements are computed with the nitrogen version of LPJmL32,89,90, while natural vegetation dynamics, including carbon stocks and freshwater availability, are computed with LPJmL version 431.
As such, crop yields, water requirements, carbon stocks, and water availability were computed ex-ante for specific climate scenarios, which could then be selected according to the projected global mean temperature (see Climate Models section).
Health Model
We used a global risk-disease model with country-level detail to estimate the impacts that dietary changes related to the different food-system interventions could have on disease mortality58,80. The model uses a comparative risk assessment method that relates changes in risk factors, such as reductions in the consumption of fruits and vegetables, to changes in cause-specific mortality, such as cancer and coronary heart disease91. The same concept forms the basis of the Global Burden of Disease project that tracks the impacts of different risk factors on mortality and morbidity in different regions and globally92.
The comparative risk-assessment model used here included eight diet and weight-related risk factors and five disease endpoints. The risk factors were high consumption of red meat, low consumption of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and legumes, as well as being underweight, overweight, and obese, the latter of which are related to changes in energy intake. The disease endpoints were coronary heart disease (CHD), stroke, type-2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), cancer (in aggregate and as colon and rectum cancers), and respiratory disease.
We used publicly available data sources to parameterize the comparative risk analysis. We adopted relative risk estimates that relate changes in risk factors to changes in disease mortality from a meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies93–99. Age-specific mortality and population data were adopted from the Global Burden of Disease project100, and baseline data on the weight distributions of countries were adopted from a pooled analysis of population-based measurements undertaken by the NCD Risk Factor Collaboration101. A detailed model description is provided in the supplementary information file 1 and in Springmann and colleagues58,80.
Climate models
Our modeling framework establishes consistency between global warming outcomes and biophysical climate impacts using a reduced complexity climate model to estimate the global warming outcome. This informs the selection of pre-calculated high-resolution daily weather projections under climate change from a General Circulation Model (GCM).
We employed the reduced-complexity climate model MAGICC (v7.5.3)33,78,79 to generate a probability distribution of projected global warming (S2.2.7, Figure 13) using greenhouse gas emissions from the land system (MAgPIE) and the rest of the economy (REMIND). We ran MAGICC with a probabilistic setup following the IPCC's latest WG1 report102 (see Cross-Chapter Box 7.1 in Chapter 7 of AR6 WG1). For emissions not included in REMIND-MAgPIE (e.g., Montreal Protocol species), we followed methods from the latest WG3 report103,104. As input to MAGICC, we combined AFOLU emissions from MAgPIE (CO2, CH4, N2O) with non-AFOLU emissions (e.g., energy, transport, industry, waste) from prior REMIND scenarios (see REMIND section), ensuring coherence between bioenergy demand and energy transformation levels across the modeled scenarios. For scenarios without a matching REMIND scenario (specifically SSP3, SSP4, and SSP5 baselines), we do not report global surface temperatures.
To harmonize the global warming outcome from MAGICC with high-resolution weather data under climate change that is required to run LPJmL, we identified the Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP)105 that had the smallest temperature deviation for years 2050 and 2100, focusing on the MRI-ESM2 runs within the CMIP6 model database, for each scenario's warming trajectory (see S2.2.7, Figure 11). We chose MRI-ESM2106 because it provided a large set of simulations for different RCPs within the CMIP6 ScenarioMIP107. We use a single General Circulation Model (GCM) because climate impacts are not in the focus of this study. This process was robust to varying the RCP used in the initial run, as the second-order feedback of climate impacts on emissions is small.
This process resulted in our primary scenarios ranging from RCP1.9 (FSTSDP) to RCP6.0 (BASESSP2). For scenarios based on SSP 3, 4, and 5, complementary REMIND scenarios were unavailable, so we used the standard RCP7.0, RCP4.5, and RCP8.5 climate impacts, respectively. These scenarios, however, mainly served the purpose of sensitivity analysis and are not prominently featured in our analysis.
Based on this mapping, LPJmL receives daily weather projections from the MRI-ESM2106 model’s contribution to the CMIP6 ScenarioMIP107, which were made available in bias-corrected form by the ISIMIP project Phase 3108,109. Atmospheric CO2 trajectories are taken from the corresponding SSP-RCP combinations107.
Poverty Model
A distributional model35is used to create projections of income distribution and poverty rates. The model starts by constructing baseline lognormal income distributions from average incomes and scenario assumptions for the Gini coefficient110, a measure of income inequality. Any increased Expenditure on Agricultural Products stemming from implementing FSMs, if applicable, is translated into their impact on average real incomes and inequality levels based on an empirical estimation of food expenditure-income elasticities. To better represent the tails of distribution relevant to poverty, the new average incomes and Gini coefficients are then fed into a regression-based model fit to recent World Bank poverty and inequality data to derive scenario projections for future poverty headcounts, accounting for the effect of potentially increased food prices.
Using the partial-equilibrium model MAgPIE, we need to safeguard macroeconomic consistency when investigating poverty effects. Increased production costs for food items due to higher labor and capital requirements get reflected in higher Expenditure on Agricultural Products and lower real incomes of the model. In scenarios where food expenditures rise due to taxes (the CO2 tax in the FSMs REDD+, PeatlandRewetting, SoilCarbon and the penalty for violating rotational rules in the CropRotations scenario, as well as packages including them), the generated tax revenues are redistributed to citizens. We assume a distributionally neutral redistribution of tax revenues (broadly similar to a reduction of the value-added tax) but do not include any specific pro-poor redistribution policies (discussed here35). Similarly, we take into account that the wage increases from the MinWage scenario do not only increase prices but also have an income effect. We assume again a neutral distribution to the entire population as our income data does not allow us to distinguish agricultural income from other sources of income. As such, our MinWage scenario mainly reflects the regressive effect of higher food prices on consumers, but not that mainly low-income households would benefit from a minimum wage in the agricultural sector.
Macro-Economy and Energy model (REMIND)
We use the global multi-regional energy-economy-climate model REMIND Version 2.1.3 for our analysis36. REMIND is open source and available on GitHub at The technical documentation of the equation structure can be found at In REMIND, each single region is modeled as a hybrid energy-economy system and is able to interact with the other regions by means of trade. The economy sector is modeled by a Ramsey-type growth model, which maximizes utility, a function of consumption. Labor, capital, and end-use energy generate the macroeconomic output, i.e., GDP. Population, labor productivity growth, and educational attainment are exogenous assumptions taken from the SSPs71,111. The produced GDP covers the costs of the energy system, the macroeconomic investments, the import of a composite good, and consumption. The energy sector is described with high technological detail.
REMIND provides the bioenergy demand for MAgPIE and the anthropogenic emissions for all sectors except for AFOLU for the MAGICC climate model (see also SI S1.2). For computational reasons, we did not couple the REMIND model and the MAgPIE model directly within this multi-scenario assessment but relied on existing runs of this well-established model ensemble25. For the SSP baseline scenarios and all transformations targeting land use in isolation, we assume that the energy transformation meets current nationally determined contributions, but no other progress is made in limiting emissions. In the EnergyTrans measure, we assume a robust energy transformation, such that a carbon budget of 900 Gt CO2 from 2011 (610 Gt CO2 from 2018) until the time of peak warming is not exceeded, based on the SSP2 900Gt scenario ofa sustainable development pathway25(see SI section 1.2). In the CrossSector and FSTSDP scenarios, we use the SDP 900 Gt scenario, which achieves the same target with a more sustainable general economic development, e.g., with respect to population growth. Both the non-food system emissions as well as the bioenergy demand are consistent with this 900 Gt budget (see also SI S1.2).
We use a different, lower carbon price trajectory (carbon budget of 1300 Gt CO225) for the food system FSMs that require a carbon price, REDD+, SoilCarbon, and PeatlandConservation, in order to avoid unnecessarily high tax payments and food price changes at a tax rate where mitigation is saturating. As such, the two different tax rates (185USD05MER/tCO2 in AFOLU and 494USD05MER/tCO2 in other sectors in the year 2050 in the FSTSDP scenario) diverge from the theoretical allocation optimum of a uniform carbon price; as we estimate global warming ex-post and keep consistency between the energy-scenario and bioenergy demand, our scenario remains biophysically fully consistent.
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