We have developed guidance that trialists could use to carbon footprint clinical trials and subsequently inform lower carbon trial design and delivery.
The detailed guidance document, enclosed as an appendix, describes a method that can be used to calculate the carbon footprint of publicly funded, CTIMP and Non-CTIMP (inc complex intervention) trials conducted in the NHS. The guidance is currently undergoing testing on a wider selection of trials managed by collaborating UK CRC Registered Clinical Trial Units (UK CRC CTUs). The project team plan to publish the results of all additional trials footprinted as part of the subsequent testing phase and updates to the guidance this will inevitably generate, on completion of the currently funded project. The collaboration is open to, and welcomes new partners.
It is important to note that this guidance accounts only for the carbon footprint of a clinical trial. It does not include other metrics that are important to consider in a full life cycle analysis when evaluating environmental impact and potential trade-offs, including water use, land use, waste and those relating to social and economic impacts. It is also necessary to note that the validity of the carbon footprinting results the guidance generates is highly dependent on the quality and completeness of the activity data collated and the specific emission factors used. We recognise that more suitable or up to date emission factors than those provided may be available or will become available as knowledge around the subject grows, but these could not be included as they are not publicly or freely available.
A number of assumptions are defined in the guidance to ensure consistency of application to different clinical trials and a degree of pragmatism applied, such as using average occupancies for members of hospital staff. All assumptions made are described in full in the guidance and can be interrogated in the real-life example calculations included in appendices C and D.
Previous research clearly demonstrated that clinical trials have an impact and where the carbon hotspots might be (trial team commuting, energy use in research premises, trial travel and freight). It is difficult to compare our pilot results to those of the CRASH-1 and CRASH-2 carbon audits as they were large international trials which enrolled 10,008 and 20,211 patients respectively, and emissions were calculated over a single, one-year period. We also grouped activities in different ways; in the CRASH audit the footprint of all deliveries was presented together, whereas here deliveries were calculated within their specific module, for example delivery of SIFs was included with ‘trial set up’ activities. Trial coordination centre emissions were the largest and second largest contributors in the CRASH trials, similarly in the pilot results presented here, ‘CTU emissions’ was the largest contributor to the CASPS footprint and the second largest in PRIMETIME. Trial team commuting and energy use in research premises, which were calculated together in the current guidance under ‘CTU emissions’, also accounted for the most CO2e emissions in the 2009 study conducted by Lyle et al. This study calculated the average emissions of 12 UK trials to be 78.4 tonnes, comparable to the 72 and 89 tonne carbon footprints of CASPS and PRIMETIME. Patient travel was not calculated in the CRASH trials and was only the 4th largest contributor to emissions in the Lyle study. Conversely, in the pilot results presented here ‘trial specific patient assessments’ was the largest contributor to PRIMETIME emissions and included both patient travel and procedures.
The results presented are in agreement with previously identified hotspots, however the pilot has also identified different and new hotspots, such as data collection and exchange and laboratory associated activities. The pilot results also show that the % contribution by activity varied across the two trials, demonstrating the need to collect data from more trial types and designs to capture all possible hotspots.
As well as refinement and enhancement of the guidance to ensure it is user-friendly and can be applied to as many clinical trial types as possible, more trials must be footprinted to understand how to define the scope of what is considered a clinical trial and how best to apply the guidance.
The carbon footprint associated with the manufacture and delivery of the trial intervention are out of scope in the current guidance. However, when implementing the results of a clinical trial it will also be important to consider the footprint of the recommended intervention. This latter point is exemplified by the PRIMETIME trial, where delivery of the trial has a notable carbon footprint. However, if the trial results recommend the avoidance of radiotherapy for some breast cancer patients, there would be a significant carbon saving because standard of care radiotherapy and associated patient travel would no longer be required (the carbon footprint associated with delivering 15 doses of standard of care radiotherapy is 94.19 kgCO2e per patient, consisting of 7.19 kg CO2e for the radiotherapy and 87 kgCO2e for the travel required) [20, 9]. Further work is required to develop guidance on the interpretation of carbon footprinting results, so that the impact of conducting a clinical trial can be balanced against the improvement an intervention may make both in terms of patient outcomes and the carbon footprint of the intervention once incorporated into standard of care.
The results of the future work with collaborating CTUs summarised in Table 1 will be published in due course and will include discussion and comparison of the hotspots, as well as evaluation of the inter-observer reliability and reproducibility. We will also look at the time commitment required to complete the calculations and how the guidance can be improved for use by those without specialist carbon footprinting knowledge. In this pilot work the guidance was applied retrospectively to completed trials, however, ultimately the aim is to use the guidance prospectively at the trial design stage. We anticipate application in this scenario will be less time and resource intensive, but this will be analysed and discussed in the next paper, as we plan to include trials which are currently in development. Our findings will contribute to ongoing work coordinated by the Sustainable Healthcare Coalition to develop an online, open-access carbon footprint calculator in collaboration with a group of pharmaceutical industry representatives conducting similar work. Through this collaboration, the generalisability of a common method and the scope of its application to academia and industry will be examined.
There remains much to do to help shape the future of sustainable clinical trials and support the move towards more responsible research. Investigation of carbon trade off decisions with patient and public involvement is necessary to enable recommendations to be made to reduce the carbon footprint of clinical trials, without reducing the clinical value of the trial and acceptability to participating patients and work with patient partners to shape the next steps of this important research is planned. Dissemination and engagement activities, including training and practical support for research teams incorporating carbon calculations into routine trial design, will be required to help drive the paradigm shift to responsible greener research.
As we gather more data on the estimated carbon footprint of planned clinical trials, further consideration should be given to how various stakeholders are going to use and consider the information generated. Funding panels often refer to cost per patient, a concept proposed for this area in terms of the carbon emission per patient. Care would be needed to interpret this statistic; as is the case with the cost per patient, carbon footprint per patient may discriminate against rare disease trials with a high health burden, as it does not include information on the nature and consequences of the condition under study. Further consideration is also required to determine a meaningful way to present the carbon footprint information and provide context to the public. A suggestion has been made that graphical representation in terms of the equivalent number of UK citizens’ footprints could be more easily understood, but further research is needed.
Ultimately, a method and associated guidance describing how to carbon footprint a clinical trial will support various organisations including universities, health service providers and research funders to meet their carbon reduction commitments and allow stakeholders to incentivise a reduction of the carbon footprint of trials in their portfolios. We have produced this guidance as the first step of a strategy to help towards achieving this aim.