The nexus between productivity, profitability and net greenhouse gas emissions
In comparing sheep and beef production systems in 2030 and 2050, we revealed that (1) few individual interventions elicited significant impact on the three dimensions of productivity, most likely annual average profitability (herein profit) and GHG emissions and (2) the impacts of the production system and intervention were greater than the impacts of climate change per se (Figs. 1, 2).
Interventions targeting livestock enteric methane (methane produced by fermentation in the gut) were most promising for reducing GHG emissions, such as the seaweed feed additive Asparagopsis taxiformis, which under the assumed conditions of the analysis could reduce on-farm CO2e by 46–72% under future climates (Fig. 1a, 1b, Fig. 2a, 2b, Tables S1-S4). However, Asparagopsis when used as a feed supplement, it was identified as one of the costliest singular interventions, reducing profits by $23–25/Mg CO2e mitigated (Fig. 1c, 1d, Fig. 2c, 2d). Interventions that were considered most adoptable by the group of expert practitioners (the RRG) often had the lowest mitigation potential (Figs. 1, 2).
Climatic diversification - purchasing a farm in a distinctively different climatic zone - and altering lambing/calving times yielded the greatest improvement in productivity (16–18%), while enterprise diversification (capital investment to enable grapevine/wind turbines enterprises), pasture renovation with deep-rooted legumes and improvements in animal genetic feed-conversion efficiency (FCE) were most conducive to improved profit (17–39%). Interventions that achieved the greatest gains in productivity and profit tended to do little influence to reduce GHG emissions, underlining the challenges inherent in decoupling the tight linkage between productivity and GHG emissions.
Improving FCE - considered akin to good farm management practice by increasing pasture utilisation and liveweight gain per unit utilisation in a sustainable way increased profit ($70–250/Mg CO2e mitigation; Fig. 1c, 1d, Fig. 2c, 2d, Tables S1-S4), with only modest impacts on productivity (0–6% increase), and on GHG emissions mitigation (-9-15% reduction). Transformational improvement in animal genetic feed conversion efficiencies (TFCE) promises increases in livestock production and farm profits by 8–39% and reducing net GHG emissions by 11–17%, though is aspirational according to the RRG because further livestock genetic science is needed to improve FCE before such genotypes could be widely available (Fig. 3a, 3d, Fig. 4a, 4d).
The modelled climate change scenarios had significant implications for the extent of carbon removal on the case study farms. By 2050, GHG mitigation potential associated with improving soil carbon stocks was reduced by 6–13% for interventions that expanded farm area covered by deep-rooted perennial legumes (in this case lucerne or Medicago sativa), and by 20–40% for carbon sequestered by planting native vegetation (Figs. 1, 2, Tables S1-S4). Planting trees decreased profit per unit CO2 mitigated compared with incorporating lucerne into pastures (Fig. 1c, 1d and Fig. 2c, 2d). This was because lucerne enabled pasture growth and livestock production, whereas trees reduced productive pasture area and livestock carrying capacity.
Biochar was considered to be highly adoptable by the RRG and was proposed as a livestock feed supplement based on anecdotal evidence suggesting that use of biochar (1) improved liveweight gain, (2) reduced enteric methane and (3) enriched organic carbon content of manure. In line with the people-centric nature of this research, we conducted on-farm experiments with free-choice biochar, fed ad libitum over 12 months to beef steers. Little impact of biochar was observed on either liveweight gains or manure organic carbon content (Fig. S1). From the modelling results, we showed that biochar feed supplement would potentially reduce net GHG emissions by 8% and increase profit by 18%, saving $290 Mg CO2e− 1 per year (Fig. 1). However, the effect of feeding biochar differed across production systems (cf. Figure 1c, d with Fig. 2c, d). By assuming minimal effects of biochar feed supplement on sheep liveweight gains and wool production, the elevated costs of implementation reduced profits by 10% despite an 18% reduction in GHG emissions for both climate horizons (Fig. 2).
To buffer against the possibility of reduced rainfall under future climates, income diversification avenues that were independent of rainfall were co-designed. These interventions included planting a small irrigated area of grapevines on the sheep farm, hosting wind turbines on the beef farm, and climatic diversification by purchasing a block of land for cattle farming in a distinctively different climatic zone. While wind turbines, developing irrigated grapevines and purchasing another beef cattle farm improved farm profits by 12–18%, 20% and 15% respectively (Figs. 1 and 2), effects on productivity and profit varied widely. Buying an extra beef farm in a diverse agro-climatic region improved production by 15% (Fig. 1), but this came with a cost of increased associated GHG emissions (net and emissions intensity, Tables S1-S2).
The RRG provided insights into income diversification interventions. For example, purchasing a farm in a diversified climatic zone (north-eastern Tasmania, compared with the beef farm that was located some 400 km away in the north-west of the state) would require additional labour, costs of transporting cattle between regions, sometimes added infrastructure on the new farm, and higher management skills coordinating separate farm enterprises. Still, many farmers do precisely this, profitably. Growing irrigated grapevines requires specialist input, and on-ground evidence such as existing successful grape-growing, to identify suitable microclimates. The option of hosting wind turbines on the property requires proximity to three-phase powerlines (to feed into the main electricity grid) as well as high prevailing windspeeds. These conditions are not usually common or widespread. Despite this however, the sheep case study farmer was pursuing investment in irrigated grapevines, while the beef farmer had signed a lease for a company to lease part of his land for wind turbines.
Contextualised adaptation-mitigation bundles: stacking interventions
We next co-designed and stacked together contextualised bundles of inteventions, each group based on synergies of outcome intended (i.e., interventions were constructed and the outcomes modelled, Figs. 3 and 4). Simple, immediately actionable and relatively reversible changes to the farm systems were stacked together into a ‘Low Hanging Fruit (LHF)’ theme improved annual productivity (15–16%) and increased profit by 19–25% but increased GHG emissions by 6–18% compared with the baseline scenarios under future climates.
A Towards Carbon Neutral (TCN) package was co-designed with the intent of improving productivity and reducing year-on-year GHG emissions. This bundle of interventions combined the LHF package with mitigation interventions (methane inhibition vaccine, planting trees and renovating pastures with deep-rooted legumes). The TCN package respectively increased livestock productivity by 18–20% (beef farm) and by 36–40% (sheep farm) under future climates (Tables S5-S8). Despite added costs associated with buying land and planting trees and the costs of a theoretical CH4 vaccine inoculation (Table S9), biophysical changes realised from pasture renovation increased profits by 33–37% and 60–68% for the beef and sheep farms, respectively. The TCN package reduced net GHG emissions by 37–69% for the beef farm (Fig. 3) and 29–34% for the sheep farm (Fig. 4), diluting emission intensities by 30–50% (Tables S5-S8). While the TCN package was highly ranked in terms of profit, production and GHG emissions evidenced by equally distributed ternary plots (Fig. 3c, 3f, Fig. 4c, 4f), the incorporation of strategies such as the methane inhibition vaccine (which is not commercially available) and its accompanying social concerns, reduced the adoptability of TCN overall.
Multiple combinations of stacked interventions facilitated profitable transitioning of farm systems to net-zero emissions (Figs. 3ad; 4ad). The four carbon neutral packages (CN1-4) were co-designed with consideration to various areas of trees planting, adoption (or not) of livestock genotypes with transformational gains in FCE (TFCE) and/or renovation of pastures with the deep-rooted perennial legume, lucerne. For the beef farm, feeding of Asparagopsis, planting trees and TFCE were most promising (CN1 and CN2), facilitating not only carbon neutrality but also increasing productivity by 13% with a possible 30% profit gain under 2050 climates (Fig. 3). For the sheep farm, productivity and profitability gains associated with carbon neutral GHG positions were more likely to be realised with stacking of Asparagopsis feed, planting trees and renovating pastures with lucerne, such that CN3 and CN4 increased production and profit by 8% relative to the baselines, respectively (Fig. 4).
Costs of transitioning to net-zero emissions under future climates
The potential effects of a carbon market existing were analysed in which GHG emissions were taxed and offsets credited, respectively. The case study farmers simply paying the tax on the net CO2e− 1 from their farm systems, with no practice changes to reduce GHG emissions, reduced farm profits by 64% and 33% for the beef and sheep farms, respectively (Fig. 5). Using Asparagopsis as a feed supplement would reduce operating profit by 7–8%. Paying a carbon tax on net residual GHG emissions would improve profit by 58% (beef farm) or 25% (sheep farm) relative to the baseline farm in which all net GHG emissions were taxed (Fig. 5c, d, g, h). When feeding of Asparagopsis was stacked with purchasing an extra farm that was planted with trees (ASP + PT), a further 38–87% net GHG emissions were offset (Fig. 5a, b, e, f). Relative to the baseline farm in which all residual GHG emissions were taxed, ASP + PT improved profits by 34%/68% for the sheep/beef farm.
The CN packages intervention stacked TFCE (CN1 and CN2) or lucerne in the pasture mix (CN3 and CN4) with ASP + PT to reduce GHG emissions, while further reducing the burden of taxes on emissions carbon taxes. For the beef farm, there was little difference in net GHG emissions after implementing TFCE (CN1) and lucerne in the pasture sward (CN3), both with residual GHG emissions of ~ 1,000 Mg CO2e (Fig. 5a, b). Profits after paying the carbon tax were greater for the CN1 package (Fig. 5c) compared with the CN3 package (Fig. 5d), and were three times greater than the baseline farm, even after paying a tax on residual GHG emissions. Additional land for tree plantings was required for the beef farm’s CN1 and CN3 packages to become net-zero (CN2 and CN4 packages; Fig. 5a, b). For the sheep farm, the lucerne CN3 package achieved net-zero, with net sequestration of ~ 1,400 Mg CO2e (Fig. 5f) and pre-carbon tax profit of $1,366K (Fig. 5h), which slightly declined if surplus carbon offsets were sold (Fig. 5h).
The RRG highlighted potential difficulties in implementing CN packages (Table S10), while the results clearly demonstrate that adoption of mitigation practices were at least three times more profitable for the beef farm and 1.5 times more profitable for the sheep farm, relative to the ‘do nothing different scenario’, where the two farming systems conducted business as usual and all their net GHG emissions were subjected to carbon taxes.