Prooxidant-antioxidant state of soybean-rhizobial symbiosis
H2O2 content
Following exposure to external factors, including drought, plants undergo significant metabolic changes aimed at realizing their adaptive potential (Raza et al. 2019). However, these result in stress characterized by variation in genome expression, and the activation of a cascade of biochemical reactions resulting in further significant alterations in metabolic processes (Fernandez-Göbel et al. 2019). This is manifested by the level of LPO in cell membranes being altered, caused by excessive production of ROS (Guo et al. 2018); thus, disturbing the prooxidant-antioxidant balance in the plant cells.
H2O2 is known to be produced in plant reactions in response to environmental factors. It can act as a signaling molecule and induce the expression of "protective" genes, apparently by activating protein kinases and protein phosphorylation; they play important roles in the adaptation of the plant to stress (Slesak et al. 2007). In particular, the exposure of Arabidopsis cells in the presence of H2O2 was found to lead to changes in the expression of about 175 genes; among these, 113 encoded proteins with antioxidant functions or were associated with protective responses to stress, and the remainder encoded proteins with signaling functions (Davison et al. 2002).
The analysis showed that prolonged drought induces an increase in H2O2 content compared to the control in all studied symbiotic soybean systems (Fig. 2). Among the effective symbiotic systems, a slight difference in H2O2 production between control and stressed plants was recorded in soybeans with active РС 08 rhizobia. After resuming watering of the plants, there is a trend towards slowing down of H2O2 production and its level approaching the control level in symbiotic systems of soybean with the strain РС 08 and Tn5 mutant B1-20 (Fig. 2).
In the inefficient symbiotic system with the participation of strain 604k, a significant increase in H2O2 content was recorded under prolonged drought. After the stress was removed, this level only partially returned to control values. In contrast, no recovery of H2O2 content was recorded in the post-stress period for the less active Tn5 mutant 113.
Hence, less-effective and ineffective symbiotic systems were distinguished by the increased development of oxidizing processes during prolonged drought, and an inability to slow their development after stress. However, like in the effective symbiotic systems, the development of drought-induced oxidative processes decreased as optimal conditions for plant growth and development returned.
MDA concentration
ROS can exert an influence on plant tissues via the activation of LPO, which can cause damage to cell membranes (Mittler, 2017). In addition, ROS and lipid peroxidation products are known to have signaling functions (Noctor et al., 2018). Furthermore, the intensity of oxidative processes occurring under stress can influence the ability of plants to realize their adaptation potential (Singh et al., 2019; Mishra, 2021).
LPO is the primary reaction in the destruction of membrane lipoprotein complexes and the disruption of their transport functions; it also suppresses energy generation processes, which ultimately reduces cell vitality (Alché 2019). These processes also play key roles in the renewal and repair of functioning structures and lipoprotein membranes and increase the power and buffer capacity of the redox system, and thus the efficiency of enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant protection. In addition, lipid peroxides and catalysts of peroxidase reactions can precisely regulate LPO reactions in membrane structures (Laxa et al. 2019).
Two patterns of change in MDA concentration were noted during the experiment. In effective symbiotic systems (strain 634b and РС 08, Tn5 mutant B1-20), similar dynamics of MDA were noted: a slight increase in its content in stress variants under moderate dehydration (day 5) compared to the control, followed by a significant increase during prolonged drought exposure (day 12 ). In the post-stress period, the content of MDA in effective symbiotic systems was restored to control levels (Fig. 3). This indicates a slowdown in the development of the lipid peroxidation process in these symbioses with the return of optimal growing conditions.
In the less-effective (Tn5 mutant 113) and ineffective (strain 604k) symbiotic systems, significant differences in MDA concentration between stressed and control plants were recorded during the experiment. This is evidenced by the significant accumulation of the product of lipid peroxidation in soybean nodules during the drought. During the recovery phase, the MDA content of soybean nodules in these symbioses did not reach the levels estimated for the control variants. This indicates a significant development of lipid peroxidation processes of cell membranes, induced by drought, in soybean with low-active and inactive rhizobia, which led to obvious metabolic disorders and the inability to restore its functioning to an optimal level in the post-stress period.
SOD activity
Under the influence of adverse factors, SOD activation is intended to protect plant cells and tissues from oxidative damage due to increased ROS production. However, SOD activity can increase or decrease in response to stress, depending on the intensity of the action of the stress factor (intensity and duration of the impact of stress), as well as on the adaptive capacity of the plant (Gill et al. 2015). Although the activation of latent forms of SOD or the synthesis of new enzyme molecules can occur under stress, resulting in increased activity, this activity decreases when a certain level of oxidative stress is reached (Saed-Moucheshi et al. 2021).
It was found that moderate drought did not induce significant changes in SOD activity in soybean nodules in effective symbiotic systems. This is evidenced by the absence of significant differences between control plants and plants that experienced stress. Prolonged drought leads to an increase in enzyme activity, which was especially evident in an effective symbiotic system involving the Tn5 mutant B1-20. Restoration of irrigation returned SOD activity to the level of control plants in all effective soybean-rhizobial symbioses (Fig. 4). As such, in the effective symbiotic systems of soybeans, the activation of SOD was recorded as a protective reaction in response to the long-term effect of drought, which ensured the neutralization of excessive ROS formation and contributed to the recovery of plant metabolism after stress.
In less-effective and ineffective symbiotic systems, visible differences in SOD activity between control and stressed plants were observed, even under moderate effects of drought on day 5. Surprisingly, with the strengthening of the effect of drought on day 12, a decrease in the dynamics of SOD activity was found, especially in the inactive symbiosis (strain 604k) (Fig. 4). This trend continued after the resumption of irrigation in the ineffective symbiosis with Tn5 mutant 113; however, a rapid increase in enzyme activity was observed after stress in the ineffective symbiosis with strain 604k (Fig. 4). In both symbiotic systems (Tn5 mutant 113 and strain 604k), nodule SOD activity did not return to the level of control plants in the post-stress period. This indicates that these symbiotic systems have a weak ability to neutralize the consequences of drought-induced oxidative stress.
Activity of CAT
In the cell, CAT is a SOD synergist that prevents the accumulation of hydrogen peroxide, which is a SOD inhibitor. In addition, in nodules, CAT activity reflects metabolic changes that occur in the cells of the root cortex when they are infected with rhizobia (Troitska et al. 2000). CAT is compartmentalized in special microbodies called peroxisomes. They have an oxidative type of metabolism, which is characterized by plasticity, i.e., the enzyme composition of peroxisomes can vary depending on organism, cell type, tissue type and external conditions (Rio et al. 2006). The synthesis of CAT in peroxisomes is induced by its substrate, and enough produced hydrogen peroxide is required for the manifestation of enzyme activity (Rio et al. 2006).
In all studied symbiotic systems under moderate drought, either no significant differences were observed, or only minor differences in CAT activity between stressed and control plants (Fig. 5). During long-term stress, a significant increase in CAT activity was recorded in all soybean symbiotic systems.
For effective symbiotic systems of soybean, an increase in the activity of CAT under prolonged exposure to drought and a restoration of the activity level to the control after exposure to stress was shown (Fig. 5). This testifies to the efficient operation of the catalase enzymatic complex for the disposal of excessive production of H2O2 under the effects of stress, which led to adaptive changes in metabolism and contributed to the rapid restoration of its functioning to an optimal level after the effects of stress.
In low-effective and ineffective soybean-rhizobial symbioses, CAT activity increased rapidly under prolonged exposure to drought and did not return to the levels estimated for control plants (Fig. 5). This proves a significant disruption of the CAT enzyme complex in these symbioses induced by drought, as well as their inability to mobilize their antioxidant properties after exposure to stress.
Combination of results of MDA, SOD and CAT
Analysis of the results shows that water deficit induced a relatively more significant increase in the activity of CAT than SOD during the drought. Efficient systems symbiotic systems demonstrated efficient recovery of metabolic processes: plants subjected to a 12 days of drought and then returned to optimal water conditions showed the same positions on the PCA ordination diagram. In less-effective and ineffective symbiotic systems, the level of development of prooxidant-antioxidant processes was not restored to the optimal level, as in the control, and the direction of changes after the recovery phase was related to the second axis of PCA (Fig. 6).
Formation and functioning of soybean-rhizobial symbiosis
The symbiosis of legumes with nodule bacteria is an effective biological nitrogen-fixing system which has great ecological significance for preserving and reproducing the quality of the environment. The symbiotic relationships between the plants and bacteria occur in root nodules, in which bacteria are isolated from the host cell by a symbiosome, a membrane that regulates the exchange between the symbionts (Andrews and Andrews 2017). The nitrogenase activity of the bacteroids, and therefore the availability of nitrogen in plants, is facilitated by the supply of carbon (Larrainzar et al. 2009). Therefore, there is a close relationship between carbon and nitrogen metabolism, and thus between bacteroid substances and those produced by the plant. The host plant provides the root nodules access to photoassimilates, which are a source of energy and carbon and are necessary for nitrogen fixation (Cerezini 2016; McCormick 2018).
Number and mass of nodules
During the growing season of plants from the stages of three true leaves to flowering, we recorded an increase in the mass of nodules on soybean roots in all symbiotic systems and variants of the experiment. However, according to the indicator of nodule mass, differences between the stressed and control variants were observed in almost all soybean-rhizobial symbioses, which was especially noted in long-term drought conditions.
Among effective symbiotic systems, the smallest differences in the number of nodules between control and stressed plants were observed in soybeans in symbiosis with Tn5 mutant B1-20. While the most efficient growth of nodule mass after restoration of water supply was observed in strain PC-08, where there was little difference in relation to the control in the post-stress period.
In the ineffective symbiotic system with the participation of strain 604k, a significant increase in the number of nodules is observed during the growing season, especially in control plants. However, in this symbiotic system, drought induces a significant decrease in the number of nodules on the roots, while restoration of water supply does not lead to an increase in their number to the control level. The smallest mass of nodules was recorded for soybean in symbiosis with the less-active Tn5 mutant 113 and the inactive strain 604k under drought conditions. This indicates that soybean in symbiosis with these rhizobia is not capable of fully realizing its nodulation potential in drought conditions.
Combination of number and mass of nodules
At the end of the experiment, all soybean-rhizobial symbioses of the control group showed higher PCA1 values compared to the stressed variants (Fig. 9). After the restoration of water supply, changes according to PCA1 were observed in all cases (Fig. 9). Among the investigated soybean-rhizobial symbioses, only soybeans in symbiosis with strain 634b and Tn5 mutant B1-20 showed an increase along the vector, taking into account the mass of nodules in the control variants (Fig. 9).
Nitrogen fixation activity
In effective symbiotic systems of soybean, suppression of nitrogen-fixing activity by soybean nodules during drought and partial restoration of its activity after stress was noted. However, the effective symbiotic systems (strain 634b and Tn5 mutant B1-20) demonstrated an increase in specific nitrogen fixation under the effects of drought, and a return to control values in post-stress period. These findings confirm the efficiency of nitrogen fixation per unit mass of nodules and prove that in the effective symbioses, the symbiotic apparatus was maintained under the influence of drought.
While nitrogen fixation was not recorded in soybean inoculated with the inactive strain (604k), significant inhibition was detected while in those infected with Tn5 mutant 113 under the effects of drought and after watering was resumed.