Sustaining carbon balance is essential for humans and other living organisms on our planet. But the carbon cycle balance has been disrupted by various human activities, primarily through conventional farming activities, deforestation and burning of fossil carbon as fuels. Conventional agriculture, food production and distribution significantly contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. Agriculture is responsible for 14% of the annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and induces an additional 17% of emissions through land use changes, mostly in developing countries. Enhanced irrigation, polluting agricultural chemicals, and pollution caused by food production, transportation, processing, usage and wastage account for almost one-third of all the greenhouse gases emitted by humans (Bolesnikov and Dinda 2022). There are many challenges that we must address, which are contributing to climate change. Among them is the current net annual increase of the planet's population of 81,000,000, the global population is projected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050 (UN 2022). These and sea level rise due to global warming will result in widespread food insecurity and increased demand for a wide array of natural resources and raw materials (Venkata Mohan et al. 2016). Therefore, due to the increasing human population and exponential increase in demand for food, it is of utmost importance to discover and implement means of net regenerative agriculture to help to capture more carbon in the soil to help to slow down the global warming while helping to enhance and ensure the fertility of the soil to effectively and efficiently produce nutritious food for the human and other animal needs. This process must be designed and monitored to help to bring the carbon cycle back into balance. A crucial element of this equation is that global human population stabilization must also be achieved. However, that is not the primary focus for this article, although it is totally essential to be globally achieved in the coming few decades.)
Despite decades of political efforts, research and innovations, on the causes and catastrophic impacts of climate change, global CO2 emissions have continued to rise. They are 60% higher today than in 1990 (Stoddard et al. 2021). Our present emissions trajectory has left us on course for an average temperature rise of more than 3 oC above preindustrial levels by 2100, indicating a significant gap between current emissions and those needed to limit global warming to 1.5–2oC, as set forth by the 2015 Paris Agreement (Wei et al. 2018). Specifically, to achieve the 2 oC target will require implementation of negative emission approaches to achieve 87% of carbon emissions reductions. To achieve, the 1.5 oC target necessitates practically all emission trajectories to achieve the negative emissions to achieve the net-zero emissions goal by the middle of this century (IPCC 2022).
Recent scientific research indicates that the world economy would become 10% smaller if the 2050 net-zero emissions and the Paris Agreement targets on climate change are unmet. Under the current trajectory, the global GDP would decrease 11–14% by mid-century compared to a world without climate change (Swiss Re 2021). According to the Paris Agreement, nations must set targets for reducing carbon emissions and other greenhouse gasses by 2050. Extensive attention has recently been focused on agriculture and its role(s) in transforming sustainable societies worldwide (Dumortier et al. 2020).
Measures reaching carbon neutrality
To keep the planet from warming more than 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, most countries, including the EU, the U.S. and other countries, have set goals to reach net zero emissions by 2050. Net zero means that all greenhouse gas emissions are counterbalanced by an equal amount of eliminated emissions. Achieving this will require rapid activities towards carbon neutrality. Carbon neutrality is understood as maintaining a balance between emitting carbon and absorbing carbon from the atmosphere in various carbon sinks. Since CO2 that’s already in the atmosphere will affect the climate for hundreds to thousands of years, the IPCC maintains that carbon dioxide removal (CDR) technologies will be critical to capture 100 to 1000 gigatons of CO2 this century. To mitigate climate change, various carbon dioxide removal (CDR) technologies for enhancing C capture from the atmosphere through industrial means and C sequestration in terrestrial and marine ecosystems are being investigated and in many places are being implemented. These include bioenergy with C capture and storage (Hanssen et al. 2020), enhanced rock weathering by spreading crushed minerals, which are naturally capable of adsorbing CO2 on land or in the ocean (Beerling 2017); afforestation and reforestation (Forster et al. 2021); soil C sequestration via biochar, compost, direct biowaste incorporation, and conservation tillage, among others (Murphy 2020); ocean fertilisation through the application of iron ore/and other nutrients for promoting the growth of photosynthetic plankton (Emerson 2019); coastal wetlands restoration; and direct air capture using chemicals to remove CO2 directly from the atmosphere (Beuttler et al. 2019).
Agriculture and strategies for achieving carbon neutrality
In the scientific world, a consensus is evolving that we need a drawdown of substantial amounts (at least 1000 Gt) of CO2 from the atmosphere to help the earth’s climate system to stabilize at a safer temperature (Amonette et al. 2021). Evidence from several thousand years ago, points to ‘agriculture’ as the first instance of human-caused increases in GHGs. Agriculture and associated land-use changes continue to be major sources of biogenic GHGs.
The greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture are expected to rise. It has been estimated that nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from the agricultural sector will increase 35–60% by 2030 which are attributed to fertilizer use and manure production and usage (FAO 2003). Methane (CH4) emissions increase directly with increasing livestock numbers and they are expected to rise 60% between 1990 and 2030 (Panchasara et al. 2021). The agricultural sector depends on natural resources and consumes approximately 70% of global freshwater while occupying 40% of the global land area (Kaniaska 2016).
Although soils contribute significantly (37% mainly as N2O and CH4) to agricultural emissions, improved soil management can substantially reduce these emissions and can help to sequester some of the CO2 removed from the atmosphere by plants as carbon in the soil organic matter. In addition to decreasing GHG emissions and sequestering carbon, wise soil management that increases organic matter and tightens the soil nitrogen (N) cycle can yield powerful synergies, such as enhanced fertility and productivity, increased soil biodiversity, reduced erosion, runoff, and water pollution, to buffer crop and pasture systems against the impacts of climate change (Paustian et al. 2016). Mitigating nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from agriculture through improved management practices of fertilizer and livestock waste are critical to achieving carbon neutrality goals (Aggarwal et. al. 2018). While improved waste management and animal feed have the potential to mitigate N2O emissions, according to Galik et al. (2017), improved nitrogen fertilizer usage practices hold the best potential for immediate mitigation. Methane emissions from enteric fermentation and livestock manure, comprise a significant share of GHG emissions from the agricultural sector. The USDA has estimated that non-CO2 emissions from agriculture can be reduced by at least 25% from current levels by 2050 through expansion of existing mitigation practices, widespread deployment of recent technological innovations, and expansion of outreach and technical assistance efforts (The White House 2016).
All of these better practices have roles to play in present and future policies and investments in resilient infrastructure. These practices align with possible scenarios of carbon emission policies and infrastructure adaptation. Increased carbon sequestration can provide a new revenue stream for farmers through voluntary carbon credits that will help restore the balance between atmospheric carbon and soil organic carbon (Zhao et al. 2019). Such restoration will have downstream effects of healthier humans, animals and the environment, as stated by the ‘One Health’ principle of WHO. Regenerative approaches in agriculture can help to bridge the gap between human and environmental health. According to UN forecasts, “if we meet key goals in food and agriculture, cities, energy, and materials, along with health and well-being, we have the potential to open up market opportunities worth up to $12 trillion a year in less than 15 years” (Elkington 2017). Improved agricultural and land use practices can reduce/sequester 204.2 and 273.9 gigatons of CO2 equivalent emissions by 2050 (Hawken 2020).
The 6th wave of innovation (initiated by such climate change mitigation strategies as carbon farming, and carbon neutrality) can be the transition to holistic agricultural practices through a system’s thinking approach. In sustainability science, co-creation principles have been advocated as a working principle to achieve local consensus for action within the circular bioeconomy (Itten et al. 2021).
All of these goals are valuable for focusing on the proposed agricultural strategies and practices, such as sustainable agriculture, carbon recycling and carbon farming, nature-based negative emission technologies and regenerative agriculture/farming (Fig. 1).
Several of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are particularly relevant to sustainable agriculture, including SDG 2 ‘Zero hunger’, SDG 3 ‘Good health and well-being’; SDG 12 ‘Responsible production and consumption’, SDG 13 ‘Climate action’ and SDG 15 ‘Life on land’.
According to the ‘Farm to Fork’ and Biodiversity Strategies, there is a wide-range of ambitious targets to achieve to ensure that the EU food system is on a transformative path towards greater sustainability. In this strategy, biochar is among 25 farming practices, suggested in the ‘Farm to Fork’ strategy for carbon capture and storage and it is the one with the highest positive impact on carbon capture and storage (about 30–40%) (Liu et al. 2016). Those with the greatest relevance to agricultural production are: to contribute to a reduction of at least 55% in net GHG emissions by 2030; reduction, by 50%, of the use and risk of chemical pesticides, and reduction in use of more hazardous pesticides by 50% by 2030; reduction of nutrient losses by at least 50% while ensuring that there is no deterioration in soil fertility. This will reduce the use of fertilizers by at least 20% by 2030; reduction by 50% of usage of antimicrobials for farmed animals and in aquaculture by 2030; reaching 25% of agricultural land under organic farming by 2030; a minimum of 10% area under high-diversity landscape features (EASAC 2022). As part of agricultural transition for achieving the goals, pyrolysis of biomass for producing biochar can and should be an important facet.
In some countries, we find that negative emission technologies such as usage of biochar can be part of the solution as it has the potential to offset between 13 and 40% of the GHG emissions and already have other co-benefits within the Norwegian agricultural sector (Tisserant et al. 2021).
Pyrolysis of biomass for biochar production
In this context, biochar use in agriculture, has direct benefits in relation to modern agricultural practices. Pyrolysis is widely employed to produce biochar since it preserves one-third of the feedstocks as persistent biochar products while also generating bio-oils and non-condensable gases (Soni and Karmee 2020). Biochar production from widely distributed waste(s) has socio-economic and environmental significance in achieving C neutrality. The possibility of producing biochar with multiple functions in a sustainable way can help to position the biochar industry as a viable contributor in creating a more sustainable and prosperous future for all people and for the environment (Chen et al. 2019).
In sustainable agriculture, biochar use can help to sustain a balance between higher food production and biosphere conservation, and it improves water conservation, reduction in need for fertilizers and pesticides, and it helps to foster increased biodiversity of agroecosystem, while increasing economic stability.
Biochar usage, together with other practices such as afforestation and reforestation, agroforestry, protecting soils and enhancing soil organic carbon, conversion of cropland to fallow/permanent grassland, and restoration of peatlands and wetlands (Bolesnikov and Dinda 2022) demonstrated the efficiency in increasing soil carbon sequestration. In this way, biochar plays a direct role in the carbon cycling strategy which is effective in strengthening the man-made carbon cycle which synergistically integrates with the natural ones and makes their benefits available at a higher rate to natural processes with a higher selectivity towards a single product or goal.
Carbon farming is an agricultural approach designed to utilize the capacity of agricultural soils and forests to absorb surplus carbon from the atmosphere, and to store it in the soil (converted to plant material and/or to soil organic matter), where the carbon enhances the health and productivity of the soils. By incorporating biochar into the soil, which helps to increase the amount of carbon stored in the soil organic matter, together with natural addition of carbon from dead plant materials. Integration of biochar into the soil, helps to reduce carbon losses from decomposition processes. Burning fossil fuels emits carbon dioxide into the atmosphere faster than photosynthesis and other practices can remove it. The damage caused by the imbalance is disruption of the carbon cycle rather than by the carbon itself (Bolesnikov and Dinda 2022).
Negative emission technologies (NET) are obligatory for reaching the 2015 Paris Accord climate change goals (Lu et al. 2019). Nature-based NETs on land rely on biomass C sequestration through interventions, such as reforestation and afforestation, sustainable forest management, soil C sequestration from increased inputs to soils, and biochar additions (Goll et al. 2021).
Using organic fertilizers and crop residues in agricultural soils enhances C sequestration. New technologies need to be developed and implemented to improve the C sequestration efficiency, e.g., by repeated changes of redox conditions similar to rice paddies (Liang et al. 2017) and by promoting microbial diversity (Siedt et al. 2021) and an abundance of soil organic carbon powering the “microbial C pump” and improving the storage of microbial mass in soils (Kastner and Miltner 2018). This ‘system’s’ approach may require additional fertilizing measures when leaving crop residues in (poor) agricultural soils. Biochar amendments can be a practical approach to increase SOC stocks due to the stable (on a millennium time scale) nature of the C contained in the biochar incorporated into agricultural soils (Yin et al. 2021).
Biochar is included in the list of nature-based NETs, which are of two types: 1) bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) and 2) production and integration of biochar into agricultural soils (Amonette et al. 2021). As a near-term alternative to BECCS, some biomass intermediate pyrolysis poly-generation (BIPP) systems have been developed for the production of large quantities of biochar for agricultural applications (Yang et al 2021).
The term “poly-generation” means that the system has multiple outputs in its technology. The BIPP technology represents intermediate pyrolysis, which operates with a residence time of 30 min at a 600oC (Zhang et al. 2018), fast pyrolysis yields relatively more biochar (33–37% increased yield). The pyrolysis reactor has a heat recovery system that decomposes 80% of the biofuels to generate electric power. The remaining 20% of the biofuels can be used for household purposes. Compared to slow pyrolysis, intermediate pyrolysis poly-generation provides more heat and provides the opportunity for electricity generation through the generated pyrolysis gas and bio-oil in a continuous production system. An advantage is the high stability biochar which is 60–80% of the carbon will be stable for more than 100 years when integrated into the soils (Masek et al. 2013) in a continuous production system. However, the feedstock and the pyrolysis conditions determine the preliminary stability of the biochar, whereas soil properties, climate conditions and farming practices defines the ultimate recalcitrance of biochar. Last but not least the BIPP system has good feedstock flexibility, enabling the use of many different biomass sources with the possibility to make many different types of biochar products (Chen et al. 2016). Regarding climate change mitigation, Lehmann et al. (2021) concluded that widespread agricultural applications of biochar could reduce global emissions of GHGs by 3.4 to 6.3 Pg CO2e/year and the feedstock of the biochar would be plant residues.
Yang et al. (2021) concluded that the BIPP char producing systems have triple, near-term benefits: a. addressing climate change, b. providing energy and c. producing biochar for improving soil quality. The wide-scale deployment of BIPP systems, could significantly reduce air pollution, by decreasing in emissions of SO2, NOx, BC, and primary PM2.5. In addition, deployment of BIPP systems could have more pronounced regional effects in different provinces. The calculations suggest that China alone, can achieve around 13–31% of the global removal goals for BECCS by focusing strongly between now and 2050 on the deployment of BIPP systems including biochar production and usage in agricultural soils. These estimations are based on the detailed, but conservative analyses, by only using agricultural, forest residues, and energy plants (Yang et al. 2021).
By supporting and sustaining soil microbial processes and enhancing plant health, biochar brings many benefits of regenerative agriculture (regenerative farming). Regenerative agriculture is defined as a system of farming principles that are designed to maintain agricultural productivity, increase biodiversity and in particular, to restore and maintain soil biodiversity and to enhance ecosystem services, including carbon capture and storage (Oberč and Arroyo Schnell (2020)). “Regenerative agriculture,” based on recycling farm waste and using composted materials from other sources, combined with improved land use practices that enhance soil carbon sequestration, can potentially store 3.5 to 11 billion tons of carbon dioxide emissions per year” in agricultural soils (Mann 2021). Regenerative practices such as no-tilling, no pesticide spraying, cover cropping, crop rotation, and managed grazing practices can help to further increase carbon storage in agricultural soils.
In contrast to related agricultural approaches, regenerative agriculture is not viewed as defined ‘a prior,’ by a given set of rules and practices, instead the goals that should be achieved are set and the practices and technologies which contribute to achieving these goals will be developed and adopted over time (EASAC 2022). The main components of regenerative agriculture include: soil-health restoration, increased health of animals and humans eating the better quality plants produced on soils that have been treated with biochar, enhanced capture and carbon-storage, and reversal of biodiversity losses.
The progress in achieving the carbon neutrality targets needs to be measured. This could be supported by the usage of an indicator framework. One objective of the authors of this article is to outline the direct carbon neutrality indicators, which can be applied to agriculture in working to achieve circular economy goals. The carbon neutrality indicators were described and examples provided based on the expanding literature pertaining to the potential usage of biochar in agricultural production processes.