Advantages of the extraction protocol and scope for improvement
Representativeness in sampling has been widely addressed across different fields [21], and including in contaminants degradation [22], macroorganism ecology [23] and microbial ecology [24], since under-sampling reduces the reliability of observed patterns. Microbial analyses from field samples normally indicate high spatial and temporal heterogenicity, making representativeness critical in microbial ecology. There is currently no evidence indicating how representative partial gill arches are of the overall gill microbiome. Previous studies, such as Steinum et al. [11] and Schmidt et al. [20], have characterised bacterial communities from partial gills, but the approach may underestimate diversity in the microbiome. Commonly used nucleic acids extraction kits limit the volume, or mass, of tissue in extraction preparations to normally between 30 and 100 mg, which would preclude the use of entire gill arches (which typically exceed 100 mg).
Although it is also possible to extract DNA and RNA from whole gills using in-house purification protocols [19], commercially available isolation kits offer more reproducibility and, usually, user-friendly workflows. In addition, nucleic acids extraction protocols commonly incorporate a tissue disintegration step with bead-beating [19], resulting in high relative concentrations of host DNA in final extracts. Host DNA competes with microbiome DNA for PCR amplification, and sequencing depth, obscuring patterns in microbial community analyses [26]. Thus, a step to allow for isolation, and concentration, of microbial cells from whole gill arches is desirable. The DNA and RNA extraction protocol presented in this study included this critical step prior to the use of a commercially available extraction kit. This ensured DNA extractions comprised representative nucleic acids of the salmon gill microbiome, and that all of the abundant bacterial taxa were included, by extracting DNA from five pooled gill washes. Although additional N. perurans could be detected after the fifth wash, the study was focused on the role of the prokaryotic microbiome in AGD, and the first step of the protocol was thus established as a series of five washes.
Salmon DNA was present in extractions and roughly three quarters of reads were from host genes. Nevertheless, after removing host DNA from the analyses, the saturation of the rarefaction curves from bacterial sequences indicated no significant loss of measured bacterial diversity despite host contamination. Nonetheless, competition from high concentrations of host DNA could inhibit amplification of prokaryotic targets. Further modifications to the proposed DNA extraction procedure could be considered, including to deplete as much host DNA as possible using, for instance, blocking primers [25], propidium monoazide [26] or methylation-based enrichments [27].
Impact of AGD and freshwater bathing on the gill microbiome
It was reasonable to consider that the AGD episode started between T2 (June) and T3 (July) as the first symptoms were detected in early July and continued until T6. Opportunistic bacteria associated with various gill diseases were prominent on gills during the AGD episode. Those included: C. Branchiomonas cisticola, Tenacibaculum maritimum, Piscirickettsia salmonis, Piscichlamydia sp., Psychroserpens sp. and C. Fritschea sp. (Table S1),, the presence of which on salmon gills during the AGD episode may have contributed to gill damage, increasing the severity of AGD, as was suggested previously by Steinum et al. [11]. Due to circumstances beyond the authors’ control, it was not possible to continue sampling after T6, when AGD scores and qPCR data indicated the salmon population was still affected.
Principally, the study provided a temporal profile of the microbiome on Atlantic salmon gills by focusing emphasis on microbial diversity metrics. Prokaryotic richness and community balance on gills of pre-smolted salmon were the lowest across the dataset. The gill microbiome may follow a similar trajectory to the gut microbiome [15, 28], whereby an initial phase characterised by low diversity in the microbial community transitions, with changes in salmon lifestyle, toward a richer and balanced community. After smoltification, there was a marked change in prokaryotic diversity on salmon gills, preserving balance and richness. The shifting salinity during the smoltification, however, can change the gill microbiome, as described previously for skin microbiomes [29]. Nonetheless, the environmental filtering analysis in our study, which considers phylogenetic clustering as a cue for environmental pressure, suggests that changes in the prokaryotic microbiome on the pre-smolted salmon gills may have inherent stochasticity, driven by competition with other taxa.
The alpha diversity of the prokaryotic gill microbiome continued to increase after smoltification, as was also observed by Llewellyn et al. [15]. In addition, the environmental filtering analysis suggested the main environmental pressure was around T2 (which was also supported by beta-diversity analyses). However, 7 days after the salmon were first symptomatic (T3), the environmental pressure was eased, and the structure of the microbial communities appeared less deterministic, driven instead by a competitive exclusion principle (the ecological principle whereby community assembly is unhindered, and is driven by competition amongst taxa). Those trends were previously observed in the literature, albeit in connection with a different disease [30]. At the same time, N. perurans concentrations, determined by qPCR profiles, sharply increased by T3. Thus, it is likely that changes in the microbial community structure were due to the influence of AGD. The results give credence to the hypothesis that the development of AGD and the dynamic gill microbiome are related. Nevertheless, a laboratory trial including negative controls would be necessary to confirm this. Laboratory conditions, not constrained by the commercial decisions and schedule of a fish farm, would allow for controlled environmental parameters, and tightly scheduled freshwater baths and sampling.
After the first AGD-affected timepoint, freshwater treatments were applied (between T3 and T4; and between T5 and T6) and alpha diversity (including phylogenetic measures) increased (Fig. 4).. As such, the intervention appeared successful and the gill microbiomes reverted to a stable state allowing inhibition of pathogenic colonisation of the gill tissue [15]. Thus, freshwater treatment more profoundly affected microbial community assembly than other physico-chemical parameters.
An alternative scenario immediately after the freshwater treatment would see a less diverse gill microbiome prevailing, with fewer commensal bacteria. This would have two consequences: a short-term and a long-term one. The first is the immediate reduction of the inhibitory effect of commensal bacteria on pathogen colonisation, either passively or actively [15]. The second is a decelerated development of the vertebrate adaptive immune system [31] due to reduced gill bacterial loads that otherwise enhance this phenomenon. Both outcomes could elevate the AGD susceptibility of the salmon. However, as there is no specific treatment available against N. perurans, freshwater baths are still the most feasible option in AGD treatment.
Comparing gill and mucous microbiomes
None of the predominant bacterial taxa were found to be unique to either of the sample types. This was not unexpected, as the DNA extraction from gill samples could be considered as a DNA co-extraction from both mucous and gill tissue. The mucous on gills is likely to detach from the gill to the wash solution during the DNA extraction protocol; hence, communities can intermingle with more homogenised microbial community structures for the two samples types. Thus, our null hypothesis was that there is a degree of similarity in the bacterial communities from mucous and gill samples. However, when we performed diversity analysis, we found significant differences in Shannon entropy between gill and mucous samples at T3 and T4. One possible explanation is that the mucous on gills could act as an insulator, limiting the impact of environmental factors on the gill tissue and the underlying microbial community. Thus, the bacteria in mucous samples were likely better adapted to the changing environment, and both more resistant and resilient than taxa on gills. Nevertheless, bacterial communities on gill and mucous samples were equally affected by freshwater baths, which eventually increased diversity after each treatment.
Although some differences between gill and mucous samples were found, the similarity of the sample types with respect to prokaryotic diversity (Fig. 5) means mucous scrapings appear suitable as a non-lethal alternative for partial characterisation of the whole-gill prokaryotic microbiome.
Furthermore, three bacterial genera (Shewanella sp., Dyadobacter sp. and Pedobacter sp.) were most relatively abundant 12 days before the first AGD symptoms in gill and mucous samples (Fig. S6).. The genera were previously found on intestine, skin, eggs and gill microbiomes from various fish (Table S1).. Of these, Shewanella sp. were amongst the most abundant OTUs in this study and were widely detected on skin and gill microbiomes in the literature [11, 32, 33]. Since its abundance was affected by the onset of AGD, Shewanella sp. is a candidate marker (in either gill or mucous samples) for early detection of AGD. This should be investigated further.
Freshwater bathing appears to regulate response of N. perurans to environmental drivers
The available literature on the life details of N. perurans is patchy, and the relationship with other microorganisms in distinct environments, such as fish gills, is still mostly unknown [4]. However, it is known that unicellular microeukaryotes, such as N. perurans, feed on other microorganisms, such as bacteria or archaea [34]. The gill microbiome, and the interaction with N. perurans, may thus shape the host’s immunological machinery and response to infection [12]. As in the case of other fish pathologies associated with microbiomes [35], AGD is thus a multifactorial gill disease [4], requiring complex interactions between environmental factors (temperature, salinity, etc.), the fish microbiome, the host’s metabolism, and pathogens.
Despite this, quantification of N. perurans, combined with AGD scoring, is the most reliable approach currently available to track the progress of the disease. Therefore, changes in N. perurans abundance on gills were used to find correlations explaining the development of AGD (Table S3).. N. perurans abundance profiles did not, however, reveal any significant correlations with AGD scores or any other fish features (e.g., weight or length) in any subset regression model. Such results could be explained by the application of, and interruption by, freshwater treatments during the sampling period. Whilst the size of individual fish continued to increase throughout the sampling campaign, the AGD outbreak impacted the stocks and the fish farm decided to apply a freshwater treatment. This reduced the abundance of N. perurans on gills (Fig. 3).. The possible introduction to the population, at T6, of salmon from another cohort might explain the sharp increase observed in fish size at the last timepoint (Fig. 2)..
On the other hand, N. perurans abundance appeared significantly correlated with environmental factors in most of the subset regression models (Table S3).. Breaking with convention [4], N. perurans abundance was negatively correlated with seawater temperature in many of the subset regression models. This unexpected result could be explained by the application of freshwater baths over the summer, which reduced N. perurans abundance on gills whilst the seawater temperature continued to increase. Importantly, the influence on N. perurans in this way, suggests freshwater baths are still the most viable intervention strategy to treat AGD.
Finally, N. perurans abundance was also significantly positively correlated with mucous samples in every subset regression model (Table S3).. This confirms it was more likely to quantitate more N. perurans in the mucous than in the gill samples, making non-lethal mucous sampling more reliable in targeting N. perurans from salmon gills.
Sources of variation of the microbiome on salmon gills
Microbiome subset analyses of gill and mucous samples found several positive and negative correlations between the most variable part of the prokaryotic community and the environmental factors considered (Table S2).. Nevertheless, only one bacterial taxon correlated with fish features. Gardnerella sp. significantly, positively correlated with the AGD score, but negatively correlated with salmon weight. The results suggest those bacteria typically appear on less developed prokaryotic communities from immature salmon, or from AGD-affected salmon. The influence of freshwater treatments on those correlations was not clear.
Several intrinsic and extrinsic sources of variation shape microbial communities, from study design to environmental factors. Environmental parameters explained for 31% of the variability in community structure (Table S2). N. perurans explained 5% of the variability in the whole prokaryotic community from gills and mucous. Thus, the connection between the development of AGD (N. perurans quantification) and the prokaryotic microbiome on farmed Atlantic salmon gills was significant, despite the apparent impact of the freshwater treatments.
Furthermore, N. perurans abundance significantly correlated with subsets of the microbiome (Table S2).. It is likely that taxa, including Lactobacillus, Turicibacter, Stentrophomonas, Bifidobacterium, Allobaculum, Clostridium and Stentrophomonas, play a role in N. perurans predominance on the salmon gills. However, further studies will be required to better understand the relationships between the bacterial microbiome and AGD on salmon gills. Metagenomics of the prokaryotic community on AGD-affected gills, combined with N. perurans transcriptomics, would further elucidate the relationship.