From the 1:10.000 mapping we identified the general sequence of units, starting at the bottom of the San Francisco gorge, with reworked Oligocene-Eocene volcanoclastic and pyroclastic deposits, which were dipping steeply and weathered. Up in the sequence, from the bottom of the Molina River we encounter a roughly 700 m thick sequence of Miocene basaltic-andesitic lavas intercalated with dacitic to rhyolitic pyroclastic deposits. The upper most mapped units begin at the Farellones village, and continues to the Cerro Colorado hilltop, consisting of chaotically flow-banded rhyolitic lavas, accompanied with sequences of pyroclastic deposits, forming a discrete topographic high. The entire sequence is intruded by a large gabbroic to monzodioritic plutonic body in the NW extreme of the study zone, and there are E-W and NW-SE andesitic and rhyolitic dikes throughout the sequence found around Cerro Colorado. Finally, Quaternary deposits such as moraines and active colluvial and alluvial cones drape about 50% of the study area, however we do not include these deposits directly in our presented maps since our focus is on volcanic related deposits.
From the 1:10.000 general observations we determined four specific areas to perform the 1:5.000 mapping, as these presented unconformities (such as faults, pyroclastic dikes, rocks unseen in the rest of the area, chaotic disposition, and well exposed sections) that we hypothesized may be linked to eruption centres and their volcanic characterization.
4.1. Evidence of maar-diatreme volcanism in Quebrada Lunes Valley
The Quebrada Lunes Valley (Fig. 2) is an almost 1 km wide, in its upper section, and 1.4 km long gorge located at 377.808 m E, 6.310.667 m N (WGS84 UTM 19S). The valley trends westward and exhibits an inverted cone-like morphology characterized by sharp inclined cliffs, active alluvial deposits and multiple streams that join at the lower-most section of the valley. Nine different principal lithofacies outcrop within the valley, as follows (Fig. 3):
PB. Pyroclastic breccia, ~ 500 m thick, no clear dipping, with angular and high sphericity lithic and juvenile clasts that range in size from 1 cm to 35 cm, in a light grey ash rich matrix. The rock is slightly competent, matrix supported, polimict, unsorted and massive; and locally presents hydrothermal alteration.
AdL1. Andesitic to dacitic aphanitic lava, ~ 50 m thick, dips 35°S, with a late-stage alteration that filled some cavities with quartz geodes. This unit is intruded by a sub-horizontal leucocratic sill (LS).
LaT1. Laminated crystal ash tuff, ~ 10 m thick, dips 30°S with inner yellowish grey layers of 10–30 cm thick.
AdL2. Andesitic to dacitic porphyritic plagioclase-bearing lava, ~ 40 m thick, no clear dipping, with grains between 0.5–1 mm in a grey groundmass. The unit is characterized by the presence of a brecciated lava of the same composition along the roof and bottom and is observed to be intruded with a sub-vertical aphanitic dike (AD). This rock has an Fe-oxide patina, and the breccia parts also present a late alteration that filled some cavities with up to 5 cm quartz geodes. This lava is subhorizontal in the northern part of the valley but dipping 25°S in the southern part of the valley.
LaT2. Laminated (10–30 cm) grey ash tuff, ~ 40 m thick, dips 5°S. The outcrop is unweathered with a light grey colour.
PadB. Matrix-supported polimict andesitic pyroclastic breccia, ~ 60 m thick, dips sub-horizontally, with fractured plagioclase microlites (< 0.1 mm) and fractured lithic and juvenile clasts (0.2 mm–5 cm), which are sub-angular and with medium sphericity, contained within an ash rich matrix. The outcrop is altered by Fe-oxides, giving the rocks a dark red colour.
PT. Pyroclastic tuff, ~ 40 m thick, dips around 10°S, with black aphanitic and andesitic porphyritic lithic and juvenile sub-rounded and low sphericity clasts (2 mm–1 cm) and plagioclase phenocrystals (< 1 mm–6 cm), in an ash rich matrix. This rock is oligomictic, matrix supported, unweathered and with a light grey colour.
ApB. Matrix-supported polimict andesitic to dacitic pyroclastic breccia, ~ 30 m thick, no clear dipping, with clasts up to 10 cm of similar aspect ratios to those described in unit PadB. The outcrop is altered by Fe-oxides, giving the rocks a dark red colour. From this layer, a thin section was made of the matrix of this unit, where we found that the matrix is classified as a lithic vitric tuff with juvenile angular, low sphericity fragments (< 1 mm), including volcanic glass fragments, also known as shards (< 3 mm); lithic angular, low sphericity fragments (< 4mm) of andesites and vitric tuffs strongly fractured, and minor plagioclase and quartz fractured crystals (> 2 mm).
LdT. Finely laminated dacitic tuffs, ~ 1 m thick, dips sub-horizontally, with quartz and amphibole microlites, internally laminated about ~ 2 cm. These facies are weathered and presents a light grey colour. The unit marks the upper-most part of the Quebrada Lunes Valley and at this point is overlain by a series of Quaternary moraine deposits.
These deposits are truncated in the northern and southern most extents by two E-W striking inward dipping normal faults, that dip between 70–80° to form a graben-like structure (Fig. 3b). The faults are identified as lithological discontinuities, mostly strikingly between the basaltic and andesitic lavas, and the red pyroclastic breccia (PadB). The faults can also be delimited, as the various units inside the valley can only be observed inside these boundaries and could not be correlated with any of the outcrops observed outside of the Quebrada Lunes valley. The lowermost extent of the graben faults can be further constrained since they do not cut the massive pyroclastic breccia (PB) at the base of the sequence. This unit instead, extends laterally, to the south, and downwards for about 4 km, seeming to overlay the basaltic and andesitic stratified lavas outside the boundaries of the valley.
The faults that are contained inside the valley are mostly normal faults, also forming graben-like structures and producing offset from 6 m up to 10 m, tilting some of the layers. There are at least nine faults cutting pyroclastic breccia (ApB and PadB) and tuff layers (PT and LaT2). Most of these displacements produced by the normal faults can be observed along the different gorges that make up the valley.
The deposits that outcrop inside the Quebrada Lunes Valley cannot be correlated with any of the surrounding rocks and in addition, almost 2 km north from the northernmost study area limit, specifically at 377.348 m E, 6.312.100 m N and 2.300 m.a.s.l., a plagioclase and quartz-bearing dacitic to rhyolitic tuff was found. This is the only pyroclastic unit found outside the valley at a similar topographic level and was similar in texture and composition to the LdT layer, thus it was possible to correlate.
4.2. Pyroclastic subvolcanic textures in Yerba Loca
In the entrance of the Yerba Loca national park (Fig. 2) we identify two subvolcanic rocks that cut the pyroclastic breccia that we describe at the bottom of the Quebrada Lunes Valley sequence (PB). In this area the pyroclastic breccia presents locally propylitic and phyllic alteration spatially related to subvolcanic rocks. These two units are (Fig. 4):
GpB. Pyroclastic breccia similar to PB but is lighter grey with an ash-rich matrix supported with polymict clasts up to 70 cm diameter. This breccia changes in colour to orange-light grey and a darker grey due to locally found hydrothermal alteration.
PD. Subvertical rhyo-dacitic pyroclastic dike, 5 m wide and striking NNE-SSW, which cut GpB formed by a competent central core surrounded by angular blocky monomict clasts, up to 20 cm diameter, supported in an incompetent ash matrix, similar to the core. Studies under the microscope indicate that this rock is formed by volcanic glass tuff with 0.5 to 1.5 mm lithic and glass fragments with a volcanic glass matrix, 0.6 to 1.5 mm crystals of plagioclase, quartz, biotite and amphibole, up to 3 mm juveniles and sharp Y and C-shaped shards in an ash matrix (Fig. 4d).
[FIG 4]
4.3. Composite volcano sequence at the Cerro Colorado base
At the north slope of the Molina River up to the Farellones village (Fig. 2), a 1.7 km thick sequence of units exposed throughout the Farellones valley. The lower part of the sequence is made up of more than 40 lava flows ranging in the thickness from 2 to 60 m, intercalated with block and ash flow (BAF; 10–35 m thick), a rhyolitic pyroclastic layer (RP; 15–25 m thick), and other pyroclastic deposits (OPD; 10–60 m thick), such as ash fall and tuffs, steeping 10 NE and cut by at least five leucocratic E-W dikes. Many, perhaps most, of the individual lava flows, exhibit evidence of autobrecciation at their bases. The explosive origin fall and flow deposits are recognised in aerial imagery by distinct changes in layer morphology and colour. For example, a distinctive orange unit, interpreted as a rhyolitic pyroclastic layer, presents a positive topographic expression and can be followed for several hundred metres throughout the valley (Fig. 5a, b).
The sequence continues in two blocks, separated by a NE-SW striking low angle thrust fault (Fig. 5c, d). In the western block (left side of Fig. 5c), we observed a 40 m thick andesitic lava flow; on top of this lava flow, we note a key unit, a 10 m thick greenish pyroclastic flow breccia (GB) overlain by rhyolitic pyroclastic deposits (RPD), with a minimum thickness of about 200 m. The upper contact of the RPD is not exposed so the thickness estimate is an underestimate. We are able to follow the green pyroclastic breccia (GB) for 1 km east, until it is cut by a thick sequence of explosive origin flow and fall deposits, corresponding to the eastern block (right side of Fig. 5c). In this block, at the base of the southernmost extent of the hanging wall of the reverse fault, we find a roughly 10 m sequence of well-exposed and easily accessible explosive origin fall and flow deposits (FFD). This deposit is overlain by rhyolitic pyroclastic deposits (RPD), with a minimum thickness of about 200 m, cut by a rhyolitic NW-SE dike (RD). The sequence ends with a thick layer of chaotically disposed rhyolites, which makes up the final > 300 m up to the Cerro Colorado hilltop, which is described in detail in the section called “Cerro Colorado hill Dome Complex”.
[FIG: 5]
We find a sequence of four pyroclastic flow and fall deposits (FFD, as mentioned previously) (Fig. 6). The lowest part of the sequence is a block and ash flow (BAF) with a polymict clast supported pyroclastic breccia and unwelded ash matrix. The clast sizes range between 4 cm up to very large blocks, greater than 1.25 m. The clasts and blocks have long axis/short axis ratios between 0.2 and 0.9, indicating that they have low sphericity and are mostly angular. The first part of the sequence has a thickness of 2.5 m, which is likely a minimum thickness since we were not able to trace the deposit laterally. A thin section from BAF matrix was made (Fig. 6d) and so, it is described as a lithic tuff with 44% of andesites and crystalline tuff fragments, 23% of sub-rounded and low sphericity scoria up to 4 mm juvenile clasts, and 19% of plagioclase sub-rounded fractured crystals and minor crystals of altered pyroxene in a (10%) vitric matrix.
Overlying and concordant with the block and ash flow was a 2.4 m thick layer of finely laminated volcanic ash. Lithic clasts are also present, but are much smaller, up to a maximum of about 10 cm. A thin section from these deposits was made (Fig. 6e, f), and from these thin sections, the deposits are described as a crystalline tuff with 27% of crystals between 1 and 3.8 mm of plagioclase, clinopyroxene and hornblende in a (73%) vitric matrix devitrificated to quartz. Overlying and concordant with the volcanic ash layer was a monomict breccia, a pyroclastic layer, which was deposited in a matrix of unlaminated volcanic ash, with angular and highly spherical clasts with diameters between 2 cm and 15 cm. And finally, the uppermost part of the sequence is a 1-meter minimum thickness layer of ash with monomict tuff clasts between 2 and 5 cm, and with coarse to fine lamination.
[FIG. 6]
4.4. Cerro Colorado hill Dome Complex
The Cerro Colorado hill represents a discrete topographic high with outcrops of a thick (> 300 m) package of sub-horizontal to steep rhyolitic chaotic lava flows (Fig. 7a). We note that the steepest rhyolitic lava flows contain spherulites. In general, the rhyolites contain 10–30% microfragmented crystals of plagioclase, hornblende, pyroxene, and quartz that range in size up to 3.8 mm, in 70–90% of vitric groundmass with minor crystals of quartz and plagioclase. They are made up from 6–50% of quartz and k-feldspar spherulites, with the lesser spherulites content in the sample from the top of the Cerro Colorado hill (Fig. 7b, c).
[FIG. 7]
In the area we find one rhyolitic dike with an attitude of N60W/60SW, emplaced within the rhyolitic pyroclastic deposits (RPD) as shown in Fig. 5 (RD). This dike is a rhyolitic porphyritic dike with 30% of phenocrystals of plagioclase and quartz in a vitric groundmass (70%); also, it has a content of 12% of quartz and k-feldspar spherulites (Fig. 8).
[FIG 8]
Due to the chaotic disposition of the rhyolitic lava flows, and the fractured crystals showed in the thin section, we interpret these rhyolites as a flow-banded dome complex, from the Cerro Colorado hill to the Farellones village, which transitions to a thick flow-banded rhyolitic lava flow.
Additionally, beyond the delimited study area, at least two rhyolitic domes with pyroclastic breccias separating the effusive facies is observed in El Pintor Hill, located 8 km north of the Cerro Colorado Dome (Fig. 9a). A flow-banded dome with abundant spherulites and holohyaline textures in the margin is exposed (Fig. 9b and 9c). This dome is intruded by rhyolitic and mafic dykes (beyond the scope of this study; Fig. 9a). The rhyolites are intercalated with green ash tuffs (GT) and pyroclastic breccias, predominantly monomict with felsic volcanic clast sub-angular with normal and inverse grading in a lapilli-rich matrix with minor ash fragments (Fig. 9d), interpreted as a block and ash flow (BAF). Nearby, at the top of the El Pintor rhyolites, fumarolic manifestations, are recorded as shown in Fig. 9e.
[FIG 9]
4.5. Estimation of the volume of volcanic products
An attempt to estimate the volume of volcanic deposits was made for the previously described products attributed to both lava flows, pyroclastic deposits and dome complexes within the specific study areas, with the intention to characterize the component of explosive and effusive volcanic activity in the zone. Three different calculations were made for the lava flows, pyroclastic deposits and dome complex from the Cerro Colorado sequence from the base to the top, and for the deposits related to the Quebrada Lunes and Yerba Loca pyroclastic products.
For the dome and pyroclastic deposits, related to the Cerro Colorado sequence; the minimum volume can be calculated from an interpolation of the dome, ash deposits, and pyroclastic deposits following the identified outcrops, and defining limits for the deposits from field observations. The north limit for these layers was defined at the Barros Negros gorge since the deposits were observed at the south slope of the gorge, but not on the north slope. The south limit was defined at the Molina river, since pyroclastic layers were not identified in the south slope. For the western limits, these are observed and interpreted as shown in Fig. 5. The eastern limits were inferred following the shape of the Cerro Colorado hill.
With these limits, an area was calculated using ArcGIS, and along with the thickness described in previous sections, a volume of the deposits could be calculated. For the pyroclastic deposits interbedded in the lava flows (RP, BAF1 and OPD; Fig. 5), the volume was calculated just by multiplying the area by the thickness, as if the layers were a block. For the pyroclastic deposits in the top part (RPD, GB and FFD; Fig. 5) and the Cerro Colorado Dome Complex, the volume was calculated as a third of the area multiplied by the thickness, as if these layers were a pyramid.
Since some minimum and maximum thickness were given to the layers, a range for the volume can be calculated, which represents the minimum volume due to the outcrops preserved nowadays from erosion. Furthermore, the pyroclastic deposits in the top (Ign, GB and FFD) are in both the footwall and the hanging wall of a thrust fault as interpreted in Fig. 5; and so, a substantial volume may have been eroded or displaced from the upper section of the unit.
Table 1
Estimated minimum volume for the explosive deposits related to the Cerro Colorado sequence.
Deposit | Cerro Colorado Dome Complex | Pyroclastic Deposits (RPD, GB, FFD) | Pyroclastic Deposits (RP, OPD, BAF1) |
Thickness | 300 m | 590 m | 35–120 m |
Mapped Area | 6.12 km2 | 8.07 km2 | 17.61 km2 |
Volume | 0.613 km3 | 0.973 km3 | 0.617–2.114 km3 |
For the lava flows related to the Cerro Colorado sequence, the minimum volume can be estimated assuming all the subhorizontal lava flows found in the study area come from multiple effusive events erupted from the same Miocene volcanic centre. We estimate the volume assuming a block, with the same dimensions as the whole study area and a thickness of 0.7 km, which is between the beginning of the subhorizontal lavas up to the beginning of the rhyolitic lavas, part of the dome complex. This gives a total of 24.5 km3 from uneroded volcanic products, including both explosive and effusive deposits. From this, we subtract the already calculated minimum volume associated with the pyroclastic deposits, which comes to around 22 km3 of effusive deposits related to multiple lava flows. Taking into consideration the average thickness of 16 m for an individual lava flow, as this was possible to measure on the south side of the Cerro Colorado sequence, through drone pictures, we can also give a coarse estimate of the number of lava flows that made up the sequence, and the average volume of erupted material for a singular effusive eruption. This gives a lava flow volume of 0.5 km3 averaged over the 43 lava flows measured.
Lastly, for the pyroclastic deposits linked to the Quebrada Lunes Valley and Yerba Loca, the volume can be calculated as an inverted cone, as if the pyroclastic deposits were the result of explosive volcanism emplaced on top of the previous lava deposits, forming a cone shape structure, filled with pyroclastic deposits as the product of the eruption. This would be a 1.5 km diameter cone, with a height of at least 700 m, giving an approximate volume of 1.65 km3 of pyroclastic, from explosively derived material for the maar-diatreme volcanism.