Plant growth conditions and tissue fixation
Maize B73 inbred plants were grown in the field (April - July) at Huazhong Agricultural University in Wuhan, Hubei, or in a greenhouse with 12 hours of daylight, at temperatures ranging from 26–28°C during the day and 22–24°C at night. Developing ears (~ 6mm) were collected at eleven or twelve leaf stages and immediately fixed in a 50% formalin-acetic acid-alcohol (FAA) solution (50% absolute ethanol, 10% formaldehyde, 5%acetic acid, v/v/v ) for 10 minutes. The tissues were then treated with 2% sucrose solution (50% 1 × PBS buffer, pH = 7.4, 2% sugar, v/m) and evacuated twice on ice for 15 minutes each, with the liquid being changed once in the middle. The tissues were then embedded in pre-chilled OCT (Sakura), snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen pre-chilled isopentane for 10 seconds, and stored at -80°C until processed.
The maize double mutant CR-Zmmads8/14 transgenic lines were generated in the KN5855 genetic background. The mutant sitee were detected by PCR with primers (list in Supplemental Table 7). The CR-Zmmads8/14 double mutant was crossed with wild-type and then self-crossed to segregate the CR-Zmmads8 and CR-Zmmads14 single mutants, which were evaluated in the field in two environments: summer 2020 in Wuhan (30˚N, 114˚E) and spring 2021 in Sanya (18.34˚N, 109.62˚E), China. The SEM observations of ears were conducted at the 7–8 leaf stage.
SEM Observation
Immature ears (~ 5–6 mm) of B73, KN5585, CR-Zmmads8, CR-Zmmads14, and CR-Zmmads8/14 were collected from plants grown in the field at Huazhong Agricultural University in Wuhan, Hubei, or in a greenhouse maintained at 26–28℃ during the day and 22–24℃ at night with a 12-hour light-dark cycle. The ears quickly removed the bractsand then observed using a Jeol JSM-7900F SEM, as previously described (Chuck et al., 2010).
In situ hybridization
Immature maize B73 ears, measuring 5–6 mm in length, were fixed in a 4% PFAsolution (4g of paraformaldehyde (Sigma-Aldrich) dissolved in 100 mL of 1× PBS, pH 6.5–7). The ears weredehydrated using a series of ethanol concentration (30%, 50% and 70%) and embedded in paraplast plus (Sigma P3683) and sectioned to a thickness of 8µm. To generate sense and antisense RNA probes, probe fragments were amplified by PCR using primers listed in Supplemental Table 7. A sequence (CATTAATACGACTCACTATAGGG) was incorporated in the 5' and 3' primers for sense and antisense RNA probes. The probes were then transcribed in vitro using T7 RNA polymerase (Roche) and labeled with digoxigenin-UTP (Roche). Finally, RNA hybridization, immunologic detection, and signal capture of the hybridized probes were performed as previously described (Jackson et al., 1994).
Stereo-seq library preparation and sequencing
The experimental method is based on the previously reported Stereo-seq standard protocol V1.1 with some modifications (Chen et al., 2022). The embedded developing ear tissues were longitudinally sectioned at 10 um thickness (Leika, CM1950). Tissue sections were adhered to the Stereo-seq chip surface and incubated at 37℃ for 2 minutes. Tissues were fixed in methanol and incubated at -20℃ for 40 minutes, followed by nucleic acid dye staining (Thermo fisher, Q10212) for 5 mins. The same sections were also used for bright-field imaging, both images were taken with Motic PA53 Scanner. Tissue sections were de-crosslinked in TE buffer (10 uM Tris, 1 uM EDTA, PH = 8) at 55℃ for 1 hour. Tissue sections were permeabilized at 37℃ for 12 minutes, and incubated overnight at 42℃ for reverse transcription and cDNA synthesis. Afterward, tissue was digested at 37℃ for 30 minutes, and treated with Exonuclease I (NEB, M0293L) for 1 hour at 37℃. The cDNA products were purified using the Ampure XP Beads (Vazyme, N411-03) (0.6x and 0.15x), used for DNB generation and finally sequenced (paired-end 50 bp or paired-end 100 bp) on a MGI DNBSEQ-Tx sequencer.
Raw Stereo-seq data processing and quality control
Stereo-seq raw reads were generated from a MGI DNBSEQ-T5 sequencer. Read 1contained CID and UMI sequences (CID: 1-25bp, UMI: 26-35bp), while read 2 contained the cDNA sequence. Retained reads were then aligned to the reference genome B73 (Hufford et al., 2021) via STAR (Dobin et al., 2013). and mapped reads with MAPQ 10 were counted and annotated to their corresponding genes using an in-house script (available at and generated a gene-location expression matrix containing location information.
Binning data of spatial Stereo-seq
After obtaining raw spatial data, transcripts captured by 50x50 DNBs were merged into one bin50. We treated the bin50 as the fundamental analysis unit, and bin IDs were composed of X and Y coordinates on the capture chip. The threshold for filtering low-quality bins was set to no more than 150 or higher than 5000 gene counts. After filtering, the remaining bin50s (details can be found in Supplementary Table 1) were included in the downstream analysis.
Recovering missing value and Unsupervised clustering of Stereo-seq data
We performed normalization in the origin dataset (LogNormalize, scaling factor 10,000) using the R package Seurat (4.1.1) (Satija et al., 2015). We scaled the data using the ScaleData function and identified 2,000 highly variable features using the FindNeighbors function. Finally, we used the FindClusters function to identify all cell clusters. However, many genes were only expressed in a subset of bin50s. We therefore used the Seurat Wrapper function RunALRA (Butler et al., 2018; Stuart et al., 2019) to impute missing expression values, increasing the non-zero ratio of expressed genes from 3.0–66.4% in #1 and #2 sections, from 3.8–62.9% in section #3 and from 3.1–72.6% in section #4 (Supplemental Fig. 25). The physical distribution of cell types before and after imputation is consistent (Supplemental Fig. 26). More importantly, the clustering of imputed datasets showed more typical anatomical characteristics in some regions, especially in the meristems and vasculature (Fig. 1D; Supplemental Figs. 4 and 5).
Identifying marker genes of clusters in Stereo-seq and scRNA-seq data
The cluster-enriched genes were computed with FindMarkers function of Seurat R package (Satija et al., 2015), with parameter “ log2fc.threshold = 0.25, p_val_adj < 0.01”. The following threshold were applied to identify cluster-specific marker genes: the log2 fold change of genes was > 0.25 and the proportion of marker genes expressed in cells among corresponding clusters was > 30%.
Monocle 2 analysis
The pseudotime trajectories were reconstructed using Monocle2 (2.22.0) (Qiu et al., 2017). The count matrix was first converted to a CellDataSet object. Then, differentially expressed genes were identified using the FindAllMarkers function in the Seurat R package (min.pct = 0.5, log2fc.threshold = 1), and filtered by p_val_adj < 0.01. Dimensional reduction clustering and pseudotime trajectory inference were performed using the reduceDimension function and the orderCells function with default parameters, respectively.
RNA velocity analysis
We divided the gene status into three types - unspliced, spliced, and ambiguous - using the CIGAR alignment information in the BAM file, as previously described (La Manno et al., 2018). To further preprocess the data, we scaled the spatial position of the sections on the chips and removed invalid reads and alignment results located on the section's periphery. The preprocessed BAM file was then used to generate a sparse matrix, which was subsequently converted to an adata format using the R package anndata (Wolf et al., 2018) ( The entire process can also be performed using a local script (
We performed data normalization and clustering using default parameters in scanpy (Wolf et al., 2018) and scvelo (Bergen et al., 2020) packages. High variable genes were selected as feature genes, and dimension reduction was performed via UMAP. Subsequently, kinetic parameters and gene-wise RNA velocity vectors were estimated on the normalized matrix and projected onto the visualized spatial plot to retain spatial information. We used streamlines to visualize the velocity vector flows on the maize 6mm ear section.
Protoplast preparation
Protoplast preparation was conducted as previously described (Tu et al., 2020; Yoo et al., 2007). In brief, approximately 30 6 mm developing ears were dissected with sharp razors into 0.5-1 mm slices in 0.4 M mannitol. After discarding the mannitol, the slices were immediately transferred into a 35-mm Petri dish containing 4 ml of enzyme solution, consisting of 0.6 M D-mannitol, 1% (w/v) Cellulase Onozuka R-10 (Research Products International [RPI]), 0.2% (w/v) Macerozyme R-10 (RPI), 20 mM 2-(N-Morpholino) ethanesulfonic acid (MES)(pH = 5.7), 1 mM MgCl2, 1 mM CaCl2, 1 mM 2-mercaptoethanol, and 0.1% (w/v) bovine serum albumin (BSA) (Sigma-Aldrich).
(Notes: Before the addition of CaCl2, 2-mercaptoethanol and BSA, the solution was heated to 55°C for 10 minutes to inactivate proteases and facilitate enzyme solubility. Once the solution cooled to room temperature, CaCl2, 2-mercaptoethanol and BSA were added. Finally, sterile Milli-Q water was added to reach a final volume of 4 ml. The resulting enzyme solution was filtered through a 0.45 µm syringe filter into a 35-mm Petri dish).
Tissues were kept under vacuum (30 kPa) for 30 min in the dark at room temperature. Tissue digestion was carried out with gentle shaking (40 rpm on a platform shaker) in the dark at 28°C for 2 hours. Following digestion, an equal volume of W5 solution (2 mM MES adjusted to pH 5.7 with KOH, 154 mM NaCl, 125 mM CaCl2, and 5 mM KCl) was added. The mixture was gently pipetted several times with a Pasteur pipette. Protoplasts that passed through a 40 µm cell strainer (Falcon) and a 30 µm cell strainer (pluriStrainer) were filtered into a 14 ml round-bottom Falcon tube (Falcon), and collected by centrifugation at 100 × g for 6 minutes at 4°C with slow acceleration/braking. The supernatant was gently removed without disturbing the pellet, then resuspended gently with 6 ml of cold W5 solution and washed twice using the same centrifugation conditions. The cells were resuspended in 3 ml of cold W5 solution. The tube was placed on ice for 30 minutes to facilitate the sedimentation of intact cells. The supernatant containing dead cells or debris was removed as much as possible using a Pasteur pipette. The pellet was resuspended with 500 µl of cold W5 solution and transferred to a 2 ml microcentrifuge tube. The protoplasts were stained with 10 µg/mL of fluorescein diacetate (FDA) to check cell concentration and viability with a hemocytometer under a fluorescent microscope. More than 20, 000 high quality protoplasts with viability ≥ 80% were immediately loaded onto the SCOPE-chip (Singleron) to collect single cells. Library preparation was followed the manufactures instructions of the GEXSCOPE single cell RNA library kits (Singleron).
Single cell RNA-seq analysis
The sequencing reads from two biological replicates of 6mm B73 ear were aligned to the maize v5 reference genome using the CeleScope bioinformatics analysis pipeline (version 1.6.1) available at Probable doublets were removed using DoubletFinder (McGinnis et al., 2019). After obtaining the single-cell raw expression matrix, we filtered out low-quality cells based on the number of genes detected (< 1500 or > 10000), excluded cells with a high percentage of mitochondrial genes (> 5%) to avoid cytoplasmic RNA leakage. Additionally, we excluded protoplasting-responsive genes identified in a previous study (Xu et al., 2021) to avoid potential confounding effects. Finally, we retained 19,584 single cells and 28,587 genes for downstream analysis.
Downstream analyses were mainly performed using the Seurat package (version 4.1.1) (Satija et al., 2015). Normalized data were generated using the NormalizeData function (LogNormalize, scaling factor 10,000) and variable genes were detected using the FindVariableGenes function (vst method, 2000 features). The scaled data were then subjected to PCA analysis using the RunPCA function. In order to integrate multiple samples, we used the RunHarmony function to correct batch effects. Subsequently, a SNN graph was constructed, and cells were clustered based on Louvain (using the FindNeighbors and FindClusters functions). Finally, the data was visualized using non-linear dimensional reduction algorithms (using the RunUMAP function).
Integrating scRNA-seq and Stereo-seq data.
The proportion of cells from different Sc-clusters in the spots were estimated using the STRIDE deconvolve function (Sun et al., 2022). The proportion of cells from different Sc-clusters in the bin50s of section #1 and #2 were list in Supplemental Table 8, the proportion of cells from different Sc-clusters in the bin50s of section #3 were list in Supplemental Table 9, the proportion of cells from different Sc-clusters in the bin50s of section #4 were list in Supplemental Table 10.
Constructing co-expression network, GO and KEGG enrichment analysis
The gene co-expression network was constructed using the WGCNA package (version 1.71) (Langfelder and Horvath, 2008). We calculated the average expression level of genes in each scRNA-seq cluster and used it as the input file of WGCNA. After obtaining the gene modules and weight of connection degrees between each gene based on their expression patterns, we performed gene set enrichment analysis using the gprofiler web tool ( The network diagram was generated using Cytoscape (version 3.7.1) (Shannon et al., 2003).
SNP Heritability analysis
We used the LDAK software v5.2 (Speed et al., 2012) to estimate narrow-sense heritability (h2) from subsets of hub gene SNPs located 2 kb upstream and downstream. To test if the heritability for a given trait was greater than expected by chance, we estimated the heritability for 1000 permutations using a random subset of maize genes. For each permutation, genes with at least one SNP within the genic region were randomly selected to create a subset with a size within ± 5 of the target set. A target set was considered significant for a given trait if its heritability exceeded the top 5% of permuted values.