This initiative was developed in continuous interaction with the Co-Chairs of the Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG) and the Secretariat of the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD) in light of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF)1. By providing integrated and internally consistent modelling of land-use scenarios, the main objective was to evaluate the optimal areas to leverage conservation, restoration and agriculture considering the maximisation of desired benefits in the year 2050. In other words, we aimed to model human efforts towards a sustainable future, already accounting for projected needs in 2050. These needs included not only the safeguarding of biodiversity and nature's contributions to people (NCP), but also the projected agricultural and urban expansion (here, based on the assumptions of the pessimistic SSP3 scenario). To achieve this goal, we first had to identify the metrics representing 2050 needs and the future land use context. Each metric calculated in this work had its own set of spatially explicit databases, and some of these data were common to two or more metrics. Next, we simulated global efforts to increase the world's natural areas and to sustainably increase agricultural yields, assessing optimal areas for the three actions at once in each effort context. Hence, we divided this methods section into three main components:
1) Description of common databases;
2) Description of each biodiversity, NCP, and costs metrics calculation and specific data;
3) Description of the optimisation, its constraints, effort context, and scenarios.
Common database
Current land use/cover maps
We assembled a map representing the current distribution of land use/cover classes as a starting point for optimisation and to define the areas feasible for restoration, conservation, and agricultural expansion. We used the European Space Agency Climate Change Initiative (ESA-CCI)2 data from 2015 as a baseline, with the reclassification and adjustments according to the first global priority areas restoration analysis3–5. The resulting maps corresponded to the proportions of a grid area of nine land use/cover classes: forest, wetlands, deserts, shrublands, natural grasslands, cultivated grasslands, croplands, urban areas, and others (water bodies and ice lands). All the analyses and maps were constructed using a roughly 5 km spatial resolution, and each grid cell (pixel) was defined as a planning unit. We considered as feasible for restoration actions, any proportion of a planning unit area with cultivated grasslands and/or croplands classes3 (see SM1 for limitations). Conservation and agricultural expansion actions could only occur in the proportion of the planning unit area corresponding to natural classes (forest, wetlands, deserts, shrublands, natural grasslands) in the current land use/cover maps (refer to SM1 for discussion of the role of each natural class). No restoration, conservation, or agricultural expansion actions were permitted in current urban areas or those expected to have urban expansion according to the baseline land use/cover maps described below.
Shared Socioeconomic Pathway 3 land use/cover maps.
The Shared Socioeconomic Pathway 3 (SSP3) was translated into land-use scenarios for each year between 2015 and 21006. Since this set of maps had different land-use classes and were constructed in different ways than ESA-CCI maps, we developed an approach to formulate our 2050 land-use maps that accounted for the SSP3 agricultural and total urban area. First, for each planning unit, we calculated the difference between croplands, cultivated grasslands, and urban areas separately between the years 2050 and 2015 using the state maps available on the Land Use Harmonization website7. Therefore, we ended up with projected maps of cropland, cultivated grasslands, and urban areas expansion. In each planning unit, we added the values of these projected expansions to their respective current land-use class, adjusting proportionally those in which the sum of these classes exceeded 100% of its area. The other land-use/cover classes were constructed according to the remaining percentage of the planning unit cell. At this stage, we used the current land-cover maps to distribute the missing classes. In cases where there were no natural classes in the planning unit in the current land-use map, we adopted the proportion of the other classes presented in the original vegetation map for that respective planning unit.
Original land cover maps.
Restoration optimisation should consider several ecosystem types simultaneously, restoring areas to their original type to ensure the maintenance of local and regional biodiversity and NCP provision3. Accordingly, we followed the methods of previous work3 and assembled a set of land cover maps representing the proportions of the planning unit area covered by each original vegetation type, using the same natural classes of our current land use/cover maps. We used ESA CCI land use/cover maps of 1992, ecoregions’ information, and boundaries8 to delineate the extent of original vegetation types and their corresponding proportions.
Yield gaps
To consider the total area devoted to agricultural production in a future scenario and to generate new scenarios where different levels of agricultural yield improvements are projected, raised the need for a map that represents the yield distribution and spatial variation. Hence, we followed a previous work3, and used the yield ratio of croplands and cultivated grasslands from the GAEZ database9 and methods of ref10. The difference between a situation where the yield is at its maximum potential (yield ratio equals 1) and the current yield ratio results in the yield gap for each planning unit.
Optimisation metrics
For the construction of spatially explicit metrics, it was necessary to search and evaluate consistent global databases, indicators, or data generated by models disseminated and accepted by the academic community. We ended up with three metrics to assess biodiversity needs (species extinction risk, ecosystem structural integrity, and ecoregion vulnerability), four metrics representing the NCP (pollination, coastal protection, water quality regulation, and climate change mitigation in terms of carbon sequestration and emissions), and two metrics considering the associated costs of restoration and conservation actions (opportunity and implementation costs) for 2050 scenario. For more information on the calculation and uncertainties, refer to SM1.
Species extinction risk
The extinction risk metric (ER) is inversely related to the ratio between the amount of remaining natural area that serves as habitat for a given species (Ar) and the total area of habitat originally present within its range (Ao) before any human action (Equation 1)3,11. Therefore, the higher this proportion, the lower the risk of extinction. The z factor is a constant equal to 0.25. Through the derivative of this extinction risk function, we calculated marginal values representing the increase/decrease of this metric after restoration/agricultural expansion actions. The sum of these marginal values for all species in each planning unit formed the spatially explicit layer included in the optimisation.
This work evaluated a broad set of terrestrial vertebrate species, including mammals, birds, amphibians, and reptiles. To delimit the habitat range of each species and consider the climatic effects on its distribution, we used the intersection between IUCN Red List database12 and ten climate envelopes developed through species distribution models described in ref13. The climate envelopes corresponded to maps containing binary information (suitable/not suitable) for each species, using a threshold of 5% training omission rate13. We had 9 maps generated for each species considering different general circulation models (BCC-CSM2-MR, CNRM-CM6-1, CNRM-ESM2-1, CanESM5, GFDL-ESM4, IPSL-CM6A-LR, MIROC-ES2L, MIROC6 and MRI-ESM2-0), all of them with the mean climate conditions of 2040-2060 period in the SSP3 RCP 7.0. Additionally, we used one map representing the mean climate conditions of the 1970-2000 period as a baseline climate.
With the intersection, we limited species migration due to future climate within their own IUCN Red List range. The use of different datasets restricted the final number of species we could use in our analysis. We had 14,000 species ranges with information in all datasets. To represent the conditions where landscapes are more susceptible to species movement so that they can track suitable climate, we also performed all analyses using climate envelopes as species ranges without intersecting with IUCN Red List data. We use the resultant range maps representing future ranges to assess the remaining habitat area for each species (Ar). On the other hand, we used one map representing a baseline climate to calculate the habitat area originally present for each species (Ao). In both cases (Ar and Ao), we performed an area of habitat analysis (AOH)14 considering the land cover classes that served as habitat for each species according to the IUCN Red List database.
Ecosystem structural integrity
As a proxy for ecosystem structural integrity, we chose the intactness index proposed by ref15, which is sensitive to changes in habitat area, quality, and fragmentation. Following this reference, we adopted a generic measure of habitat quality to assess global patterns and changes in intactness: the Human Footprint Index (HFI)16. One of the parameters that compose the HFI is a population density layer. So, we modified the index values to account for the population growth projected for the SSP3 scenario and its impact on ecosystem intactness. We used the data available in ref17 and followed the methods described in ref16, in which the human influence factor of the total HFI increased linearly from 0 to 10 for densities between 0 and 10 persons per km2, and the score above 10 persons per km2 was held constant at 10. For example, a planning unit with a population density of 3 people per km2 in the current scenario and more than 10 people per km2 in the SSP3 scenario would have the correspondent HFI increased by a score of seven.
To calculate intactness, we used an exponential transformation to scale this new HFI to create a habitat quality measure in which quality is 1 when HFI is 0, and quality is 20% when HFI is 4. We also considered the habitat amount and quality of each planning unit's neighbours (within a 15km radius)15. Finally, to include intactness as an explicit layer in the optimisations, we quantified the expected change in this metric after restoration/agricultural expansion actions using the derivative of the intactness function.
Ecoregion vulnerability
Reducing the area of an ecoregion decreases the quantity of resources available, its capacity to sustain species populations, and the ecological processes that maintain biodiversity and NCP provision18,19. We have developed a metric that reflects the idea that the vulnerability of an ecoregion is a function of the area of natural habitat that remains within its boundaries and the potential area of the ecoregion if all available area is restored to natural habitat. This function follows the same relationship as the metric for species extinction risk3, with its derivative representing the marginal gain/loss in vulnerability after agricultural expansion/restoration actions. We used the ‘Terrestrial Ecoregions of the World’ maps6 as a proxy for ecoregion boundaries.
Climate change mitigation
We estimated the potential and marginal values of carbon stock in above- and below-ground biomass20 and soil21 terrestrial pools, following the steps of a previous global analysis3. This approach uses the original vegetation maps, ecoregion boundaries, and four different maps of carbon stocks to estimate the marginal values of carbon sequestered per planning unit depending on the proportions of natural land cover classes being restored. We used current land cover (instead of original vegetation) and the same carbon stock maps to estimate the marginal value of carbon emissions that would result from converting natural ecosystems for agriculture.
Nature's contribution to people
Besides climate change mitigation, we included three additional, locally-occurring NCP: water quality regulation (through the evaluation of avoided nutrient export), pollination (through the potential contribution of nearby habitat to provide wild pollinators for crop production), and coastal protection (through the evaluation of coastal risk reduced by coastal habitat). We first assessed and mapped the biophysical values of each contribution (also called "potential ecosystem service"), following the methods of ref22. In terms of avoided nutrient export, the biophysical model for the water quality regulation considers as inputs the projected 2050 RCP 7.0 precipitation, run-off, and fertiliser application rates for agriculture. For pollination, we used the marginal values of an equivalent-people-fed metric based on the nutrition provided by wild pollinators on each planning unit with agricultural land. It is calculated according to pollination habitat sufficiency and pollination-dependent nutrient production. The biophysical model for coastal risk reduction is the difference in coastal risk with and without habitat, based on a coastal risk index calculated from the protective distance and risk attenuation from marine and terrestrial habitats, coastal topographic relief (digital elevation model), wind, wave, geomorphology, and a projected 2050 RCP 7.0 sea level rise.
To generate the input layers for the optimisations, marginal values for each potential service were calculated, indicating how much service would be gained/lost after the restoration/expansion of agriculture in the respective planning unit. We used potential vegetation land-cover maps and an "all natural ecosystems converted to agricultural use" map as inputs for each NCP model, corresponding to the restoration and agricultural expansion scenarios, respectively. The difference between the values of the services using these land-cover maps as inputs and the "current maps" correspond to marginal values. For the pollination model, when using this potential vegetation map, we assumed the value of pollination-dependent agriculture according to the current crop mix, even though a fully restored planning unit would contain no agriculture.
Then we delineated the beneficiary part of the contribution. The “realised contribution” is the biophysical values (marginal values) multiplied by the number of people benefitting from the NCP metrics described in ref23. In brief, the coastal risk reduction was multiplied by the number of people within the protective distance of that habitat, water quality regulation was multiplied by the number of people downstream, and realised pollination was calculated as the end benefit to an indeterminate beneficiary for pollination - equivalent number of people fed by wild pollination-derived crop production (number of people whose nutritional needs could be fully met by pollination-dependent crop production)22. The realised contribution maps served as inputs for the optimisation.
Opportunity costs
We estimated foregone benefits of agricultural commodities, for croplands and cultivated grasslands separately, as a proxy for conservation and restoration opportunity costs (see SM1 for limitations). For croplands, we obtained equilibrium-price estimates for several commodities from the extended data of the IMPACT model24. The methods used in this analysis followed previous work3, except that the SSP3 scenario was here chosen for the selection of equilibrium prices. The result of the selected methodology was the net present value (NPV) of one tonne of each commodity, which we used to convert the current productivity maps from GAEZ9 of each crop in each planning unit from a produced quantity per area to production value per area. Last, we summed all production values per area per planning unit to obtain an opportunity cost layer for cropland.
For cultivated grassland, we used the stocking rate data from the ‘Gridded Livestock of the World v2.0’25, and values of animal yield per country from the IMPACT model to convert the stocking rate from head per hectare to tonnes of produced beef per hectare per year and then to a NPV of production per area. We followed the same procedures and assumptions as ref3, resulting in an opportunity cost layer for cultivated grasslands.
To obtain the combined opportunity cost layer of restoration, we used the average of the values for croplands and cultivated grassland, weighted by their proportion in the planning unit. The proportion of each land use was obtained from current land use maps for units with land available for restoration. Opportunity costs of conservation were estimated using the same economic benefits of agricultural commodities and accounting for projected agricultural expansion. For planning units that had agricultural land on current land use maps, we assumed that the new agricultural area would follow the current ratio of cropland and cultivated grassland. For planning units that did not have agricultural land, opportunity costs were calculated dynamically in our model runs by using the ratio of the cropland and/or cultivated grassland that each country needed to expand in each scenario.
Implementation costs of restoration
Restoration optimisation needs to account for the costs of implementing this action, which could vary depending on socioeconomic and environmental conditions. We used the same approach design by ref3 to account for countries' variation of implementation costs of restoration actions. These cost values are derived from a basis of US$2,148 per hectare for Brazil26, and adjusted to all countries, considering their relative costs of agricultural labour27 and input (fertiliser28).
Problem Construction
Definition of targets and optimisation constraints
The post-2020 GBF urges for a worldwide effort to increase natural areas, with the best outcomes for biodiversity and NCP. To aid the discussions of targets and goals of this framework, we had set area-based constraints in our optimisations accounting for a global net increase of natural ecosystems (Figure 1). In other words, the optimisation of lands for restoration and agriculture would cease after a predetermined net increase in natural areas. With different area-based constraints, we could assess the resulting trade-offs for biodiversity and NCP. Three global net targets were used to build simulated scenarios: the amount of the area corresponding to 15%, 20%, and 30% of current agricultural lands (respectively ~3.7 Mkm2, ~5.0 Mkm2 and ~7.5 Mkm2). This would correspond to ~3.5%, ~5%, and ~7% increase in the world's natural areas, respectively.
We aimed to optimise restoration, conservation, and agriculture assuming that countries fulfil projected demands for food and commodity production through yield gap closure. Therefore, we introduced additional constraints on the country level corresponding to the minimum and maximum area that must be, respectively, converted to agriculture or restored to natural ecosystems. We calculated these constraints for each agricultural land use class: cropland and cultivated grassland (Figure 1). We took the land use data of the SSP3 scenario as a baseline to set the country-level constraints according to a three-step procedure (Figure 1):
1 - For each country, we calculated the difference between the agricultural area in the SSP3 scenario and the current scenario. This was done separately for croplands and cultivated grasslands to consider possible changes in dietary habits. Therefore, a country could fall into one of the following three options:
a) If a country has more area in the SSP3 scenario than at present, this country will need to expand the agricultural land to at least the area corresponding to this difference. For this group of countries, we optimised agricultural expansion for the areas with the smallest impact on our benefit metrics and with the highest agricultural returns. We restricted the areas that the algorithm could select for agricultural expansion to those planning units that had the corresponding class of agricultural land use in the SSP3 and/or current land use/cover maps.
b) Countries with a higher current agricultural area than in the SSP3 scenario were allowed to restore up to the agricultural area corresponding to this difference. We cost-effectively optimised restoration actions for this group of countries accounting for impacts on biodiversity and NCP.
c) There was a particular case where a country could restore one class of agricultural land use but had to expand the other. In these cases, we assumed that the additional area needed for one agricultural use was allocated in the spared area of the other. This assumption resulted in one constraint being zero and the other being the difference between the two initial constraints. The allocation occurred in places with the highest values of suitability based on GAEZ9 suitability maps considering climate change impacts estimated by Hadley CM3 A2. This model was the closest to the impacts estimated in the SSP3 scenario. The suitability maps were rescaled to vary between zero and 1.
2 - We simulated a global effort to close different fractions of the yield gap, with countries increasing their agricultural yields at a higher rate than in the SSP3 scenario (see SM1 for limitations). We assumed a yield gap closure within these simulations by 30%, 50% and 70%. Consequently, countries that needed agricultural expansion could reduce this need and conserve more natural ecosystems. After a certain fraction of the yield gap closing, these countries could restore natural ecosystems. Countries able to restore areas without the need for agricultural intensification would be able to restore even more after the simulation of the yield gap closing.
3 - We also created scenarios subjecting the optimisation analysis to constraints in the planning unit level3. For planning units within countries with restoration targets in certain simulated scenarios, we have limited the maximum area that could be restored to the area spared after closing the yield gaps.
We also optimised scenarios without considering country borders and their specific needs of agricultural expansion, representing a situation with higher trade between countries. Thus, we had only the global and local constraints for restoration optimisations. In addition, we calculated the impact of the SSP3 scenario in each of the optimisation metrics using the projected land use change for comparison purposes.
Scenarios and optimisation
For each of the three global targets and three yield gap closure simulations, we produced seven scenario variants along the following metric combinations: all metrics included (benefits and cost scenario), biodiversity and NCP metrics (benefits scenario), biodiversity and cost metrics, with the NCP and cost metrics, the three biodiversity metrics only, the four NCP metrics only and the two cost metrics. Our algorithm optimises spatial solutions considering multiple criteria at once. It is based on linear programming29, aiming to select areas for restoration and agriculture (see SM1 for more details and limitations). For each planning unit, the algorithm first calculates the cost-effectiveness of restoration or agricultural expansion actions, using a subset or all the metrics depending on the scenario's purposes. The area required for both actions is then calculated based on the respective objective function and its scenario constraints.
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