Collection of CAWS Water
Water from the Chicago Area Waterway was collected from a public boat ramp in Channahon, IL (41.420501, -88.215916) on January 19th, 2021. This site in proximity to the “leading edge” of carp populations in the Illinois River15,19, and has previously been shown to have higher concentrations of anthropogenic contaminants than downstream locations where population densities of carp are higher16, suggesting that water conditions at this site should be exhibiting some degree of deterrence to carp movement. Further downstream of this site, the concentration of deterrents in the water are lower and may not be representative of conditions that may be deterring upstream movements, while locations upstream of this collection point have never contained carp populations, suggesting the presence of a strong negative stimulus, thereby highlighting the appropriateness of this collection point. Water was collected using pumps submerged in the CAWS that passed through a 600-micron filter before being transferred into 1463 L intermediate bulk containers (IBC totes). Totes were transported to the Upper Midwest Environmental Science Center (UMESC), in La Crosse, WI, and stored indoors in a biosecure room. One aliquot of CAWS water needed for a day’s worth of experiments was collected from holding totes the evening before and moved to an environmental chamber used for testing so that the temperature of the CAWS water was able to equilibrate to the temperature of the chamber.
Study Site and Organisms
Juvenile silver carp and golden shiners were cultured by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) in La Crosse, Wisconsin. Both silver carp and golden shiners were held at temperatures ranging from 12-13°C for the duration of the study. All fish were fed daily, with silver carp fed #0 Starter Feed (Skretting, Tooele, Utah) and golden shiners fed #1 Starter Feed (Skretting, Tooele, Utah). Prior to use in experiments, all fish were fasted for 24 hours.
Avoidance Assay
Assays to quantify avoidance following acute exposure to CAWS water took place between January 24 and February 16, 2022, in an environmental chamber set to 12°C. Assays were run using two shuttle box choice tanks (Loligo, Viborg, Denmark). Each system has two circular tanks (40 cm diameter × 20 cm depth) connected by a narrow chamber (10 cm × 6.5 cm × 20 cm). Water was drawn from each chamber of the shuttle box into an external buffer tank (20 cm × 20 cm × 50 cm) using two Eheim 300 recirculating pumps (Eheim, Deizisau, Germany), and then gravity-fed back into the shuttle box at approximately 38.5 mL/sec. Fish activity within the shuttle box was recorded by a camera mounted directly overhead (1080p Pro Stream Webcam, (Lolitech, Newark California); GoPro Hero 3 (GoPro, San Mateo California, USA)). Light was shone indirectly on the shuttle box to create contrast to help locate the fish within the tank. Before each trial, shuttle boxes were filled with 30 L of water from the aquatic facility, identical to the water used to hold fish. Fish (n = 8) were transferred into one side of the shuttle box (determined by a random number generator) and allowed to acclimate for 15 minutes. Preliminary trials showed that fish became settled in the shuttle box after about 10 minutes, indicated by a reduction in movement, and acclimation times of 15 minutes are common for these kinds of studies20,21.
Following this acclimation period, 8 L of water was simultaneously added to both external buffer tanks, allowing this water to be gravity-fed into the shuttle box chambers. For control trials, 8 L of laboratory water was added to both buffer tanks. For treatment trials, 8 L of CAWS water was added to the buffer tank corresponding to the side of the shuttle box that contained the fish, and 8 L of lab water was simultaneously added to the opposite side. The use of this technique allowed fish in the shuttle box to receive an acute exposure to CAWS water in a way that minimized splashing or sudden dumping of water that could startle them, and the order of trials (control vs. treatment) was determined with a random number generator. After the addition of water, fish were allowed to move within their chamber of the shuttle box, and also to move between sides of the shuttle box, over a ten-minute period. This monitoring period was chosen because preliminary trials with food coloring revealed that the shuttle box system will begin to show some mixing across the two sides around the ten-minute mark, such that the side of the shuttle box with CAWS water started to become diluted, potentially reducing its efficacy at inducing avoidance. Immediately following this 10-minute period, the experiment ended, temperature and dissolved oxygen measurements within the shuttle box were taken using a handheld oxygen meter (Professional Plus, YSI Inc., Yellow Springs, Ohio, USA), and fish were removed, weighed, and measured. Fish length did not differ between treatments for both species (one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)silver carp, F1,16 = 1.963, p > 0.05, one-way ANOVAgolden shiner, F1,16 = 1.198, p > 0.05, Appendix I).
Activity Assay
Assays to quantify fish activity following acute exposure to CAWS water were run from February 11, until February 15, 2022, using four 19-liter opaque white buckets placed on top of acrylic sheets above 4 light emitting diode (LED) work lights (Home Depot, HDX 1000 Lumen Portable LED Work Lights). These lights were pointed upwards such that they illuminated the bottom of the bucket and generated contrast that facilitated identifying fish location. Video cameras (1080p Pro Stream Webcam, (Lolitech, Newark California); Sony Handycam CX405 (Sony Corp., Japan); GoPro Hero 3 (GoPro, San Mateo California, USA)) were mounted above each bucket to record fish position and activity. Approximately 3.5 L of water was added to each bucket at the beginning of each trial. This volume of water was sufficiently deep to allow fish to move comfortably in the bucket, but not so high that they could change depth. For control trials, buckets were filled with water from the aquatic facility identical to that used for fish holding. For treatment trials, CAWS water was used. Fish (n = 9) were collected from their holding tank and gently transferred into a bucket with either laboratory water or CAWS water, with the placement determined by a random number generator. Fish activity was recorded over a ten-minute period after they were placed in the buckets. Immediately following this 10-minute period, the experiment ended, temperature and dissolved oxygen measurements within each bucket were taken using a handheld oxygen meter, and fish were removed, weighed, and measured. Fish length did not differ between treatments for both species (one-way ANOVAsilver carp, F1,18 = 1.031, p > 0.05, one-way ANOVAgolden shiner, F1,18 = 1.756, p > 0.05, Appendix I).
Metabolic rate
Standard metabolic rate (SMR) was measured for silver carp and golden shiners in either laboratory water (control) or 100% CAWS water to quantify the energetic cost of inhabiting CAWS water22–24. Data collection occurred from January 24 through February 10, 2022, and was performed in a 92.075 cm diameter bath containing approximately 50.74 L of water. Four 270 mL glass chambers were immersed in this bath filled with either laboratory water or CAWS water. Each chamber was connected to a recirculating pump via 16 mm inside diameter vinyl tubing. This allowed for a closed system during testing as well as allowing the system to flush between measurement periods22. An oxygen probe was fitted into each chamber to record dissolved oxygen concentration during a 20-minute measurement period using respirometry software (Autoresp v 2.2.2, Loligo, Denmark). The measurement period for silver carp was set to a 5-minute flush period, a 1-minute wait period, and a 14-minute measurement period. For golden shiners, the measurement period was a 17-minute period to account for the smaller size of this species. Fish (n = 12; n = 11 for control treatment for golden shiners) were weighed and loaded in these chambers in the afternoon and held throughout the night until the following morning. After this, fish were removed from the chambers and total lengths were taken. All control trials with laboratory water were ran for both species prior to trials with CAWS water to eliminate possible cross-contamination or residual contaminants that could influence metabolic rates of fish in control trials. Additionally, chambers were ran empty before and after each trial to account for background respiration present within each system23,24. Mass did not differ between treatments for both species (one-way ANOVAsilver carp, F1,24 = 0.661, p > 0.05, one-way ANOVAgolden shiner, F1,23 = 2.588, p > 0.05). Fish length also did not differ between treatments for both species (one-way ANOVAsilver carp, F1,24 = 0.661, p > 0.05, one-way ANOVAgolden shiner, F1,23 = 1.058, p > 0.05, Appendix I).
Data Acquisition and Analysis
A total of 4 metrics to quantify avoidance in the shuttle box were scored manually by a single observer: (1) a binary response of whether or not a fish ‘shuttled’ (i.e., moved to the opposite chamber in the shuttle box) after water was added to the buffer chambers, (2) a count of the total number of shuttles between the two sides of the shuttle box that occurred following the addition of water, (3) the latency (time in s) required for the initial shuttle to occur, and (4) the total duration of time spent by a fish on each side of the shuttle box during a trial (control vs. treatment side). Because all metrics were objective, blind scoring did not occur. Statistical analyses were conducted in R version 4.2.1 (R Core Team 2021) using a one-way ANOVA. The binary response of whether a fish shuttled was run using a generalized linear model with a binomial error distribution, while count data (e.g., number of shuttles) were run with a generalized linear model with a Poisson error distribution25. Continuous variables (e.g., total duration spent on the treatment side) were run with a Gaussian distribution25. All avoidance models were validated using standard techniques that included generating quantile-quantile plots to quantify normality, fitting residuals versus fitted values to verify homogeneity, and examining residuals versus each explanatory variable to check for independence26. The presence of potential influential data points was also assessed26. Analyses for golden shiners and silver carp were run separately.
Data for activity assays from fish in buckets were scored using the program Ethovision XT (Version 16.1) (Noldus, Leesburg, Virginia) to objectively quantify and track movement27,28. Metrics that were measured encompassed aspects of swimming activity as well as swimming behavior, and included (1) total distance (cm) moved during the trial, (2) swimming velocity (m/s), (3) the proportion of time that animals spent wall hugging (defined as the area closest to the wall that is half a body length of each individual fish), (4) the number of rotations that occurred (where a rotation was defined as the center body point has a cumulative turn angle of 360° in either the clockwise or counterclockwise direction), and (5) average turn angle (measured in degrees).
Prior to analyses, activity assay data were checked for collinearity29, and distance, velocity, and rotations were found to be correlated (Pearson correlation coefficient, r, > 0.95 for all three metrics for both species). We therefore distilled these variables using principal components analyses (PCA), which generated a single PC with all variables loading positively, representing movement behaviors of fish (Appendix II). Suitability of the data for use in a PCA was confirmed using a Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin test and Bartlett’s test for sphericity30 using the ‘psych’ package31 (Version 2.2.9).
Behavior data from the 10-minute trial were grouped into one minute bins to better visualize the response of fish to CAWS water, the persistence of any response, and to identify potential habituation32. Data were then analyzed using a two-way linear mixed model (main effects treatment, time bin and a treatment × time bin interaction) using the ‘lme4’ package33 (Version 1.1.30), with fish identification included as a random effect to account for multiple measurements from each individual over time25,34. If a significant difference in main effects was detected in the mixed model, the ‘emmeans’ package35,36 (Version was used to separate means and identify significant differences; if a significant interaction was detected, main effects were ignored, and means were separated for the interaction term37. All models were validated as described above. Upon examination of residuals, PC1 and wall hugging time were found to violate model assumptions and were rank transformed prior to re-running models, while turn angle was log transformed for both species.
Data for metabolic rates were inspected and any measurement interval with a coefficient of determination (r²) value below 0.9 was excluded22. Next, background respiration was accounted for by using the background respiration from before and after the trial and assuming a linear increase for each fish. Following this, values for SMR, defined as the mean of the lowest 10% of data generated during each overnight measurement period22, were compared across treatments using a one-way ANOVA with standard metabolic rate set as the dependent variable, and the independent variables were treatment (either control or CAWS water) and fish mass. Previous work has shown that SMR and mass have a non-linear relationship in fish, necessitating the use of a log-log transformation in data analysis38. However, this non-linear relationship was less clear in our study (Appendix I, Appendix V), likely due to the small size ranges of fish used38, making the use of log-transformed data less clear. To acknowledge this uncertainty, both log-log transformed and untransformed data were analyzed and reported. If a significant difference was detected in the model, Tukey multiple comparison tests were performed using estimated marginal means (least-squares means) with the ‘emmeans’ package35,36 (Version Analyses for golden shiners and silver carp were run separately, and all models were again validated by examination of residuals as described above29.
All model results were interpreted using the Anova() function from the ‘car’ package (Fox et al. 2007), the level of significance (α) was set at 0.05, and all means are shown as ± standard error (SE) where appropriate. All models were initially run with trial date and fish size as fixed effects, but no significant date or size effects were detected, so these variables were subsequently removed from final analyses.
Ethics Statements
This study was carried out in accordance with relevant guidelines and regulations and approved by the University of Illinois IACUC # 21139. All methods were reported in accordance with ARRIVE guidelines.