In this study, Flavobacterium columnare strain Fc7 (hereafter Fc7) was added at various propagule pressures (No-Fc7, Low-Fc7 and High-Fc7) to microcosms containing a lake water bacterial community. Microcosms subsequently received either a bacteriophage- or antibiotic treatment or were left untreated. Throughout the result section, treatment refers to the treatment application. Each experimental condition was replicated five times, and the bacterial community was studied over one week.
The Fc7 abundance decreased in all microcosms regardless of treatment type
ASV1 was identified as the added Fc7, and we scaled the relative ASV abundance with the bacterial density to obtain absolute ASV1 abundances. ASV1 made up, on average, 52.7 ± 0.1% and 82.2 ± 4.7% of the communities immediately after the invasion in the Low-Fc7 and High-Fc7 microcosms, respectively. Throughout the experiment, the Fc7 abundance decreased in all microcosms regardless of the treatment, even in the control microcosms (Fig. 2). However, this observation was not due to the ineffective killing of Fc7, as the decrease was more pronounced in the phage- and antibiotic-treated microcosms. For example, at 1 DPI in the High-Fc7 microcosms, we observed a 60% decline in Fc7 absolute abundance in the phage- and antibiotic-treated bacterial communities compared to the control (Pairwise Wilcox test, p = 0.012). Furthermore, the effectiveness of the treatments was confirmed with live-dead staining, which showed that the living population was strongly reduced when phage- or antibiotic treatment was applied (living population at 1 DPI; High-Fc7_Control 75%, High-Fc7_Phage 46%, High-Fc7_AB 61%, see Supplementary Fig. 5). These declines indicate that both the phage- and antibiotic treatment effectively inactivated Fc7 and that the strain was an unsuccessful invader.
Phage treatment did not decrease bacterial density, whereas antibiotics did
To compare how the phage- and antibiotic treatment affected the bacterial density, we successfully fitted a model with the bacterial density as the response variable and DPI, treatment (phage, antibiotic, none), propagule pressure (no, low, high) and the interactions between these as explanatory variables (Fig. 3a, R2 = 0.77, F35, 311=33.92, p-value < 2.2e-16, Supplementary Table 1). Statistical significance was determined by comparing the marginal mean estimates of the phage- or antibiotic treatment to the control at each day (Supplementary Table 2).
The effect of the phage treatment on the bacterial density varied depending on the Fc7 propagule pressure. In the No-Fc7 microcosms, the ratio in bacterial density between the No-Fc7_Phage and the No-Fc7_Control increased from 1.09 at 0 DPI to 1.39 at 7 DPI (p < 0.001, Fig. 3b). For the Low-Fc7 microcosms, the phage treatment had no observable effect on the cell density, as the Low-Fc7_Phage and the Low-Fc7_Control microcosms had similar cell densities over time (p > 0.05 at all time points). However, in the High-Fc7 microcosms, the bacterial density ratio between the High_Fc7-Phage and High_Fc7-Control microcosms decreased from 1.01 at 0 DPI to 0.79 at 7 DPI (p = 0.03). In fact, all High-Fc7 microcosms had a substantial decline in bacterial density from 5 to 7 DPI, resembling a feast-famine response. We speculate that the density decline was not a result of the phage treatment but instead induced by a significant release of DOM due to the death of Fc7 (see Discussion).
The antibiotic treatment negatively impacted the bacterial density. At 7 DPI, the bacterial density was lower in the antibiotic-treated communities compared to the control, with a ratio of 0.76 (p = 0.06) in the No-Fc7 group, 0.44 (p < 0.001) in the Low-Fc7 group and 0.76 (p = 0.07) in the High-Fc7 microcosms (Fig. 3b). Thus, compared to the detrimental effect of antibiotics, the impact of phage treatment on bacterial density was minor. We conclude that the phage treatment did not reduce the bacterial density, while antibiotics caused a decline.
Phage treatment had a negligible impact on α-diversity, whereas antibiotics drastically reduced it
To evaluate the treatment effect on the α-diversity, we determined the ASV richness (Fig. 4), Hill diversity of the first and second order, and evenness (Supplementary Fig. 6). To estimate the differences between the treatments and control, we fitted a model with ASV richness as the response variable and DPI, treatment, propagule pressure, and their interaction as the explanatory variables (R2 = 0.72, F26,112=14.77, p-value < 2.2e-16, Supplementary Table 3). Post-hoc comparisons are summarised in Supplementary Table 4.
We found no statistical evidence that phage treatment decreased richness. The exception was at 3 DPI, where the richness was 1.12x higher in the High-Fc7_Phage than in the High-Fc7_Control microcosms (Supplementary Table 4). The antibiotic treatment decreased richness. This reduction was particularly evident at 7 DPI, where the richness was on average 0.65x, 0.62x, and 0.38x lower in the antibiotic-treated than in control microcosms for the No-Fc7 (p-value < 0.01), Low-Fc7 (p-value < 0.001) and High-Fc7 (p-value < 0.001) microcosms, respectively.
The observation that phage treatment had negligible effects, while antibiotics reduced the ASV richness, was also found for Hill diversity of order 1 and 2 and evenness (Supplementary Fig. 6). In conclusion, the antibiotic treatment caused a loss of biodiversity. Notably, the phage treatment did not decrease α-diversity, indicating that the bacterial populations were resilient to this disturbance.
Bacterial community composition was similar between the phage and control treatment
The bacterial community composition was similar between the phage treatment and the control when evaluating composition at the order level (Fig. 5) and by PCoA ordinations based on both Bray-Curtis and Sørensen similarity (Fig. 6). At 1 DPI, there was no significant difference in the community composition between the phage treatment and untreated control, regardless of the Fc7 propagule pressure (Bray-Curtis and Sørensen based PERMANOVA p > 0.05, Supplementary Table 5). Thus, the data is suitable for studying the effects of the treatments on bacterial community succession.
The phage treatment did not impact the community succession in microcosms where Fc7 had been added, as there were no significant differences between the phage-treated and control communities at 7 DPI (PERMANOVA p > 0.05). However, for the No-Fc7 microcosms, there was a significant difference in the community composition based on both ASV abundance (Bray-Curtis PERMANOVA r2 = 0.77, p = 0.009) and presence-absence (Sørensen PERMANOVA r2 = 0.26, p = 0.009).
Differential abundance analysis conducted on samples from 7 DPI identified 18 ASVs (8 genera) with a ratio of absolute abundance between the phage treatment and control below 0.2 or over 5 (Supplementary Fig. 7). Of these, 14 were identified in propagule pressure No-Fc7, six in the Low-Fc7, and only two in the High-Fc7 microcosms. These differences indicate that the phage treatment impacted the uninvaded microcosms the most. Of particular interest was an ASV belonging to the genus Aquirufa, with an absolute abundance 227 times higher in the No-Fc7_Phage (1.2x107ASVs/mL) than the No-Fc7_Control (5.3x104ASVs/mL). Despite significant differences, the average Bray-Curtis similarity between the phage-treated and control communities only changed slightly from 0.77 at 1 DPI to 0.67 at 7 DPI (Fig. 6a). Thus, we conclude that the phage treatment had a negligible impact on the community composition and succession.
Antibiotic treatment caused a significant disturbance event in the community
In contrast to the phage treatment, antibiotics caused the community composition to change significantly compared to the control microcosms (Fig. 6). At 7 DPI, the community composition significantly differed between the antibiotic-treated and control microcosms for both No-Fc7, Low-Fc7 and the High-Fc7 microcosms (PERMANOVA, r2 range 0.52–0.84, p < 0.05 for both Bray-Curtis and Sørensen). These changes are evident in the average similarity between communities from the antibiotic-treated and control microcosms. There was a 6x reduction in Bray-Curtis similarity (0.79 at 1 DPI, 0.13 at 7 DPI) and a 1.5x reduction in Sørensen similarity (0.59 at 1 DPI, 0.38 at 7 DPI) (Fig. 6a).
Differential abundance analysis identified 122 ASVs (29 genera) with a ratio in absolute abundance between the antibiotic-treated and control communities below 0.2 or over 5 (Supplementary Fig. 7). Thus, there were 4.2x more ASVs with such a substantial difference in the antibiotic-treated than the phage-treated microcosms. Interestingly, of the 122 ASVs, all ASVs classified as β-proteobacteria (68 ASVs) had higher absolute abundances in the control microcosms, while all classified as γ-proteobacteria (11 ASVs) had higher absolute abundances in the antibiotic-treated microcosms. These 11 ASVs belonged to the genus Pseudomonas which contains many pathogenic bacterial strains [49].
In conclusion, the antibiotic treatment caused significant disturbances that the bacterial communities did not recover from after seven days and caused a bloom of Pseudomonas.
Phage treatment did not affect the bacterial community assembly, while antibiotics caused a shift from selection to drift
We investigated the community assembly within each experimental condition by calculating the change in similarity between replicate microcosms over time (i.e. similarity rate) as described in Gundersen et al. 2021 [40]. Increasing similarity rates indicate that the deterministic process selection dominates community assembly. In contrast, decreasing similarity rates indicate an increased contribution of the stochastic process ecological drift.
We used this assembly framework with both the Bray-Curtis and Sørensen similarity (Fig. 7, Supplementary Fig. 8). We first examined the No-Fc7 microcosms to evaluate the effect of phage- and antibiotic treatment on community assembly when no phage host was present (i.e. not considering the propagule pressure effects). The No-Fc7_Phage and No-Fc7_Control microcosms had comparable positive similarity rates, with the average varying between 0.033–0.040/day for the Bray-Curtis and 0.023–0.024/day for the Sørensen similarity rate. These positive rates indicated that the communities in replicate microcosms became more similar over time and were thus primarily structured by selection. On the other hand, the antibiotic-treated microcosms had a negative similarity rate based on Bray-Curtis (-0.050/day), while the Sørensen-based was slightly positive (0.003/day). Thus, when antibiotics were added, the community composition was structured by drift, with some selection at the ASV inventory level (Fig. 7).
Next, we determined if treatment and propagule pressure combined affected community assembly. At each propagule pressure, the Bray-Curtis and Sørensen similarity rates of the phage-treated microcosms were not significantly different from the control microcosms. However, the average similarity rate decreased with increasing propagule pressure for both the phage-treated and the control microcosms. This effect of propagule pressure was not observed for the antibiotic-treated microcosms, where the Bray-Curtis similarity rate was clearly negative (around − 0.05/day) regardless of propagule pressure. Thus, the treatment (phage and antibiotic) and propagule pressure did not have an additive effect.