2.1. Study site
We studied the Sanibel Island rice rat on Sanibel Island; a ~4,900-ha barrier island in southwestern Florida (City of Sanibel 2013). Approximately 50% of the island was designated for conservation and most of the remaining land has been developed (City of Sanibel 2013). Sanibel Island experiences a distinct wet season in summer and fall, when ~85% of annual rainfall occurs (Kushlan 1987). Remnant sand ridges ~1-2 m above mean sea level trap rainwater within the island’s interior, creating seasonal wetlands (Boggess 1974) vegetated year-round by freshwater plant communities (City of Sanibel 2013). Although historic accounts documented nearly-continuous grasslands (sand cordgrass) within the island’s interior (Hammond 1970), woody species (predominately buttonwood; Conocarpus erectus) have invaded much of the island’s interior (Humphrey et al. 1986). Additionally, giant leather fern (Acrostichum danaeifolium) is now abundant in areas with prolonged freshwater inundation. Northern portions of the island (areas along Pine Island Sound), largely contained within J.N. Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge (Fig. 1), consist of saline mangrove forests.
2.2. Change in shrub cover
To understand how woody vegetation on the island has changed over the last 70 years, we remotely sensed change in shrub cover from 1944 to 2015 within freshwater interior conservation areas of Sanibel Island. We selected 1944 because it was the earliest year for which aerial imagery of Sanibel Island was available, and because it predated the large-scale development of Sanibel Island (City of Sanibel 2013). We selected 2015 because it was the first year of our field research on the Sanibel Island rice rat.
We obtained 1944 monochromatic aerial photographs (n = 12) of Sanibel Island from the online Map and Imagery Library at the University of Florida where they were catalogued on behalf of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. These photographs were single-band black and white with 0.3-m resolution taken in January and February. We georeferenced the 1944 photographs in ArcGIS (version 10.1, Esri, Redlands, California, USA) and merged them into a single raster file using the Create Mosaic Dataset function. We then utilized a supervised approach to classify cover as either shrub or other based on the darkness of each pixel. We considered all woody vegetation to be shrubs. We created a shapefile of current conservation areas dominated by freshwater plant communities by modifying a conservation lands shapefile from the Florida Natural Areas Inventory (FNAI 2015) to omit saltwater and upland vegetative communities, which are naturally dominated by woody vegetation. Finally, we calculated the area of each category, shrub or other, within the freshwater conservation lands shapefile using the Isectpolyrst function in Geospatial Modeling Environment (version, Beyer 2018).
We calculated shrub cover in 2015 using publicly available (Lee County government) true color (red, blue, and green bands) georeferenced aerial imagery with 0.15-m resolution from January 2015. We used a supervised approach to classify images based on true color spectral reflectance values in ArcGIS, enabling the selection of land-cover classes a priori (Ozesmi and Bauer 2002). Land-cover classes included shrubs, sand cordgrass, giant leather fern, and open water. We differentiated between additional cover classes with the 2015 imagery because the additional bands allowed for a more thorough classification of vegetative communities, and the additional classification data was useful to our land-managing collaborators. We then calculated the area of each category within the previously created shapefile of freshwater conservation lands using the Isectpolyrst function in Geospatial Modeling Environment.
We assessed the accuracy of our remotely sensed 2015 shrub cover estimates using data collected at 9 points in a grid format with 30-m spacing on each of the 27 grids not occurring in saltwater and upland vegetative communities (Fig. 2). We recorded a binary measure of whether shrub cover was dominant (no = 0; yes = 1) at each point during the 2015 field season and then within a 1-m buffer of each point in the remotely sensed data layer. We then calculated omission and commission error rates to assess the accuracy of our classification (Jensen 2005). We then assessed the accuracy of our remotely sensed 1944 shrub cover estimates by visually inspecting the 1944 imagery for shrub cover dominance (no = 0; yes = 1) at 200 points randomly generated in ArcGIS. We then compared this to shrub dominance within a 1-m buffer in the 1944 remotely sensed data layer and calculated omission and commission error rates (Jensen 2005).
2.3. Trapping
To select sampling sites, we first used vegetation data from the Florida Natural Areas Inventory in ArcGIS to delineate three vegetation communities (mangrove, buttonwood, and sand cordgrass) that were dominant on Sanibel Island. We then used ArcGIS to select 18 points spaced > 300 m apart within each vegetation community (54 sites total; Fig. 1). Around each point, we created a trapping site to investigate use of these areas by Sanibel Island rice rats. Due to the highly interspersed nature of the vegetative communities, individual sites frequently had some components of other vegetative communities.
At each site we constructed a 5x5 grid of Sherman live traps (H. B. Sherman Traps, Tallahassee, Florida, USA) with 15-m spacing between traps (0.36-ha; Fig. 2). We attached traps to floating platforms to prevent submersion and secured them in place using wooden dowels. We baited traps with a black oil sunflower seed and millet mix. To capture annual and seasonal variation, we trapped each grid for four consecutive nights in summer (June-August) and winter (December-February) for three consecutive years starting June 2015. Upon capture each morning, we removed the animal from the trap and handled it in a mesh bag. We marked each new capture with a uniquely numbered Monel 1005-1 ear tag (National Band and Tag Co, Newport, Kentucky, USA). We recorded the tag number, age, sex, weight, reproductive status, and body, tail, and foot length for each capture. We released all rodents at their place of capture immediately following processing. Trapping and handling procedures conformed to guidelines established by the American Society of Mammalogists (Sikes et al. 2016) and were approved by the University of Florida’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (study #201508922).
2.4. Vegetation
To link occurrence dynamics of Sanibel Island rice rats with variability in vegetation, we surveyed sand cordgrass cover and mangrove abundance each summer (n = 3) at 9 trapping points per site (Fig. 2) on buttonwood and sand cordgrass grids (n = 36) to account for annual change in these dynamic sites. We conducted identical vegetation surveys on mangrove grids (n = 18), but only during the first summer because visual inspection revealed negligible vegetation change between summers. To estimate percent cover of sand cordgrass within a 0.25-m2 quadrat at each trapping point we used a seven-class version (Bailey and Poulton 1968) of Daubenmire’s (1959) cover-classification scale. To estimate mangrove abundance, we counted mangrove stems within a 4-m2 quadrat around the nine trapping points. We averaged vegetation variables for all nine points at each site to create a single measurement for each variable of interest at each site.
We remotely sensed shrub cover in 0.44-ha circular polygons (75-m diameter) at each site in ArcGIS using the classified 2015 aerial imagery data layer created above. We discarded shrub cover calculations from sites dominated by mangrove or upland tropical hammock vegetation (n = 27) as these areas are naturally dominated by woody vegetation. Instead, we inserted the mean shrub cover value from the remotely sensed sites (n = 27) in place of the discarded shrub cover calculations to avoid positively or negatively skewing the data distribution. We classified all woody vegetation as shrubs. We selected a scale of 75-m because it captured the extent of our grids (5 x 5, 15-m spacing). We chose this grid scale because it provided fine-scale inference regarding Sanibel Island rice rat occurrence.
2.5. Inundation
To determine if, like other marsh rice rats (Garrie et al. 2016), the Sanibel Island rice rat’s seasonal dynamics were influenced by measures of relative inundation such as rainfall and elevation, we obtained rainfall data for Sanibel Island from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. We then calculated the cumulative rainfall total for the three months before the midpoint of each field season (summer = July 15; winter = January 15). Therefore, rainfall totals varied between field seasons but not between sites. We measured average elevation within a 75-m diameter buffer centered around each site in ArcGIS to determine if elevation, used as an inverse measure of inundation potential or water depth, was associated with Sanibel Island rice rat occurrence dynamics. We calculated average elevation using publicly available LiDAR data (South Florida Water Management District) with > 0.01-m resolution by averaging the elevation of all 3.05 x 3.05-m pixels contained within the 75-m diameter buffer.
2.6. Statistical analysis
We investigated the relationship among vegetation, inundation metrics, and Sanibel Island rice rat occurrence using a Bayesian occupancy modeling approach that accounted for imperfect detection (MacKenzie 2006; Royle and Dorazio 2008). This flexible and robust Bayesian approach permitted the use of data with sparse detections (Royle and Dorazio 2008). We standardized covariates so their mean was zero. We recorded a binary measure of detection (observed = 1, not observed = 0) for Sanibel Island rice rats cumulatively for 25-trap grids at each site (n = 54) for each trap day (days 1-4) during each survey. We included survey number (1-6) as a random effect to account for the lack of independence associated with sampling the same sites during multiple surveys (Kéry and Schaub 2012). We first investigated if trap day or season (summer = 1, winter = 0) accounted for variable detection and included significant predictors in subsequent analysis (MacKenzie et al. 2006). We then built single-variable (sand cordgrass cover, shrub cover, mangrove abundance, and elevation) models modifying occupancy to avoid (1) issues associated with variable collinearity (Graham 2003) and (2) phantom interactions (Jones and Peery 2019) resulting from the back-transformation of parameter estimates from additive and interactive effects models. We calculated the posterior distributions of each parameter using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) implemented in JAGS (v4.2.0) via program R (v3.4.2, R Core Team 2017) using the R2jags package (Plummer 2011). We used uninformative (uniform) priors (Gelman et al., 1995; Gilks et al., 1996) and for each model generated three chains of 250,000 iterations with a burn-in of 50,000 iterations and a thinning rate of 10. We assessed model convergence by visually inspecting trace plots and using the Gelman-Rubin diagnostic (Rhat), where convergence was reached when Rhat < 1.1 (Gelman and Hill, 2007). We considered covariates significant when their 95% Bayesian credibility interval (CRI) was not inclusive of zero.
Although our Bayesian models provided insight into Sanibel Island rice rat occurrence, we were also interested in temporal patterns of colonization and extinction. To understand how occupancy dynamics were associated with vegetation, rainfall, and inundation potential we modeled change in Sanibel Island rice rat occurrence between surveys (n = 6) using a dynamic occupancy modeling approach implemented in program R using the unmarked package (Fiske and Chandler 2011). This approach accounted for imperfect detection when modeling Sanibel Island rice rat colonization (γ) and extinction (ε; MacKenzie et al. 2003; MacKenzie 2006; Royle and Dorazio 2008). Based on our previous model, we included relevant predictors of Sanibel Island rice rat detection (MacKenzie et al. 2006). We modeled initial occupancy singularly within each model with the relevant predictors of occupancy from the previous analysis. Then we modeled the influence of vegetation and inundation potential (sand cordgrass cover, shrub cover, mangrove abundance, three month rainfall total, and elevation) on colonization or extinction with each of the three initial occupancy covariates (sand cordgrass cover, shrub cover, and elevation), yielding 15 colonization and 15 extinction models. We then tested three null models that just included one covariate (either sand cordgrass, shrub cover, or elevation) on initial occupancy. We ranked these 18 models separately for colonization and extinction analyses using Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC). We considered models with ∆AIC < 2 to be competing models (Akaike 1973; Burnham and Anderson 2002). We considered covariates in competing models with model averaged 95% confidence intervals not intersecting zero to be important predictors of Sanibel Island rice rat colonization or extinction.