Modelling framework
We developed an energy-economy-climate model by hard-linking GET7.1 with the reduced-complexity carbon-cycle, atmospheric chemistry and climate model ACC2. GET7.0 is a bottom-up, cost-minimising energy system model, with a focus on energy supply and transformation. GET7.1 derives from GET7.0 with updated techno-economic parameters, and a price-responsive energy demand, that follows the SSP2 baseline50. The GET-ACC2 approach allows to assess least-cost emission pathways directly considering the temperature target (and not a carbon budget target) with a detailed representation of the energy system. Such a feature is important for an analysis under overshoot pathways involving several different greenhouse gases and EW as a CDR option, where the carbon budget approach may not necessarily work.
The coupled model produces internally consistent social-surplus maximising pathways to meet a reference energy demand in five end-use sectors (transportation, electricity, heat for industrial processes, space heat and industrial feedstocks), with perfect foresight, while respecting a given climate target as well as resource constraint for a range of primary energy source (oil, gas, coal, uranium, wind power, solar power, biomass, hydropower). Figure 1 shows the structure of the model. Primary energy is transformed into secondary and then final energy through investments and operations in order to satisfy a demand-supply equilibrium. CCS can abate emissions from fossil fuel power plants, or directly remove CO2 from the atmosphere if combined with bioenergy (BECCS). The maximum achievable carbon capture by BECCS is limited by the deployment of carbon storage infrastructures, and bioenergy supply, as BECCS are competing with other bioenergy uses. GET-ACC2 does not explicitly model land-use: the primary bioenergy supply is exogenously limited to 50 EJ in 2020 and to 260 EJ per year in 2100 following a supply curve (see SI.3). The growth rates of energy conversion technologies and CO2 storage are limited under assumed upper bounds. There is no constraint on emission levels reduction rate as long as the energy demand is met. Since energy demand is price-responsive, stringent climate targets are achievable in an optimization model sense. The energy module has a 10-year timestep, while ACC2 has an annual resolution.
The CH4, N2O and net energy-related CO2 emissions calculated from GET7.1 are transferred to ACC2 for temperature calculations. The temperature calculations also use exogenous non-energy and other greenhouse gases and pollutants emissions, which are assumed to follow SSP1-1.9 and SSP1-2.6 for the 1.5°C and 2°C target cases, respectively. In ACC2, a box model represents oceanic and terrestrial carbon cycles. The ocean CO2 uptake is represented by a four-layer box model, the uppermost representing the atmosphere and ocean mixed layer and the others the ocean’s inorganic carbon storage capacity, and the land CO2 uptake model consists of four reservoirs connected with the atmosphere. The atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases respond dynamically to their emissions and removals e.g. chemical sinks. The resulting radiative forcing is an input to a heat diffusion model, which further calculates the global temperature. The temperature change in turn affects the carbon cycle through soil respiration and ocean-atmosphere carbon flux. ACC2 is comprehensively described in ref27.
Enhanced weathering module: Basalt supply
The enhanced weathering module has two main components: the basalt dust supply and the biogeochemical module calculating the removal rate of CO2. The costs and energy requirements of basalt supply are integrated in GET. We followed ref.14 for the parameterisation of the extraction, grinding and tractor application costs. The electricity for grinding basalt is 0.2 EJ/Gt (central value) and ranges from 0.02 to 0.6 EJ/Gt in the uncertainty analysis. Tractors used to spread basalt in agricultural fields and mining machinery were assumed to use petroleum products 49. The energy requirements of transport from mines to application areas are based on ref.9 and increase the energy demand in each transport subsector (road, train or water freight). Transport modes are substitutable but an assumed minimum share (70–90%) must be transported on the road. The transport distance for basalt applied on croplands follows ref.14, the mean distance for the basalt applied on forest areas ranges from 350 to 550 km. It was estimated by comparing a map of basalt resources52, airports and suitable application sites (see SI.1). A share of the basalt spread on forests is assumed to be applied with aircrafts (70%-90%), since 80% of the global surface is more than 1 km away from the nearest road53. This share can be expected to decline in the future, with the expansion of new roads53. On the other hand, applying basalt on forests by means of land transport can be challenging, even when a road is available. This share depends on the development of roads and on the share of forests that tractors can penetrate. Aerial application is likely to be more expensive and energy intensive than land-based alternatives. If the share of aircraft use were lower, the energy consumption would also be lower, and basalt application could become higher in a cost-optimisation model. Assuming a large part of aerial spraying is therefore pessimistic as far as costs are concerned.
Enhanced weathering module: Airborne basalt application
We considered that small agricultural aeroplanes such as the AirTractor 802 (AT802), which can be equipped with a dust spreader, could be used to spread basalt dust. This kind of aircraft is commonly used to spread limestone54–56 although issues with rock discharge have been reported, due to the wide range of the particle size distribution54. Details of rock dust discharge are beyond the scope of this analysis, and more research would be needed on how to spread large quantities of basalt dust by air. An AT802 burns 330 litres of kerosene per hour, flies at 306 km/h, can carry 4.3t of rocks (we assume that rock dust can be spread without mixing it with water) and costs USD 1.8 million. Using an open-source map of airports, we estimate that the mean distance per flight ranges between 160 and 240 km. If one adds 10 minutes for spreading and landing operations, the average flight should last between 41 and 57 minutes. This represents an energy use of 1.8 to 2.5GJ/trock. Assuming 20 minutes of ground operations per flight, 10 hours of use per day, five days out of seven, the capacity cost for spreading one ton per year is 170–214$. We do not consider the non-CO2 climate effect of aerial application57, nor those of diesel combustion58.
Enhanced weathering module: ORCHIDEE emulator
The biogeochemical module is an emulator of the response of net primary productivity (NPP) to phosphorus fertilisation induced by the dissolution of phosphorus-rich basalt dust, as simulated by the land surface model ORCHIDEE-CNP model. Tailored simulations in which basalt dust is applied on all ice-free non-agricultural land in the year 2018 were used for the calibration. Once applied to soils, basalt is assumed to have a constant dissolution rate, referred to in this study as the weathering rate. This simplistic approach reflects current understanding and data availability to parameterize weathering rates, and does not account for certain phenomena, such as the reduction of reactive surface over time, as well as the soils, plants and hydrological processes that can potentially influence weathering. More detailed models that account for some of these processes have been proposed 12,59; however, many processes are not yet well quantified, and consequently the weathering rates 45,48.
Here, the stock of basalt in soils B [Gt] increases with the supply \({S}_{B}\)[Gt]. The dissolution of basalt follows a law of decay, parameterized with the weathering rate \({w}_{r}\) [year− 1] (E.1).
As we assume that the grain size is 20µm, a range of 1%-25% per year is assumed for \({w}_{r}\). The high end is the global average weathering rate used in ORCHIDEE-CNP, where the pixel-level values are based on ref14 and on temperatures at a given model pixel. The low end follows ref43, which assumes similar grain size, temperature and pH as in ref14, but a lower dissolution rate per unit of specific surface area, and a lower specific surface area than in ref14. However, this uncertainty range is small compared to the 5–95% range in ref14, which varies the weathering rate by a factor of a thousand, and is solely based on rates estimated in idealised lab incubation experiments which might differ from the ones in actual soil environments
Geochemical CO2 capture happens when basalt dissolves: the released base cations (calcium potassium, natrium, and magnesium) are transferred to surface waters, where they are charge-balanced by the formation of bicarbonate ions20. The capture rate pB depends on the assumed concentration of these elements in rock material, and ranges between 0.24 and 0.37 tCO2 /trock. In GET-ACC2, the geochemical capture GCO2 is assumed to be instantaneous and controlled by equation (E.2), but it should be noted that these values are not necessarily reached before minerals are leached to the ocean, and that the actual rate of in situ capture depends on local freshwater pH and alkalinity60.
Land carbon cycle
The land carbon cycle component of ACC2 interacts with the enhanced weathering module. It consists of four carbon pools \({C}_{i}\) [Gt], with different turnover rates, which exchange carbon with the atmosphere. The inflow is the net primary production of the terrestrial biosphere: its magnitude is assumed to depend on the atmospheric CO2 concentration and (to a lesser extent) on the global temperature change \(\varDelta T\). The outflow is the heterotrophic respiration (HR) (E.3b): it is proportional to the quantity of carbon in each pool and to their turnover rate \(\frac{1}{{\tau }_{i}\left(\varDelta T\right)}\) [year− 1], which increases with land surface temperature. The apparent NPP is thus the sum of the temperature-dependent NPP (NPPclimate), plus the CO2 fertilisation effect FCO2 (E.3a). The net land sink is thus the difference between the NPP and the heterotrophic respiration, and is zero at equilibrium (E.3c) (i.e. a quasi-steady state assumption at preindustrial). Note that land use CO2 emissions are treated separately and do not directly influence the land biomass as typically assumed in many simple climate and carbon cycle models.
$${\varSigma }_{i\in pools}{{NPP}_{i}}^{climate}\left(\varDelta T\right)+{{F}_{i}}^{C{O}_{2}}=NP{P}^{climate}\left(\varDelta T\right)+{F}^{C{O}_{2}}\left(\varDelta C{O}_{2}\right)$$
$$H{R}_{i}\left(t\right)=\frac{{C}_{i}\left(t\right)}{{\tau }_{i}\left(\varDelta T\right)}$$
Increase of the land carbon sink
The dissolution of basalt releases phosphorus which is available for plant uptake, leading to an increase in the NPP by a fraction \(\delta NPP\left(t\right)\). In the extreme case where 50 kg/m2 of basalt dust are applied on all forests worldwide, global NPP over the next 40 years is 4.4 GtC/year higher on average than without basalt application, based on the results of ORCHIDEE-CNP (Daniel Goll, unpublished). The assumed phosphorus content in basalt is 0.161%-weight, thus 50 kg/m2 on 41Mkm2 would supply 70 times the current global use of phosphorus as a fertiliser.
Global NPP is higher in ACC2 than in ORCHIDEE. Therefore, in order to replicate the magnitude of the increase in NPP from ORCHIDEE, we scale the increase in NPP by the ratio of preindustrial NPP in ACC2 and the NPP in ORCHIDEE for the year 2018 (E.4). The CO2 fertilisation term FCO2 is not affected by phosphorus from basalt as it was calibrated based on predictions of models which omit nutrient constraints on the CO2 fertilisation effect27 and thus reflects an upper boundary of the stimulation of NPP by increasing CO261 which cannot be further enhanced by phosphorus additions. .
We limit basalt application to forest ecosystems, where the stimulation of NPP results in substantially more carbon sequestered for multiple decades compared to grasslands in simulations by ORCHIDEE-CNP.
$$NP{P}_{i}\left(t\right)=NP{{P}_{i}}^{climate}\left(\varDelta T\right)(1+\frac{NP{P}_{}^{ORCHIDEE-CNP}\left(2018\right)}{{\varSigma }_{i\in pools}NP{P}_{i}^{climate}} \delta NPP\left(t\right))+{{F}_{i}}^{C{O}_{2}}\left(t\right)$$
The increase in the NPP is followed by the increase of heterotrophic respiration, which releases a part of the sequestered carbon following the decay rate constant (E.3b). Our phosphorus cycle emulator quantifies \(\delta NPP\), the fractional increase of NPP following basalt application: \(\delta NPP=\frac{NP{P}_{EW}}{NP{P}_{Baseline}}-1\).
In the spatially explicit land surface model ORCHIDEE-CNP, the increase of NPP due to phosphorus release depends on the soil, biome and climate and saturates with increasing basalt additions. Since there is no spatial resolution in GET-ACC2, we express \(\delta NPP\) as the function of two unidimensional variables: the area of basalt application aB [Mkm− 2], and the rock application rate cB. The variable aB is defined by ranking the application pixels according to their NPP stimulation from high to low. A multiplicative function of the area of application \({a}_{B}\) [Mkm2] and rock application rate \({c}_{B}\)[Gt.Mkm− 2] is used to fit the mean NPP response during the forty years that follow basalt application, \(\stackrel{̄}{\delta NPP}\) (E.5, Fig. S5).
$$\stackrel{̄}{\delta NPP}={\stackrel{̄}{\delta NPP}}_{max}\left(1-{e}^{-\alpha {c}_{B}}\right)\left(1-{e}^{-\gamma {a}_{B}}\right)$$
This analytical form, which was chosen to fit the ORCHIDEE-CNP predictions for the forest biome, allows to minimise any cost function that would depend on the surface and rock concentration. Here, we assume that the first-order costs are proportional to \({B}_{0}={a}_{B}{\cdot c}_{B}\) [Gt] (the total mass of basalt applied). The emulator is based on the following assumptions: the increase in NPP responds to the increase \({\delta c}_{P}\) in soil phosphorus concentration [Gt.Mkm−2], which is proportional to the application rate of basalt, and decreases over time (E.6). For simplicity, the surface of basalt application on forest areas does not evolve with time, although this is not cost-optimal.
$$\delta NPP\left(t\right)=\delta NP{P}_{max}\left(1-{e}^{-\alpha {\delta c}_{P}\left(t\right)}\right)\left(1-{e}^{-\gamma {a}_{B}}\right)$$
The dynamic evolution of the soil phosphorus concentration \({\delta c}_{P}\) is designed to reproduce the results of ORCHIDEE-CNP. It is modelled with an auxiliary pool of phosphorus which is unavailable to plants, exchanges phosphorus with the soil concentration with a turnover time \({\tau }_{e}\), and is leached to inland waters with a time \({\tau }_{l}\).
$$\frac{d\delta {c}_{P}}{dt}=\frac{\lambda {w}_{r}B}{{a}_{B}}-\frac{{\delta c}_{P}}{{\tau }_{e}}+\frac{{\delta u}_{P}}{{\tau }_{e}}$$
$$\frac{d{u}_{P}}{dt}=\frac{{\delta c}_{P}}{{\tau }_{e}}-\frac{\delta {r}_{P}}{{\tau }_{e}}-\frac{\delta {u}_{P}}{{\tau }_{l}}$$
The comparison with ORCHIDEE-CNP data (Fig S.5, Fig S.7) shows that the stimulation of NPP by basalt addition is generally slightly underestimated by the emulator.
Uncertainty analysis
To assess the sensitivity of our results to the uncertainty of parameters, we apply a double uncertainty analysis.
Quasi Monte-Carlo
First, we use a quasi-Monte Carlo sampling method to derive the distribution of outputs from the distributions of parameters. A Quasi Monte Carlo method is similar to a Monte Carlo method but uses quasi-random sampling instead of random sampling to minimise errors. The Latin Hypercube Sampling method is used. On the supply side, we vary the costs and efficiency of new technologies, as well as their maximum diffusion speed and rates. The climate model uncertainty is also quantified by varying the equilibrium climate sensitivity30. More details about the parameters assessed, as well as their distribution, are described in SI.2.
Morris method
Second, we apply the Morris screening method40,41,62 to quantify the influence of each parameter on the outputs. Let \(X=\{{x}_{1},\dots ,{x}_{m}\}\) be a vector of parameters which are normalised to [0,1], \(Y=f\left(X\right)\) the output. A trajectory T is initiated by choosing an initial point\({X}_{0}^{t}\) in \({\left[\frac{1}{2*N-1},\frac{2}{2*N-1}, ...,\frac{2N-1}{2\left(2N-1\right)}\right]}^{m}\), and then iteratively increasing each parameter i by \(\frac{N}{\left(2N-1\right)}\) in a random order \({\{P}^{t}{\left(i\right)\}}_{i\in [1,p]}\) where \({P}^{t}\) is a permutation, to obtain T={\({X}_{0}^{t}, {X}_{1}^{t}\dots {X}_{m}^{t}\)}. Computing the output along this trajectory yields the elementary effects for each parameter i: \({d}_{i}^{t}=f({X}_{\sigma \left(i\right)}^{t}\))-\(f\left({X}_{\sigma \left(i\right)-1}^{t}\right)=f\left({x}_{1},\dots {x}_{i}+\varDelta \dots {x}_{m}\right)-f({x}_{1},\dots {x}_{m})\). We produce N=20 trajectories. The means \({\mu }_{i}\) of the elementary effects, their standard deviation \({\sigma }_{i}\) and the mean of their absolute values \({\mu }_{i}^{*}\) give useful information about the influence of these parameters.
Initial points are sampled following a Latin Hypercube method, and trajectories are chosen to maximise their dispersion and thus their coverage of the parameters space, following ref.41, but we improve the sampling strategy by changing the dispersion measure: we maximise the sum over all parameters of the Euclidean pairwise distances of all the points used to compute elementary effects of this parameter. Additionally, we use a simulated-annealing algorithm instead of their brute force approach, which greatly reduces the computational burden (more details in SI.2).