2.1 Introduction
It is clear that to avoid 1.5°C degrees of warming, Carbon Dioxide Removal(CDR) must be a part of the solution, with the majority of mitigation pathways within the most recent IPCC Assessment Report requiring some level of the technology, in addition to renewable energy, with a median of 665 Gt to be removed from the atmosphere before 2100 (IPCC, 2022).
The purpose of this paper is to independently assess the potential for a specific microalgae-based Carbon Dioxide Removal system created by the company Brilliant Planet.
2.2 Literature Review
Various technologies and methods are currently being developed for carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS). Around 35 operational commercial facilities utilise CCUS for CDR in industrial and energy applications, and an additional 300 projects are currently in various stages of development. (IEA, 2022).
These companies can be divided into two types, those using technology to re-utilise CO2 as a valuable product (such as fuels, olefins, methanol, BTX aromatics, and urea (European et al., 2022)) and those producing a product that locks up the carbon for more extended periods, ranging from decades (polymers) to hundreds or thousands of years (carbonated storage or building materials). Both approaches have merit, as the valuable products displace the existing fossil fuel supply chain for these products, whereas the longer terms storage locks the CO2 away from the atmosphere. These technologies can also be split between those which capture CO2 from industrial sources (such as cement works or coal-fired thermal power stations) or those that take from the ecosystem (be it Direct Air Capture (DAC), weathering, or the oceans). Furthermore, Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) involves the production of organic material (such as wood) and then capturing the CO2 when it is used (such as in a biomass-fired thermal power station). Methods for this capture include pyrolysis and the spreading of biochar.
A significant example of valuable products is Carbon Recycling International, which produces methanol in various countries, branded as Vulcanol when produced in Iceland. The Icelandic facility is of particular interest, as it captures CO2 emitted from volcanic activity via a geothermal power plant, hence can be considered a type of Direct Air Capture (admittedly from a natural point source)(Wang et al., 2020).
Looking at biological systems, LanzaTech utilises a system producing the bacterium Clostridium autoethanogenum to produce ethanol from waste-gas streams (Handler, Shonnard, Griffing, Lai, & Palou-Rivera, 2016). LanzaTech’s system near Tianjin in China began operating in 2018 (Peplow, 2022).
Carbon Clean Solutions’ captures CO2 emissions from industrial processes, such as power plants and cement factories, via a solvents-based process. Some installations of the technology are used for pure storage of CO2, whilst others are for re-utilising the CO2 within valuable products. As of October 2022, the company claims to have removed over 1.7Mt of carbon from 49 facilities globally("Carbon Clearn Technologies," 2023).
Carbon8 utilises Accelerated Carbonation Technology (ACT) to produce materials for the construction industry, such as aggregates. The feedstock for the Carbon8 process is industrial process waste (Hills, Tripathi, & Carey, 2021). The building material is known as CircaBuild, and the company has diversified into CCU with the production of fertiliser, CircaGrow ("Carbon8," 2022). A similar approach is taken by Blue Planet, who have pilot plants in California ("Blue Planet," 2023).
Enhanced weathering, another carbonisation-based process, is a solution some companies promote in which crushed basalt is applied to cropland. This was shown by (Buckingham, Henderson, Holdship, & Renforth, 2022) to have the potential to remove 1.3 ± 0.1 MtCO2 yr−1 through application to UK farmland. The article showed experiments suggest enhanced weathering functions slower than expected by proponents and suggested further research is required before large-scale deployment. Work by {Kelland, 2020 #189} shows the positive impact that crushed basalt can have on crop yields, and reductions in fertiliser, whilst a strong LCA of enhanced weathering was undertaken by {Lefebvre, 2019 #187}.
Moving to pure DAC systems, Carbon Engineering operates a DAC pilot plant which has been in operation since 2015, capturing CO2 using an air contactor and then utilising a carbonisation process. However, this captured CO2 is used for Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR).
Climeworks’ direct air capture technology is particularly interesting. It works by extracting CO2 via an air filter, after which the CO2 is compressed into a liquid pumped underground into basalt caverns, which reacts in a carbonisation process. Climeworks’ first commercial plant, Orca, opened in 2021 in Iceland, with a capacity of 4000t year("Climeworks," 2023; Deutz & Bardow, 2021).
Whilst a range of demonstration, pilot, and commercial units operate globally, these are sequestering a small amount of the 665 Gt target for 2100. According to (IEA, 2022), the current pipeline of projects will be absorbing 220 Mt CO2 per year by 2030. This is 3% of what is required per year. Therefore, the existing technologies need greater deployment, and as a society, we need to increase the range of carbon capture systems operating.
2.3 The Brilliant Planet System
The ocean is a sink for ~25% of the atmospheric CO2 emitted by human activities, more than two petagrams of carbon per year (Watson et al., 2020). This absorption is predicted to slow after 2080 (Chikamoto & DiNezio, 2021) whilst remaining significant. Other factors, such as an alkalinity-climate feedback loop within the ocean, could amplify climate change in later centuries (Chikamoto, DiNezio, & Lovenduski, 2023). Based on this, the ocean is not only an option for CDR technologies; if done at the correct scale, this could impact feedback cycles.
The BPS takes nutrient-rich seawater from the Atlantic Ocean to feed a raceway system where Skeletonema pseudocostatum (a chain-forming diatom) is grown. The microalgae are then harvested, spray-dried, and buried. A three-hectare demonstrator for the technology, covering three hectares, is operational close to the town of Akhfennir, Morocco and has been operating in the field for more than five years. In terms of the stability of buried biomass, several as-yet unpublished experiments have shown the stability of the buried biomass, meaning that a >1,000-year residence time without significant degradation can be expected. A basic diagram of the BPS is provided in Figure 1.
A vital element of judging any carbon capture system is understanding the balance between the CO2 emissions through construction and operation and the CO2 the system captures. A Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) must be conducted to do this. This is a methodology to understand the full impacts within a set boundary condition. Typically, LCAs should all follow ISO 14040(International Organization for Standardization, 2006a) and 14044(International Organization for Standardization, 2006b). However, these standards allow for a wide range of freedom in terms of the methodological choices made, and thus this leads to many LCAs being incomparable. There have been attempts to create methodologies that tighten the ISO standards for particular products. The LCA4CCU document(European et al., 2022), written for the European Commission, is particularly relevant for this work. Older work on harmonising microalgae LCAs includes (Bradley, Maga, & Antón, 2015); however, this is outdated, and new harmonisations should be made.
The LCA followed the standard four ISO stages.
- Goal and Scope – this is the methodology and within this paper's Methods part.
- Life Cycle Inventory – this is the data, and hence within the supplementary materials of this paper, and should allow any independent researcher to replicate the results of this article.
- Life Cycle Impact Assessment – the modelling of the system, utilising the LCI.
- Interpretation – this is the results, discussion, and conclusion within this article.
After an initial analysis, it was shown electricity was a significant source of operational impacts; hence, various scenarios were run considering different energy sources. These same models showed nutrients as the second largest operational source of impact. Furthermore, this initial analysis showed two construction-related decarbonisation options, 1) replacing the HDPE within the intake pipe with a lower carbon material and 2) replacing the GFRP in the ponds. From this initial analysis, six scenarios were made; these are described in Table 1.
The three options for electricity are:
- Moroccan electricity grid – based on an existing Ecoinvent 3.8 model.
- Solar Farm – based on a model created using data from (Müller et al., 2021).
- Wind Farm – based on existing Ecoinvent 3.8 models for Portugal.
The “a” scenarios represent the system without other changes beyond electricity, whereas the “b” scenarios represent improved nutrients, HDPE and GFRP.
Table 1: The six scenarios modelled for the Brilliant Planet system.
Electricity Source
Carbon saving measures
Moroccan electricity grid
Scenario 1a
Scenario 1b
Solar Farm
Scenario 2a
Scenario 2b
Wind Farm
Scenario 3a
Scenario 3b
The data for these scenarios are within the Supplementary Materials, which should allow the reader to replicate these models using a methodology similar to that within the Methods section of this article.