It is known that VCD, which refers to the impaired ability to visually perceive and construct complex visual-spatial designs or tasks, is a known characteristic of aging-related neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease [22]. The occurrence of this symptom in the young adults enrolled in this study is noteworthy. It suggests the possibility that individuals who experience mild COVID-19 may be at a higher risk of developing severe conditions associated with neurodegeneration. Furthermore, the high prevalence (57%) of persistent VCD 6 to 12 months after the initial diagnosis is a cause for concern.
Of the 11 plasma inflammatory and growth factors previously associated with VCD in long COVID [4], only CCL11 and LIF displayed persistent upregulation in leukocytes from individuals with continued impairment. This upregulation was observed in comparison to individuals who did not develop the deficit following mild COVID-19 and those who recovered within 6 to 12 months after the initial diagnosis of VCD. CCL11, a chemokine also known as eotaxin-1, has been implicated in neuroinflammation, neurogenesis inhibition, and cognitive decline in aging, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer's disease [reviewed in: 23]. Recent findings have revealed CCL11 to be a critical biomarker of long-term brain damage in a mouse model of mild COVID-19 [24]. One of the primary mechanisms postulated to underlie the neurodegenerative effects of CCL11 in long COVID involves the activation of hippocampal microglia, leading to diminished neurogenesis and the deterioration of myelinated subcortical axons [23]. Additionally, LIF, a multifunctional cytokine, has been identified as a regulator of neuronal phenotype and a coordinator of glial and inflammatory cell responses in the CNS [reviewed in: 25, 26]. Moreover, the LIF protein has been shown to increase the transcription of HGF, which encodes an important neuroprotective molecule [27]. Nonetheless, the specific role of LIF in the CNS during long COVID remains to be further elucidated.
No significant increase in the levels of CCL2, CSF2, CXCL10, HGF, IL10, IL1RA, or IL6 was observed in leukocytes from individuals with persistent VCD during the follow-up. However, it is unclear whether the reduction of some of these molecules before the resolution of the impairment is beneficial. HGF is a potent neurotrophic factor that promotes neurogenesis and has been shown to have neuroprotective effects in neurodegenerative diseases [reviewed in: 28]. IL-10 is an anti-inflammatory cytokine that negatively regulates the immune response, reduces inflammation, and protects against neuroinflammatory processes associated with neurodegenerative diseases [reviewed in: 29]. IL-1RA dampens the pro-inflammatory effects of IL-1, preventing excessive inflammation and mitigating neuroinflammatory processes associated with neurological disorders [reviewed in: 30]. These findings indicate an orchestrated decline in the neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory response in individuals with persistent VCD.
Vitamin B12, recognized for its neuroprotective properties, plays a crucial role in regulating gene expression through its involvement in methyl-dependent epigenetic mechanisms, including DNA and histone methylation [31]. Incubating peripheral whole blood cultures with vitamin B12 resulted in the normalization of CCL11 expression in leukocytes from individuals with persistent VCD (Fig. 2). Notably, B12 supplementation increased the transcription of HGF and decreased the expression of CSF2 and CXCL10 in leukocytes from impaired individuals. CSF2 and CXCL10 are pro-inflammatory proteins implicated in neurodegenerative diseases [32–34]. Altogether, these findings suggest a potential beneficial effect of vitamin B12 in reducing neuroinflammation and promoting neuroprotection in patients with persistent VCD long after experiencing mild acute COVID-19.
The absence of IL31 and NGF mRNA in leukocytes from the volunteers suggests that the proteins they encode, which were previously found to be elevated in the plasma samples of patients with VCD during the recruitment appointment four months after mild acute COVID-19 [4], might be primarily produced by other cell types [35–37].
Leukocytes from cultures of individuals with persistent VCD at endpoint A showed hypomethylation of three CpG sites in the promoter region of CCL11 when compared to the non-impaired group. This VCD-associated decrease in methylation levels of each DML was negatively correlated with the CCL11 expression level (Fig. 3). Indeed, the observed DML are located at predicted TFBS [38]. The transcription factors (TF) E2F7 (JASPAR ID: MA0758.1) and E2F8 (JASPAR ID: MA0865.2) can bind to the region encompassing the DML a (chr17: 34283605), while E2F6 (JASPAR ID: MA0471.2) and TFDP1 (JASPAR ID: MA1122.1) can bind to the complementary region of this DML in the minus strand. E2F6, E2F7, and E2F8 are members of the E2F family of TF, which play important roles in cell cycle regulation, cell proliferation, and survival. and gene expression [39]. TFDP1 heterodimerizes with E2F proteins to enhance their DNA-binding activity and promote transcription from E2F target genes [39]. Unfortunately, there is limited research specifically investigating the relationship between E2F6-8 and CCL11 transcription in the CNS context. Regarding DML b (chr17: 34283701), ZNF136 (JASPAR ID: MA1588.1) can bind to the complementary region in the minus strand, but there is no evidence of its action on CCL11 expression. NPAS4 (JASPAR ID: MA2042.1) can bind to the region containing the DML c (chr17: 34285656), and RARA::RXRA (JASPAR ID: MA0159.1) and RARA::RXRG (JASPAR ID: MA1149.1) to the complementary region of this locus. NPAS4 is a neuroprotective protein and acts as a TF, regulating the transcription of a diverse set of genes involved in synaptic plasticity, neurotransmission, and neuronal survival [40]. However, there is limited research on its specific interaction with CCL11. The RARA::RXRA and RARA::RXRG complexes are heterodimeric protein complexes formed by the retinoic acid receptor alpha (RARA) in conjunction with either retinoid X receptor alpha (RXRA) or retinoid X receptor gamma (RXRG) [41]. These complexes are involved in mediating the effects of retinoic acid signaling, which plays crucial roles in development, cell differentiation, and immune response [41]. Previous studies have demonstrated that the use of RXR partial agonists can reduce eosinophilic airway inflammation, a condition mediated, in part, by the chemoattractant activity of CCL11 [42]. RXR agonists are also effective in the treatment of some neuropathies, such as Alzheimer’s disease [43] and Parkinson’s disease in animal models [44]. While direct evidence linking the RARA::RXRA and RARA::RXRG complexes to CCL11 expression in the CNS is currently not well established, it is plausible to speculate that retinoic acid signaling through these complexes could inhibit CCL11 expression in specific brain conditions. Furthermore, the DML c is located in regulatory regions regulated by EZH2, CTCF, GPS2, and TCF21 in different cell types [45]. These TF act as epigenetic regulators of chromatin structure through interactions with histone modifiers, chromatin remodeling complexes, transcriptional regulators, and/or DNA methylation machinery that modulate gene expression. It is reasonable to assume that changes in CpG methylation levels in this region may reflect on the epigenetic landscape, possibly favoring the expression of CCL11. Overall, this significant discovery highlights the potential of using CpG methylation patterns as diagnostic biomarkers for neurodegenerative conditions characterized by CCL11 upregulation.
The hypothesis that B12 could modulate CCL11 expression during persistent VCD via methyl-dependent epigenetic mechanisms was confirmed by the hypermethylation of DML a and c located in the promoter region of CCL11 in leukocytes from cultures of impaired individuals incubated with the vitamin. These two DML were initially identified as being hypomethylated in the context of the disease. The B12-induced increment in methylation levels of each of these DML negatively correlated with the CCL11 expression level (Fig. 3). These findings provide compelling evidence for the role of epigenetic regulation of CCL11 and suggest that supplemental B12 has potential as an epidrug to treat neurodegenerative conditions associated with aberrant CCL11 expression.