Study area
This study was conducted in the Afroalpine ecosystem of the Bale Mountains National Park in South-Eastern Ethiopia (BMNP; 6.508–7.178N, 39.508–39.928E; Fig. 1) between December 2020 and February 2021. The Bale Mountains represent the largest area of Afroalpine vegetation over 3,000 m above sea level in Africa (Yalden 1983). Elevation in the Bale Mountains ranges between 1,500 and 4,377 m asl. The area experiences two rainy seasons, with lighter rains from March to June and heavy rainy season from July to October, and a dry season between November and February; mean annual rainfall is approximately 1,000 mm (Miehe and Miehe 1994). The lowest and maximum recorded temperature in the Bale Mountains is -15°C and 26 ºC, respectively (Miehe and Miehe 1994; BMNP 2017). The soils in the Bale Mountains are entirely volcanic in origin and mainly derived from the basaltic and trachytic parent rock, are fairly fertile silty loams of reddish-brown to black colour (Hillman 1986; Miehe and Miehe 1994). Vegetation types of the Bale Mountains’ Afroalpine ecosystem include open grassland, grassland dotted with Artemisia afra shrub, Helichrysum dwarf-scrub, Alchemilla meadow, Lobelia rhychopetalum, and wetlands, such as alpine lakes, rivers, swamps and seasonal wetland grasslands; Tallents 2007).
Similar to many other alpine ecosystems in Africa, more rapid ecosystem changes have been detected in the Bale Mountains over the past 40 years (Tallents 2007; Johansson and Granström 2014; BMNP 2017). Subsistence livestock farming is one main income for the people and number of livestock is estimated at 200–300 heads km− 2 (Vial et al. 2010). Reber et al. (2018) have recorded a total of 870 settlements in the Afroalpine zone of the Bale Mountains. A socio-economic survey conducted in 2013 showed 863 households, each having an average of four people, in the study area (BMNP, unpubl. data). For this study, we considered distance from settlement and livestock dung abundance as proxies for overall human activities. The Bale mountains also represent the world’s oldest known high-altitudinal residential site (Ossendorf et al. 2019) and the region is included in Conservation International’s Eastern Afro-Montane Biodiversity Hotspot, with the BMNP being recognized as the single most important conservation area in Ethiopia (BMNP 2017).
Giant root-rat and its disturbances
The giant root-rat (Tachyoryctes macrocephalus, Rüppell 1842), a subterranean rodent, is one of the several small mammal species restricted to the Afroalpine belt of the Bale Mountains (Yalden 1975). The species is restricted to < 1,000 km2 area at altitudes from 3,000 to 4,150 m above sea level (Šumbera et al. 2018), where it is the main prey of the endangered Ethiopian wolf (Canis simensis) and numerous raptor species, such as golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), lesser-spotted eagle (A. pomarina), tawny eagle (A. rapax), Verreaux's eagle (A. verreauxi) and augur buzzard (Buteo rufofuscus) (Sillero-Zubiri et al. 1995; Asefa 2007). The giant root-rat is a diurnal species and occurs with a density of 22–90 animals ha− 1 (Yalden 1985; Sillero-Zubiri et al. 1995; Tallents 2007).
Giant root-rats construct extensive large underground burrow systems. An individual root-rat burrow system extends up to 34 m, and branches into short tunnels that comprise nesting and food caching and defecation chambers (Beyene 1986; Sillero-Zubiri et al. 1995; Yaba et al. 2011). Giant root-rats produce three types of burrow marks: fresh burrows, old burrows, and mima mounds. Fresh burrows are easily distinguished from old burrows in that the former are freshly open or plugged holes that are currently active. However, root-rat old burrows are abandoned burrows, with holes open or plugged with weathered soil, partially or wholly covered by vegetation regrowth, and sometimes occupied by other small rodents. Mima mounds are rounded dome-shaped structures formed by continually burrowing activities of giant root-rats that measure up to 27 m in diameter and 1.5 m in height (Beyene 1986; Sillero-Zubiri et al. 1995; Cramer and Barger 2014; Šklíba et al. 2017; Wraase et al. 2023). Areas around root-rat mima mounds, which are giant root-rats’ favoured habitats, are characterized by the predominance of bare soil, as they eject soil from their burrow systems when excavating, and when plugging their burrow holes at night for thermoregulation (Yalden 1975). They also graze and gather vegetation for bedding around burrows, which further denudes the landscape (Beyene 1986; Yaba et al. 2011). As a result, giant root-rats have been known to cause changes in plant species diversity and composition (Tallents 2007; Šklíba et al. 2017; Asefa et al. 2022).
Data collection
Human activities, root-rat burrow density and plant species abundance
To examine the relationships between human settlement, livestock grazing, giant root-rat burrow density and plant functional traits, we systematically selected six study sites, between 5 to 20 km apart, spanning across the entire distribution range of the giant root-rat. At each site, we selected two adjacent settlements (3–5 km apart) that were known to be established 30 years ago (Hillman 1986; BMNP 2017). Starting at the centre of each settlement, we established three 1.5 km long transects at an angle of 80–120° (see the inset map on Fig. 1). Along each transect, we established six 25 m × 25 m plots at a distance of 250 m from each other. In total, there were 216 plots covering an area of 13.5 ha.
We undertook data collection in February and March of 2021. At each plot, we recorded (1) rodent engineering activities measured as fresh burrow density, old burrow density and presence-absence of mima mounds; (2) human activities measured as distance from settlement and abundance of livestock dung; and (3) plant species and species-specific cover.
We recorded plant species identity and species-specific cover data within two 10 m × 10 m subplots established at opposite corners of each plot. In each of these subplots, we identified all plants to species level, except grasses which were collectively recorded as a single morpho-species, and estimated, in 5% intervals, the cover of each species. For analyses on the plot level, we averaged cover values of each species obtained from the two subplots. Species occurring only in one plot, and grasses which were recorded as a single morphospecies were excluded from analysis. Thus, our data finally contained 61 species recorded across 216 plots.
Plant trait selection and data
Detecting significant associations between disturbance and functional traits depends on the list of examined traits (Westoby et al. 2002). Generally, a few traits, such as seed mass, leaf size and plant height, have been known to serve as surrogates for setting plant strategies related to the fundamental processes of plant life, i.e., dispersal, establishment, and persistence (Grime 2001; Westoby et al. 2002). As such, we selected six plant traits which are known to have ecological functions related to resource use and acquisition, growth, survival and reproduction and thus influence species responses to environmental changes caused by biotic disturbances (Díaz et al. 2016). These traits were: 1) adult plant maximum height (cm), 2) leaf area (mm2), 3) stem shoot growth form, three categories: acaulescent (without aboveground stem), prostrate or erect, 4) dispersal mode, in three categories: seed alone, seed and rhizome and seed and stolones, 5) leaf nitrogen content (mg g − 1), and 6) seed mass (mg). Species-specific trait data are provided in Online Resource 1.
Adult plant height is a measure of whole plant size and indicates ability to pre-empt resources, and therefore outcompete them. It also relates to plant resistance to damages from herbivory and burrowing activities of subterranean rodents (Díaz et al. 2016). Stem shoot growth form can also be linked with plant mechanical strength and resistance to biotic filters (Chave et al. 2009). We extracted information on species-specific maximum plant height and stem shoot growth form from botanical descriptions provided in the flora of Ethiopia and Eritrea (full references are provided in the Online Resource 2).
Leaf area (LA), one-sided surface area of an individual lamina, is a measure of leaf size and is relevant for light interception and has important consequences for leaf energy and water balance (Schrader et al. 2021). For leaf area estimation, we extracted information on minimum and maximum sizes of leaf length (L) and leaf width (W) the leaf blade (i.e. excluding petioles), as well as information on leaf shape type, from the flora of Ethiopia and Eritrea (for full list of references see Online Resource 2). In the case of compound leaves, single leaflets were treated as analogous to simple leaves with the exception of highly dissected pinnae for which we used the entire pinnae. Then, we estimated LA using Montemgory formula: Leaf area = cLW, where c is a correction factor to account for differences in leaf shape type among species (Schrader et al. 2021). We used c values, ranging between 0.55—0.79, reported by Schrader et al. (2021), as their analysis is based on global level datasets that encompass larger number of species and all of the ten leaf shape types we identified within our community samples (see Online Resource 2). In some cases, a species is characterized by having an intermediate shape between two shape types, e.g., elliptic to orbicular, in which case we used average values.
Leaf nitrogen mass is directly related to photosynthesis and respiration and reflects a trade-off between two different costs that increase with higher nitrogen (to acquire N, and potentially suffer more herbivory), on the one hand, and the greater photosynthetic potential that higher nitrogen allows, on the other hand (Díaz et al. 2016). For most species, we compiled data on leaf nitrogen content from the TRY Plant Trait Database30 (Kattge et al. 2022;, accessed 20 February 2023), and for the remaining species for which traits are not included in the TRY database we extracted from published literature.
Seed mass (mass of an individual seed plus any additional structures that assist dispersal and do not easily detach) indexes species along a dimension describing the trade-off between seedling competitiveness and survival on the one hand, and dispersal and colonization ability on the other (Thompson et al. 1993). We compiled data on seed mass for all species from Seed Information Database (SER, INSR and RBGK 2023; Similarly, vegetative dispersal is an adaptation to resist to/recovery from herbivory damages and an adaptation strategy to compensate the erratic seed production and seedling establishment in alpine habitats (Choler 2005). We compiled information on vegetative dispersal from flora of Ethiopia and Eritrea (list of references are provided in the Online Resource 2).
Species names were standardized according to The World Flora Online database (; accessed April 2023), and each species and its synonyms, subspecies or local variety is represented by a single value for each trait. The number of observations per trait and species range from a single one to hundreds. Thus, we calculated the geometric mean of all the records of a trait compiled. All data were unit-standardized and subjected to error detection and quality control. Accordingly, we excluded trait records measured on juvenile plants and on plants grown under non-natural environmental conditions, duplicate trait records for the same species on a particular trait, and potential outliers – trait records with a distance of > 3 standard deviations from the mean of the species (Diaz et al. 2016). The remaining dataset was used to calculate species mean trait values.
Statistical analysis
To assess whether increased giant root-rat disturbance and human activities act as agents creating habitat heterogeneity and thus increasing functional divergence or as a habitat filters by decreasing community functional divergence, we calculated functional dispersion (FDis) based on principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) of a Hill-Smith dissimilarity matrix (FDis; Dray and Dufour 2007). FDis is the mean distance of each species to the centroid of all species in the community, weighted by its cover-abundance. Thus, a decrease in FDis means that community composition has shifted towards species that are more similar to each other, i.e. functional convergence, in response to increased disturbance. We used FDis because it is independent of species richness and takes into account species abundance; moreover, it can be used for multiple traits, as well as for continuous and categorical trait values (Dray and Dufour 2007). We calculated FDis using ade4 package (Dray and Dufour 2007).
To evaluate whether the observed FDis of traits in each plot was higher or lower than expected from a null model, we estimated the standardized effect size (SESFDis) using 9999 randomly generated null communities with an ‘independent swap’ algorithm (Gotelli 2000). SESFDis was calculated using the R package picante (Kembel et al. 2010) as the differences between the observed FDis and null FDis divided by the standard deviation (s.d.) of the null data; positive and negative SESFDis values indicate higher or lower functional divergence than the null expectation values, respectively (Gotelli, 2000; Kembel et al. 2010). In terms of assembly processes, positive SESFDis values are considered to be caused by competitive exclusion that limits functional similarity or by habitat heterogeneity that increases resources and thus reduces competition, negative SESFDis values by habitat filtering of functionally similar species, and values near zero indicates random distribution of traits or concurrent occurrence of competition or habitat heterogeneity and habitat filtering, off-setting their effects (Edwards et al. 2021). Thus, we tested whether mean SESFDis was significantly different from zero using t-test. To determine the relationship between SESFDis values with the giant root rat and human disturbances, we also performed regression analysis based on GLMMs using glmmTMB package (Brooks et al. 2017), by including transect nested within site as random component. We checked for multicollinearity among predictors using the ‘performance’ R package (Lüdecke 2021); this confirmed lack of collinearity problem (VIF ranged between 1.11–1.73). We also used diagnostic plots in the DHARMa R package (Hartig 2021) and confirmed that model assumptions were met.
To directly measure the link between species traits and environmental data, we used Dray and Legendre’s (2008) novel version of the fourth-corner analysis provided in the ade4 package (Dray and Dufour 2007). Accordingly, we first conducted separate ordinations of three tables: ordination of table L (species abundance), which was done by a correspondence analysis (CA); table R (disturbance variables), done by a hillsmith function with row weights of table L; and table Q (species traits), done by a hillsmith function with the column weights of table L (Dray and Dufour 2007; Dray and Legendre 2008). To evaluate the global, or their joint multivariate relationship, significance of the trait-environment relationships, we conducted RLQ analysis using outputs of the ordinations described above. The RLQ analysis is a three-tables co-inertia analysis that tends to maximize the covariance between the sample site scores constrained by the environmental variables of table R and the species scores constrained by the traits of table Q (Dray and Legendre 2008). Finally, we undertook the fourth-corner analysis. In the fourth-corner procedure, a matrix L with species abundances is related to a matrix R with variables describing the extent of giant root-rat and human disturbances at the sample plots and a matrix Q describing species traits (Dray and Dufour 2007). The environmental matrix (R) contained the three root-rat disturbance variables: presence/absence of mima mound, root-rat old burrow density and root-rat fresh burrow density, and the two human activities: distance from settlement and livestock grazing intensity. The trait matrix (Q) was composed of six species traits: three continuous variables – plant adult height, leaf area and leaf nitrogen content, and three categorical variables: stem growth form (acaulescent, erect, and prostrate), and mode of propagation (seed only, seed and rhizome, and seed and stolones). We used the permutation model 6, with 999 permutations (Dray and Legendre 2008), which permutes all species within an entire column and row of the L matrix to test the null hypotheses of the observed pattern would be different from random. To evaluate the global, or their joint multivariate relationship, significance of the traits-environment relationship we applied a multivariate test using fourthcorner2 function of the ade4 package. The significance of observed statistic was tested based on 999 Monte-Carlo permutations (Dray and Dufour 2007). To measure the strength and significance of the links between individual trait and environmental variable, we used a Pearson correlation coefficient for two quantitative variables, a Pearson Chi2 for two qualitative variables and a Pseudo-F for one quantitative variable and one qualitative variable (Dray and Dufour 2007). We conducted all analyses in the R environment (R Core Team 2020), and all R scripts used for analysis are provided in Online Resource 3.