In this section, we investigate the recent state-of-the-art sentiment analysis based on GNN techniques and have covered most of the impressive papers in this area. Also, we explain their strengths and weaknesses separately and show the results of each on different databases. As mentioned above GNNs have become widely graph analysis methods for NLP areas such as speech recognition (Alsobhani et al. 2021), text classification (Hu et al. 2019; Xie et al. 2021; Ma et al. 2021), and sentiment analysis (Niu et al. 2021; ). GNNs extract spatial features and unlike CNN can perform on non-Euclidean data in multi scales that these abilities lead to make expressive representation. Unlike the label propagation algorithm (LPA), which is a traditional graph-based algorithm (Goldberg and Zhu 2006), GNNs operate by several neural layers and transform, propagate, and aggregate attributes of nodes or edges; due to these features, they can be expressed best representation by a graph structure. This new area, known as geometric deep learning, has received enormous efforts based on it. Sentiment analysis is a classification problem that identifies and categorizes sentimental tone (positive, negative, or neutral) in a user's opinion in part of the text or based on specific aspects and in multimodal approaches can be expanded by visual type of data such as image and video (Yu et al. 2016; Liu et al. 2019b).
Sentiment analysis methods based on GNN usually operate by making a graph representation (e.g., Adjacency matrix or dependency tree) from the text that these representation techniques are different between various approaches; then GNN models apply for learning word embedding to predict sentiment polarity. For graph construction, most kinds of literature on sentiment analysis at the sentence level use a dependency tree for converting text to graph (Zhang et al. 2019a; Wang et al. 2020a). Furthermore, some approaches use syntactic and global lexical graphs (Zhang and Qian 2020; Liao et al. 2021)
For graph representation learning, we have a wide variety of models that are almost referred to as graph embedding, which converts graphs (node, edge, and their features) into vector space with low dimension by considering both graph structure and information (Tang et al. 2020; Chen et al. 2020a; Pouran Ben Veyseh et al. 2020). In the sentiment analysis model based on GNN, the design of GNN and initial graph embedding are critical factors in achieving high performance. In recent years, the most popular GNN models such as GCN (Zhang and Qian 2020; Xu et al. 2023), graph Transformer (Tang et al. 2020), GAT (Chen et al. 2020a), multi-relational graphs models like R-GAT (Busbridge et al. 2019; Wang et al. 2020a), R-GCN models (Ghosal et al. 2020) and other various hybrid models based on GNN have been used in sentiment analysis problems and achieved decent results compared to previous deep learning models and traditional methods. In Table 3, we summarized different sentiment analysis approaches from three perspectives including traditional machine learning, deep learning-based, and GNN-based techniques, and their advantages and disadvantages.
Generally, there are various challenges of GNNs for NLP tasks. One of the critical factors that
affect overall efficiency is graph construction which often refers to art rather than science. Efforts in terms of graph construction for heterogeneous graphs are in priority because they can carry more valuable information. In addition, by observing the results of the research, it can be seen that the construction of dynamic graphs in some natural language processing problems is not enough and it is better to use a combination of static and dynamic graphs to achieve higher performance. As mentioned in previous sections transformers models are used in sentiment analysis that are special types of GNNs that operate on dynamic graphs considering attention mechanism. GNNs unlike transformers operate on both graph structures like knowledge graphs and non-structured ones like text, images etc. Hence, the combination of GNNs with transformers and expanding pre-training GNN models on a large scale are the most attractive trends in sentiment analysis problems that can be able to explore another aspect of original input information on a graph except the attention mechanism. Developing an efficient design for multi-relational GNN which have been achieved impressive progress in NLP tasks, especially sentiment analysis is another challenge in this area; due to various relations in the graph there is an over-parameterization problem that affects the expression of a model which transformers help to exploit multi-relational graphs but how to handle this exchange is still a challenge. In Table 4, we summarize recent state-of-the-art sentiment analyses that have used GNN-based approaches based on different datasets at various levels. Also, we discussed the performance, challenges, results, and future directions from each of the approaches in detail.
Table 3
Summary of different sentiment analysis approaches and their advantages and disadvantages
Approach | Advantage | Disadvantage |
Machine learning-based | Supervised learning: Easily identifies trends and patterns, simply implement in most algorithms, less training time for low data Unsupervised learning: No human intervention and labeled data are needed Semi-supervised learning: it can leverage the benefits of both supervised and unsupervised learning, Overcoming problems such as data scarcity and quality | Supervised learning: Labeled data is required human work and linguistic knowledge are required, and poor interpretation of the results accurately Unsupervised learning: Not having enough capacity to do this semi-supervised: design and implementing a sufficient model might be challenging if unlabeled data are noisy |
Deep learning-based | RNN: The ability to model the sequential information of sentences, gain long-term affiliations, Ability to display sentences, and Improve prediction accuracy with sequence learning LSTM and Bi-LSTM: More efficient than RNN, overcoming long-term dependency problems in RNN models, Suitable for large datasets, Finding bidirectional dependencies in GRU: Less complex than LSTM, Suitable for small datasets. CNN: More efficient than RNN, Fast training, Ability to capture local features and aspect information, High accuracy Transformer: Efficient Parallel Processing than traditional sequential models, Effective Handling of Long-Term Dependencies by attention mechanism, Increased Model Capacity, Flexibility with variable-length Sequences | RNN: High training time and computational cost, Complex structure, and gradient disappearance problem LSTM: High training time and complex model, overfitting problem, Lack sensitivity for some words, and no outstanding efficiency in SA Bi-LSTM: High computational cost and slow training time GRU: Complexity, high training time, overfitting problem due to more parameters and layers, slow convergence, and low learning efficiency CNN: unable to establish a semantic relationship between aspect and context, time-consuming implementation Transformer: High Computational Cost, A significant amount of data is required to train effectively, Overfitting Vulnerability especially in small datasets. |
GNN-based | General benefits of GNN: High performance and accuracy in intricate relationships, ability to handle complex graph-structured data, capture non-linear relationships between nodes, High transparency and interpretability, scalability and adaptability GCN: Transudative model, suited to model syntactic dependency graphs, learning to represent nodes, Getting the local position and latent feature of the nodes, Identifying syntactic relationships by useful information GAT: Inductive model with shared edge-wise mechanism, different levels have different attention weights, better choice in handling unseen nodes than GCN, does not depend on the global graph structure | General limitations of GNN: are not robust to noise, less handling of edges of graphs, Leaning and updating of hidden states of edges is a big problem, Limited to a fixed number of points, using the same parameters in the iteration unlike deep learning models which used different parameters in different layers as a hierarchical feature extraction GCN: Incorrectly correlate aspects with irrelevant words by iterating on graph convolution propagation GAT: Ignoring some important word by assigning lower attention weight, Noise problem |
Zhang et al. (2019a) proposed the first Aspect-specific Graph Convolutional Networks (ASGCN) model for aspect-based sentiment classification for five datasets containing Twitter Dong et al. (2014), LAP14, REST14, REST15, and REST16 respectively (Pontiki et al. 2014; Pontiki et al. 2015; Pontiki et al. 2016). They aimed to tackle the limitation of CNN with an attention mechanism that lacks a mechanism to record syntactic information and long-range dependencies. In their study first, after the word embedding step for finding word orders, the Bi-LSTM model is constructed to produce hidden state vectors. Then for obtaining Aspect-oriented features, they applied multi-layer GCN over dependency trees of sentences with an aspect-specific masking layer on its top for filtering non-aspect words and keeping high-level aspect-specific features. Since dependency trees are directed graphs, while GCN networks do not consider direction therefore they proposed two kinds of ASGCNs named un-directional ASGCN-DG models on dependency and directional ASGCN-DT on dependency trees. After Aspect-specific Masking they used the Aspect-aware Attention mechanism. The idea behind this mechanism is to retrieve important features that are semantically related to aspect words from hidden state vectors. In this way, they determined a retrieval-based attention weight for each text word. They compare the proposed model with the baseline models such as SVM, LSTM, MN, AOA, identity-aware network (IAN), TNet-LF, and ASCNN. The result showed ASGCN-DG outperformed ASGCN-DT and all baseline models on LAP14 and REST15 and comparable results on TNet-LF and REST14.
Sun et al. (2019) proposed CDT (convolution over a dependency tree) with a Bi-LSTM model for aspect-Level Sentiment Analysis to refine Bi-LSTM embeddings and extract embedding with considering both textual and dependency information owing to the Bi-LSTM and the GCN respectively. They also presented two restricted versions denoted as ASP Bi-LSTM and ASPGCN on Rest14, Laptop, Twitter, and Rest16 datasets. They compare the proposed model with the baseline models CNN + Position, LSTM + Position, CNN + ATT, and some other baseline models. They found that CDT outperforms all models for the different datasets. Also, they concluded the performance of the proposed models, depends on the number of layers of the GCN. In the proposed model ASPGCN, ASP-Bi-LSTM after the 6-th layer converged and overfitting occurred.
Huang et al. (2019b) propose a novel GNN-based model that makes text-level graphs by global parameter sharing. Although GNN-based models achieved good results in performing complex structures and keeping global information, they don’t support online testing and high memory consumption. To tackle these limitations their model builds graphs for each input text depending on its context instead of a single graph for the whole corpus which extracts more local features and reduces memory consumption. Hence, the scale of nodes and edges has been greatly reduced. According to their results on R8, R52, and Ohsumed datasets, they found their GNN-based model has better performance than traditional models like CNN, LSTM, and fastTest. Also, they concluded proposed model outperforms Graph-CNN models. Graph- CNN connects word nodes using by BOW model and isn’t able to distinguish the importance between different words while the proposed model uses a global trainable edge. Furthermore, they found the proposed model achieved better results than Text-GCN models, due to expressive edges and differences in representation learning models. Text-GCN models use corpus-level cooccurrence while the proposed model used contextual window.
Huang and Carley (2019) proposed the first aspect-based sentiment classification using a target-dependency graph attention network (TD-GAT) model without converting its structure on two widely used datasets from SemEval 2014 Task 4 containing Laptop and Restaurant. They used a dependency graph instead of a word sequence by Stanford neural parser (Chen and Manning, 2014) by two embedding methods including GloVe and BERT representation. They compared the proposed model to the following baseline methods: Feature-based SVM, TD-LSTM, AT-LSTM, MN, IAN, PG-CNN, AOA-LSTM, BERT-AVG, BERT-CLS, and results showed TD-GAT-GloVe outperforms all baseline methods. Also, they found using BERT got excellent performance but observed such fine-tuning in some trials unable to converge. They believe in a lot of potential progress could be made in this area. For future directions, they suggested using an attention mechanism that can focus on important words in the aspect. They stated since our proposed model ignores kinds of relations in the graph, we will consider dependency relation types. Also, they plan to combine their model with a sequence-based model for avoiding possible noise.
Chen et al. (2020a) proposed a Cooperative Graph Attention Networks (Co-GAN) model for Aspect Sentiment Classification (ASC). Since most literature largely ignores the document-level sentiment preference information, they explored two kinds of sentiment preference information such as intra-aspect sentiment consistency and inter-aspect sentiment tendency for cooperatively learning the aspect-related sentence representation. They conducted their experiments on four datasets restaurant15 and laptop15 (from SemEval-2015 Task 12) and restaurant16 and laptop16 (from SemEval-2016 Task 50. They designed the proposed model in five following blocks: 1) Encoding Block by BERT-based model to encode aspect and sentence; 2) Intra-Aspect Consistency Modeling Block by a consistency-aware GAN; 3) Inter-Aspect Tendency Modeling Block by leveraging a tendency-aware GAN; 4) Interaction Block by two strategies to learn the sentence representation as Pyramid Layers and Adaptive Layer-Fusion respectively and 5) SoftMax Decoding Block. They compared their proposed model with baseline models such as TC-LSTM, ATAE-LSTM, RAM, IAN, Clause-Level ATT, LSTM + synATT + TarRep, BERT, CADMN, IMN, and BERT-QA and concluded CoGAN outperforms all the baseline approaches and improved 11.6% (Accuracy), 14.3% (Macro- F1) on both RES15,16 and 9.1% (Accuracy), 12.6%(Macro-F1) on Lap15,16.
Wang et al. (2020a) proposed a novel GAT model as a relational graph attention network (R-GAT) to encode comprehensive syntax information for aspect-based sentiment analysis. The aim of this novel approach helping to attention-based model for establishing implicitly the connections between aspects and opinion words. Because of the complexity of language and the existence of multiple aspects, attention-based models confused the relations. The results of their research on the Laptop and Restaurant database (from SemEval 2014) and Twitter datasets confirmed R-GAT model performance. They constructed an aspect-oriented dependency tree from an ordinary dependency tree. This aspect-oriented structure had two strengths. First, each aspect had its dependency tree therefore it could be less influenced by unrelated relations second advantage refers to the aggregation of dependency relationships in that aspect when an aspect includes more than one word. They used a few baseline models in three groups including Syntax aware models, Attention-based models, and Other recent methods for comparison. Experimental results showed that the R-GAT model outperforms most of the baseline models and the performance of the GAT model improved when incorporated with relational heads in their aspect-oriented dependency tree structure. Furthermore, they concluded basic BERT is better than all the existing ABSA approaches that indicating the potency of this pre-trained model. After the combination of R-GAT + BERT, they observed a strong and more effective model rather than the proposed RGAT which according to the results, accuracy and Macro-F1 improved for all three data groups, i.e., Restaurant Laptop Twitter.
Tang et al. (2020) proposed a novel model based on GCN and Transformer named (DGEDT) which is a dependency graph-enhanced dual transformer network by considering the connections in the dependency tree as a supplementary GCN module for dual-transformer structure. Although attention-based methods and GCN are used in ABSA to express the relationship between aspects and related emotional words, their progress is limited due to the noise and instability of dependency trees. For overcoming these problems, they proposed a reinforced dependency graph. First, they utilized Bi-LSTM from BERT as an aspect-based encoder. Then, after obtaining the contextual hidden representations from the encoder, they developed a dual-transformer structure including a multi-layer Transformer and a multi-layer BiGCN, then an attention mechanism to identify relevant words and subsequently a masking mechanism to avoid assigning too high a weight to aspects. Experimental results were conducted based on their proposed DGEDT with Bi-LSTM and DGEDT + BERT with BERT on five datasets, containing Twitter, Lap14, Rest 14, Rest 15, and Rest 16 that demonstrated DGEDT using by transformer obtains better performance than DGEDT(BiGCN) compared to baseline methods. Also, the DGEDT-BERT model outperformed all five datasets.
Pouran Ben Veyseh et al. (2020) proposed a novel graph-based deep learning model based on Gated Graph Convolutional Networks and Syntax-based Regulation. According to the literature deep learning models are widely used in ABSA and in recent years, the syntactic dependency trees have been integrated into them as graph-based deep learning models, but these models have two major problems that should be addressed to improve performance. The first problem is the representation vectors in hidden layers of current graph-based models are not customized for ABSA. This problem might lead to suboptimal representation vectors, while in the ideal state in ABSA, representation vectors mainly involve the most important and related information. The second problem is current graph-based models focus only on syntactically neighboring words and lose the use of overall word contextual scores from the dependency tree for ABSA. For overcoming these limitations, they proposed a gate vector for each layer of the graph-based model, then this layer was applied over the hidden vectors to make customized hidden vectors for ABSA. They compared their proposed model with three groups of baseline models in the following order: the feature-based model and SVM the deep learning models, and the graph-based models on three benchmark datasets such as Restaurant and Laptop from the SemEval 2014 Task 4 and MAMS (introduced by Jiang et al. 2019). They demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed by achieving 87.2%, 82.8%, and 88.2% accuracy for Rest. Laptop MAMS respectively.
Zhang and Qian. (2020) proposed a novel architecture that convoluted over hierarchical syntactic and lexical graphs (named BiGCN model) for ABSA to overcome two limitations in graph-based models; ignoring the corpus-level word co-occurrence information and not recognizing different types of syntactic dependency. They utilized a global lexical graph to capture the global word co-occurrence information in the training corpus. In other words, BiGCN takes this graph as the input to get the initial sentence representation. Finally, they designed a HierAgg module to refine the sentence representation and let the lexical and syntactic graphs work together. They used five benchmark datasets including Twitter, Lap14, Rest14, Rest15, and Rest16, and compared the proposed model with the eight baselines containing typical neural structures like attention, LSTM, CNN, memory, and RNN; AF-LSTM model and finally graph-based and syntax integrated models. Experimental results demonstrated that their proposed BiGCN achieved the best macro-F1 on all datasets (an improvement of 3.12, 2.77, and 1.36 F1-score for Rest16, Rest15, and Twitter respectively). Furthermore, the graph-based and syntax-integrated models got good results that can be concluded that dependency relationships are effective in identifying polarity. Also, they found that the AF-LSTM method has not shown any progress compared to classical methods which can be inferred that explicit integration of word association by attention mechanism is not enough.
Ghosal et al. (2020) introduced a new framework as Knowledge-Guided Domain Adaptation (KinGDOM) for Sentiment Analysis that demonstrates a novel view of external commonsense knowledge (KB). Augmenting neural models with KB has multiple advantages in the range of NLP applications and are popular method but most of these efforts such as domain-dependent word embeddings (K Sarma et al. 2019) and co-occurrences of domain-specific with domain-independent terms (Sharma et al. 2018) have been sporadic. To this end, they proposed a domain-adversarial framework for unsupervised domain adaptation by external KB (Concept-Net) to combat the domain gap in sentiment analysis applications. KinGDOM aims to improve the DANN model by ConceptNet unlike semantic knowledge graphs (e.g., WordNet) and traditional word embeddings. Because this knowledge base includes both domain-specific and domain-general knowledge. They conducted their experiments on Amazon-reviews benchmark datasets consisting of Books, DVDs, electronics, and kitchens for domain adaptation in sentiment analysis. They compared their proposed model with several baseline and state-of-the-art models that demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed model for the task of cross-domain sentiment analysis.
Huang et al. (2020) proposed a novel model named Syntax-Aware Graph Attention Network (SAGAT) which uses syntactic awareness by graph attention network on the dependency tree and BERT which can obtain more accurate representations of words by graph attention to overcome long-distance dependence problems for ABSA. They evaluated their proposed model on Twitter and Restaurant, Laptop, datasets (from SemEval 2014) and compared them with the various baseline models. The proposed model achieved high performance in Restaurant and Twitter datasets and slightly worse than SDGCN-BERT on the Laptop dataset. According to their research, they concluded the following in general: Graph-based models would show additional information rather than traditional approaches. SDGCN model which is a GNN-based model (Zhao et al. 2019) considers the sentiment dependencies between aspects to build two kinds of graph. CDT (Sun et al. 2019) builds graphs by dependency parsing. Also, it can shorten the distance from keywords to aspect words but uses GCN to propagate graphs instead of an attention mechanism.
Meng et al. (2020) proposed a novel architecture GCN named weighted graph convolutional network (WGCN) over dependency tree to tackle the problems of GCN by taking advantage of all the syntactic information obtained from the dependency parsing. The proposed model can extract rich syntactic information based on the feature combination and uses pre-trained language models (BERT) instead of Bi-LSTM to make an alignment method to retain word-level dependencies. According to their experiment on five aspect-based sentiment analysis datasets and three sentiment analysis datasets including SEM14 (LAP), SEM14 (Rest), Rest15, Rest16, Twitter for ABSA tasks, and SST2, SST5, SE13 for sentiment analysis indicated BERT-WGCN outperforms most of the compared baseline models TWITTER, REST15, and REST16, and achieved competitive results on SEM14 (LAP) and SEM14 (REST).
Hou et al. (2021) proposed an effective graph ensemble technique named GraphMerge to improve the performance of previous graph-based methods. Although graph-based methods have led to improved performance in the field of sentiment analysis in recent years, these methods are vulnerable to parsing errors. To this end, they proposed a simple yet effective GraphMerge model to combine the different dependency trees before applying representation learners such as GNNs to construct an ensemble graph. This model has several advantages. First, the GNN models can be exposed to multiple parsing hypotheses and allow the model to learn to use more efficient edges. Second, because applying GNNs to a single graph with the same number of nodes, the proposed model doesn’t require extra computational cost, and finally GraphMerg model avoids overfitting due to limiting over-parameterization and subsequently reduces the diameter of graphs. According to their experimental result on three datasets: REST14, Laptop14 (from SemEval 2014 Task 4), and ACL 14 (Twitter), the proposed model outperformed all baselines (BERT-baseline; GAT; RGAT; Label and feature ensemble by at least 1.42 accuracy and 2.34 Macro-F1 respectively.
Liao et al. (2021) proposed a novel multi-level GNN (MLGNN) by scaled dot-product attention mechanism as a message-passing mechanism that will be able to focus on local and global features by connecting windows with different levels and sizes. Experimental results on different datasets such as SST-binary (Socher et al. 2013); Sentube-A and Sentube-T (Uryupina et al. 2014) confirmed the efficiency of the proposed model among baseline models (BOW, AVE, LSTM, Bi-LSTM, CNN, Huang et al. 2019b).
AlBadani et al. (2022) proposed a novel Sentiment Transformer Graph Convolutional Network (ST-GCN) which was the first study to model sentiment corpus as a heterogeneous graph. This model was able to word embeddings and identify sufficient connections between nodes that are not directly connected. Also, they utilized Laplacian eigenvectors to fuse node positional information for graph datasets inspired by the transformer models as positional encoding in NLP tasks. They used the BERT model as document node embeddings for overcoming vector representation limitations and the multi-head attention allows a simple interpretation of the model. According to their experimental results on SemEval SST-B IMDB Yelp 2014 datasets, ST-GCN achieved high performance among all baseline models and some interesting future directions are applying ST-GCN for link predictions and graph classification because they utilize dynamic neighborhood aggregation operators for improving classification tasks.
Li and Li. (2022b) proposed a GNN-based model for sentiment analysis of comments on the Weibo platform which extracts semantic and structural features. They stated that traditional models due to relying on text sequence representation and ignoring syntactic components and poor interpretability of feature space are not suitable for unspecified sentence analysis. They utilized the Language Technology Platform (LTP) for semantic graph construction. Then, they used a spatial graph filter for heterogeneous semantic graphs based on the MPNN framework and LSTM as a state updater to filter node noise, simultaneously. For a better extracting feature, 14 dependency encodings are used as edge feature weights. Due to the complex graph structure, the syntactic tree had noise information that to address this problem, the filter should preserve serialized feature analysis. GNN-LSTM structure consists of three convolution layers with LN and RELU and a global pool function for global features. The experimental results on Weibo_senti_100k, online_shopping_10_cats, and book review dataset demonstrated superior performance by achieving 95.25% accuracy and 95.22% F1 score.
Li et al. (2022a) proposed a hierarchical multi-head attention mechanism and a graph convolutional network (MHAGCN) to avoid the loss of important information. Due to the limitation of the attention mechanism and GCN models in ignoring the syntactic relationships between aspects and the corresponding contextual words, they proposed a model that captures effectively and makes entire use of syntactic information well and ignores contextual words that are not related to aspects words. hierarchical multi-head attention helps the model to focus on the interaction. Also, they used two pre-trained models for embedding, GloVe and BERT to obtain a fixed word embedding for each word. The experimental results were conducted on Sem-Eval 2014 Task4 (restaurant and Laptop) and the ACL2014 Twitter dataset showed MHAGCN(BERT) model achieved an accuracy of 79.06, 82.57, 74.53%, and Macro-F175.70, 75.83, and 73.75% for Laptop Restaurant Twitter respectively among baseline models.
Bie et al. (2023) proposed a novel end-to-end ABSA model, namely, SSi-LSi with stronger interpretability to overcome the limitations of pipeline and end-to-end methods that ignore the specific kinds of dependency relationships, and this issue lead to insufficient sentiment analysis. Their proposed model fuses the syntactic and semantic information by two network branches, then combines this information by attention mechanism to get higher quality results. They compare their proposed model with baseline and pipeline approaches on three benchmark datasets and observed SSi-LSi model outperforms the MNN model by 2.34%, 3.57%, and 2.26% improvement, and the best INABSA model by 0.39%, 0.68%, and 0.41% in three datasets.
Cui et al. (2023b) proposed a hybrid model based on affective-knowledge-enhanced GCN and multi-head attention mechanism (MHA) named MHAKE-GCN which external sentiment has incorporated in GCN and semantic interaction has performed by MHA. They utilized Bi-LSTM for encoding and constructed a GCN for each input sentence over the dependency tree. Then, they used an affective knowledge-enhanced GCN model by enhancing the representation of the adjacency matrix for more efficiency and to enhance the dependency relationship between context and aspect. They conducted experiments on four public datasets including Restaurant14, Laptop14, Restaurant15, and Restaurant16, and compare the proposed model with twelve baseline models than the MHAKE-GCN that was constructed by the traditional dependency achieved 2.4% and 1.57% F1-Score behind R-GAT model and their BERT-based model achieved accuracies 1.05%, 1.37%, 0.78%, and 2.19% higher than the best BERT-based results for all databases.
Table 4
Summaries of recent sentiment analysis or classification based on GNN-based approaches
Reference | Title | Approach | Dataset |
Zhang et al. (2019a) | Aspect-based Sentiment Classification with Aspect-specific Graph Convolutional Networks | ASGCN-DT ASGCN-DG | Twitter LAP14 REST14 REST15 REST16 |
Sun et al. (2019) | Aspect-Level Sentiment Analysis Via Convolution over Dependency Tree | ASP-Bi-LSTM ASP-GCN CDT | Rest14 Laptop14 REST16 Twitter |
Huang et al. (2019b) | Text Level Graph Neural Network for Text Classification | GNN | R8 R52 Ohsumed |
Huang and Carley (2019) | Syntax-Aware Aspect Level Sentiment Classification with Graph Attention Networks | TD-GAT-GloVe TD-GAT-BERT | REST14 Laptop14 |
Chen et al. (2020a) | Aspect sentiment classification with document-level sentiment preference modeling | (Cooperative Graph Attention Networks (CoGAN) | REST15 laptop15 REST16 laptop16 |
Wang et al. (2020a) | Relational Graph Attention Network for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis | R-GAT R-GAT-BERT | Rest14 Laptop14 Twitter |
Tang et al. (2020) | Dependency graph enhanced dual-transformer structure for aspect-based sentiment classification | dependency graph enhanced dual-transformer network (DGEDT-BERT) | Twitter Lap14 REST 14 REST 15 Rest16 |
Pouran Ben Veyseh et al. (2020) | Improving Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis with Gated Graph Convolutional Networks and Syntax based Regulation | Gated graph convolutional network (GGCN) | Rest14 Laptop14 MAMS |
Zhang and Qian (2020) | Convolution over hierarchical syntactic and lexical graphs for aspect-level sentiment analysis | BiGCN | Twitter SemEval |
Ghosal et al. (2020) | Knowledge Guided Domain Adaptation for Sentiment Analysis | Knowledge Guided Domain adaptation (KinGDOM) with R-GCN as graph encoder network | Amazon-reviews benchmark datasets include Books, DVDs, Electronics, and Kitchen appliances. |
Huang et al. (2020) | Syntax-Aware Graph Attention Network for Aspect-Level Sentiment Classification | SAGAT-BERT | RES14 Laptop14 ACL14 (Twitter) |
Meng et al. (2020) | Sentiment Analysis with Weighted Graph Convolutional Networks | BERT-WGCN | LAP14 REST14 SEM14(AVG) REST15 REST16 Twitter |
Hou et al. (2021) | Graph Ensemble Learning over Multiple Dependency Trees for Aspect-level Sentiment Classification | Graph Merge over multiple dependency trees | REST14 Laptop14 ACL 14 (Twitter) |
Liao et al. (2021) | Multi-level graph neural network for text sentiment analysis | multi-level graph neural network (MLGNN) | SST-binary Sentube-A Sentube-T |
AlBadani et al. (2022) | Transformer-Based Graph Convolutional Network for Sentiment Analysis | Sentiment Transformer Graph Convolutional Network (ST-GCN) | SemEval SST2 IMDB Yelp 2014 (Restaurant) |
Li and Li (2022b) | Sentiment Analysis of Weibo Comments Based on Graph Neural Network | GNN-LSTM | Weibo_senti_100k online_shopping_10_cats & 20000 book review |
Li et al. (2022a) | Graph convolutional networks with hierarchical multi-head attention for aspect-level sentiment classification | multi-head attention mechanism and a graph convolutional network (MHAGCN) | Sem-Eval-2014 Task4 ACL2014 (Twitter) |
Bie et al. (2023) | Fusing Syntactic Structure Information and Lexical Semantic Information for End-to-End Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis | SSi-LSi SSi-LSi BERT | DL DR DT |
Cui et al. (2023b) | Affective-Knowledge-Enhanced Graph Convolutional Networks for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis with Multi-Head Attention | MHAKE-GCN (GCN + MHA) | REST14 Laptop14 REST15 REST16 |