The effects of vibrational nonequilibrium processes on turbulence-generated acoustic noise were investigated in a Mach-2.8 shock-tunnel facility. Gas mixtures with relevant absorption characteristics were first identified from measurements of attenuation coefficients using a heated acoustic chamber. In the shock-tunnel facility, CO2, N2, He, and He/CO2 mixtures were injected into the lower boundary layer of the flow through a porous plate. A four-point Focused Laser Differential Interferometer (FLDI) positioned above the turbulent boundary layer was used to obtain simultaneous freestream measurements of entropic fluctuations propagating along streamlines and acoustic disturbances along Mach lines. Correlated fluctuations of Mach-line and streamline FLDI signal pairs were analyzed with a cross power spectral density (CPSD). Compared to a boundary layer of pure air, the injection of 30%, 35%, and 40% He/CO2 mixtures resulted in reduced fluctuation powers correlated along a Mach line in the frequency range of 200-800 kHz. Minimal reductions in fluctuation power were found along a streamline, indicating that the vibrationally active gas is affecting acoustic disturbances and not entropic disturbances. A mathematical disturbance model was created to examine the sensitivity of the measured attenuation to acoustic disturbances propagating from the lower boundary layer only. Disturbances were modeled as Gaussian wave packets of finite width, propagating in the streamwise direction and along Mach lines from the four walls of the test section. Modeling the acoustic disturbances from the lower boundary layer with a 15-30% amplitude reduction resulted in amplitude spectral densities and CPSDs that agreed well with the FLDI measurements.