Our data support the growing consensus of literature, particularly for snakes, that rapid shifts in adult morphology across populations are frequently the product of plasticity in growth during ontogeny (Aubret 2012, Aubret 2015, Aubret et al. 2004, Aubret and Shine 2007, Aubret and Shine 2009, Aubret and Shine 2010, Bonnet et al. 2001, Bonnet et al. 2021, Brown et al 2017, Forsman 2015, Ghalambor et al. 2007, Madsen and Shine 1993, Pigliucci et al. 2006, Queral-Regil and King 1998, Stearns 1989). Here, we demonstrate that neonates from populations of diamond-backed watersnakes that have access to larger average prey sizes (KEO and JOHO) have larger initial body sizes and proportionally faster growth rates than neonates from a population with access to smaller average prey sizes (GNC). Differences in the average growth rate among these populations are only detected before correcting for mass of prey consumed. Once corrected, we were unable to detect any population-level differences in growth rate. These analyses suggest that the major driver of differences in growth rate is the mass of prey consumed. We, therefore, suggest that growth rate is a plastic response of initial size and the ability of larger individuals to consume more prey mass in a given amount time than their smaller counterparts over the same period. This idea is supported by our finding that across all populations the total mass of prey consumed was strongly correlated with the initial size of offspring, and scaled similarly among all populations.
If we interpret the results of this experiment in the context of the populations in the field, then larger adult sizes seen at JOHO and KEO likely are the result of females at these sites producing larger initial offspring sizes. These larger initial body sizes drive faster growth rates by allowing individuals to consume greater masses of prey over time. This same relationship likely exists within each of the three populations as well. The largest neonates within each population should also have the fastest growth rates. Interestingly, our data support Marshall et al. (2018) in their hypothesis that larger initial offspring sizes should be favored when the larger body sizes allowed neonates to disproportionately gain more calories to offset the energetic cost of maintaining a larger body size. This finding parallels those from a previous study of these watersnake populations (Clifton et al. 2020). While examining plasticity of trophic morphology in response to differing prey sizes, the authors found that the larger-bodied neonates from large-prey sites were more successful in handling larger prey earlier, resulting in more rapid growth than neonates from small-prey sites. Taken together, these two studies suggest that faster growth rates are the product of increased energetic processing and not simply a response to prey abundance or prey size exclusively. Both traits resulted in the same pattern of growth rate between the two studies.
Life-history and body morphology patterns of snakes on these fish farms highlight an important but likely unintended consequence of anthropogenic change on the landscape. Highly localized changes to the environmental landscape result in increased inter-population variance of morphology and physiology in wildlife populations, often with unknown consequences. The role phenotypic plasticity plays in the sustainability, resiliency and rate of response to rapid environmental change is quickly becoming of a major focus of evolutionary and ecological research (Bonnet et al. 2021, Charmantier et al. 2008, Fox et al 2018, Norin and Metcalfe 2019, Scheiner et al. 2019, Torda et al 2017). What makes this system unique and an interesting model for studying the long-term consequences of phenotypic plasticity is the fine-scale level of this variation and the fact these differences are maintained across generations in the face of what is likely a high level of gene flow. Of the more 2,000 km2 of land in Lonoke County, AR, 8% of the land mass is dedicated to fish farming as of 2017, resulting in a dense patchwork of fish farms across the landscape (2017 Census of Agriculture Report, USDA). The fish farms used in this study were no more than 3 km from the nearest neighboring fish farm. Most fish farms within the county cultivate different species of fish and/or raise fish to different sizes, resulting in a complicated matrix of prey-related selective pressures spaced closely together. Additionally, most of these farms are connected by a network of canals, drainage ditches, and natural waterways, providing a potential route of migration from one farm to the next for these highly aquatic snakes.
It should also be noted that although KEO neonates were not significantly larger at birth (25.2 ± 0.4 cm) nor did they eat significantly more prey items (82.3 ± 6.5 g) than neonates from the small prey population GNC (24.7 ± 0.3 cm; 70.7 ± 5.8 g) (Fig. 2 & Fig. 3), the neonates from KEO grew significantly faster than those from GNC (Fig. 4). This may simply be a function of the smaller than average body size of KEO neonates in this study, but may provide some evidence for underlying genetic selection for faster growth at this site. Interestingly, while GNC may have slower growth rates than either KEO or JOHO, their growth efficiency is higher (Fig. 5). These data suggest that neonates from GNC put on disproportionally more length for each gram of fish consumed than those from either of the large prey sites. The mechanism or importance of this relationship is unclear, and further work is required for interpretation.
While faster growth rates may be an indirect consequence of larger initial body sizes among populations, it is still unclear if variation in initial body size among populations is the product of selective pressure of prey size on neonates or the non-adaptive result of increased maternal investment in populations where females reach larger body sizes. Female body size is strongly correlated with offspring size in this species (Chamberlain et al. 2017). It is surprising that very little work has been done to understand the relationship between average prey size and average initial offspring size in snakes, given the fact that they are gape-limited predators. One notable exception is work of Aubret (2012) on populations of insular tiger snakes that exhibit gigantism and dwarfism. In that paper, he argues that adult body size differences among populations are the consequence of strong selection on initial offspring size to consume larger prey. On islands where the average prey size was large, populations of tiger snakes produce large offspring while the opposite is true on islands with small prey.
The sex differences we detected in growth rate align with predictions of sexual size dimorphism in this species. Adult female body sizes are significantly larger at large prey populations (JOHO and KEO) compared to females from small prey populations (GNC). Adult male body sizes, however, do not significantly differ among the populations. Across all populations, adult female body size is larger than adult males (Clifton et al. 2017), likely stemming from the faster female juvenile growth rates we detected compared to males. Adult female watersnakes likely experience a “fecundity-advantage” with increasing body size (Shine 1988; Weatherhead et al. 1995). Therefore, prey size selection on body size should remain throughout ontogeny. On the other hand, in watersnakes and other natricid snakes, smaller adult male sizes are often favored (Brown and Weatherhead 1999; Rivas and Burghardt 2001; Weatherhead et al. 1995). If larger prey are available, larger adult female body sizes should be favored because of the increased caloric intake and the resulting increases to reproductive output, not necessarily so for males. It is important to note, that while the differences among populations for growth rate seem to be the product of phenotypic plasticity driven by variation in consumption of prey at larger sizes, sex differences in growth rate are not explained by either the amount of prey consumed or by the initial size difference as we still detected significant differences after controlling for these factors. Sex differences in growth rate resulting in sexual size dimorphism is widespread phenomenon, particularly in ectothermic and gape-limited predators. However, the regulatory underpinnings of these differences can vary substantially. Many researchers have detected sexual size dimorphism as a product of phenotypic plasticity (Brown et al 2017, Fernandez-Montraveta and Moya-Larano 2007, Haenel and John-Alder 2002, Luiselli et al. 2002, Madsen and Shine 1993, Rhen 2007), while others have demonstrated that canalization of these differences between sexes are maintained genetically (Badyaev et al. 2000, Lande 1980, Le Galliard et al. 2006, Rhen 2007, Stillwell and Fox 2009). Regardless of the source, these differences are likely mediated through sex-specific differences in hormonal expression and regulation (Cox and John-Alder 2005, Cox and John-Alder 2007, Cox et al. 2017, Cox et al. 2022). Further studies are needed to isolate the genetic vs. plastic components of the detected differences in growth rate between sexes in this study.
The results of this experiment provide evidence that support the growing body of literature that adaptive plasticity may be a primary driver of rapid phenotypic divergence among populations across a landscape. This mechanism may explain the stability and colonization of wild populations in the face of rapid, human-mediated, landscape changes. This experiment also illustrates the relationship between initial offspring size and juvenile growth rate in gape-limited predators. We propose that larger offspring sizes may favor increased growth rates, mediated through a larger energy processing capacity relative to smaller individuals.